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Everything posted by TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

  1. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Bret Hart or HBK who would you pick?

    In 1994 Bret was more over, overall, than HBK has ever been. HBK just had the same teen girl crowd, Jeff Hardy did. Bret. Period.
  2. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Benoit's interview after winning the World

    Russo's departure was the reason Eddie, Dean & Saturn wanted out(along with Kidman, Konnan)
  3. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Most significant match of the decade

    Yah that's why SS95 ladder > WM10 ladder.
  4. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    TSM Hip Hop Hall of Fame

    My noms: A Tribe Called Quest Slick Rick 2 Pac Shakur Ice Cube(he deserves separate nomination from NWA) NWA Beastie Boys Run DMC LL Cool J Eric B & Rakim
  5. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    What was your favorite build-up video?

    Sting/Hogan - Starcade 97(the ruin of an empire) HHH/Rock - Judgment Day 2000(all the things that happen in an hour) HHH/Foley - RR2000(the return of Cactus) Hogan/Vince - WM19
  6. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Fall Movie Season is Here

    Top 5: 1. Once Upon a Time in Mexico - Number one by three country miles 2. Kill Bill - It's QT! 3. Scary Movie 3 - Trailer had me in stitches 4. Rundown - I like Rock so could be fun 5. Matrix/LOTR 3 - Both I'm hyped for but not as much as I thoguht I would be
  7. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Favorite Jericho vs. Rock match?

    No Mercy with the rematch on Raw coming in second.
  8. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    PPV Matches Yearly

    WWE 2002 1. IC Title: Eddie Guerrero vs Rob Van Dam, Backlash 2. Cruiser Title: Kidman vs Tajiri, Backlash 3. Booker T vs Big Show, Vengeance 4. Ric Flair vs Vince McMahon, Royal Rumble 5. HIAC: Triple H vs Chris Jericho, Judgment Day 6. Tag Titles: Rey & Edge vs Benoit & Angle, No Mercy 7. World Title, HIAC: Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar, No Mercy 8. The Rock vs Hollywood Hogan, WMX8
  9. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    PPV Matches Yearly

    WCW 1997: 1. Cruiser Title: Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio, HH 2. Ultimo Dragon vs Alex Wright, Fall Brawl 3. DDP vs Randy Savage, HH 4. Mortis vs Glacier, Unscensored 5. Wargames: Horsemen vs nWo, Fall Brawl 6. WCW Title: Hollywood Hogan vs Sting, Starcade
  10. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    PPV Matches Yearly

    WWF 1998: 1. TAKA & Headbangers vs Kai-En-Tai, KOTR 2. Tag Titles: New Age Outlaws vs New Midnight Express, KOTR 3. Lions Den: Owen Hart vs Ken Shamrock, Summerslam 4. Marc Mero vs Sable, OTE(Mero does the most dickish thing ever) 5. Undertaker vs Kane, WM 6. Euro Title: D-Lo Brown vs Val Venis, Summerslam 7. IC Title, Ladder: Rock vs HHH, Summerslam 8. WWF title: Steve Austin vs Dude Love, OTE WCW 1998: 1. TV Title: Chris Jericho vs Raven, HH 2. Booker T vs Rick Martel, Slamboree 3. Cruiser Title: Rey Mysterio vs Juvy Guerrera vs Kidman, Starcade 4. Chris Benoit vs Raven, Souled Out 5. Sting vs Giant, GAB 6. Tag Titles: Outsiders vs Steiner Brothers, Superbrawl 7. Randy Savage vs Lex Luger, Souled Out 8. Bret Hart vs Ric Flair, Souled Out 9. WCW Title: DDP vs Goldberg, HH
  11. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    PPV Matches Yearly

    I'll start off 1996: WWF 1996 1. Owen Hart & British Bulldog & New Rockers vs Doug Furnas, Phil Lafon & Godwins, Survivor Series 2. Roddy Piper vs Goldust, Wrestlemania 3. Razor Ramon vs 123 Kid, IYH6 4. Vader vs Jake Roberts, KOTR 5. Undertaker vs Diesel, Wrestlemania 6. Bret Hart vs Steve Austin, Survivor Series 7. WWF Title - Shawn Michaels vs Mankind, IYH Harder than I thought it would be. WCW 1996 1. Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Psychosis, BATB 2. Chris Benoit vs Kevin Sullivan, GAB 3. US Title - Konnan vs Jushin Lyger, Slamboree 4. Randy Savage & Ric Flair vs Arn Anderson & Eddie Guerrero, Slamboree(I LOVE this match) 5. Steiner Brothers vs Fire & Ice, GAB 6. Chris Jericho vs Syxx, HH 7. Jeff Jarrett vs Giant, HH 8. Tag Titles - Outsiders vs Sting & Luger, Hog Wild 9. World Title - Hollywood Hogan vs Giant, Hog Wild
  12. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    So what superstars are assholes to fans?

