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Everything posted by TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

  1. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Favorite Baseball Moments Ever..

    Carter's blast in 1993. Zimmerman getting his ass tossed by Pedro. Luis Gonzalez's world series game winner against NYY. Those are my 3 favorite.
  2. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    What a Great Match!

    HBK/Razor WM10 - Innovative back then but the all-time leader in matches losing that lose their lustre over time.
  3. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Best Triple H match post quad tear?

    WM20 although the HBK Raw match comes close.
  4. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The 2004 Stanley Cup Playoffs thread

    Hard hitting and good game but this penalty bullshit is getting ridiculous. The refs are single-handedly ruining these playoffs.
  5. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Best Simpsons Episode

    Stark Raving Dad Homer & Michael Jackson walk up to big Indian dude: MJ: Homer this is Chief, he doesn't talk. Homer: Hey Chief. Chief: Hey Homer. Hospital workers crowd around. Cheif: Hey I just needed someone to reach out to me. Such a brilliant parody of "One Flew Over A Cuckoo's Nest" plus the ending with Bart & MJ writing a song for Lisa is one of the Simpsons most touching moments. Cape Feare A gold mine of comedy. The rake, the FBI relocation segment with Homer("What is your name?"), the ending song by Bob, the brilliant vocal performance by Kelsey and the great parody of Cape Fear. Homer vs NYC Classic Homer without getting TOO over the top like they have in the past few seasons. Other Faves: Homer's Enemy Homer vs Lisa and 8th Commandment 22 Short Films About Springfield
  6. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Ma$e is back

    Well depends how you look at jail and death...if they're worse than being on Bad boy than, no, everyone leaving Bad Boy ended up worse off.
  7. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Answers that you need to know

    By FAR my biggest pet peeve. Every club, every trip, every activity it's them 6 and usually 1 or 2 stereotypical nerds or jocks. So annoying. How come on Full House no one EVER stayed mad at anyone for over 20 minutes? What happened to Lisa on Fresh Prince? I swear she just disappeared. And why did they never mention the marriage of Will's mom to Lisa's dad?
  8. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The 2004 Stanley Cup Playoffs thread

    SJ looked much better than I expected. I still think they're sitting ducks to lose in round 2(against anybody Van, Col, Det, Cal or Dal) but they looked dominant today. Nabokov is SO overlooked it's not even funny. Raycroft and Theo get a lot of press and, obviously, Brodeur but Nabokov has outshined them all so far. But it's time for the main event tonight. TO must win or they're done. And I'm going to game 4 so here's to an Ottawa sweep.
  9. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Looking ahead to the 8 Man Tag

    Well Backlash has been the best built solo-brand PPV yet so I'm enthusiastic for the build. The 8 man could be very good or could be clusterfuck. I don't see it till Tuesday anyway(fucking TSN) so I'm hopnig for greatness.
  10. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Foley vs. Orton

    What's so great about Benoit's? A good performance at the Rumble and a title win at Mania. They've done NOTHING to show his drvie for the belt, they've done very little to emphasize how much it means to him. And now him and HBK are suddenly bed buddies after being at each other's throats for a month. Yah great feud. I'm not too fond of Foley/Orton either but it's storyline of the year by default - although I liked Brock/Eddie for the two-three weeks it spanned. I don't like Foley and am totally impartial to Orton but one way or another I'm finding Orton much more appealing to cheer in this feud. The way it's gone makes me cheer Orton at Backlash.
  11. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Wrestlers who turn heel to face

    Ummm it started with the Pillman/Sullivan feud....oh wait the two groups were already fighting at World War 95....fuck if I know what they were feuding over. All I know is it went on FOREVER!
  12. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Wrestlers who turn heel to face

    Luger turned twice during ONE MATCH at Starcade 95. Either he or Big show takes the cake(and eats it in Show's case).
  13. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    How long have you watched wrestling?

    My first ever wrestling memory is watching WM5 and being SHOCKED~! at how Rude beat Warrior. Plus I was a major Hulkamaniac AND a Macho mark so I loved the main event. I watched on/off till late 92 when Mr. Perfect, Bret Hart, Money Inc. and Randy Savage got me hooked on the WWF. A few months later Sting, Hollywood Blondes and Flair got me hooked on WCW. Damn I still remember how hyped I was for Battle Bowl 93, yet I haven't seen it to this day. Never looked back since.
  14. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    TSM Mat Madness II

    Northeast Region 1 Eddy Guerrero 5 Ultimo Dragon 3 Rey Misterio Jr. 7 Low Ki Northwest Region 1 AJ Styles 4 John Cena 3 Shawn Michaels 7 Ric Flair Southeast Region 1 Shelton Benjamin 5 Charlie Haas 6 Triple H 2 Brock Lesnar Southwest Region 1 Chris Jericho 4 Jamie Noble 3 Paul London 2 Christopher Daniels
  15. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    coliseum video

    Raw: Prime Cuts has nothing bad on it. It features some great matches, memorable moments and title changes. Macho Madness is awesome and has a number of Savage/DiBiase matches flirting with ****.
  16. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Who's Your Favorite WWE Wrestler?

