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Everything posted by TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

  1. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Ever have someone tape over any good wrestling?

    Various early 90's WCW including the clash featuring Sting & Flair v Vader & Rude, Superbrawl 4, Spring Stampede 94, and various otehr stuff from 1993. Plus some 97/98 Raw/Nitro.
  2. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Steel Cage Turmoil, Chuck Norris, Rude's Brood

    Survivor Series 89 is my fav guilty pleasure PPV!
  3. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Best Owen Hart matches...

    Owen Hart vs Vader, One Night Only - Great big man/little man match. Owen Hart & Bret Hart vs Steiner Brothers, Wrestlefest 94 Owen Hart vs Jushin Lyger, December 91 Owen Hart vs British Bulldog, Mar.31/97 Raw Owen Hart vs Shawn Michaels, Last Raw of 1997
  4. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    XFWL presents The Greatest Tag Team Tournament

    GROUP 1 The Brainbusters (Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard) GROUP 2 Demolition (Ax and Smash) GROUP 3 The Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott Steiner) GROUP 4 Money Inc. (Ted DiBiase and Irwin R. Schyster) GROUP 5 The Road Warriors (Hawk and Animal) GROUP 6 The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart) GROUP 7 The World’s Greatest Tag Team (Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin) GROUP 8 Owen Hart and British Bulldog
  5. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Who would you say

    Nash...hence the nickname "Big Lazy".
  6. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Ric Flair DVD

    Whooooooooooooo!!! I just ordered an import off Amazon since we don't get it up here till Jan.27 otherwise.
  7. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    More Acurrate Explanation of Lugers...

    Wow Sting gives his friend a helping hand and is a bad guy for it. Never said anything about him holding them hostage.
  8. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Greatest Promo Ever

    My personal fav Hogan promo(not counting his heel promos) is the one he cut on Bossman in their feud in 89(right before the cage match) where he talked about being judge, jury and executioner.
  9. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Greatest Promo Ever

    I have that Toronto promo on my comp. Still watch every little while, classic. And that above promo bout Shane, Steph, Rhyno & Book is one I wish I had on my comp. Gold Jerry, GOLD
  10. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    If you could only watch the work of 10 wrestlers..

    Bret Hart Randy Savage Ric Flair Chris Benoit Rey Mysterio Jr. Hulk Hogan Mick Foley Eddie Guerrero Ricky Steamboat
  11. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Ric Flair DVD

    Is it out in Canada yet?
  12. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Matt Hardyz next possible fued.

    Matt just turned, DUH
  13. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    XFWL presents The Greatest Tag Team Tournament...

    GROUP 1 The British Bulldogs (Davey Boy Smith and The Dynamite Kid) GROUP 2 The Brainbusters (Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard) GROUP 3 Demolition (Ax and Smash) GROUP 4 Hollywood Blondes (Brian Pillman and Steve Austin) GROUP 5 USA Express (Barry Windham and Mike Rotundo) GROUP 6 The Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott Steiner) GROUP 7 Money Inc. (Ted DiBiase and Irwin R. Schyster) GROUP 8 Edge and Christian GROUP 9 The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobs and Jerry Sags) GROUP 10 The Road Warriors (Hawk and Animal) GROUP 11 The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart) GROUP 12 The Rock-n-Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) GROUP 13 The World’s Greatest Tag Team (Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin) GROUP 14 Los Guerreros (Eddie Guerrero and Chavo Guerrero) GROUP 15 Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio Jr. Write In: Owen Hart & British Bulldog Weird. Group 11 is STACKED while group 5 is terrible.
  14. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The One and Only Survivor Series Thread

    FUCK!! Tajiri/Noble being on Heat sucks!
  15. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Raw Review 11/16 - 11/22

    "November 20, 1995 The 1-2-3 Kid def. Hakushi Savio Vega NC Skip Shawn Michaels NC Owen Hart" We all remember what happened there.
  16. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    1 year anniversary of Scott Steiner in WWE

    He's gotten about a MILISCULE better since last years Rumble. Atleast he doesn't blow up.
  17. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Survivor Series Workrate Predictions

    Vince/Taker - **1/2: This will be a lot better than everyone expects and will SEEM even better than that. There'll be so much blood, and overbooking that the crowd will eat it up. And Vince got a decent(extremely hot) match out of Zach Gowen, I'm sure him and Taker can do something decent. Raw Tag - ***3/4: Good workers in there and Steiner is decent in an environment like this. SD Tag - ***: Benoit & Angle are good, Brock, TBS & Cena can hold their own, A-Train can be ok, Bradsahw & Jones suck, Holly & Morgan you never know. Goldy/HHH - *1/2: Slow, with a hot crowd at the end. Hopefully short. Kane/Shane - *: Crap. Shane can't bump - outside of suicide spots - (or even fight) as good as Vince and Kane isn't gonna carry Shane to something great. Tag Titles - *3/4: I have faith in Eddie but I still think this'll suck. Tajiri/Noble - ***1/2: Will compete with the Raw tag for MOTN. Molly/Lita - *: Not a fan of womens wrestling and Lita sucks.
  18. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Legends Battle Royal, Piper/Orndorff (cage), SNME

