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Kurt Angle Mark

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Everything posted by Kurt Angle Mark

  1. Kurt Angle Mark

    DC Comics announce three animated movies

    Superman/Doomsday official website. Nice feature with the makers of the movie http://www.warnervideo.com/supermandoomsdaydvd/
  2. Kurt Angle Mark

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Round 1

    Patience. We've got to get everyone else off Baron's first. Nice to know that I'm not alone. One series will not make me forget his time with the Hornets. Baron was a great play-off perfomer with the Hornets He went crazy against the Magic one year. T-Mac even mentioned it today on PTI Baron and Wade had an awesome seven game shoot-out during Wade's rookie year.
  3. Kurt Angle Mark

    English Football

    Liverpool wins 4-1 in penalty kicks
  4. Kurt Angle Mark

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Round 1

    It is sort of tough to win a series when you are not on the better team. Wade and James have had homecourt and that makes a big difference. True, but at least he should be showing some progression right now. Denver has lost the last three 1st-round series in 5 games and it looks like this one will end in 5 as well. They didn't have home-court last year against the Clippers but they were the #3 seed and I believe should've at least given them a better series. Same goes for this year. Yes Denver was a #3 seed last year, but if you went by records they were the #8 team in the West.
  5. Kurt Angle Mark

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Round 1

    It is sort of tough to win a series when you are not on the better team. Wade and James have had homecourt and that makes a big difference.
  6. Kurt Angle Mark

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Round 1

    Horry does it again Amazing
  7. Kurt Angle Mark

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Round 1

    I did EDIT: Looks like the people that are more familiar with the Pacific Division picked the Warriors
  8. Kurt Angle Mark

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Round 1

    Man this Oakland v. Barkeley feud is great TNT shows the Golden Gate Bridge Barkeley:"Thank God they got that bridge so they can get the hell outta town!" "They're Luckiest Team in the League" after showing Baron's half court shot
  9. Kurt Angle Mark

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Round 1

    Yes he is but "The best passer in NBA history" is going a bit too far IMO
  10. Kurt Angle Mark

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Round 1

    OK then worst since the Magic/Bird era began since my knowledge is limited to that time. The 1995 Rockets were the defending Champs, so they can't be the worst.
  11. Kurt Angle Mark

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Round 1

    HELLLLLL YEEEEAAAAHHHH!! The dark cloud that loomed over the NBA has disappeared The reign of terror is over Worst champions ever are out Finally I can enjoy the NBA without worry Ben Wallace is clutch
  12. Kurt Angle Mark

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Round 1

    Now a days referees will call a flagrant when someone commits a hard foul and is apparent he made a half ass attempt at the ball. A weak flagrant foul happened the other day (forgot what game) when a player went up for a lay-up and an opposing player put a hand on the guy's back and the player just happened to land hard on the floor.
  13. Kurt Angle Mark

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Round 1

    Biggest question I have about the GS/Mavs series is How did Baron Davis end up being really good friends with Kate Hudson and Jessica Alba? Kat was at the game yesterday and Alba will be there Sunday
  14. Kurt Angle Mark

    DC Comics announce three animated movies

    Since they took out the four Supermen from the story it won't be as clustered
  15. Kurt Angle Mark

    DC Comics announce three animated movies

    Superman/Doomsday trailer http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0934706/trailer...lay-E32340-10-2 Looks good
  16. Kurt Angle Mark

