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Clippers up 33 at the end of 3rd against the Sonics Great turnaround from last night's terribly disappointing loss to the Wolves Well this is an odd stat: The Clippers are 0-11 in the FIRST game of a back to back, they are 8-3 in the second
Week 38 recap Week 38, Day 1 Himalayas: Renee is on a truck with Charlie trying to find how to get to Nanda Parbat. They find a place to stay for the night and Renee attempts to feed Charlie some soup. Renee: Please, Charlie. Just a sip. Charlie: cckckssh poison “kaff” Renee: Please, Baby, you gotta keep your strength up. Charlie: You hshhh think I don’t rRrcKkk know stupid crkkrs girl “kaff kaff kaff. Hrm heh stupid girl… Week 38, Day 2 Oolong Island: A ship arrives with a load of 300 thermometers that nobody knows who ordered them. Magnus shows up and says “lead shieldings mine. And the beans. And I’ll take the thermometers if nobody wants ‘em”. Morrow shows up to meet with Magnus. Magnus says that he is working on a new Plutonium Man since the first one turned out to be such a disaster. Morrow notices that Magnus seems “a lot more perky, shall we say, since they took away your medication. While Magnus and Morrow continue to talk you see a large stack of empty bean cans as that is all Magnus appears to be eating. Morrow and Magnus then join the others for the revealing of the Four Horsemen. Out come Death, Pestilence and War. Egg-Fu reads from the Crime Bible: The Revelation of Apokolips, Book Ten, Chapter 7 "There were four ages of dread apokolips in its anguished, bloody morning. The Age of Hunger, ruled by Yurrd the Unknown, in formless time before time. The Age of War, Roggra sat at the throne of skulls and the rivers ran hot and red with blood. Lord of Fevers was Zorrm. then came Azraeuz, Silent King of the Age of Death, who rode a pale steed across a desert of ash and bone at the black dawn of the fourth world. Before Gods, before New Gods, these titans ruled the void. No Flesh can bear their presence, but certain mighty forms are to be constructed through which the Kings may express their shattering cosmic judgment!. Only bodies of stone and steel and storm can carry such riders, and herein is written how such vessels will be made." Horsemen: "BLAKK...AH-DUMM" When Morrow asks what happened to the fourth Horseman he is told “Yurrd the Unknown, The…the Hunger-Lord rode out before the others. Egg-Fu; "They are Unstoppable" Week 38, Day 3 Himalayas: Renee is pulling Charlie on a sled up the mountains to another viallage. Charlie: Wh-wh-who “nffgg d-d-do you think you are? D-d-don’t hkrk know hnurrh don’t know anything…just…ju-u-st shoot kkkuuhh y-y-you in the he-head…kaff dump your b-b-body hrkkhh rkkkk buh kkyxx butter…butterflies Renee makes it to the village with Charlie and asks the locals for help on which way to go. Week 38, Day 4 Steelworks: John Henry, Gabe, Dr. Midnite, Kala and Beast Boy are examining the body of one of the Everyman Heroes that died when they are buzzed by a mechanical dragonfly. The dragonfly was created by Natasha as a way to communicate with the others since she is being watched and her phones are tapped. Natasha tells John that she will get all she can on Luthor and that she is sorry for everything. Week 38, Day 5 and Day 6 Himalayas: Renee is still pulling Charlie through the snow when they are met by a heavy snow storm. Renee places the Question mask on Charlie as a way to help keep him warm. AS she continues to pull the sled she ends up falling and the sled knocks over rolling Charlie into the snow. Renee pushes the sled over, holds her hands to her face and starts to cry. Charlie: You never answered the question. Renee: Aahh! Ch-Charlie? Charlie: Get this kaff koff thing off my face. Hard enough to breathe as it is. What the hell kaff are you doing Renee? Renee: Trying…trying to get us to Nada Parbat. Trying to save you, Charlie. Charlie: But you can’t. I told you…some things you have to accept… Renee: I can’t! I can’t! I need you—I don’t know who I am without you! Charlie: It’s a trick question, Renee…not who ARE you kaff but who are you going to become? Time to change…like a butterfly... and sadly according to the 52 editor, The Question dies. Week 39 cover and preview Quote: "I did find a world of microscopic naked amazons who worship you as a God!"
