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Kurt Angle Mark

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Everything posted by Kurt Angle Mark

  1. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    There is still alot of ball left to be played, Clippers are 2 1/2 back of the Lakers with 2 games left against them The Hornets are three back with 2 games against the Clippers left So the Clippers can be as high as six or out of the whole thing altogether As a Clipper fan I'm hoping they do anything they can to avoid the Suns
  2. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    Clippers move into 7th place in the West Mobley continues his excellent play this month with 25 points
  3. Kurt Angle Mark

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    SI article sizing up the Hall of Fame possibilities of current players with 9 or more years in the league http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/writ...rthy/index.html IMO Of the current players only four are Hall of Famers Duncan Shaq Kobe A.I. Kornheiser mode: THAT'S IT!!! THAT'S THE LIST!!!
  4. Kurt Angle Mark

    Smackdown (*Spoilers*) for 03/30/07

    by Xavier Hernandez Smackdown opens up with edge coming and talking about mitb. He is supposed to face matt hardy, who comes and interupts him, but edge says he has a replacement, and Great Khali comes to face matt. He hits the two-hand chokeslam, and fire comes out of the posts. Kane a ppears in the titatrons, saying that the time is near, as khali leaves the ring. Teddy L. is showing talking in is office with kristal. They talk about some celebration with champagne and some stuff like that. I really didn't get the segment well. Finlay def. Mr. Kennedy Back and forth action from both man. Not much crowd reaction until finlay distracted the ref. Hornswoggle, came witha small ladder, and did his version of the kenton bomb on ken, and then finlay hits the celtic cross. Crowd reacted well to the bastard. MVP def. Unknown MVp referred to this guy as the champion of eutopia or something like that. He looked kinda cannival. and skinny. MVP hits the Playmaker for the win, and starts saying he will be the next us champion. Jeff Hardy def. Randy Orton Orton controlled most of the match, and jeff pulled up his signature moves too. Better than their singles match from raw last week. Edge comes again to distract orton and jeff pins him with a roll up. Crowd was really into this match, specially cheering jeff 10-diva tag team match Ashley,Maria,Candice,Torrie,Mickie def. Melina,Victoria,Jillian, Kristal, Michelle Mccool. Typical divas match. The heels worked a lot on mickie, until all the hot tags for candice, torrie and maria who performed their signature moves. Aslhley got the final tag and won with a rollup. Cm Punk def. King BOOker. Crowd was behind booker. I think it was a very good main event. Booker goes for the scissors kick, but punk moves and wins with a rollup (lost of rollup victories on this show) JBL came to the ring to do the interview of batista/undertaker. Out of nowhere STONE COLD's musci hits, and the people go nuts, (including me). He comes, and gives JBL a stunner, then drinks two beers per corner and gives jbl another stunner. Awesome segment. Teddy long comes with many security guards to do the interview himself. He brings both batista and taker, and both got huge pops. Batista says he already lost respect to taker, and taker remains silent. they they start brawling, with the security, and batista gives taker a huge spinebuster, he leaves, but taker sits up! Very good segment to warm the match for WM23.
  5. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    Clippers win at Sacramento for the first time since 1997 1/2 game back of Denver and 1 1/2 up on Golden State Jason Hart with 16 points 7 assists and 6 rebounds. If Clippers make the playoffs Jason Hart is the best signing this season for any team
  6. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Week 47 Recap Week 47, Day 1 Nanda Parbat: Bruce has entered a cave which is now being blocked with a big rock by a couple of monks. Bruce has entered the cave to perform the Thorgal which is a ritual that takes place over seven days in the dark as is used for spiritual purification. When asked by a monk what he will do, Tim says that he will practice his meditation techniques. Tim: Just tell me one thing, I mean it’s impossible to think of nothing right? Monk: No you’re right. Try thing about this instead. There’s a goose inside a bottle. Now how do you get the goose out without injuring it or breaking the bottle? Week 47, Day 2 Nanda Parbat: Diana and Tim talk about what has gone on and what has happened to Bruce. Tim explains about the ritual Bruce went though in the desert where his demons were cut out and how they came to Nanda Parbat after hearing about the Thorgal. Diana tells Tim that “something