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Round 1

    That is why I picked the Warriors in six knowing the Golden State crowd I knew that it would be fucking tough to beat them at home. Let's see if they can keep it up. Funny thing is if they played the Lakers, 40% of the crowd would be cheering for the Lakers
  17. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Week 51 recap Week 51, Day 1 California: Ellen arrives home from dinner with a family friend, Roger. As Ellen approaches the front door to her house she notices a bright glow behind her. When she turns around and back down the porch to the yard, she sees Buddy glowing and floating above the ground. When Ellen starts towards Buddy, he tells her not to come any closer since he is still solar powered. Buddy sits cross-legged while continuing to float and eventually lands on the ground. Ellen and Buddy are joined by their kids wearing sunglasses. Unknown to them, Buddy has been followed home. Voice 1: Target identified. Voice 2: Wait until weak, then kill for bounty. Voice 1: For Lady Styx. Week 51, Day 2: Metropolis, Superman/Superboy Memorial: A number of people, many of which are heroes, are gathering at the memorial to honor the one year anniversary of Superboy’s death. Donna (in her Wonder Woman outfit) meets up Cassie (In her Wonder Girl outfit). Cassie: You heard about Ralph Dibny, Donna? Donna: Fire told me. Cassie: There’s something so strange about it all…now I’ll never be able to say I’m sorry. Donna: You’ll find a way Cassie During their talk Agent Prince looks on surveying the crowd. Jimmy Olsen spots Robin and asks him about his costume and why it is just red and black, to which Robin tells him that “They were his colors” while looking up at the statue of Superboy. Cassie still upset, takes off with Donna. Week 51, Day 3 Rann: Sardath has performed a procedure on Adam Strange which has given him new eyes. The new eyes are based on a copy of his daughter Aleaa’s eyes and upgraded to allow Adam to “see across the entire electromagnetic spectrum”. Sardath then informs Adam that they have been under attack from the Flame Creatures for a few days now. Adam tells them that “all you have to do is cut off their oxygen…” When he asks about Kory, John Stewart tells Adam that she “said something about a jacket.” When asked about the Emerald Eye, Adam says that Lobo has it. Adam is then joined by his wife and daughter and the three leave together. When a Green Lantern is about to stop them, John Stewart puts his hand on the other Lantern’s shoulder and tells him “The man just flew across half the galaxy, blind, and saved us all from Lady Styx. How about you and me deal with the monsters this time?” Week 51, Day 4 Space: Lobo and Fishy return from their pilgrimage for the Emerald Eye. Lobo: After many adventures, me an’ Fishy secured th’ Holy Relic ya sent me ta collect. Though I hafta confess I had all kindsa trouble stickin’ ta my pacifist vows…Maybe now I’m done, ya might consider releasin’ me from my obligations. Why didja want this thing so badly, anyhow, exalted three-in-one? Don’t think I ever found that out. Triple Fish: Why, it is because of the prophecy, my child. It is said that the Emerald Eye of Ekron is the only weapon in the universe that can kill me. Thought I’d best keep it safely where I can see it. Lobo: Killya? Ya don’t say… Lobo gives a big grin and the Eye shoots out a beam. Week 51, Day 6: Baker House: Buddy is telling his friends about what happened in space when the doorbell rings. When Ellen answers the door, she is met by two aliens holding guns at her; “Bounty for Lady Styx” “Die die die”. There is then a quick blast and both aliens are gone. Standing in the doorway is Kory who hands Ellen Buddy’s jacket and then passes out. Ellen: Did Roger order a stripper? Buddy: Ellen! Kory is space royalty. Cliff: Wow, she’s like ET-- but with double dd’s! Can we keep her? Week 51, Day 7 Rocky Mountains: Skeets is flying through some workshop. He comes across Morrow who is looking down with a gun in his hand. Skeets: The android caught a glimpse of the garden. And made a map… Morrow: Here he comes. This is exactly how they said it would happen. 52 worlds…52 Morrows…and it all comes down to me. Skeets: I want that map! Morrow: Err…Gentlemen? Rip and Booster appear out of a doorway with Rip holding a huge gun. Rip: Thanks for luring him, professor. We’ll take over from here. Pray for the sake of the 52, we don’t screw up this time! Booster: Take it easy Skeets, we know your data got corrupted somehow… Skeets: Skeets is dead, Michael. I ate him from within to make a cradle. A cocoon. Imagine my disgust! The mind of an alien genius trapped in the body of a lowly caterpillar! Until, irradiated with Suspendium particles, I began the transformation that now concludes. It’s too late to stop it. The 52 weeks of my gestation are complete. At last the chrysalis can hatch. Behold the metamorphosis of MR. Mind! I’m hungry. I’m so hungry I could eat a universe. I’ll start with yours, shall I? Skeets opens up to reveal Mind reveals in his new form that looks like a cross between a Predator and the Alien Bug at the end of Men in Black. Booster: Oh, dear god… ***Rip grabs Red Tornado’s head*** Rip: Too late. Again. Damn it! Booster, grab what’s left of Skeets and get into the Time Sphere! Morrow, activate your androids and get out of here! hurry! Booster: It’s…it’s hideous…! Rip: You haven’t seen anything yet. Come on! We stay here we lose! Booster: Where are we going? Rip: Back. Back to where it all started. Week 52 Preview
  18. Kurt Angle Mark

    Suggest some Graphic novels and Trade Paperbacks

    Others that I might suggest are Superman For All Seasons. A look back at Superman's early times by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale. Great book and although Superman and Batman don't have a major role in the book DC:The New Frontier is the best superhero series DC has had in the last few years
  19. Kurt Angle Mark

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Round 1

    I know Nash prides himself in being a distributor, but he needed to take the shots down the stretch for the Suns
  20. Kurt Angle Mark

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Round 1

    I wonder how the Spurs feel about trading Barbosa. Sucks for me that the season wasn't a week longer, Clippers would be in playoffs instead of Lakers
  21. Kurt Angle Mark

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Round 1

    Hope the Bulls can pull this out. with each day that goes by with the Heat still as Champions a little bit of me dies . Worst Champions ever
  22. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Dark Knight

  23. Kurt Angle Mark

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Round 1

    For the Mavs tanking on Tuesday, I'm the biggest Warrior supporter even though they took out the Clippers Serves the bitch ass Mavs for their sissy ways
  24. Kurt Angle Mark

    TSM NBA Awards

    Most Valuable Player 1. Steve Nash 2. Dirk Nowitzki 3. Tim Duncan 4. Kobe Bryant 5. Lebron James Coach of the Year 1. Sam Mitchell 2. Jerry Sloan 3. Don Nelson Rookie of the Year 1. Brandon Roy 2. Andrea Bargnani 3. Adam Morrison Defensive Player of the Year 1. Bruce Bowen 2. Shane Battier 3. Tim Duncan Most Improved Player 1. Monta Ellis 2. Kevin Martin 3. Leandro barbosa 6th Man of the Year 1. Leandro Barbosa 2. Manu Ginobili 3. Jerry Stackhouse (Criteria is you have to have come off the bench more games than you started.) All-NBA 1st Team (Nash, Bryant, Nowitzki, Duncan, A. Stoudamire) 2nd Team (Arenas, Billups, James, T-Mac, Ming) 3rd Team (Iverson, Kidd, Anthony, Boozer, Howard) (You can vote people out of position within reason, as you'll see when I post my ballot. But don't put in Steve Nash as a forward or center, for example.) All-Defense 1st Team (Billups, Davis, Bowen, Battier, Camby) 2nd Team (G. Wallace, Bell, Marion, Duncan, Howard) All-Rookie 1st Team (No idea) 2nd Team (No idea)
  25. Kurt Angle Mark

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Round 1

    Spurs with their usual first game job, although it may not be a good idea this time Warriors up 6 at the end of one. Warriors running around like crazies and Dirk playing like crap EDIT: Baron goes nuts in the 3rd, Warriors still up 6 at the end of the quarter