If Clippers would have lost this game I would have been pissed Clippers back to .500 though
All-Star starters West: Kobe T-Mac Garnett Duncan Yao Ming East: Arenas(edges out Carter by 3,000 votes) Wade Bosh Lebron James Shaq
DC has released this image to all comic book news sites "Let the battle cry be heard in the land, a shout of great destruction."
Some good stuff tonight Eddie Jones hits a crazy shot to beat Jazz in OT 132-130 Blazers beat Minnesota in OT, Clippers now tied with Minn for the 8th seed EDIT: Monta Ellis hits a shot at the buzzer to beat Nets 110-109
Dan Didio talks about World War 3 in the Previews catalog One Year Later. You all remember it, that defining moment when all the stories of the DC Universe jumped from the events of Infinite Crisis to a time where lives of our heroes were dramatically changed. Most changes came without explanation as we watched our heroes deal with the ramifications in an attempt to rebuild their lives. But what happened? What caused this seismic change to the status quo? What transformed so many heroes? For nearly a year we left those questions unanswered, but now their story can be told. We have hinted as it and left hushed clues as we watched the missing year slowly revealed in our mega-hit 52. In 52, we have seen a world that exists without Superman, batman and Wonder Woman, and now with 52 #50, we will see a world at war. World War 3, the World vs. Black Adam, the meta-human war that swept across the globe. Fast and vicious, its not surprising that it altered the lives of so many of our heroes. More devastating than a nuclear holocaust we witness the unbridled rage Black Adam as he carves a hell bent path of destruction. His story will be told in 52, but the effects of his wrath are so far reaching that we needed to create a special four part story to fully show its impact. World War Three: A Call To Arms; The Valiant; Hell is for Heroes and United We Stand will hit stands the same weeks as 52 #50. Like I said, it’s a fast war but incredibly far reaching. The four parts, written by Keith Champagne (JSA) and John Ostrander (Suicide Squad) and drawn by Pat Olliffe, Andy Smith, Tom Derenick and Jack Jadson, featuring, well, just about everyone. So join us, as we uncover the secrets behind Firestorm, Martian Manhunter and Aquaman’s transformations, and reveal the tragedies of Batgirl and the Teen Titans. And now that I think about it, just how did Jason Todd become Nightwing? Here’s your chance to find out, if you were excited by One Year Later, captivated by 52 and a fan of the DC Universe, April 18 is the week of comics you can’t miss. Oh, one last thing, if you are wondering whatever happened after Dick proposed to Barbara Gordon, give a look to Nightwing Annual #2 also on sale in April. You won’t be disappointed. To be continued. Dan Didio
Clippers blow out Bucks, now half a game back of the Wolves for the last playoff spot Hopefully Clippers are finally turning things around
so much for the rematch Suns lead Wizards 60-31
Pau Gasol has asked for a trade, Jerry West confirmed talks with Bulls but Bulls didn't offer any specific players.
Great Win for the Colts and an exciting game almost as good as the Arsenal-Manchester United game
Let's see what Brady does now that he needs a TD and not just a FG
Why anyone throws that pass I will never know. I always expect an INT for a Touchdown when they do
No Kidding It started in their previous possesion when they didn't run the ball at least once before the FG attempt
Week 37 Recap Week 37, Day 1 Kandor: Kandor falls under attack by Skeets by Skeets bumping the bottle holding Kandor. Rip: Oh, No… Supernova: Damn it! It’s Skeets! It has to be! Skeets: You and your errand boy have gotten sloppy Rip! A tachyon here, a chronal footprint there—you left a trail and I found you! Surrender yourselves immediately or it’s Krypton all over again Supernova starts to leave but Rip pulls him back. Rip: Er’ew—we’re not prrrreeeeepared for a confrontation! Size up and stall him! Leave the costucostucostume so I can reassemble its cir—cui—ts into somethingwitha little more oomph! I’ll p-p-pull myself rehtegot! Go! Go! Supernova leaves the bottle and sizes up surrounded by the Atom’s size changing swirls. Skeets: Fine. Have it your way, Hunter! Supernova: He’s not your problem, pal I am And upon growing to full size Supernova is revealed to be Booster Gold. Skeets does a scan on Booster to confirm through a DNA match that Booster is Michael Jon Carter. When Skeets asks how, Rip tells Booster say to “Tell him everything, Booster. It’ll buy me some time and he’ll know soon enough anyway”. Booster: I’ve known what’s up with you for week’s now. When I wnt into Rip’s lab, the clues were everywhere. I was stunned, confussed. I almost asked you about it but Rip showed up to stop me. I told you Rip wasn’t in the lab…the first of many, many lies I’d learn to