vast and grand is happening and it brought us all here”. Bruce is shown in the dark and appears to be going mad. Gotham City: With a number of Manimals looking on, Whisper performs a sacrificial ceremony from the Crime Bible on a man which does not work. Mannheim says that it is no good and will always fail until they find the Twice-Named Daughter. Mannheim: …again and again you fail to find her, Brother Abbot. Ever since that one night when you ran from her in terror. Abbot: Nightwing came to her assistance. I was outnumbered and outfought. Mannheim: You should have trusted the word to be your strength. Abbot: This would be the same word that prophesied you killing “the Twice-Named Daughter of Cain” five months ago? We all know how that worked out for you, don’t we Bruno— Mannheim yells “Blasphemer” and starts to attack Abbot, who changes into his wolfman form. During the fight between Mannheim and Abbot the Crime Bible is knocked onto the floor. Whisper takes notice of a picture in the Bible and realizes that the Twice-Names Daughter of Cain is named Batwoman and Cain when all they had been looking for was the picture of Batwoman. Mannheim: We find the woman with the name of Cain— Whisper: Exactly. There can’t be many with both the name and resources and training to become the other. And once we know who the Batwoman really is it will be a simple matter to place her heart in your hand. Week 47, Day 3 Oolong Island: Black Adam is heard across the island screaming in pain. Magnus: It’s horrible. I wish he’d stop making those horrible noises. Black Adam. Why can’t Sivana just give him an anesthetic? No wonder I feel so bad. No wonder I’ve made something so horrible again. You know, I keep thinking: If I just activated his responsometer…what would he say? Magnus clicks a remote and his Plutonium Man comes to life. Plutonium Man: Crush. Raze. Trample. Mini-Platinum: Doc! No! Switch it off! Don’t do it Doc. Mini-Mercury: In the name of sanity, Doc. Switch it off. Magnus clicks the remote again and turns off the Plutonium Man. Week 47, Day 4 Space: Buddy powers himself up and starts to fly in space. Yellow Alien 1: Interesting. Buddy Baker has learned how to power himself like a Sun-Eater. Yellow Alien 2: Thanks to our upgrading. Soon he’ll realize how to use Space B to return home in an instant. Ah. Here he comes. Alien drags a finger down causing a rip in space. Buddy flies into the rip and joins the two aliens on a white plan with a grey swirling orb. The aliens tell Buddy that he is on the outer edge of Space B and from there he can travel to any point in space or time in his universe. Buddy says that he just wants to get home to Ellen to make sure that she got though the Crisis. The grey orb reveals Ellen dressed real nice and getting out of a car. Buddy then notices a man’s hand on her shoulder and then booth hands as the man comes up behind Ellen. Mystery Man: I’m glad you finally put your grief behind you. Buddy: ELLEN!!!! Week 47, Day 5 Metropolis: Natasha is out flying in her new armor with Beast Boy in pelican form flying along with her. Beast Boy offers her a place on the Teen Titans and Natasha turns him down. Upon returning from her flight, Natasha says that there are some low-frequency vibrations along the shoulder welds but that she will take care of it since it is her armor and her responsibility. Natasha goes to change and comes back out in a t-shirt and jeans and is given the honors of revealing the new Steelworks sign… Natasha: Ladies and Gents, boys and girls…Steelworks is now open for business. Week 47, Day 6 Gotham: Renee enters Kate’s penthouse to find the place trashed and Kate missing. Nightwing appears in the window and tells Renee that “They took her. We’re going to get her back”. Week 47, Day 7 Nanda Parbat: Diana is in the temple of Rama Kushna… Diana: …I came among men to spread the message of peace and found only violence, death and confusion. I was a healer, a scientist, an ambassador…Rama Kushna, what have I become? Rama; Diana of Amazonia, beloved of Gods. Of purest purpose. You who sought to teach. When did you ever know guilt before this? Or doubt or regret? Or what it is to fail. When did you, in all your perfection, ever share the pains mortals feel each day of their lives? Until now. Welcome to the world, Wonder Woman. Here is wisdom. Tim is still sitting outside when he is approached by the same monk he spoke with earlier. Tim: He should have come out by now, shouldn’t he? Monk: Yes. I shall alert the Lama. Tim: I tried to think about the goose and all that but it just got weird. I kept thinking about how that situation could ever arise and then I realized something…there’s only a goose in a bottle because you said so. Monk: You are correct: the goose and its bottle are only words. See? The goose is free. Bruce immerges from the cave with a big smile on his face.
  7. Kurt Angle Mark