    "WWF @ East Rutherford, NJ - Meadowlands - November 16, 1987 Ron Bass pinned Jerry Allen Danny Spivey pinned Ivan Putski Don Muraco pinned Hercules Dino Bravo & Greg Valentine defeated the Junkyard Dog & Brutus Beefcake when Bravo pinned JYD Billy Jack Haynes pinned Demolition Smash Demolition Ax pinned Ken Patera Jake Roberts defeated Killer Khan via disqualification Ted Dibiase pinned Ricky Steamboat Randy Savage pinned King Harley Race Lou Thesz won a legends battle royal by last eliminating Pat O'Conner; other participants included: Nick Bockwinkel, Bobo Brazil, Gino Brito, Edouard Carpentier, Al Costello, the Crusher, Dominic DeNucci, Tony Garea, Rene Goulet, Gene Kiniski, Killer Kowalski, Pedro Morales, Baron Mikel Scicluna, Arnold Skaaland, Ray Stevens, Chief Jay Strongbow, & Art Thomas Jake Roberts won a battle royal; other participants included: Ron Bass, Jerry Allen, Danny Spivey, Ivan Putski, Don Muraco, Hercules, Dino Bravo, Greg Valentine, the Junkyard Dog, Brutus Beefcake, Billy Jack Haynes, Ken Patera, Demolition, Killer Khan, Randy Savage, Harley Race, Ted Dibiase, and Ricky Steamboat" Savage/Race, DiBiase/Steamboat, 2 Battle Royals? That show sounds awesome.
  19. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Shows you love that...

    Yah some really great pre match comments. You forget the classic: "I'm thankful that I'm rich and you're not! Hahahahahaha!" - Ted DiBiase With Battlebowl it's just one of those PPV's which is like an urban legend to me. I remember the build crystal clear and I remember being extremely hyped how Sting & Flair might wind up on opposite teams and that the Blondes might collide. I had quite a lot of the build taped(maybe I sitll have it somewhere dunno) but still have not tried ot track down really hard. Don't know why. I didn't know that Fall Brawl never got a commercial release. Any idea why WCW didn't release all it's PPV's(I believe Souled Out 98 was also never released)?
  20. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    A few more questions!

    JoeDirt just some advice as to the best SNME's: Oct 86 - Hogan/Orndorff, Roberts/Steamboat, Bulldogs/Dream Team 2/3 Falls, great Piper angle Mar 88 - Hogan/Race, Savage/Dibiase Nov 89 - Rockers/Arn & Tully 2/3 falls, Warrior/Andre, Hogan jobs to Genius, Hennig destroys title From what I've seen those are my top 3.
  21. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The November NWA/WCW PPV Review

    "BattleBowl – November 20, 1993 Vader & Cactus Jack def. Kane & Charlie Norris Johnny B. Badd & Brian Knobbs def. Erik Watts & Paul Roma Paul Orndorff & The Shockmaster def. Ricky Steamboat & Steven Regal Dustin Rhodes & King Kong def. The Equalizer & Awesome Kong Sting & Jerry Sags def. Ron Simmons & Keith Cole Ric Flair & Steve Austin def. 2 Cold Scorpio & Maxx Payne Rick Rude & Shanghai Pierce def. Marcus Bagwell & Tex Slazenger Hawk & Rip Rogers def. Davey Boy Smith & Kole Vader wins the BattleBowl Match" Back in the day I DESPERATELY wanted to see that show, still haven't sadly. "World War 3 – November 26, 1995 Johnny B. Badd def. Diamond Dallas Page; TV Title Match Big Bubba Rogers def. Jim Duggan in a Taped Fist Match Bull Nakano & Akira Hokuto def. Mayumi Ozaki & Cutie Suzuki Kensuke Sasaki def. Chris Benoit; U.S. Title Match Lex Luger def. Randy Savage Sting def. Ric Flair Randy Savage won the World War 3 Match to win the WCW World Title" Great PPV. Badd/DDP is really good, Sting/Flair is Sting/Flair and the battle royal is good and has fans turning on Hogan.
  22. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Shows you love that...

    Survivor Series 1989 - I just love all the elimination matches. Especially Rude & Perfect vs Piper's whole team and Heenan's hilarious act in the ME. Plus the all time greatest Jesse comment: "Gorilla how could you say Hogan didn't pay off Hebner? Anyone who touches hogan gets DQ'ed!!" All of 1993 from both companies. 1993 is my fav wrestling year ever, it's when I first started being a hardcore fan. I was a HUGE Sting, Bret, Perfect, Blondes, Money Inc., Savage, Rude and Horsemen mark. Yes I even marked for Paul Roma. I still remember how hyped I was leading into Battle Bowl 93...and to this day I haven't seen that show. Fall Brawl 97 - A good Wargames match, Eddie/Jericho and some other fun matches. Really underrated PPV.
  23. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Your Survivor Series 2003 Predictions

    Flair: Ring the fucking bell!!! Timekeeper: NO! *shoves Flair* *Flair blades* Orton calmly walks out. Orton: Ring the bell. Timekeeper: Yes sir Mr. Future World Champion sir. Seriously thought Vince is too busy sucking up to Bret to do a screwjob.
  24. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The November WWF/WWE PPV Review

    In 95 you forget the good Wild Card match.
  25. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The November WWF/WWE PPV Review

    SS89 is my fav. guilty pleasure PPV ever. Although SS93 ranks right up there. SS96 is probably the best overall SS PPV(or right up there along with SS94/5).