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Everything posted by TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

  1. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Best movie villains?

    Everyone forgot the most frightening villains ever: The Hillbillies from Deliverance Also Mr. Blonde from Reservoir Dogs.
  2. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Old School questions thread

    Actually Caw, Flair was never supposed to get the belt in the first place I believe. Plan was for Warrior to turn at Slam and win the belt. Warrior flaked out and they(don't know why though) wanted the belt off Savage so transitioned it to Flair quickly. Here's a Q, why was Savage phased out so quickly in late 92-early 93?
  3. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Interview with Animal

    Touching words from Animal and Papa that is a really weird coincedence.
  4. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Ricky Steamboat Video

    Do you know anyone who has that match on tape?
  5. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Survivor Series Matches

    That's why it's a Wild Card Austin3164life, guys who hate each other on the same team. And Anglesault, I was gonna put Angle & Cena instead of Benoit & A-Train in the Taker match but I decided the wild Card match more star power.
  6. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Survivor Series Matches

    Evolution: Triple H, Ric Flair, Batista & Randy Orton vs The New Blood: Goldberg, Maven, Cade & Jindrak Austin's Hellraisers: RVD, Booker T, Lance Storm & Dudley Boys vs Bischoff's Bad Boys: Chris Jericho, Scott Steiner, Christian & La Resistanse Big Red Machines: Kane, Mark Henry, Rodney Mack & Test vs Superstars: Shane McMahon, Shawn Michaels, Hurricane & Rosie Gravediggers: Undertaker, Chris Benoit, Eddie & Chavo vs Best Damn Team Period: Brock Lesnar, A-Train & World's Greatest Tag Team Wild Card Olympic Hero's: Kurt Angle, John Cena & Basham Brothers vs Showsters: Big Show, Tajiri, Rey Mysterio & Jamie Noble Mattitude: Matt Hardy V.1, Shannon Moore, Nunzio & Chuck Palumbo vs The Dragons: Ultimo Dragon, Funaki, Spanky & Paul London
  7. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    A theory

    But beating Hogan CLEANLY in the days where that NEVER happened is something to brag about.
  8. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Ricky Steamboat Video

    I'm jsut adding on to his question: Does anyone have or know of a Savage/Steamboat cage match around WM3? I saw stills of it in PWI a while back.
  9. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Monday Night RAW compilation

    Ok whoever's interested in this comp. PM me. The cost is 15$ US.
  10. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Monday Night RAW compilation

    Flair/Hennig has the commercials. The rest don't.
  11. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin


    Thank god for that.
  12. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin


    I said it's sad because people who don't kill themselves with drugs and all that for 40 years die young yet Roberts who's done eveyr drug known to man and has admitted he doens't care about life and would give it up for more drugs will go on and live long. I'm NOT wishing death upon him. I've said I don't wnat anyone else to die.
  13. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin


    Sorry dude but Roberts lives till he's 75 and dies from natural causes. It's sad but true. Choken you seem to be the expert so is there a third? Or did Pitbull(drug), Stu(legend) and Hawk(surprise) finish up the trio?
  14. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Share your painful sports memories

    NBA Playoffs 2001. Raptors/Sixers. Game 7. Vince with the jumper for the win...my heart breaks. And game 7 of last years NHL CF with NJ scoring with 3 minutes left ending the Sens run. And 1996 NHL playoffs. The Penguins led by Lemieux and Jagr steam roll thorugh the playoffs but run into Florida and lose.
  15. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin


    Prophetic. Damn I sorta wish I never said that.
  16. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    What are your favorite death scenes of all-time?

