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Kurt Angle Mark

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Everything posted by Kurt Angle Mark

  1. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

  2. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    DC Countdown pins to be handed out ar New York Comic Con All are part of DC’s push for the upcoming weekly series, Countdown. As such – the pins tie into the major storylines of the series: WWMMD? (that stands for, “What Would Mary Marvel Do?”) I Found Ray Palmer Look to the Skies! Jimmy Olsen Must Die! And the limited pin: Darkseid Rules!
  3. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Interview with Didio and Editor Mike Marts about Countdown http://forum.newsarama.com/showthread.php?t=102192
  4. Kurt Angle Mark

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    According to Meltzer the winners of tonights MITB qualifiers are scheduled to be
  5. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Billy Batson, he is now the keeper of the Rock of Eternity and wears white. Freddie Freeman will become the new Captain Marvel and will wear the red costume
  6. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Interview with Paul Dini on Countdown http://www.wizarduniverse.com/magazine/wizard/003562848.cfm
  7. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Cover to Countdown #1
  8. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    Shaq's annual attempt to be a guard never fails to amuse EDIT: Only Arenas would jump off a trampoline and do a between leg dunk during a time-out
  9. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Here is the solicitation for the next weekly series
  10. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    Funny how in the first year they add instant replay to the events this happens
  11. Kurt Angle Mark

