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Everything posted by TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

  1. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Randy Savage Interview

    Wow what a fucking roster. And a great interview by Savage. Amazing, an old timer who ISN'T bitter against the younger wrestlers and the state of the business. Plus gotta love him giving props to Eddie. Ohhhhh yeahhhhh!
  2. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Best NA Match Tournament

    1)Austin vs Rock wm 17 32)hhh vs jericho fully loaded 00 16)hhh vs foley rumble 00 17)flair vs steamboat chi-town rumble 8)hbk vs foley mind games 25)austin vs angle summerslam 01 56)rey/edge vs angle/benoit smackdown 2/3 falls 24)austin vs benoit smackdown 5/01 4)bret vs austin wm13 29)pilman vs liger superbrawl 2 52)hogan vs warriar wm6 45)blanchard vs magnum ta starcade 85 5)bret vs owen wm10 37)flair vs vader starcade 93 12)savage vs warriar wm7 44)eddie vs lesnar no way out 04 3)rey vs eddie halloween havoc 97 34)bret vs benoit 10/4/99 15)bret vs owen summerslam 94 46)flair vs savage wm8 58)bret vs vader vs austin vs undertaker final four 38)rock vs foley rumble 99 11)hhh vs rock judgement day 00 42)bret vs buldog summerslam92 22)10 man tag canadian stampede 10)92 rumble 39)flair vs windham worldwide 1/20/87 6)hhh vs hbk vs benoit wm20 47)owen vs buldog 2/26/97 51)rey/edge vs angle/benoit no mercy 02 30)bret vs perfect kotr 93 2)bret vs austin survivor series 96
  3. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Best WWE match to take place in Canada?

    10 Man Tag and Rock/Hogan. IMO no argument comes close to those two.
  4. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Best & Worst of 2004

    Top 3 1. Kill Bill Vol. 2 2. Shrek 2 3. Passion of the Christ Bottom 3 1. Van Helsing 2. Van Helsing 3. Van Helsing
  5. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    TSM TV Show Tournament

    Poor Seinfeld . Seinfeld Family Guy Married With Children Cheers The Sopranos Saved By The Bell That 70s Show 24
  6. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Best Year in Movies

    1994, definetely. 1999 and 1990 are runners up.
  7. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    TSM Movie Tournament Round Four

    Pulp Fiction Kill Bill Vol. 1 Fight Club Terminator 2: Judgment Day
  8. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Who's a fan of Westerns?

    I'm a big fan of Westerns. Not John Wayne, don't like him at all. Unforgiven, for my money, is the greatest Western ever made. I love how it demythifies everything there was about Westerns. Also love The Good, the Bad & The Ugly, Rio Bravo, Silverado, The Wild Bunch and others.
  9. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Best movie from 1994?

    Pulp Fiction. No doubt about it. Runners Up: Shawshank Redemption, Ed Wood, Leon(European Version)
  10. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Favourite wrestling sequences?

    Bret/Benoit, Owen Tribute match. The end sequence where Bret reverses the crossface into the sharpshooter. Nothing technically great but I love how they struggle and fight for every inch of space. It feels like an Olympic match because you could see by their faces and action how each struggles to lock on his move. A welcome change from a lot of other matches(esp. Benoit/Angle series) where it looks like ballet because everything goes so smooth.
  11. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Should The Ultimate Warrior be inducted into...

    Bret, Savage and Bruno should be at the top of list. Bret will get in I'm pretty sure, other 2 are unlikely.
  12. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    TSM Movie Tournament Third Round

    Pulp Fiction Scarface Kill Bill Vol. 1 Goodfellas Taxi Driver The Shawshank Redemption Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back The Usual Suspects
  13. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    About Ric Flair's Book

    It's a WWE book meaning: Bret, Savage, Luger and Hogan get bashed. HBK, HHH, Vince and Taker get praised.
  14. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    To Go Back in Time...

    Plus as much as Watts hated Cactus, he hated pretty boys like Zenk more.
  15. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    To Go Back in Time...

    That has HOLYSHITKICKASSMATCH written all over it. Took the words out of my mouth.
  16. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Favorite Players

    NHL: Current: Jarome Iginla, Jeremy Roenick All-Time: Mario Lemieux NBA: Current: Jason Kidd, Karl Malone All-Time: John Stockton & Wilt Chamberlain NFL: Current: Peyton Manning & Chad Johnson All-Time: Emmitt Smith & John Elway
  17. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    If you could put 12 single games on one DVD

    This is inspired by the new awesome Lakers & Bulls sets coming out, which for the first time ever I believe, include complete games as extras. So if you had your own personal DVD made featuring 12 single games. They could be from any of the four major sports and length doesn't matter(ie. # of extra innings or overtimes). Basically what 12 games would you want to have for the rest of your life on DVD? I'll reply later with mine.
  18. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    TSM Movie Tournament Second Round

