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Everything posted by TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

  1. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    What are your favorite death scenes of all-time?

    BTW Max Power AWESOME sig because it speaks the truth.
  2. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Kill Bill: volume 1

    SinToxic brought up my favorite part of the movie: the score. This is, possibly, the best score I have ever heard. I always knew RZA was a genius but by god did he outdo himself here. See it if JUST for the wonderful score.
  3. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Just saw Flair/Sting, Clash of the Champions 1

    Sting/Flair is not overrated IMO. Yes some mega praise it but some mega diss it. Star wise i'd go: **** even. Wrestlewar on the otherhand is TERRIBLY overrated. IMO it's the WORST of the trifecta. And worse than the Saturday Night match form 94.
  4. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Kill Bill: volume 1

    Oh hell muthafuckin' yes. Stop reading this post, don't read any reviews, don't bother with trailers, just go into this clean. It will blow your mind.
  5. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Kill Bill: volume 1

    Holy fucking christ it was amazing. I'll never forgive Quentin for making me wait FIVE FUCKING MONTHS for volume 2. I wanna see it now... But yah it was fucking amazing.
  6. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    I think it said you have to unlock SOME not all. Although I assume Piper, DiBiase, old school Taker all have to be unlocked(seem to be the ones that will be most used). Dammit I can't wait to do DiBiase/Angle or DiBiase/Eddie.
  7. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    What would you consider to be..

    Yah that's my fav(and IMO the best) SNME match ever. And Savage wrestled it with only one boot on as he took off the other to sell an ankle injury. Oh and god bless Jesse since he actually established that Bret was legit singles wrestler while Vince complained about Hogan and interference from the two Jim's.
  8. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Better Steve Austin vs. Kurt Angle match?

    Summerslam. MUCH better and the ending doens't piss me off as much as others.
  9. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    What was your favorite Hell In The Cell match?

    Brock/Taker. It felt liek a war and not two guys fighting in anticipation for one big spot like Foley/HHH(that fall was so contrived and predictable IMO).
  10. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    What 10 guys would you build WWE around?

    I love Flair, but putting a manager on a list of 10 people to build the company around is ridiculous. Flair manages but he also can put on good matches, has a mind and passion for the business, and is big enough name that the marks can recognize and buy as a threat if need be.
  11. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    What 10 guys would you build WWE around?

    1. Eddie Guerrero 2. Chris Jericho 3. Rey Mysterio 4. Rob Van Dam 5. Ric Flair - best manager around 6. Kurt Angle - IF he stays healthy 7. Brock Lesnar 8. WGTT 9. Chris Benoit 10. John Cena
  12. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The One and Only SMACKDOWN! 10-09-03 Thread

    So how bad is this? I'm enjoying the Sens leading Montreal 3-1 in our opener.
  13. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin


    I like "Where da hood at?". Really energetic single. I fucking hate the video though where unexplainably it cuts, halfway through, to the "Ayo Kato" song which sucks.
  14. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The One and Only SMACKDOWN! 10-09-03 Thread

    I fully agree. We need to discuss somewhere too without whining of spoilers.
  15. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Ultimate Ric Flair Collection DVD Cover...

    I'm 99% sure the Savage match is gonna be on it. Especially since it's from WM. Only reason it'd be left off is soem weird vendetta against Savage. The Perfect match is 50/50 but they might add it as a tribute to Hennig. The Vader match i'm SURE will be on it.
  16. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Quick questions about Batman:

    IMO it's the best Batman movie ever...
  17. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    WWE news from Keller

    Yah and Warrior did nothing in either match. It was ALL Hogan & Savage.
  18. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Recent purchases

    What else? Scarface
  19. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin


  20. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Old School questions thread

    Flair won by pinfall. Even the announcers weren't sure what was happening. I'd guess that WCW would have said that the rule was you could only be pinned if you were busted, but it was all sort of glossed over on the night. The match was in a cage with barbed wire at the top to prevent whoever the heel was meant to be at the time from escaping. Before the match Flair tells the ref Lil Naitch that he should stop the match AT HIS OWN DISCRETION. Thus Lil Naitch doens't stop it for Flair's blood and considers it his discretion to count out Hogan.
  21. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    What was the better Benoit / Hart match?

    No contest. Owen Tribute match is one of the best NA wrestling matches in the past 5 years. The Mayhem match was disappointing.
  22. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Ultimate Ric Flair Collection DVD Cover...

    All the cover pics are from his WWF days... The main one is when he first jumped with the belt, right BG is Rumble 92 and left BG could be from any time period. So let's hope for MORE emphasis on NWA/WCW than the cover has.
  23. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Old School

    I was a huge IRS mark. And Money Inc. is still one of my fav. teams ever.
  24. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Who's interested in trading some tapes...

    Dynamite I remember we were gonna do a trade of some sort b4 I left on vacation but I can't figure what it was for. Do you remember what you wnated off my site?
  25. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Top 3

    No order: Lethal Weapon Terminator 2: Judgment Day A Bronx Tale Runners Up: Scarface, Taxi Driver, Shawshank Redemption, Usual Suspects