    Smackdown Spoilers

    From: Wrestling Observer Dark match Matt Hardy b Chuck Palumbo Smackdown Boogeyman b Fit Finlay. Little Bastard tried to interfere, but he was stopped by the newest member of the roster, Mini Boogeyman Deuce b Brian Kendrick John Cena & Shawn Michaels b Mr. Kennedy & MVP Gregory Helms NC Scotty 2 Hotty when Daivari, Shannon Moore, Jamie Noble, Funaki and Jimmy Wang Yang interered Undertaker & Batista b Edge & Randy Orton Bobby Lashley was there and No Way Out has added Lashley vs. Mr. Kennedy to the show. They've also added a seven-way cruiserweight title match with the wrestlers in the match Also they debuted the Ashley Playboy cover
  12. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Week 41, Day 1 Space: With their ship on fire having been attacked by Molek the Hunter, both Adam Strange and Starfire abandon ship to attack Molek on his own ship. Upon entering Starfire takes a bolt from Molek to her left shoulder and is injured. Molek looks at Adam and tells him, “Ah-Dum Strange. Blind. Helpless. Head in jarrr for Lady Styxxxx”. Starfire then blasts Molek and tells him the Lady Styx is dead. Molek responds “Yuu think?” and then activates the Suicide – destruction - sequence for his ship so that Adam and Kory can not take it. Adam grabs Starfire and flies her out of the ship before it explodes. Week 41, Day 2 Nanda Parbat: Renee returns to Nanda Parbat after leaving with no notice and spending time with the monks. Tot enters the room to find Renee is holding the rose she was given by Isis; The rose is very much alive. Tot informs Renee that Richard Dragon is “At that Ice Cave of his. He wants you to meet him there…” Renee then takes her leave and goes to Richard Dragon’s Ice Cave where he meets up with Renee and the two start to fight. Richard: Two weeks eating rice with the monks of Rama Kushna, a change of clothes and you think that does it? Or is this just a case of fake it ‘til you make it? Renee: Charlie wanted me to carry on for him. That’s what I’m trying to do. Richard: No. You’re doing what you always do when faced with loss and guilt—you’ve just changed the props you use to a Gi instead of a bottle and a kick instead of a kiss. Renee: I’m not denying my grief. Richard: Just because you’re feeling it doesn’t mean you’ve accepted it. You want to honor Sage? Then stop running from yourself. Deal with who you are so you can see who you can be. Having gained the advantage Richard holds Renee facing a wall with her reflection all over the different facets. Renee stares at the wall then gets up and runs out of the cave. Week 41, Day 3 Haven Correction Facility: Upon arriving at the facility to visit one of the prisoners, Ralph is denied access. He is informed about the disappearance of Dr. Morrow. Ralph looks over the paperwork on Morrow and finds that cameras had been installed a month before Morrow disappeared. Even though he is told that technicians had been over the room, Ralph takes it upon himself to examine the cameras at which he discovers that there is teleportation micro circuitry in the lens rims. Due to Ralph’s discovery he is allowed in to meet with Professor Milo whom is wheelchair bound. Ralph: Hello Milo. Milo: We’ve not met. Ralph: I know you through Batman. You’re Professor Milo, the Technomancer. You like mixing a little magic with your science. Milo: I…I have no idea what you you’re… Ralph: According to my sources, you bartered heavily for a certain well-traveled antiquity I require. I’m not sure what price you paid for it, but that’s not my concern. ***Ralph bends down and examines the right wheel of Milo’s wheelchair*** What impresses me is that you successfully faked a paralytic condition just to get the artifact smuggled into Haven as part of a wheel chair. Milo: NO! ***Ralph pulls the wheel off of the wheel chair*** Ralph: Again, Milo, kudos. You alone found a loophole. Haven’s scanners are set to scan every house-arrest domicile for as little as on stray nanite but they’re so tech-focused that magical objects, properly enchanted, can go undetected. Right under everyone’s noses, you’ve been experimenting with the Silver Wheel of Nyorlath. Which is now mine…free and clear, which is a pleasant change. The director of Haven comes in to see Milo on the floor and Ralph holding the wheel. The director asks Ralph to help him pick Milo up as Milo’s legs have been amputated from the knees down. Ralph says he has to go and the Helmet of Fate appears. When two guards come into the room Ralph, the Helmet and the Wheel vanish. Week 41, Day 5 Nanda Parbat: Renee sits down on and shares a bench with a Woman. Renee: So what’s a nice girl like you doing in a spiritual retreat like this? Woman: I’m waiting for a friend. We’re supposed to be meeting here, but I’m afraid I’m early. He’s going to help me start a new life, I suppose you might say. Renee: The old one not working out? Woman: Not exactly as I hoped, no. I killed a man. Renee: You have a choice? Woman: I tell myself I didn’t. And yourself? Why are you here? Renee: I was…I was trying to save my friend’s life. He had cancer. WomanDiana: You have my sympathies. Renee: yeah. I get so angry, I just want to scream, y’know? I’m here in Nanda Parbat for Heaven’s sake, and still, Charlie dies of cancer. All these miracles in our world, all the wonders and still my friend, he dies of cancer. I mean, can you explain that to me? Does that make sense to you? Woman: No. But it was not my experience, so I cannot interpret it for you. Renee: There’s nothing to interpret. Woman: Certainly there is. You are looking for a reason, and you are looking for it without. But the only reason you find will be the reason you bring to the experience