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Everything posted by TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

  1. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Best ending?

    First time I saw Arlington Rd. I couldn't believe it ended like that. Not many people have seen this movie but the ending stuck with me. The movies is: 187 Spoiler (Highlight to Read): Just the idea of a teacher playing Russian roulette with a student then the statistics at the end about the movie being written by a teacher, stuck with me Deer Hunter had a pretty powerful ending. Also gotta love the ending to From Dusk Till Dawn Spoiler (Highlight to Read): Carlos' surprise appearance and ofcourse cinema's all time classic stand off, to me atleast: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly Spoiler (Highlight to Read): The quick cuts of the guns, the eyes, the hands, the score and then the quick shot form Eastwood killing Van Cleef
  2. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Ultimate Supercard

    Icon vs Icon Hulk Hogan(87) vs The Rock(00) Result: Hogan clean via usual. Wargames Horsemen: Ric Flair(87), Arn Anderson(89), Tully Blanchard(88) and Chris Benoit(95) vs nWo: Kevin Nash(95), Scott Hall(94), X Pac(93) and Konnan(97) Result: Horsemen after cuffing all nWo members and torturing Nash. WWF/E Title Bret Hart(94) vs Shawn Michaels(96) Result: Bret clean via sharpshooter. Fatal 4 Way Elimination WCW Title Sting(93) vs Vader(93) vs Ricky Steamboat(85) vs Lex Luger(88) Result: 1st out: Luger via Steamboat cross body. 2nd out: Steamboat via Vader big splash. 3rd out: Sting via Vadersault. Winner: Vader. I Quit Match Terry Funk(85) vs Cactus Jack(93) Result: Cactus wins when Funk quits after being hung with barb wire. Owen Hart(94) vs Kurt Angle(03) Result: Owen wins via roll up ala WM10. Tag Titles The Steiner Brothers(93) vs British Bulldogs(83) Result: Scott pins Davey Boy after a screwdriver. Street Fight Steve Austin(97) vs Randy Savage(87) Result: Austin via stunner. Survivor Series Match Money Inc.(93), Midnight Express(87), Edge & Christian(01) & Road Warriors(87) vs Rock N Roll Express(86), Hardy Boyz(01), Demolition(89) & Dudley Boyz(01) Result: Order of elimination is: 1. Matt via DiBiase, 2. D-Von via Edge, 3. Edge via Smash, 4. Demos & Warriors DQ'ed, 5. IRS via Morton, 6. Lane via Morton, Winners: Rock N Roll Express Cruiser Title Rey Mysterio Jr.(03) vs Jushin Lyger(94)
  3. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Raw Review 9/28 - 10/4

    September 28, 1998 Southern Justice def. The New Age Outlaws by DQ; Tag title Match Owen Hart NC Dan Severn in a Submission Match Al Snow def. Vader D’Lo Brown def. Gangrel (1st elimination), Darren Drozdov (2nd, count out), Jeff Jarrett (3rd, count out), Marc Mero (4th), and Edge (final) in a Four Corners Elimination Match Faarooq def. Mark Henry; Special Referee, Chyna Golga & Kurrgan def. The Headbangers Val Venis def. X-Pac by DQ; Euro Title Match The Rock, Mankind, & Ken Shamrock def. The Undertaker & Kane in a handicap match An AWESOME Raw. It has the Zamboni, Ut & Kane breaking Vince's ankle, Foley's first nutty promo and a funny main event.
  4. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Box Office report for 9/26-9/28..

    Look at the results of all the other movies. A 9 mil rift from the 2nd place movie is pretty damn good and nearly 20 mil for a Sep. movie is good. Plus Pirates is out of the top 10 finally.
  5. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Nitro Review 9/28 - 10/4

    October 4, 1999 Dean Malenko def. Rey Mysterio Jr. Disco Inferno def. Psychosis to win the Cruiserweight Title Sid Vicious def. Brian Adams Goldberg def. Jerry Flynn Curt Hennig def. Brad Armstrong Juventud Guerrera def. Kidman Bret Hart def. Chris Benoit Diamond Dallas Page def. Buff Bagwell Hulk Hogan & Ric Flair def. Sting & Lex Luger Y'all know why that show is worth seeing.
  6. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    What's stopping a union in WWE?

    Jesse had most of the WWF in agreement in 86 to unionize. And it would've have happened had someone(Hogan supposedly) not ratted Jesse out to Vince.
  7. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Old School questions thread

    If you count ONLY in ring time and not entrance then Owen Hart in 95 takes the cake.
  8. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Calling wrestlers by their real names

    I think the Rock has to use 'the Rock' as his name while he's under WWE contract. They get a licensing fee for using him. Once he goes out on his own he'll propably go with just the Duane Johnson. Hopefully he'll get enough money to buy 'the Rock' name/gimmick. He owns "The Rock" name. He got it off Vince in exchange for Vince getting exec producer credit on all Rock's movies.
  9. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Great Album TITLES

    Ice Cube - AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted
  10. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Best WWE Triple Threat Match

    Angle/Benoit/Mysterio Followed by the two Vengeance triple threats.
  11. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    "The Name Game"

    Bret Hart
  12. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Its that time of the month time to list...

