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Everything posted by TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

  1. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Comp Tapes

    I could make a comp. depending on what you want since I have a lot of stuff. Check my site(in sig) to see if I have what you need. But I got bad experience with making a comp. for someone on this site(Bring back Charlie ward) so we'll need to discuss this.
  2. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Lost in Translation

    had heard many great things about this movie but I really didn't knwo what to expect going into it. Now that I've wacthed it I actually feel different. The movie actually had an affect like no other movie in the past year. It didn't just thrill me like Kill Bill or hook me dramatically like Mystic River, it simply captivated me and I felt it. That is a very rare trait in cinema and Sofia Coppola deserves the applause in the world for what she has pulled with this film(producer, writer & Director). This isn't your stereotypical comedy or black comedy or romantic comedy or drama or anything. There are no cliches and no "happily ever after" cinema ending. It is a real story with real people and thus you feel their privacy, their connection, their lonliness. The script features no huge moments but instead many subtle moments which aren't meant to be dramatic but still come off dramatic in a way that you believe that these characters are experiencing this drama. Now I spent all of February preaching Sean Penn for the best actor Oscar. After seeing Bill Murray here, I'm split on who was better. Both were powerful but while Penn went into hysterics, tears etc. Murray does so much with so little. He doesn't try to be funny, and his character doesn't want to be funny, but he is. He doesn't try to act he IS Bob Harris. He creates a fully fleshed character without any gimmicks of life changing experiences or anything like that. In hindsight I truly believe he deserved the Oscar over Sean Penn. But that's nothing comapred to how Scarlett Johansson was robber of even a nomination. She matches Murray scene for scene yet she didn't even get nominated. Another great call by the Academy(to go along with ROTK beating out this and Mystic River) . Overall I don't even know how to rate this movie. It's not my favorite of 2003, nor overall the best(Mystic River still takes that crown), but it's special in it's very unique way. Not something I would buy but I something I would watch often(if that makes sense). So I'm rambling now, what did you all think?
  3. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Bret Hart column

    Leave it to Bret to be the only person within the industry to mention Herc's death. And his respect for Benoit is really evident. We miss ay Bret.
  4. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Some TNA News From The Powell Report

    "-TNA wrestlers have been chuckling at Jack Evans behind his back for coming off like a lackey for Teddy Hart. "The only thing Jack ever says is 'Yeah' after Teddy says something," one wrestler said while laughing. "He just backs up whatever Teddy says and keeps to himself otherwise."" Hmmm....the British/Canadian trained tough guy who is a fantastic wrestler but a total prick with a lesser known, younger British up and comer being his lackey. Huzzah Dynamite and Davey all over again.
  5. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Shoot Comments

    When HBK was commentating Bret/Sid: "Sid is the biggest piece of luggage in wrestling cause you always have to carry him"
  6. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Eddy vs. Big Show

    Because he sucks as a main eventer? I don't think Eddie did a very good job of "carrying" Show at No Mercy, either. That was as much bookings fault as Eddie or Show's. It was booked like a really bad match and it was a really bad match. Show's been damn good lately on the mic and decent in the ring so I got no problem with him feuding with Eddie.
  7. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Favorite BAD Matches

    Ultimate Warrior vs Honky Tonk Man, Summerslam 88 - Nuff said. The Giant vs Randy Savage, Road Wild 97 - It's fun seeing Savage get squash after being an asshole heel for like 5 months. Sting vs Hollywood Hogan, Starcade 97 - Yah overbooked, shitty, etc. but still a damn good moment to see Hogan finally lose. Eric Bischoff vs Ric Flair, Dec.28/98 - Bischoff gets his ass kicked and the Horsemen destroy the entire nWo. How sweet it is to see WCW finally win the war(too bad the next week it ended with a fingerpoke). And finally, Hulk Hogan vs Kevin Nash, Jan.4/99 - Sue me, I found the fingerpoke of doom funny.
  8. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    TSM Mat Madness II

    AJ Styles Eddie Guerrero Rey Mysterio Shelton Benjamin Ric Flair Chris Daniels Brock Lesnar
  9. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Favorite good bad movies

    The Immortals - direct to video action movie with Eric Roberts, Chris Rock, Tony Curtis, Tia Carrere and Joe Pantoliano Harley Davison & Marlboro Man - Mickey Rourke & Don Johnson killing people and spouting catchphrases Problem Child - some pure comedy and...KRAMER~! There are more but those are the first three that come to mind.
  10. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Davey Boy Smith's Autopsy Results...

    It took them almost two years to figure THAT out?
  11. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For 3/18/04

    Yah damn right. THAT damn good!
  12. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Mr. Johnson goes to Washington

    Sorry Rocky you're cool and all but you aint no Jesse the Body!
  13. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For 3/18/04

    Just a little suggestion to everyone: DO NOT MISS THE MAIN EVENT! It might be my new MOTY beating out Eddie/Brock and Triple Threat. Yah it's that damn good.
  14. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Shopzone's New Releases...

    Edde has the Best. Shirt. Ever.
  15. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    10 worst WWF/E buyrates of all time

    I was being sarcastic....hence the smiley....
  16. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Who does better promos?

    Piper. But i'd put Hogan on that poll before Bret, HBK or Angle.
  17. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Fantasy Tag Team Tournament Round #4

    The Steiner Brothers (Scott & Rick) The Brainbusters (Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard)
  18. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The official WWE WrestleMania XX opinions thread

    This Mania really like an old school Mania, along the lines of 2, 5 and 7. Long, a lot of filler, main event matches spread throughout, nearly every superstar on the card.
  19. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The official WWE WrestleMania XX opinions thread

    I guess I'm the only one but I really enjoyed teh handicap match. I thought it was really fun, especially Flair & Rocky's interaction, and was the biggest in making Orton legit they've taken(he didn't disappoint with the RKO). Maybei t's just cause I came in expecting crap(2 full time wrestlers in it, both of whome suck) but I really liked. Hell I liked it more than any match barring the main event and battle of the Chris's.
  20. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Next year's Hall Of Fame

    Savage aint too popular either within the WWE...I'd say Hogan is more likely than Savage. But more likely than not it'll be forgotten till WM30.
  21. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Wrestlemania Trivia!

    "Hogan took one step closer to immortality" That's the last lien of his I can remember from WM6.
  22. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Wrestlemania Trivia!

    Yes it can. Matt fucking Borne. Doink at WM9
  23. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Wrestlemania Trivia!

    Misinterpreted question.
  24. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Wrestlemania Trivia!

  25. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    10 worst WWF/E buyrates of all time

    Yep. Well you know it's close but being able to draw in a match THAT bad puts Hogan SLIGHTLY ahead of Michaels as a draw.