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Everything posted by TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

  1. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Forgotten free TV classics?

    That was when Sting was still multi-colored and Hogan had starting wearing black and white for the first time (his Pre-nWo Black and White time) right? Yup. Oh and Cawthon it was 95 not 96.
  2. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Forgotten free TV classics?

    what was the date of this match? Not sure but around WM19 -> Backlash.
  3. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    OK, who's the best on the mic of all time

    Money promos: Hogan Emotional Promos: Flair Psychologocial/Dark Promos: Roberts Psycho Promos: Pillman Top 5 IMO are: Flair Pillman Roberts Hogan Anderson Foley's overrated, and Austin learned he knows off Pillman(as he's admitted) so I'll take the teacher over the student. And Jericho & Rock have never done any promo which made me feel anything emoitonally("I Am Not a Joke" wasn't that great to me)
  4. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Forgotten free TV classics?

    Mr. Perfect vs Doink, Raw Qualifier 3rd Match, 1993 - After 2 draws they had a great rubber match Bret Hart, British Bulldog & Owen Hart vs Steve Austin, Undertaker & Mankind, Flag Match, 1997 Los Guerrero's vs WGTTP, Velocity - Outshined all their SD & PPV matches Sting vs DDP, 1999 - Sting won the World title in a good match Sting vs Hulk Hogan, 1995 - Sue me but this was much better than usual Hogan...especially WCW Hogan
  5. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Ric Flair: Greatest worker, wrestler...

    Perosnally, I prefer the screwjob match(pre-ending) to WM12, let alone SS92.
  6. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Old School questions thread

    I have that match on tape. Smash hits Martel in the back of the neck with a chair. Martel collapses and no one notices so Demoliton does a Demolition Decaptitation Elbow off the apron to the floor which didn't help the injury at all. So yes it was legit. And Tito was crying as Martel to wheeled away motionless.
  7. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Flair/Steamboat/Hogan/Andre comps?

    I have the Flair comp from RF. A Savage comp. Meh my sites in my sig
  8. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Crash Holly passes away

    RIP Crash And we need a union now more than ever. Sadly though it'll never happen.
  9. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Mad Mikey (Crash Holly) Passes Away

    Damn. I'm fucking shocked.
  10. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Ric Flair: Greatest worker, wrestler...

    Hogan/Rock...Hoga's best? Huh? It wasn't even his best Wrestlemania match. Hell I heard his match with Mutoh in Japan was better than the Rock match.
  11. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Ric Flair: Greatest worker, wrestler...

    I find Foley overrated on the mic. I might get heat for this but I'll take Randy Savage, in his prime, over Flair anyday.
  12. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Which was the best stable ever in WWE?

    Hart Foundation
  13. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Worst Wrestler in Wrestlemania Main Event?

    Sorry but why is Hogan there? He's had his share of good WM matches(Savage,Warrior,Rock,Vince) and some very important matches(Mr.T match,Andre). IMO he don't belong on this list.
  14. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Who is the best manager?

    Heenan. He could get the BIGGEST waste of space heat just by doing his routine. Plus he knew to never overshadow the talent.
  15. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    8 Simple Rules (Post John Ritter)

    I'll watch but it won't be the same. IMO they should've showed the last 3 John eps and just ended the series. Plus how can you watch without thinking of John.
  16. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Jake Roberts Shoots

    "What if Vince and the snake man want to take the Macho Man out of the wrestling business, uh huh." LMFAO!! I could SO hear Savage saying that. Good read. Jake atleast seems honest unlike most.
  17. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Smackdown Survivor match

    1. Bradshaw by Morgan 2. Holly by Brock(end this mini-feud) 3. Jones DQ'ed(uses a chair) 4. Angle by Show via cheating 5. A-Train by Benoit 6. Brock by Benoit 7. Benoit by Show 8. Morgan by Cena 9. Show by Cena(with help from Angle) Have Benoit & Cena get put over huge by fighting off 4 monsters and getting it down to 2-2. Then Brock taps to the Crossface but taunts Benoit before leaving allowing Show to chokeslam Benoit out. Then Morgan is pinned on a fluke and Show is beaten with help from Angle. That starts a Benoit/Brock program as we wonder if Brock will tap out again. Angle and Show can start a feud over the elimination. Cena can feud with either Train or Morgan depending on how bad Morgan is. Plus Morgan & Cena are put over huge. Plus if you get rid of Brock/Angle early it's a lot more unpredictable. BTW this changes if Morgan ends up worse than Natahn Jones.
  18. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    What ten guys would you pick for the cover of a...

    WWF: Hogan Bret Austin Rock Bruno Graham Savage Andre Piper Foley WCW(NWA): Flair Dusty nWo(Hogan,Hall,Nash) Sting Luger Steamboat Vader Arn Goldberg Race
  19. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    What was your favorite blow-off match to a feud?

    Bret/Owen, Summerslam. Does that count? If not, Flair/Hennig, Raw.
  20. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Box Office Report for 10/31-11/2...

    I'm happy that Mystic river is hanging in the top 10. That is all.
  21. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Horror Movie Tourney

    Psycho (1960) The Shining Halloween (choice) Night of the Living Dead (1968)
  22. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Raw Review 11/2 - 11/8

    November 3, 1997 Aguila def. Super Loco Marc Mero def. Savio Vega Vader def. The British Bulldog in a Dog Collar Match Jesse James & Billy Gunn def. Jesus Castillo & Jose Estrada Ken Shamrock def. Shawn Michaels by DQ; Euro Title Match Bret Hart's last Raw ever. Oh and Jericho/Rock from 01 was an awesome match nearly as good as the No Mercy one.
  23. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Looking for Compilation Tape..

    I feel you man. I was also a Borga mark.
  24. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Looking for Compilation Tape..

    Never heard of the Steiner/Borga match but if it's on the MSG show I'll have it. BTW is that the match that injured Borga?
  25. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Looking for Compilation Tape..

    1-2-3 Kid/Jannetty v. Head Shrinkers from a Coliseum Video. Yes i do. It's the one with the fake title iwn right?