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Everything posted by TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

  1. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    20 years ago tonight....

    I am, used to be and always will be a mark for Hulk Hogan. Hulkamaniac 4 Life, brother!
  2. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Royal Rumble Predictions

    HBK/Sid is a classic?!
  3. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Royal Rumble Predictions

    Isn't there a prediction contest or something?
  4. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Dustin Hoffman Is A Fockerâ„¢

    Sweet! Meet the Parents was great. Hoffman is pretty good for the role. Would nayone else find it funny if they cast Jerry Stiller as Dustin Hoffman's gay husband? Retarted but has some comic potential. Hoffman's a pretty good choice as long as Streisand isn't the wife.
  5. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Smackdown Non Spoilers

    Good lord Kidman is still alive!?
  6. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    TheCrowCall, Bifeverchad & Bring Back Charlie Ward

    No clips. Just commercials. All recorded off TV.
  7. Maybe I should've used PM but this way is faster and kills 3 birds with one stone. TheCrowCall. The tape you sent arrived today. Hopefully so did the one I sent(or tomorrow at latest). Thank you and I look forward to trading again. Bring Back Charlie Ward, I have your comp ready to go but the money you sent has not arrived yet. The second it does I'll send away. Bif I'll do your tapes this week and next week I'll, hopefully, be ready to send. There all updated.
  8. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    TheCrowCall, Bifeverchad & Bring Back Charlie Ward

    Ummm I don't remember the specifics but on MSN we set something up I believe. Somewhere I have the exact shows were trading for saved.
  9. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Stone Cold Truth DVD

    Fuck is one amazing match worth getting an otherwise useless DVD...
  10. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    TheCrowCall, Bifeverchad & Bring Back Charlie Ward

    Ok great. And I'm definetely up for trading again in the future.
  11. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Most Anticipated Movies of 2004

    It starts and ends with Kill Bill Vol.2
  12. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Royal Rumble Neat Facts

    Yah bob I remember that. I remember thinking "It's Bigelow, Diesel and Crush against Doink...oh yah Doink's gonna win this"
  13. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    how many matches do you consider 5 stars

    From what I have seen I give these macthes *****: Bret/Austin, SS96 Flair/Steamboat, 2/3 Falls Bret/Owen, WM10 Flair/Savage, WM8
  14. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Your Favorite Royal Rumble eliminations

    In no order: 1994 - Bret & Luger whip HBK & Fatu into each other. HBK leap frogs Fatu and both are back dropped over the corner and out simultaneously by Luger & Hart. 2003 - Brock F5's Matt over the top and onto both members of Team Angle. 1997 - Lawler starts a sentence, gets in the ring and gets knocked out, finishes the sentence. 1991 - LOD double clotheslines Taker out to a MONSTER pop. 1992 - Savage explodes into the ring and it culminates with Jake Roberts being sent packing. And ofcourse, 2000 - Taka's face crusher on the floor.
  15. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    This week in Raw/SD!/Nitro/Thunder history

    "January 22, 1996 Randy Savage def. Ric Flair to win the WCW World Title Brian Pillman def. Dean Malenko Sting & Lex Luger def. Harlem Heat to win the Tag Team Titles Hulk Hogan def. One Man Gang" That ME's a bit of a let down following 2 title changes and Pillman/Malenko...
  16. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    What was worst?

    Better ending? Better crowd I'll agree with. Los Guerrero's/WGTTP was better than anything on the NWO card. The handicap match was so overdone and made Team Angle look so weak. Only "good" match at NWO was Show/Taker. I never said the 6 man was good, I said it was watchable. Trish/Jazz and Brock/Cena were also watchable. Plus Rock/Goldberg(no matter how bad) >>> Steiner/HHH, Austin/Bisch & Rock/Hogan COMBINED. Backlash >>> NWO
  17. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    What was worst?

    Simple. Jericho/Hardy was decent, Taker/Show was good, everything else(including the handicap match) sucked IMO. Backlash had a good tag match, a good Trish/Jazz math and 2 other watchable(not good) matches in Brock/Cena and the 6 man.
  18. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    What was worst?

    Judgment Day was worse than both. So was No Way Out.
  19. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin


    Nope not yet.
  20. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Favourite gimmick spot

    Favorite: Flair flop followed by Cena's fist drop. Jericho's cocky pin would pin would be here but he doens't use it much. Least: Stink face.
  21. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Royal Rumble Neat Facts

    1989 at one point had such an awesome group of workers in the ring. Hennig, Arn & Tully, Savage, Jannetty, Bad News, Santana, I believe not one weak link.
  22. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    A few WWF 1993 questions

    Savage/Crush was SUCH a great feud. So underrated. And I wanted Savage/Hart at WM9 to put Bret over big plus provide us a great match(like him or not Savage was still a good worker).
  23. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin


    Just checking. Has the tape I sent arrived yet?
  24. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Rock's Hollywood Career in Question

    Twins did not do well at all. That was one that was expected to be big. The other's also were not big box office hits either. They did OK....just like the rundown. I think we need to give Rock a little credit. Twins was the fifth highest grossing film of 1988, with $112 million domestic off a $15 million production budget. http://boxofficemojo.com/yearly/chart/?yr=1988&p=.htm So much for Twins bombing eh?
  25. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Rock's Hollywood Career in Question

    Ummm two of the three you named came at the end of his career. And Twins did pretty well I remember.