    I haven't met many wrestlers: Nice guys: Kanyon - for an hour after a Raw ended till like 1 am he signed for everyone waiting out side. Austin & Angle - I didn't meet them but after that same Raw Austin came out and saw the 50 fans left around the parking lot. We chanted "Austin" and he waved then got in his truck, revved it up and wiated. When Angle came out Austin started chasing him with the truck. Both guys were laughing and this went on for 10 minutes before Angle got Austin out of the truck(Austin sold everything) and chased Austin till Austin goti n a rental car and drove. Angle then got out of the truck with his arms raised in victory and the crowd chanted "Angle". Considering it was 1 am and they had a Smackdown taping in Montreal the next day I can safely assume both guys are really nice for doing that for like 25-50 fans remaining. Rico - At a house show earlier this year. Really nice and winked at me when I chanted "Rico". Pricks: X Pac - At that same Raw he was at his car and people were calling him over and he did brush off motion with his hand ignoring us. Then we chanted "Waltman sucks" and he yelled "fuck you" before flipping us off and driving away. Test - He was with Stacy and wouldn't acknowledge anyone, instead saying just ignoring everything. He's a prick.
  13. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    PPV Matches Yearly

    Might as well: WWF 1994 1. IRS & Bam Bam Bigelow vs Headshrinkers, Summerslam 2. Macho Man Randy Savage vs Crush, Wrestlemania 10 3. Jeff Jarrett vs 123 Kid, KOTR 4. Tag Titles - MoM vs Quebecers, WM10 5. IC Title - Ladder Match - Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon, WM10 6. Lex Luger vs Tatanka, Summerslam 7. World Title - Bret Hart vs Owen Hart, Summerslam
  14. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    PPV Matches Yearly

    WCW 1993 1. Chris Benoit vs Brad Armstrong - Clash 22 2. Too Cold Scorpio vs Barry Windham - Clash 23 3. Rock N Roll Express vs Heavenly Bodies - Superbrawl 3 4. US Title - Dustin Rhodes vs Rick Rude - Beach Blast 5. Tag Titles - Hollywood Blondes vs Ric Flair & Arn Anderson, Clash 23 6. World Title - Strap Match - Sting vs Vader, Superbrawl 3
  15. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Actor Charles Bronson Dead at 81

    A bad year continues... RIP Charlie Bronson
  16. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    What is your favorite WWE PPV theme of 2002?

    Either "Cocky" with Ausitn's 'What?' or "Always" by Saliva.
  17. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Your Favorite WWF Coliseum Video

    WWF Super Slams? Never heard of it. But damn now I wish I would get it.
  18. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Bret Hart vs. Mr. Perfect

    I rewatched that match last night, spurred by this post, andit is ****1/2 with the only flaw being the very confusing top rope spot which seems like both guys couldn't figure out what to do. And Hennig bumped like a MADMAN considering his back.
  19. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The ONE and ONLY MTV Music Video Awards 2003

  20. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Bret vs. Austin from Survivor Series '96

    Well I must disagree. IMO this is easily the WWF MOTY for 96 and better than WM13 on every level except historical significance. ***** without a doubt from me.
  21. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Bret Hart vs. Mr. Perfect

    Exactly. I don't think Perfect's back could've sustained being in the sharpshooter for much longer. I love the match and agree with the ****1/2 rating for it. All the most considering that Hennig was able to keep up that pace with a back so fucked up. One thing which pisses me off is that moron Sean Mooney(IIRC) bugging Bret's parents when they are trying to hug him post match.
  22. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    WON Hall of Fame voting results

    Yes- but his bump was to add to the intensity of the no-dq match and to make Diesel look like a bad motherfucker. Bret was able to accomplish all that without doing a superhuman bump. Bret covered up Diesel's deficiencies by working a match with him and selling like a champ. He did it all without taking a bunch of bumps That's what HBK did for the entire match. Unlike Hart, the Diesel v HBK match was booked as a PERSONAL vendetta, not just a match for the World Title. So, Diesel would want to annihilate Shawn MORE than Bret --- and vice versa --- due to their histories. Shawn sold like a champ --- even moreso than Bret did in their match. -=Mike Yah nothing beats Shawn taking a Jackknife through a table and getting up in 30 seconds then pinning Nash with a superkick. Unlike Bret who beat Diesel by luck showing how he's lucky he survived, let alone won.
  23. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Shane McMahon...

    He faced Vince May 5/99 I believe. I'm 100% sure it was early May 99.
  24. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    WWE Vengeance 2003 - GAMBLING RESULTS

    Ma bad.
  25. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Austin/Bischoff present Unforgiven 2003

    Am I the only one who wouldn't be shocked if the quasi-ME(after HHH/Goldberg & Shane/Kane) was: Lawler & Ross vs Coach & Christian