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Everything posted by TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

  1. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin


    Got it. On All-Madden it's way harder than it was before and with the new defensive playmaker I've turned Indy(my franchise team) into a defensive juggernaut. After playing both already I can safely say: Madden >>> ESPN.
  2. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin


    The comment (which I thought would be obvious by my use of "shiny" and "raw" and how I put it in relation to "no special effects", but don't let that stop you from making the same comment you've made TWICE BEFORE IN THIS THREAD) was in relation to its visuals, not it's content. But since you seem intent on driving the point home that you did not like the last 20 minutes, I'll bite. You don't get it. Here's what I wrote on another board... You are seeing the plot and are missing the story. Thematically, the subway scene fits perfectly. You don't have to like it, but to say it's cliched when there is rich depth in it just shows your lack of understanding the core of the film. Themes that I picked up on. Eyes. Sight. Visual. We look but we don't see. We're too wrapped up in our own shit to see what's going on around us. The world could be ending - people could be dying around us - but we're too selfish to see it. Vincent cutting out the power, Max on the rooftop looking into the building, the subway scene - all are reflective of this theme. Vincent dying on the subway is definitely part of this theme and it gives weight to everything I'm saying. Vincent knows about sight and Max is starting to see. The fact that he wears eyeglasses and Vincent wears sunglasses is probably no coincidence. That there is a glass wall between Max and Vincent and we saw the wonderful shot of Cruise looking out from behind him is probably no coincidence. That when Foxx and Pinkett were running away and Vincent had to "look" to "see" where they were going and ultimately ended up finding them is probably no coincidence. That Max and Vincent found themselves shooting at each other through the glass and the dark is probably no coincidence. That Vincents eyes told the story of his death was probably no coincidence and that the film ended with a period of darkness is probably no coincidence. But I suppose this is all still very "cliched"; because this depth is normally found in films today. I mistook your raw comment, if you're talking about the visuals then I completely agree. The actual death I have no problem with but the chase leading up to it and the damsel in distress thing is what annoys me. I can see all the subtext you read into it(and I do agree on: "Eyes. Sight. Visual. We look but we don't see. We're too wrapped up in our own shit to see what's going on around us. The world could be ending - people could be dying around us - but we're too selfish to see it." as being a primary theme) but that does not change the fact that once Foxx crashes the cab the a movie which had played out as a character study to that point(with some shooting in it) turns into the Hitcher Redux. I enjoyed the slow burn as Maxx started to finally come out of his shell but no way do I buy, at that point of time, Maxx attacking a cop. His character has evolved but not to that point. Maybe it doesn't compare to some of your subtext but character leaps like that go far in damaging my view on a movie that had been damn near perfect to that point. Some of your subtext I think you're digging too deeply into. I see your point on some of it but other things(the camera view of Vincent behind Maxx) are simply Mann doing what he does best. I don't think the subtext you are suggesting was implied there, nor when Vincent cuts the lights. I was also disappointed to seeing such an typical ending to the Maxx/Vincent relationship. I was hoping to expand upon their eventual confrontation with Maxx's nervousness and fear of action coming more into play since that can't just disappear that fast even with the Felix meeting, then maybe play that into the ending. I'll be interested to read your last part of your review where you talk about the plot and whatever else.
  3. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin


    How do you figure? The movie has a cliched happy ending with the hero killing the villain and getting the girl. Hell the last 20 minutes are one long cliche(fuck I hate scenes in movies where guys walk from one subway car to another).
  4. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    WWE 08/07/04 Results

    Who'd Dupree piss off to get this treatment? Can't even go over Johnny Stamboli...
  5. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin


    Speaking of Ruffalo, it took me forever to recoginize him. Only when he actually said something did I realize it was him. Real slick get up there. Oh and has anyone givne props to Irma P Hall yet? I loved the scene with the mother and how coolly Cruise says, later on, that he'll go back and kill her. Hall's role is small but she really comes off like she's actually Max's mother and you sense the history between them and how she often looks down upon him etc. That's probably my favorite scene in the movie. If only the last 20 mins were better.
  6. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin


    Really good movie which came a bit short of being great. I though the ending was way too cliche with Foxx racing to save the girl then Cruise going all Terminator after getting shot in the face/neck. Still Cruise and Foxx both deserve a lot of praise in my opinion. Cruise will get nominated most likely but I liked Foxx's performance better. Still a great movie.
  7. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    First three seasons of Seinfeld coming to dvd

    MY prayers have been answered. First in line baby!
  8. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Adam Sandler remaking "The Longest Yard"

    It'll open to 50 million and get bad reviews. It'll turn out moderately entertaining with the aforementioned wrestlers having 10 minutes of screen time. Just a prediction.
  9. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    ESPN's Top 100 Moments of past 25 years