and that can only come from looking within. Renee: It’s not that I don’t want to look. I’m dying to look. But I’m afraid what I’ll see there. Woman: Then that is all the more reason to do it. It’s a simple question which will have greater rule over you your fear or your curiosity? ***The woman's sleeves slide down revealing silver bracelets on her wrists Renee goes back to the Richard Dragon’s Ice Cave with a candle and sits down looking at the wall. The candle goes out making the smoke and ember from the wick form a question mark. Week 41, Day 7 Space: Adam and Starfire are still using their spaceship which is falling apart, has no power except for that in life support and is taking them into a K-Type Sun. Adam is blames himself for Molek blowing up his ship and starts to talk to Kory about his fear of loosing Alanna to a real hero. All of a sudden a planet appears in front of the sun causing the ship to fall into it. Adam does what he can to provide a soft landing but the ship hits the side of a mountain and crashes into a lake. OPTO309V: We got ‘em. Strange. If Molek’s transport hadn’t suicided when it did, we’d have missed the radiation flare that brought us here. Green Lantern OPTO309V made the sighting. Mogo: Lantern Mogo made the catch.
  13. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Looks like Countdown is a reality From Previews order form for May... PAGE 74 GEM MAR07 0187 COUNTDOWN #51 SRP: $2.99 = $ MAR07 0188 COUNTDOWN #50 SRP: $2.99 = $ MAR07 0189 COUNTDOWN #49 SRP: $2.99 = $ MAR07 0190 COUNTDOWN #48 SRP: $2.99 = $ http://previews.diamondcomics.com/su...rforms/cof.txt
  14. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    Well that must have been the low point for the Lakers this season Spike Lee running around celebrating on the sidelines mocking Denzel Washington
  15. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    Got to admire the Clippers consistency They are now 0-13 in the first game of a back to back after losing to the Pacers
  16. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    Ricky Davis with a jumper with 0.2 left on the clock Celtics lose their 18th in a row. 109-107
  17. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Week 40 recap(Now with pictures) Week 40, Day 1 Metropolis: Having gotten a hold of Natasha’s spy bug Lex uses it to contact John in an effort to call John out by showing him what he has done to Natasha. John unhappy with the situation suits up in his Steel armor and sends a priority communiqué to the Teen Titans in an effort to acquire their help in the matter and asks them to meet him at the Lexcorp Building. Steel and the Titans arrive at the Lexcorp Building to a crowd of Lexcorp employees who are being lead out of the building as “He wants to keep his workers safe”. Upon their arrival the Titans and Steel break through the front of the building where two security guards are located and quickly taken out when Steel slams his hammer into the floor; The Titans consist of Beast Boy, Raven, Aquagirl and Offspring. An elevator arrives containing some of the members of Infinity Inc and some robots. Nukleon rushes towards Steel – “Well, well. Look who wants a rematch-- only to get knocked on his BUTT with an upper cut from the hammer’s handle. Steel starts to strangle Nukleon with the handle while asking him where Natasha is. Upstairs: Lex is watching the battle on a PC screen with Mercy and Natasha in the same room. Lex looking down at Natasha “I have to admit I’m really looking forward to this. Aren’t you? Downstairs: Steel is knocking his way through the Lexcorps security robots and knocking out another member of Infinity Inc. Beast Boy tells Steel to go and to …”let us Sluggo the Nancies!” Steel confirms that he heard the security guards correctly when they arrived that the floors above are empty and then takes of breaking through the ceilings/floors towards Lex’s office. Upstairs: Steel crashes through to the top level to be met by Mercy and Natasha at which time Mercy starts firing at Steel. John jumps towards Mercy, with the bullets having no affect on Steel, and brings his hammer down towards Mercy, she steps aside allowing Steel to smash the desk that was behind her and is quickly knock out with a hit from Steel elbow to Mercy’s chin. Natasha gets up and runs to John giving him a big hug. Natasha tells John that “It’s good to see you!” John in return hugs Natasha back and tells her “It’s good to see you too. The Titans are down in the lobby. I want you to head down there; you’ll be safe with them. Natasha takes a step back and tells John that she want to stay with him and reveals that Natasha is really Everyman, who turns into a giant crab. Steel is grabbed by the crab’s right pincher and starts to get crushed causing cracks all over Steel’s armor. With all his might John breaks the pincher and escapes the grasp of the crab. Steels armor is now shattered as well as Everyman’s right hand. Steel pulls off his helmet, picks up his hammer and starts to walk towards Everyman who is slowly changing back into his human form. John: Where’s my niece? WHERE IS SHE!? Everyman: With Luthor—She’s with Luth----orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr At which Everyman falls through the hole in the floor created by Steel during his flight up to the top floor. Downstairs: Everyman dies from his landing Beast Boy: Not enough room for two shape shifters around here. Offspring: (looking up and seeing John Henry) Man, I would not want to be Luthor right now… Upstairs: John smashes the door of Lex’s office and is met by Lex and Natasha who is bound in a high security chair. John: LUTHOR! YOUR SUPER-POWERED THUGS ARE CRAWLING HOME TO MAMA! YOU’RE