    Please name one match that was great that had Orton. Reminder, a Star rating for great is **** according to....whoever made the rule. And the 2004 Rumble doesn't count. Who gives a rat ass? If he likes the guy, he likes the guy. I don't mind Orton either, I really enjoy his cockyness and, as long as Flair does the talking for him, his promos.
  17. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Old School questions thread

    1. Not sure about Bret and Jericho...could've in 98/99 though. 2. It wasn't that he wasn't resigned, they let him go because his abuse problems were getting the better of him. It had been apparent for a while and thus was buried at WM8, WWF knew full well he gone.
  18. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Who's Your Favorite WWE Wrestler?

    Eddie Guerrero. His character, his ring skills, total package basically. Runners Up(in order): Chris Jericho, Shelton Benjamin, Ric Flair, The Rock(does he count?), Chris Benoit
  19. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Storybook Wrestling hatreds

    When did this happen? And by that, I mean the firing on TV. I know of the bad blood, even the Austin stuff, but all I remember is Jarrett losing the IC title to Chyna at No Mercy in the 'Good House Keeping' match and then Jarrett showing up the next night on Nitro and Guitar shotting Buff Bagwell. Yup last Nitro, Vince fired Luger and Jarrett on air as one last "fuck yyou" to both of em. Jarrett's contract expired the day before No Mercy 1999 and the onyl way he agreed to jobbing to Chyna was for Vince to fork over $500,000 cash on the spot. Since it was an IC title match Vince caved but as they say, he never forgot.
  20. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    what would your bret hart dvd look like

    1. Bret Hart vs Owen Hart, WM10 2. Bret Hart vs Steve Austin, SS96 3. Bret Hart vs Randy Savage, SNME 4. Bret Hart vs 123 Kid, Raw 5. Hart Foundation vs Brainbusters, Summer Slam 89 6. Hart Foundation vs British Bulldogs, 2/3 Falls, SNME 7. Bret Hart vs Ric Flair, Oct.92(1st title win) 8. Bret Hart vs Undertaker, One Night Only 9. Bret Hart vs Diesel, SS95 10. Bret Hart vs Chris Benoit, Owen Tribute, Nitro Extras: Matches: Harts/Bulldogs(Harts win titles), Hart Foundation/Rockers(SNME), Bret/Perfect(KOTR93), Bret/Bulldog(IYH) Angles/Other Bret's post-match tirade on Raw after the cage match, Bret training videos from WM12 build-up, "You Start the Fire" video, Bret's promo after the Owen/Davey match to reunite the family, Bret's heel turn the night after WM13, Bret/Goldberg steel plate segment, Bret's Slammy acceptance speeches from 96 and 97, Bret's interviews leading into WM10, the end of Rumble94(from Bret's entrance). Plus Bret's interviews with/on Piper(WM8), Perfect(KOTR93), Austin(Oct.96), Hart Foundation(May 97, the week after Pillman joined), HBK(WM12 build up), Lawler(pre-SS93), Owen(after Owen's death on Nitro) and on Backlund/Diesel(leading up to RR95). THAT is a DVD.
  21. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Top 4 Best PPV theme songs

    "Always" by Saliva. Great music video for that.
  22. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    A Little More About TEW

    WAY too detailed. No way do I wanna spend this long playing f'n EWR or TEW. Takes like half an hour to book a battle royal.
  23. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Storybook Wrestling hatreds

    That's gotta be horseshit. Benoit stole his wife, fer chrissakes. And to put ther icing on the cake, it was Kevin Sullivans fault. How was Benoit stealing Sullivan's wife, Sullivan's fault? Yah putting her with Benoit might not have been samrt but Benoit was fully in the wrong in this situation.
  24. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Storybook Wrestling hatreds

    Flair has no legit heat with Dusty or Hogan. Him and Dusty even commentated together in 2001. Savage hates Hogan these days but Hogan's indifferent to Savage. So it's not mutual hate. Ventura hates Hogan cause Hogan ratted Jesse out when he tried to unionize aorund the time of WM2. Jesse felt betrayed and Hogan didn't help things by making fun of Jesse's polticial aspirations in 98 and 99. Taker/HBK I'm sure have made up since WM14. Jarrett and Vince still hate each other to my knowledge(firing JJ on air didn't help the friendship).
  25. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Raw gets a 4.3 rating

    SHELTON BENJAMIN~! Now HE = ratings!