    Everyone loves great death scenes. So which are you favorites? My Top 10(in order) 1. Tony Montana says "Ello" to Sosa's army, Scarface - Was there any doubt? If only for the sheer number of quotable lines and ofcourse for Tony's coolness. 2. The Wild Bunch's last stand, The Wild Bunch - 4 guys go to war with the Mexican army. Insane body count and a true way to exit for 4 outlaws. 3. The Best Mexican Stand Off ever filmed, The Good, The Bad & The Ugly - This is THE cinematic stand off. Eyes, gun, hand. Eyes, gun, hand. And so it goes until all three draw and quick shots go out, Lee Van Cleef falls dead, no slo mo bullshit. Classic. 4. The Best Non-Mexican Stand Off ever, Reservoir Dogs - The best stand-off ever in a non-Western. White, Joe and Eddie, guns drawn. Then the quick shots leaving both Joe & Eddie dead with White barely alive. 5. "Aww fuck I shot Marvin in the face", Pulp Fiction - Nothing's funnier than Marvin accidentally getitng his head blown off and Travolta's reaction to it. Priceless. 6. Eva Mendes trades her life for Johnny Depp's eyes, Once Upon a Time in Mexico - Recent I know but I absolutely love this scene. After eva set Depp up getting his eyes cut out she lifts up his seemingly lifeless body: Eva: Like what you see? *Gun shot* Depp: No I don't. Eva falls dead and Depp falls from his wounds. 7. Hackman doesn't deserve it, Eastwood doesn't care, Unforgiven - A wonderful movie and just a brilliant scene: Hackman: I don't deserve this, I was building a house... Eastwood: Deserve's got nothing to do with it. Amen. 8. Diplomatic Immunity Gets Revoked, Lethal Weapon 2 - Riggs is down, shot numerous times. Just when he's about to die Murtaugh points his gun at the villain. The villain uses his diplomatic immunity thinking it'll save him...Murtaught revokes it with a bullett to the head. 9. Here comes the Bride, There goes Vernita Green, Kill Bill - Vernita's death was just so unexpected I loved it. Pure adrenaline courtesy of QT. 10. See Ya Sonny, Godfather - Sonny goes to make a phone call...about 200 bullets later he's phoning off to the after life. See ya later Sonny. So what are you favorite deaths?
  17. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Monday Night RAW compilation

    Can you put it on DVD? No I don't have that technology. How much is it? $15 US What's the shipping cost? It's included in the $15 Is the Owen Hart Tribute the entire 2 hour show? On the tape? No it's just the Bret/Benoit match. When did Austin beat Taker for the belt? Night after KOTR 99 I think. What's 2+2? 22? Oh wait 4.
  18. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Scooter's Quick and Dirty

    Ift hey wnated that ending for Vince/Steph, why not book a No Holds Barred match, straight up?
  19. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Monday Night RAW compilation

    Ok, I most definitely want this! Quick Question: Is the HBK vs. Owen Hart match the one in December 1997 on RAW? This is just about the complete list of matches I was going to ask for on the RAW compilation, actually, so this is just beyond great. Would you want me to e-mail you my tape list, if you want to set up a trade? Just to let you know, I read your trading rules on your website and I also trade tape for tape, instead of event for event. Take care, talk to you later. ~ Pac Ok just email me your tape list to [email protected] Then we'll work out a deal. And yes HBK/Owen is the one form December 97.
  20. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Monday Night RAW compilation

    Yah I trade. I'm in Canada but I have no problem shipping to US. Listing(off memory): Owen & Bulldog vs HBK & Austin Owen & Bulldog vs Austin & ????(Dude Love debuts) HBK vs Owen(Owen's first match post SS97) HHH/Foley, Street Fight Foley/Funk, FCA in 98(the one for Foley's "soul") Rock/Foley, title change Austin/Taker(Austin wins belt in highest rated segment ever) HHH/Jericho, you know which one Dallas 10 Man HHH & Austin/Benoit & Jericho 123 Kid/Bret Flair/Hennig plus Bonus on the tape: Austin/Benoit SD Hart/Benoit, Owen Tribute
  21. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Monday Night RAW compilation

    I have one already made. But it doens't have that many matches and only the really great ones are on it.
  22. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Weekend Box Office Report: 10/17/03 - 10/19/03...

    Fuck I was hoping Mystic River did well. Thought it would too, theatre I was in was packed.
  23. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Who's Next?

    Last time we did this it went 11 pages and i'm not even gonna bring up the names we came up with cause I hope Pitbull was the third and no one else dies.
  24. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Road Warrior Hawk passes away

    Damn I was never a fan but too many soldiers are falling RIP
  25. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    WWE Wrestler PPV Win Percentages

    Rob Van Dam 1-6 .143 Rey Mysterio 0-4 .000 Chris Benoit 1-5 .166 Damn WWE.