    When Bret's getting wheeled ot the hospital on the Street Fight Raw(you know which one): Owen: His legs hurt watch out for those wires... 30 seocnds later Bulldog: Watch out for those wires.
  13. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The finals months of the year are upon us

    Kill Bill Rundown Mystic River Scary Movie 3 Matrix Revolutions LOTR I'm not that hyped about. Couldn't care less really.
  14. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Its that time of the month time to list...

    HHH, Flair, forklift. Priceless. Liek HartFan said, just how random and out of nowhere it was made it hilarious.
  15. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    We are 3 weeks into the season....

    1. Kansas City - No doubt whatsoever 2. Denver - Looked awesome shutting down Oakland 3. Indianapolis - Destroyed Tenessee 4. Seattle - Have looked great 5. Tampa Bay - A close loss and 2 DOMINANT wins BTW hos is Minnesota that good when they BARELY beat the Bears and Lions.
  16. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    ~Guilty Pleasures~

    I'm adding Vince to my list. Takes up too much TV time but by god he can be entertaining.
  17. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Old School

    Agreed I found it fun and the crowd was ELECTRIC.
  18. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    So now that JR & King are "gone". How well do you

    Vince would never cave and give Ventura what he's getting from MSNBC. Hell Vince & Jesse have never been that "close" anyways, ever since Jesse tried to unionize the WWF. Plus I doubt Jesse's shoot commentary(which he did half his time on SNME) would go over well wtih Vince. And Heyman I think is happy being booknig assistant or whatever. Coach & Snow aret he best we'll get for now.
  19. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    ~Guilty Pleasures~

    Like Mr. Jag0 said, Raw is an addiction. SD I miss 50% of the time but I go out of my way to never miss Raw. Flair but I don't know if he counts. Orton, maybe it's his look or his cockiness but I like him. Hogan, I'll never give up on. I've marked for him my whole life. FBI when they were around.
  20. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Unforgiven Results and early match ratings...

    I didn't pay for it and was entertained to a good extent. Better than I expected. Maven/Stevie - *1/2 Table Match - * - Didn't like it much at all HBK/Orton - ***1/4 - Orton's best match ever from what I can recall Test/Steiner - * - Crap but crowd was into it Divas - *1/2 - I don't care about these women's matches at all Shane/Kane - **1/4 - HORRIBLE booking but decent action RVD/Y2J/Xtian - ***1/2 - MOTN. Too bad the crowd being dead really hurt it Commentators Tag Match - DUD - JR's expresison at the end which looked liek a pig crying saved it from -* HHH/Goldberg - *1/2 - FINALLY HHH jobs and CLEAN Overall: Better than Badd Blood and No Way Out. Right around Judgment Day and Summerslam/
  21. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Raw Review 9/21 - 9/27

    September 22, 1997 Ahmed Johnson def. Rocky Maivia The Legion of Doom def. Faarooq & Kama Mustafa by DQ Owen Hart def. Brian Pillman by DQ Cactus Jack def. Hunter Hearst Helmsley in a Falls Count Anywhere Match Bret Hart def. Goldust First stunner to Vince and a great hardcore match. One of the best Raws ever.
  22. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Smackdown Review 9/21 - 9/27

    September 26, 2002 Rikishi def. Chavo Guerrero Billy & Chuck def. Jamie Noble & Tajiri Edge def. Eddie Guerrero in a No-DQ Match The Undertaker def. Matt Hardy Rey Mysterio def. Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit (pinned) in a Triple Threat Match Best. SD. Ever.
  23. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Results from MSG

    Plus they always cheer Hogan.
  24. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    What would you consider to be..

    Top 3: 1. 10/86 - Dream Team/Bulldogs 2/3 Falls, Hogan/Orndorff, Piper helping Hogan, Roberts/Steamboat blow off 2. 11/89 - Rockers/Busters 2/3 Falls(last match ever for the Busters as a team), Warrior/Andre(huge back then), Hogan jobbign to Genius, Perfect destorying the WWF belt 3. 3/88 - Hogan/Race, Savage/DiBiase
  25. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Semi Confirmed Flair DVD Matches

    Yah JHawk I also believe that Flair's first victory does not exist on tape. And even if it does, no way in hell Vince has it. Best they could do is the Race match from Starcade. Damn I wish that they had access to Flair/Kerry Von Erich...