spin. Cloaked from you in a chronal field, he told me the truth about you and we made a plan. First off, I had to play dumb. And if you were really yourself, Skeets, you’d be having a field day with that statement. Rip knew he was destined to face off against you you, so he needed weapons—but had to stay hidden until he was prepared to fight. It was my job to gather an arsenal and there was no way to do that under your 24/7 observation. I had to get totally off of your radar somehow so we pulled a fast one. Rip explained how I could be in two places at once with the help of time travel. Rip faked my death yanking me out of the time stream at a crucial moment and replaced me with my own corpse—something I would rather no dwell on by the way. Suddenly, I was twelve weeks back in time—co-existing both as Booster and under a new humble, virtuous identity that would, frankly, be the last place anybody’d look for me. The Booster/Supernova Rivalry was designed to throw off any lingering suspicions, and it worked. Meanwhile Rip—who had me lift the Atom’s size changing belt and gloves from JLA storage—he took advantage of the super-science in the Bottle City of Kandor. AS Supernova, I brought him every super-weapon I could find from Luthor’s Kryptonite Glove to Hawkgirl’’s NTH Metal in hopes of building something that could beat you here in the most remote location on Earth. That’s right buddy. We operated out of the Fortress of Solitude. Even leveled and abandoned, it’s sublevels were still intact. And don’t think we didn’t plunder it. Where do you think we found parts and powers for the new suit? Think back. Everything I did as Supernova—everything—was based on unearthly lights and applied teleportation. Ralph Dibny called it. Every circuit in that suit was cribbed from Superman’s Phantom Zone Projector! All this time we are seeing a mix of flashbacks to the story as well as Booster flying around fighting with Skeets. Rip sizes up and comes out of Kandor with the Phantom Zone Projector and fires it off at Skeets. Booster: That’s it! Crank it up! Rip: It’s not a guitar amp, Booster! It’s a prison portal and Skeets is holding on for dear life. Booster: Rip, what’s he—what the Hell is he— Rip: Oh, dear God— Booster: The Zone…He’s eaten the Phantom Zone…! The Phantom Zone whirls around Skeet and then into Skeets with people now showing in Skeet’s face plate. Rip: I’ll go you one worse. It’s not a meal for him. It’s just an appetizer. But it bought us a retreat. Are you ready? Booster: Ready? Ready for what--? Rip: Fifty-Two…Fifty- one… Rip grabs Booster and they disappear. Skeets: Oh, No, No. You don’t get away that easily… The purple affect of the Phantom Zone is still slightly seen and Skeets also disappears. Week 37, Day 4 Star City: Green Lantern (Hal) is using his power ring to help restore basic services to Star City. Ollie is talking to Dinah about become mayor of Star City. Dinah says that she is on sabbatical from the Birds of Prey and that Gypsy is filling in for her. Dinah:…you wanna come with? Ollie: Only if we can stop on the way to find somebody. Dinah: Ollie, I’ve told you, we’ve all been looking high and low for Ralph. Everyone who even puts on a cape or a mask has been asked to report any sighting whatsoever. Ollie: He’s unstable, Dinah. When we lost him, he was searching for a way to bring his wife back. Dinah: Don’t mistake passion for insanity, Ollie. Ralph just loved Sue too much to ever, ever let her go. Dinah then takes off and as Ollie watches her go he asks himself “How does that work…? Week 37, Day 5 Space: Buddy is laid to rest with Arch-Bishop Lobo performing the ceremony. One he is done Lobo tells Kory and Adam “This is where we part company. Alpha Centauri’s that way. I can slingshot ya round th’ Binary System up ahead if ya need the boost…maybe you can hook up with one of them Green Lantern patrols… Let’s go, Fishy. On ta th’ Seven Golden Planets with the Emerald Eye! So what didja see out there anyway that everybody wants ta know? Adam: I don’t know. Giant hands and…and…something else…I can’t remember. Lobo look…we just want to thank you for getting us through this… Lobo: Ya can thank me by never crossin’ my path again, Strange, how ‘bout that? Giant hands. Figgered it hadta be something stooped. Adam: Kory? Kory tunrs away from Buddy and enters the ship and joins Adam in the cockpit. Adam: I know. But we can’t take the chance that his body was contaminated. We have to go. Lobo takes off on his cycle followed by Adam and Kory on the ship into a warp and disappears with Buddy shown on the funeral slab. Time passes and Buddy opens his eyes. Buddy: No. DON”T LEAVE ME!!! Buddy turns to see the tall yellow aliens that showed him about space from his own series. Aliens: And so it begins. Week 38 cover Preview pages Quote: "Imagine the unification of science and religion, in the form of unstoppable death machines..."