    Back to the Future Taxi Driver Mallrats Reservoir Dogs Goodfellas North by Northwest Terminator 2: Judgment Day Blazing Saddles Kill Bill Vol. 1 The Shawshank Redemption Scarface The Godfather Part II Pulp Fiction Rocky Platoon The Usual Suspects
  19. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    If you could put 12 single games on one DVD

    Well this isn't best games, it's favorite and I doubt many people here have seen a game from 50's no matter how great it is. Ice Bowl owns though, no argument there,
  20. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    If you could put 12 single games on one DVD

    My picks: Toronto Maple Leafs vs Philadelphia Flyers, Game 3, East Quarters 2003 - Simply, some of the greatest back and forth hockey I've ever seen and they keep it up for 3 OT's. Detroit Red Wings vs St. Louis Blues, Game 7, West Semis 1996 - Another 3 OT classic featuring the all-star combo of Gretzky & Hull against the winngest team in NHL history...and my favorite celebration ever by Yzerman. Green Bay Packers vs Denver Broncos, Super Bowl 32 - My fav Super Bowl game ever as tehy go back and forth and Elway fights to get that ring which long eluded him. Toronto Raptors vs Philadelphia 76'ers, Game 7, East Semis 2001 - A horrible ending which gives me nightmares to this day...but a damn fine game and as close as the Raps have ever come to making the finals. San Francisco 49'ers vs New York Giants, NFC Wild Card, 2002 - This was spectacular seeing the Niners get blown out through 3 quarters before staging a miracle 29 point comeback in the 4th and watching NYG self-destruct. Utah Jazz vs Houston Rockets, Game 6, West Finals 1997 - On one side Malone & Stockton, both ringless. On the other Sir Charles and Clyde, also both ringless. It looks like we're going to 7 as there are 2.8 secs left...and Stockton pulls a miracle three at the VERY last second to send the Jazz to the finals. Toronto Blue Jays vs Philadelphia Phillies, Game 6, World Series 93 - One of THE defining games and moments in Canadian sports history. Los Angeles Lakers vs Sacramento Kings, Game 7, West Finals 2002 - The final game of one of the greatest series I have ever seen. As an add-on I'd tack the end of Game 6 onto this, . Edmonton Oilers vs Dallas Stars, Game 7, West Quarters 1997 - The Oilers pull a miracle on a brilliant goal by Todd Marchant and on the best save of 1997 by Curtis Joseph. Pittsburgh Penguins vs Buffalo Sabres, Game 7, East Semis 2001 - Mario's last run at the cup and just when it seems the Pens are done, Kasparitis drills a monster blast from the blue line in overtime. Tennessee Titans vs St. Louis Rams, Super Bowl 34 - I hate the result but the game had one of the best and most exciting endings in NFL history. Indianapolis Colts vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Monday Night Football 2003 - The greatest comeback I have ever witnessed as Indy is down 28 in the 4th and down 21 with under 3 minutes left yet pull of the comeback in OT. EDIT: Jazz/Bulls is replaced by TB/Indy which I forgot about.
  21. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The 2004 Stanley Cup Playoffs thread

    Flames in 6. And Tawren, 2 years ago? If you told me that at the begining of THIS season I'd tell you you're crazy. And Conn Smythe is Iginla or Richards. Richards had 8 points against Philly while Iggy comes up big every big game.
  22. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Which actors do you wanna see make a comeback?

    Mickey Rourke(he's on the verge of coming back as a supporting actor) and Eric Roberts are my picks.
  23. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Oldschool commentary Hilarity

    From WWF's Hottest Matches Gorilla: You were known for your short fuse back in the day eh Alfred? Alfred: Yes, hahahaha. *laughs hysterically* Gorilla: Yup you had a short fuse both figuratively...and literally. Alfred: *still laughing* Suddenly Alfred stops laughing. *awkward silence*
  24. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Best of Sting

    Why, they're all similar? If you want Flair/Sting get their match from WCW Saturday Night in late 93. They go 45 minutes and it's the best I've seen out of them. Get Sting/DDP from Nitro in April 99 where Sting wins the World title. If you can find it, get Sting & Great Muta vs Steiners in 1992. Also Sting & Steamboat vs Rude & Austin from a Clash in 92. Sting/Rude, Clash 21(?) Sting/Hogan, Starcade 97(terrible match but significant) Sting/Flair, Last Nitro(again significant)
  25. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    TSM Movie Tournament First Round

    A Clockwork Orange Pulp Fiction Reservoir Dogs Psycho (1960) The Crow Goodfellas Schindler's List Casino The Godfather Part II Jaws X2: X-Men United Dogma Chasing Amy Scarface Die Hard The Matrix Fight Club Kill Bill Vol. 2 Platoon Seven (Se7en) Memento Raiders of the Lost Ark The Usual Suspects Taxi Driver North by Northwest Terminator 2: Judgment Day Raging Bull Kill Bill Vol. 1 Citizen Kane Heat Halloween Donnie Darko