ALL ALONE! LET HER GO OR I POUND YOU AND YOUR HAND-TAILORED SUIT INTO THE SIDEWALK! Lex: You think this is Dodge City, Dr. Irons? This is called breaking and entering, and the law entitles me to retaliate. Now. How does this work? Lex uses his powers and blasts John with heat vision, which triggers the sprinkler systems, and then proceeds to look at his hand using x-ray vision. John gets up and leaps at Lex swings his hammer down upon Lex. Lex is driven into the floor from the hit and then quickly grabs the hammer and pushes the handle of the hammer threw John’s side. While John is pulling the hammer out, Lex flies out of the floor and hits John and then backhands him knocking him out of the window and breaking the handle of the hammer. Lex then turns towards Natasha all full of himself. Lex: I like this. Explain to me again how being human is so much better than this. Now we can build our new JLA. We’ll enforce MY laws, MY philosophies, Natasha. With no one smart enough or coordinated enough to stop us, we’ll make the world a better place in days. Natasha: Are you insane? Lex: We’ll even rename Earth in my honor! Why Not? Planet Lexor! John walks back in through the window. John: You’ll never succeed, Luthor. You know why? Because you lack what all your pseudo-supermen lacked: a cause worth fighting for. No noble intention. No love. No creed. Nothing gives your life meaning only Luthor. Lex: If I needed analysis, I’ll hire a qualified shrink, Irons. You have four broken ribs and a ruptured appendix. You small intestine is leaking fecal matter into your bloodstream…” John tells Natasha that “we’re going home” which infuriated Lex who then smashes his desk with a single punch. Lex tells Natasha that he needs her to explain it all to the press and the Teen Titans to which Natasha tells Lex that she will as long as he doesn’t hurt John. John tells Lex that she doesn’t tale orders from anybody least of all you. This upsets Lex who charges at John. As Lex grabs John around the throat, John throws his hammer at the chair holding Natasha breaking her free. John punches Lex just as he uses his heat vision and blows a hole in the roof. Natasha picks up the hammer and says to herself “Luthor proved a close range electronic pulse can disorganize the artificial exo-gene. You hammer has an atomic power source”. With John now holding his hands around Lex’s throat, Lex flies them both up through the hole in the ceiling and outside onto the roof of the building. Lex could hear that Natasha said something but can’t make it. Lex then slaps John off of him, but John’s robotic left hand is still around Lex’s throat which Lex easily breaks. Natasha then hold up the now powered up hammer taking Lex’s powers away. Lex: What have you done to me? John: The same thing you did to all those kids you killed on New Year’s! But maybe you should thank us: The Everyman Treatment is toxic. It was eating you up inside—in six months you’d be dead. SO I just saved your life, Luthor. Saving lives is what I do. Lex: Get away from me! The exo-gene will recover in seconds! I’ll tear you apart! John: (grabbing Lex around the throat) You don’t have seconds. Time for a fair fight. Downstairs: Mercy is being taken away by the police while the Titans are standing around. AAAAAUUUU Offspring: uh-oh Blood curdling cries of pain. Beast Boy: What’s happening up there? Did he make it? I mean it’s all gone quiet! Aquagirl: No, look! LOOK! Up in the sky! The Lexcorp “L” falls out of the sky crushing the Lexcorp title and entryway. When the Titans look up they see John with his arm around Natasha and Lex knocked out lying on his back. Week 40, Day 5 Kahndaq: Osiris: The rain has not stopped for over a week, and yet our gardens die. Civil unrest has begun to take hold in a country that has been peaceful for nearly a year. The Hospitals are overflowing with the sick, suffering from diseases that have not plagued these lands in centuries. Our cemeteries are overflowing. This is my fault Sobek. If I had not murdered that man I would have been able to keep these corrupted powers under control. Sobek: Do you really think they did this, Osiris? You killed but one… Osiris: And those around me will forever suffer because of it. I am cursed. Kahndaq is cursed. You may be as well, my friend. Sobek: That would be terrible! Osiris: I need to do something about it. I need to purify myself on a pilgrimage. I need to release my powers…and gain new ones to set things right. I do not want to do this to Isis and Black Adam, but will you help me find it, Sobek? Will you come with me? Sobek: Come with you where, Osiris? Osiris: To the Rock of Eternity. I need to find a new family. Preview of next week
  18. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    I guess I should mention the rumored weekly Countdown series that will immediately follow 52 Paul Dini will be the writer in charge and the series will be numbered backwards going from 51 to 0 It is only a rumor at the moment but we will find out for sure in two weeks when the solicitations come out and DC announces their next big project at the New York Comic Con
  19. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    No they changed the rules because two years ago, the winner(I think it was Fred Jones) won because he had the "best" missed dunk. Neither guy made their final dunk so it was a very anti-climatic finish. Hence they gave the competitors unlimited chances.
  20. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    IMO this is 2005 all over again Like the Spurs in 2005 only one team has a shot at beating the Suns this year, that team is Dallas. If the Suns can avoid them or beat them it's over.
  21. Kurt Angle Mark