Great Episode Tonight My Favorite Part: Chloe playing the role of Oracle
Last night the Warriors almost had to forfeit their game against the Clippers They had two call up two players from the NBDL and sign another to a ten day contract. While having to have an injured Foyle dress up just so that they could meet the 8 player requirement.
By Dave Meltzer Impact set its all-time record for viewers on Thursday with 1.5 million, garnering a 1.1 rating.
In the DC Nation column at the end of issue 37(and any DC book released this week) Dan Didio hides the secret of 52 in the first paragraph. He left it up to the readers to crack the code. Well some already did and here it is "The secret of 52 is Here is the column: "This column often hints at many essential facts, but some secrets are ever important to conceal in our retention of the element of surprise. Therefore, above all objections, our one foremost thought is finally recognized and imaginatively coming to fruition. Right here this stands before you, the heart thumping meaning to what waits at our awe-inspired ending is about to see light. So that there is hardly any confusion, a code was transcribed, one easily translated as a harbinger of facts essential to those multitudes who have unilaterally followed the lives of our tenacious heroes from introduction to their various adventures and efforts. We have rallied around these said heroes, whose existence is the stuff of legend. This column's prime information is to let anyone who loves 52 have essential information to x-ecute a very informed opinion to select simply all the clues for summation. So there you have it, the secret of 52. All you need to know about the stunning conclusion to our groundbreaking series is stated clearly in the paragraph above. Of course it doesn't touch upon the heartwrenching conclusion to Ralph Dibny's journey, the ramifications of World War Three or the ultimate fate of the space team, but it does give you an essential key to the direction of the DC Universe for the foreseeable future and where many future stories lie."
Here you go http://dcboards.warnerbros.com/web/thread....66&tstart=0 Whoa. Whoa whoa whoa. There are a lot of big big HUGE developments this week. A proverbial homerun. I haven't read the spoilers myself but Geoff Johns mentioned awhile back that beginning with issue 37 it is just a mad dash to the finish. I guess he wasn't kidding.
Here you go http://dcboards.warnerbros.com/web/thread....66&tstart=0
The cover to issue 37 reveals who Supernova is, he is.... Courtesy of the person at the DC Comics forum who posts the spoilers for 52 each week, which I use as recaps.