    My thoughts exactly. That whole last two minutes owned with Stl's long drive followed by Ten's miracle drive and then, damn, my heart broke when they were a yard short.
  10. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    New Lance Storm Commentary

    Hogan praise always makes me smile.
  11. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Funny Evolution interview on WWE.com

    Orton's cockiness ruled. Best bit was at the start: Orton slaps Batisa's chest and laughs, Batista replies with a playful slap and Orton grabs his chest in pain.
  12. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Best Summerslam

    Where's 1989? It's a damn good Slam with Rude/Warrior, Harts/Busters, two good(well one watchable) 6 man's and some other fun stuff. But the best is 1998. The peak of the original Attitude era, IMO.
  13. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Best NA Tag Match

    16. Midnight Express vs. Ric Flair/Barry Windham (Clash of the Champions IV), 8. Raven/Saturn vs Malenko/Benoit (Horseman) - Spring Stampede 99 29. Team USA vs Hart Foundation - Canadian Stampede 21. Steiner Brothers vs. Money Inc - Cage Match, August 93 19. Hart Foundation vs Brain Busters - SummerSlam 89 11. Steiners vs Bret/Owen Hart - Wrestlefest 94 2. Edge/Rey vs Benoit/ Angle- No Mercy 7. Edge/Rey vs Benoit/Angle vs 2 out of 3 falls, Smackdown Nov. 02
  14. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    WWE News & Notes from the 8/2 Observer

    Really nice story bout Cena. .
  15. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    1994 and 1995 ps top 10.

    How in the blue fuck is HBK #1 in 1994?
  16. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Favourite Hoss

    Bossman was the best but Ludvig Borga was my favorite. Him pinning Tatanka with his pinky is the all-time greatest pin.
  17. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    So whos gay?

    It'll be some surprise out of nowhere choice. Remember when they announced they were killing someone off? They chose Maude flanders who was a 3rd rate supporting character at best. I expect the same here.
  18. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Bret/Vince/HBK in 97

    I'm watching some Raws from that era and on of them it has Bret get into a sturggle with Vince which looked pretty damn real. Eventually Owen & Bulldog held Bret back as King and JR held Vince back. This looked hella real and Vince looked REALLY pissed. I know this sounds dumb, but was nay of this legit?
  19. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Ironman matches

    I have them on a best of House Show comp. PM me if you're interested whether to buy or trade.
  20. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    You can now buy "The Million Dollar Belt"

    DiBiase still owns the original doesn't he? Anyways I love this belt.
  21. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    bret vs austin

    See sig.
  22. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Weekend Boxoffice Report. July 23-25

    Yes! Bourne being number 1 pleases me greatly as it's my favorite movie of the summer.
  23. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Best NA Tag Match

    The Brackets are: 1. Jericho/Benoit vs. HHH/Austin - May 01 RAW 16. Midnight Express vs. Ric Flair/Barry Windham (Clash of the Champions IV), 8. Raven/Saturn vs Malenko/Benoit (Horseman) - Spring Stampede 99 9. Larry Zbyszko/Steve Austin vs. Barry Windham/Dustin Rhodes - Superbrawl 2 29. Team USA vs Hart Foundation - Canadian Stampede 13. Harts vs. Quebecers - Royal Rumble 94 5. Owen/Bulldog vs Michaels/Austin - Raw 1997 12. The Fantastics vs. The Midnight Express (Clash of the Champions I) 3. The Rockers vs. Oriental Express - Royal Rumble 90 19. Hart Foundation vs Brain Busters - SummerSlam 89 6. Shawn Michaels/Deisel vs Ramon/123 Kid - 1994 Action Zone 11. Steiners vs Bret/Owen Hart - Wrestlefest 94 2. Edge/Rey vs Benoit/ Angle- No Mercy 18. The Midnight Express vs. The Southern Boys (Great American Bash 1990) 7. Edge/Rey vs Benoit/Angle vs 2 out of 3 falls, Smackdown Nov. 02 23. Sting/Ricky Steamboat vs. Rude/Austin Clash of the Champions 19
  24. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Bourne Supremacy

    Saw it, liked it. It blew away Spiderman 2 and I, Robot so I'm not disappointed in the least. The action was excellent and was much more rooted in humanity than in technology which was a welcome change.
  25. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Need help with a song

    Ok, on the local Ottawa pop station(Hot 89.9) I heard this song a few times and got hooked on it. I think it might be "Back in the Day" by Tef and Don but I haven't been able to find any sign of that song existing nor anywhere to download(including Kazaa and all those). From what I remember bout the song the chorus is sung by a female and it's something like "you remember first crush, first kiss..." and on the third verse the guy says something like "It was all about the 3 Mike's, Jackson, Jordan and Johnson...". It's all about reminiscing about back in the day. So anyone know what this song is and, if yes, where I can get it? Any help is greatly appreciated.