    NCAA Basketball Tournament Sweet 16/Elite 8 Thread

    If you ever have the chance to catch the HBO documentary on the UCLA dynasty please do so. It was fantastic, must watch for any basketball fan.
  8. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    So Denver has the ball up 3 with 1.5 to play therefore I think the game is over and change the channel only to miss Sheed steal the ball and make a sixty foot shot to tie the game. Pistons win in OT
  9. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    Well the Clippers have won 5 of 6 and are playing their best basketball of the season, so they might have a chance of winning
  10. Kurt Angle Mark

    TSM Tournament Pick 'Em

    Crap, the best I can do is 2nd damn you Tajuan Porter is 5'6
  11. Kurt Angle Mark

    NCAA Basketball Tournament Sweet 16/Elite 8 Thread

    Great performance by the Bruins Affalo came to play. Fun game with an awesome atmosphere
  12. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    Clippers beat Jazz by 32 to keep their 1/2 lead over GS Livingston and Cassell's injuries might have been a blessing for the Clippers Dunleavy has been forced to play Maggette 40 minutes a game and it has made a big impact. Brand, Maggette and Mobley are taking the team on their back
  13. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Week 46 recap Week 46, Day 1 Oolong Island: While Black Adam approaches the Island all of the Scientist appear to be panicking except for Dr. Morrow who is more concerned with an Online Auction to get Red Tornado back and Sivana who is sitting back and enjoying everything. Dr. Mortis is the first one to throw a defense up by unleashing his Super-Hood Mark 2 android upon Black Adam outside of the island. The android rises out of the ocean and covers Adam with a super flammable liquid plastic and then breaths fire on him. Meanwhile, Baron Bug then runs to a control panel and let’s loose his Insectrons. While still on fire Adam rips an arm off of the Supper-Hood and throws it out into the ocean just before getting attacked by the Insectrons which gather around him. Adam falls into the ocean where he his attacked underwater by a robotic scorpion. Adam easily beats the scorpion and heads for land. Dr. Cale: Black Adam killed Death, the Pale Horseman! What does that make him? The forces of evil are gathering, don’t you understand? The final crisis is coming. Servants of Death and Despair. Apostles of Anti-Life. Their goal is eternal slavery and the destruction of human free will. Oh, Will—Doesn’t that turn you on? Dr. Cale rips off her lab coat and jumps on Will, knocking him into a corridor. As Adam emerges from the water the scientists are still panicking. Mr. Quimby tells them that as long as the blast door remain shut they will be perfectly safe. Just then the doors are open by Dr. Cale who walks outside in her skirt and bra, carrying a gun. Cale seeing Adam approaching and tells him that it was her that made the things that killed his family. Adam just rushes by ignoring her. Cale drops the gun and walks away. Mr. Quimby does what he can to rally the troops against Adam while an upset looking Morrow continues to watch the online auction. Adam punches threw a wall as is attacked first by Dr. Cyclops who shoots him in the face with a black beam that temporarily blinds Adam. Adam is then shot with a beam from a large gun used by Dr. Tyme. Morrow turns in his chair towards the battle coming his way. Morrow: Ahem. Somewhere around the 26th century, people will learn how to unfold dimensions of space, gentlemen. I invented Tesseract Technology when I was fifteen. When I use this device, an area the size of a football field will attempt to open up inside that invulnerable brain of him. It takes a lot of power for a split second but that’s all we need. Now if you don’t mind the bidding’s closing out. Morrow points a device at Adam, which causes Adam to grab his head and fall to the ground. While down the scientists slip on a Neuro Crown, which reroutes all the electrical impulses Black Adam’s brain sends to his body, to keep him under control. Sivana: Bring him to my laboratory. Heat up the acid baths. I’ve been making plans for this moment for a very, very long time… Morrow: YES! YES! Dr. Tyme: Why are you always so smug Morrow? Morrow: Oh, I don’t know…I bet until he mentioned it, you never thought of me going up against the whole Justice League on my own all those times, eh? You think I’m just some old rogue who sits sipping cocktails. What do you know? And now the secrets of the cosmos locked inside that android head are mine. Ha! For $14,000 dollars plus shipping! I’ll say it if no one else will…feel free to cackle hysterically gentlemen! Week 46, Day 3 Metropolis: Luthor is being lead out of the Lexcorps Building in handcuffs by a police officer and Natasha in her new Steel costume. While watching behind the police barricades, Clark Kent notices something odd and yells for Steel and the police chief to follow him as he leaves the barricade and enters the building. Kent leads them up the stairs and to a lead door. Kent: Here! Behind this lead door—I guarantee it! Police Chief: Guarantee what? Kent, explain yourself! Steel: I’m on the same page, Chief. Stand back. Steel uses his hammer to knock the door in to reveal Luthor sitting down, eating a sandwich and watching the monitors. AT the point the “Luthor†downstairs starts to change revealing himself to be Everyman. Natasha takes a step back the with one punch, knocks him out. Steel: You’re unbelievable Luthor. You hired your pet shape-shifter to take your place so you could duck arrest? Luthor: I have no idea what you’re talking about Mr. Irons. The arraignment…was that today? Clearly, my lawyers are at fault for miscommunicating. Week 46, Day 4 Bialya: Green Lantern, Wildcat and Flash are looking for survivors in all the destruction but not even Alan’s power ring can locate any. The three of them discuss how the Justice Society must change to prevent the next generation turn out like the Everyman thugs or Black Adam. Green Lantern: I can’t help but feel responsible for Black Adam. He was a member of our team and we deserted him. Flash: Black Adam deserted the JSA, Alan. Aton Smasher: Jay’s right. Green Lantern: Atom Smasher? Atom Smasher: Checkmate brought me to you. I want back on the JSA. I want to help find Black Adam. Week 47 Preview Quote:Each device tears into the flesh of the city, igniting everything it touches. By dawn, a pit of fire will roar at your city’s heart.”
  14. Kurt Angle Mark