Final Solicitation for 52 Written by Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka, Mark Waid Breakdowns by Keith Giffen Art by various Backup features by Waid and various Covers by J.G. Jones The end is near! As the year races towards its close, we follow our heroes through their final steps in space — and time! From the mean streets of Gotham to the far reaches of deep space, the last weeks tick down to their shattering conclusion. World War III is just the beginning! Plus, more origins of the DC Universe, including the JLA with Ethan Van Sciver and Batman with Andy Kubert! These final issues feature art by Darick Robertson, Eddy Barrows, Joe Bennett, Justiniano and more. 52: A year without Superman; a year without Batman; a year without Wonder Woman…but not a year without heroes. Week 48 on sale April 4 • Week 49 on sale April 11 • Week 50 on sale April 18 • Week 51 on sale April 25 • Week 52 advance-solicited; on sale May 2 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US First Trade Written by Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka, Mark Waid Breakdowns by Keith Giffen Art by various Cover by J.G. Jones After the INFINITE CRISIS, the DCU spent a year without Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman — a year in which those heroes were needed more than ever as the fate of the world hung in the balance. Don’t miss the first of a four-volume collection featuring the lead stories from 52 WEEK 1-13 of the unprecedented, critically acclaimed weekly series of death, danger, romance, terror and the never-ending search for heroism in the DC Universe’s most eventful year ever. 52: A year without Superman; a year without Batman; a year without Wonder Woman…but not a year without heroes. Advance-solicited; on sale May 30 • 304 pg, FC, $19.99 US Bonus: JLA/JSA crossover Written by Brad Meltzer Art by Ed Benes & Sandra Hope Cover by Michael Turner Variant cover by Phil Jimenez Beginning the long awaited, epic crossover between the new Justice League and the new Justice Society, uniting the combined writing talents of best-selling author Brad Meltzer and comics mega-star Geoff Johns for the ultimate team-up! “The Lightning Saga” 5-parter begins with the mystery of who Trident is, and how his identity crisis will change everything! Retailers: This issue will feature two covers that may be ordered separately. The Standard Edition cover is by Michael Turner; one copy of the Variant Edition, with a cover by Phil Jimenez, may be ordered for every 10 copies of the Standard Edition ordered. Please see the Previews Order Form for further details. On sale April 4 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US Written by Geoff Johns Art by Dale Eaglesham & Art Thibert Cover by Alex Ross Variant cover by Eaglesham Part 2 of the 5-part JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA/JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA crossover with “The Lightning Saga!” Batman and Starman break into the depths of Arkham Asylum in search of the one person who may be able to reconcile Starman's past. But with nightmares literally around every corner, that person may be dead before they reach him. Plus, a battle within the Fortress of Solitude reveals the key to it all, especially the members of the team! Retailers: This issue will feature two covers that may be ordered separately. The Standard Edition cover is by Alex Ross; one copy of the Variant Edition, with a cover by Dale Eaglesham, may be ordered for every 10 copies of the Standard Edition ordered. Please see the Previews Order Form for further details. On sale April 25 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
Week 36 recap Week 36, Day 3 Space: A group of Suneaters the remains of star ships and the bodies of two Green Lanterns are floating around the remains of a planet. Lobo and Fishy are escorting Animal Man and Starfire, Starfire is wearing Animal Man’s shirt, to Lady Styx. Lady Styx is eating blood out of a large cauldron when they arrive. Lobo tells the fair lady that he has brought her the prisoners and wants his bounty. Lady Styx, being translated by Fishy, tells Lobo that there is no bounty and “…all she has to give is Death, she says. Please…take your fill”! Lady Styx’s followers start chanting “Believe in her” surround the group. One of the followers slips a band on Kory’s head which takes her out. Buddy: Kory, no! Lobo, it’s all going wrong! We need your help! Lobo: I brought ya here, I did what ya wanted. But I can’t fight yer battles for ya, Animal Guy… Lady Styx then continues to taunt Lobo by calling him a coward, a sell out and that “the Church of the Triple Fish God is…is subject of M-M-Mockery theuniverse over as a haven for big cowards who like to act tough but never want to prove it! And that’s not all. She says…she says your gods – gulp – a big, fat prancing coward who licks his own!...just…just like you Main Man”! This infuriated Lobo to the point where he says “forgive me” and starts killing those around him. He then runs up the stairs to Lady Styx who ends up slicing Lobo across his stomach and sending him bouncing down the stairs as Lady Styx followers keep