    Whedon pulls out of Wonder Woman project

    Warner has bought a script from some unknown writers The story is a time piece set during WWII Someone at Latino Review has read the script and says it is really good http://www.latinoreview.com/scriptreview.php?id=48
  22. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    Well look at that Clippers only 3.5 back of the Lakers after winning their 7th game in the last 8. Should be a good game against Toronto on Sunday
  23. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Week 39 recap: Week 39, Day 1 Metropolis: Natasha and Jake are following Dr. Laughlin in hopes of getting into Lex’s hidden lab. Upon entering the lab, Natasha rushes up and holds the door open for her and Jake to enter. Dr. Laughlin is under a control panel wiring something under the console when he is approached by Natasha. Dr. Laughlin turns around in surprise and tells Natasha and Jake to get out just before an explosion rips the outer door out and starts a fire all through the room. Natasha takes notice that the sprinkler system has been jammed and the fire extinguishers have been emptied and orders Jake to get some water on the fire, at which time he hits the sprinkler system in the roof. Jake and Natasha hear some people coming so Jake grabs Natasha and flies to the ceiling to hide out. Mercy and two guards come into the room. Mercy calls out for Dr. Laughlin when one of the guards finds…some of him. The guards are instructed to salvage everything they can . Mercy looks down and picks up a piece of paper and mutters “Dennis you dumb, dumb, *******…” Week 39, Day 3 The Ruins of Atlantis: Ralph and the Helmet of Fate come across the remains of Atlantis; the birth place of magic on Earth according to the Helmet of Fate. Ralph takes note that Aquaman would never let that fate happen to Atlantis and asks if Aquaman is dead. Fate tells Ralph that “If he lives…if he lives it is as a victim of the magicks of legend and the power of the sea. He can not help us with what we seek”. A disheveled looking Aquaman tells Ralph “perhaps I can assist you. Fate tells Aquaman that they are in desperate need of a waded link from the Shackles of Arion. Ralph and Fate are told where the Shackles are but that “…no one has ever obtained a link and lived to tell the tale for breaking the chain frees the ancient beast it contains. Upon reaching the shackled beast fate tells Ralph “We haven’t time left to deliberate, Ralph. The Aethers are fast converging and you must take action soon or risk losing your wife forever. We must have this piece. What exchange will you make?” Ralph looks down at his wedding ring – the wicker ring – and gives it over. The ring is now used as the bottom link in the chain holding the beast as Ralph and Fate walk away, Ralph “We have very little left to gather, don’t we? We’re almost done” to which Fate replies “Almost." Week 39, Day 6 Oolong Island: While Egg Foo and others starting up a Boom Tube, Dr. Sivana is approached by Doctor Tyme to see if he has found any sign of his missing 52 seconds. Sivana tells him that he wasn’t even looking but is looking at something with a greater mystery, artificial time in particle form which he calls Suspendium. When asked by Dr. Morrow about Mr. Mind, Sivana tells him that he “…wanted to see what would happen if I bombarded the slimy little creep with suspendium radiation without his consent. I have no idea where he wound up after they brought me here, but the suspendium’s been acting very strangely…” Dr. Morrow excuses himself and leaves. On his way through the lab we see three of the Horsemen leaving via Boom Tube. Morrow approaches Magnus, who is working on a computer, and tells him that he needs to take care as to not raise any suspicions on himself with the tin cans, mercury thermometers, a missing gold watch, lead shielding… Magnus tells Morrow that he would need a lot more than that to rebuild his Metal Men. He then pulls up on the computer screen a news article on Red Tornado’s rampage in Australia. Morrow tells Magnus that he will have to look into it immediately and leaves. Magnus turns back to his PC and tells Mercury that he needs to stay out of sight at which time a miniature Mercury walks out from behind the computer screen. Week 39, Day 6 Shiruta, Kanhdaq – the Gardens of Isis: Black Adam, Isis and Sobek are talking about Osiris as they are concerned that he has not left his room and will not talk to Adam or Isis about the situation. According to Sobek, Osiris is concerned that he is cursed and that all of them with the power are curse. Suddenly a big Boom is heard overhead and it starts to rain. Isis said that she did not do it and Sobek points to the garden, to which Isis holds some flowers and says that they are dying. Week 39, Day 7 Metropolis: Natasha is spying on Lex with her “bug” to see what is going on in the Alpha Lab. She is startled when Jake approaches her. She tells Jake that she can only get a visual if she is within 50 meters of the bug. Jake tells Nat to come with him as he needs to show her something he found. While walking down the hall she wonders if they are preparing the lad for treatment, who is the subject. Jake stops at a door and tells Nat “I told you, I found something that I think will explain a lot”. Jake opens the door to reveal “Jake” on a table missing part of his legs and left arm. The Jake next to Natasha then reveals himself to be Hannibal – Everyman. Hannibal then changes appearances to Lex and then into Natasha. Natasha blasts Hannibal through a wall and continues to fire at him with her powers. Just as she fires again, Hannibal is blocked by Lex who takes the blast full on without budging but it ends up making a hole in his shirt. Lex then asks Natasha “…did you earn the powers I gave you? The powers that I’m about to take away”? And with a click of a remote by Mercy Natasha loses her powers. Lex then throws Natasha against a wall. Upon getting up Natasha notices a report that says that Lex is eligible for treatment. Lex then approaches Natasha and hits her two more times and then back hands her. Natasha about to pass out tells Lex “You’re as much an animal as Everyman”. To which Lex responds “Wrong. I’m Superman" while holding Natasha up with one hand. Week 40 cover and preview
  24. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    Stern I hope he doesn't pick Melo just to see the reaction it will get and because I also think he shouldn't be an All Star anyway
  25. Kurt Angle Mark

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-1/29/2007

    Source: Meltzer "There looks to be a major change in the planned Wrestlemania line-up having to do with John Cena's match. The decision hasn't been fully made but I'm told the change of a change from the plan is significant."