    NCAA Basketball Tournament Sweet 16/Elite 8 Thread

    I called it once Ohio State got the foul call. I told my brother that a dumb Tennessee player would drive to the basket to try to tie or win the game and Oden was going to block the shot
  15. Kurt Angle Mark

    NCAA Basketball Tournament 1st/2nd Round Thread

    lost 5 sweet sixteens one elite eight with Texas killing my bracket(had them in the championship game)
  16. Kurt Angle Mark

    NCAA Basketball Tournament 1st/2nd Round Thread

    Hmm.. If Texas goes out today, I wonder what Durant will do General Observation: The quality of college cheerleaders has improved ten-fold, never seen so many nice looking cheerleaders before
  17. Kurt Angle Mark

    NCAA Basketball Tournament 1st/2nd Round Thread

    USC looking good so far If Texas loses my bracket is done(have them in title game), however I did feel that USC would be their biggest obstacle but I couldn't pick against God
  18. Kurt Angle Mark

    NCAA Basketball Tournament 1st/2nd Round Thread

    Yeah People might want to turn down ESPN for those behind the scene features. Tennessee(2006) and Wisconsin(2007) both 2 seeds out in the second round
  19. Kurt Angle Mark

    NCAA Basketball Tournament 1st/2nd Round Thread

    Agreed. He was off the first day but I thought he did an admirable job today.
  20. Kurt Angle Mark

    91/3 rof setoN revresbO gniltserW

    Well she is definitely easy on the eyes. Like everyone of the other models they bring in you have to wonder if she has any wrestling ability or charisma. I wonder how she got the job?
  21. Kurt Angle Mark

    NCAA Basketball Tournament 1st/2nd Round Thread

    UCLA up a touchdown at the half 20-13
  22. Kurt Angle Mark

    NCAA Basketball Tournament 1st/2nd Round Thread

    What a game
  23. Kurt Angle Mark

    NCAA Basketball Tournament 1st/2nd Round Thread

    And now they are going to San Antonio
  24. Kurt Angle Mark

    NCAA Basketball Tournament 1st/2nd Round Thread

    The only thing bad about Gus Johnson is that when he is rooting for a team he clearly gives it away He is going crazy over this Sosa kid