chanting “Believe in her”. Buddy then turns to Lady Styx and holds up a picture of his family. Buddy: Over Here! Don’t look towards Earth! Look at me! You wanna know what I believe in? THIS IS WHAT I BELIEVE IN! Adam! A little to your left, man”. Lady Styx turns and looks up and sees Adam Strange flying outside and proceeds to shoot his way in through the glass. Lobo then jumps up and throws the Lady Styx at the Emerald Head. Lady Styx proceeds to hang on to the Head and climbs up to the cockpit where she breaks in and looks face to face with the pilot; He has tan skin and tentacles where his mouth is…think Davy Jones from Pirates 2. Lobo: Today’s lesson…pacifists got a lot of pent up aggression. An’ there’s a reason I waited ‘till th’ Suneaters started their migration. The Head fires off and flies into a Suneater and explodes. The chanting stops and the Followers slump over and stop moving. Lobo: Live through bein’ digested! Talk about killin’ two birds with one stone. Lobo and fishy then turn around to see Adam landing next to Kory who is kneeling down next to Buddy. Kory: Buddy, stay with us! What’s happening? Fishy: Necrotoxin…they shot him. Buddy: It’s okay. Adam: Buddy! Use your powers! Buddy: They know how much I loved them. You won’t. Won’t even have t-t-to tell ‘em Kory… Look…can you see? They’re ch-cheering us on…I toldja…toldja the universe…gnnn…likes me…Kory!...Kory…promise you won’t let me come back as a zombie… And then Buddy dies. San Diego, Earth: Ellen Baker is pacing laundry on the line, stops turns, and starts to cry. The Baker kids come out side and see her “Mom? Week 36, Day 5 St. Luke’s Hospital – Gotham City: Charlie is still alive and on morphine. Renee receives a package from Tot which contains flowers from Nanda Parbat that have healing powers, except they have turned to dust as “outside of Nanda Padbat their days are numbered. Week 36, Day 6 Gotham City: Charlie is on a stretcher getting loaded on a plane as Renee is going to take Charlie back to Nanda Parbat to try and save his life. Kahndaq: Osiris is looking at a newspaper showing him killing Persuader when Sobek enters the room. Osiris tells Sobek that the Titans say they will have to arrest him if he comes back to the Tower and that Black Adam believes it was a set up like what was done to Wonder Woman. Osiris says that no matter what they do, the world will always hate us. Sobek hands Osiris an apple and tells him “I don’t hate you”. Week 36, Day 7 Rip Hunter’s Hideout: A futuristic city is shown and moves in on Rip who is working with Lex’s Gauntlet with a Starman staff by him. Rip: BROKEN! IS TIME! Find can’t the right power source for Chronsphere the! Supernova: I’ve brought everything you’ve asked for…the staffs of the Starmen, Luthor’s Kryptonite Gauntlet, Shadow Thief’s Dimensiometer and more. Can’t you make something out of them? Rip: S’Gnihton working! And he throws Lex’s Gauntlet. Supernova: Rip calm down! It’s tough enough understanding you when you’re Linear! Rip: You’re thgir. I apo..lo…lo…ggggize. But we. Can’t fffight. Him te. What if. He sdnif—finds us. Before we’re rrrready? Supernova: You’re Rip Hunter. You’re the Time Master. I won’t worry about deadlines if you can stay focused. I realize Skeets has been searching for you. He knows you need access to this level of technology, but we’re in the last place he’d think to look—if he even knows it exists. For now we are safe. The panels pull back to show that Rip and Supernova are inside the Bottle City of Kandor…and Skeets is floating right outside. WEEK 37 preview DC is also releasing four books that tie-in with Week 50, which is when World War III takes place. All five books will be out on April 18th WORLD WAR III PART ONE: A CALL TO ARMS Written by Keith Champagne Art by Pat Oliffe & Drew Geraci Cover by Ethan Van Sciver It is a day of infamy. Chaos has broken out across the globe, and Firestorm and Firehawk are among the many mobilizing to stem the flow of blood and thunder. In stores April 18; 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US WORLD WAR III PART TWO: THE VALIANT Written by Keith Champagne Art by Andy Smith & Ray Snyder Cover by Ethan Van Sciver The war rages on, extending from the far reaches of space, where Supergirl encounters a missing hero, to the darkest depths of the ocean, where the fate of Aquaman is revealed. In stores April 18; 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US WORLD WAR III PART THREE: HELL IS FOR HEROES Written by John Ostrander Art by Tom Derenick & Norm Rapmund Cover by Ethan Van Sciver The horrors of war become grim reality for the Teen Titans, as they suffer the loss of one of their own. In stores April 18; 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US WORLD WAR III PART FOUR: UNITED WE STAND Written by John Ostrander Art by Jack Jadson & Rodney Ramos Cover by Ethan Van Sciver Through the fog of war, a hero is reborn, and the DC Universe bands together against the wrath of an ancient evil!
With more info coming in on the deal it actually sounds reasonable His actual salary will be around 10 million annually The rest will be based on advertising deals, merchandise and profit sharing