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Kurt Angle Mark

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Everything posted by Kurt Angle Mark

  1. Kurt Angle Mark

    David Beckham joins MLS

    MLS signed a new deal with ABC/ESPN in August Highlights of the agreement: ESPN2 will televise 26 regular-season MLS matches, primarily on Thursday nights ESPN2 will televise three MLS playoff matches on Thursday nights ABC will broadcast three marquee MLS matches - the season-opening match, MLS All-Star Game and The MLS Cup Televised coverage of the first round of the MLS Draft ESPN2 and ABC's MLS telecasts can be re-aired in full or abbreviated versions on any ESPN media platforms Extensive footage rights for all ESPN media platforms such as SportsCenter, ESPNEWS, ESPN Motion, Mobile ESPN, ESPN360, ESPN Mobile Publishing, etc. ESPN will produce all MLS programming and will be solely responsible for the content Note: MLS will also be shown on Univision and Telefutura
  2. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Quick notes on Week 36 dies after being poisoned It looks like is Supernova but we will probably know for sure next week.
  3. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Week 35, Day 1 New Year’s Day, 12:00:01 A.M. Downtown Metropolis: Hundreds of Everyman Project heroes are falling from the sky and crashing onto the streets, and other items, of Metropolis as their powers are no longer working. One of the Everyman heroes named Leviathan attempts to grow to stop a LARGE falling lady hero but is unsuccessful as the blood splatters on Leviathan’s wife’s face shows. Luthor is still on the his building’s roof when he receives a call: Lex: Yes, Dennis. Yes I’m watching right now. Utterly Horrifying. Our Everyman, dropping like anvils. Something seems to have..hold on. Lex looks up, turns and walks away from the ledge of the roof when a hero falls right were he was standing. (best scene ever) Lex: Something seems to have negated their powers right at the stroke of midnight. No, I can’t imagine how that could have happened… (With a big smile on his face) A person is shown running out of a warehouse/lab where a news report on the rain is being broadcast. Supernova is then shown flying down toward Luthor - still on the roof. Supernova: LUTHOR..! Lex: I know! I’m shocked! Appalled! Gosh, if only Metropolis has a Superman who could stop this chaos. Oh well. Supernova takes off and heads for the streets of Metropolis where fires are burning and bodies are still landing. Due to the fires a gas main on fifth avenue erupts. Supernova flies over the crowd of people and uses his powers to teleport the crowd outside of Metropolis; they appear at the “Welcome to Metropolis Home of Superman, the Man of Steel” billboard. Infinity Inc., while in their formal wear, are helping the crowds and saving who they can. Nuklon: …lucky thing we’ve still got our powers… Natasha: I don’t think it’s luck it’s more like… ***Natasha looks up and sees Supernova flying over head.*** Natasha: He was right…c’mon we’ve got to help these people. Week 35, Day 2 Saint Camillus Hospital: A number of heroes are helping bring in the injured; Obsidian, Dr. Light, Power Girl, Captain Marvel Jr., Guy Garner, John Stewart, Hawkgirl, Geo-Force, Beast Boy, Raven, Metamorpho, Plastic Man, Fire, and John Henry. Plastic Man sees his son Offspring who is on a stretcher. Offspring “saved over twenty of them, Mr. O’Brien. He stretched himself so thin he nearly snapped”. John Henry: It’s what we feared Gar. What Luthor did to me he did to them. He granted them powers and he took them away. Beast Boy: Why? John Henry: We’re going to find out. Get the Titans together. Week 35, Day 3 Infinity Inc. Headquarters: Lex has gathered all of the member of Infinity Inc together, except for Everyman, to inform them that they have isolated the errant gene-sequence that caused the problem on New Year’s Eve. He says that “Everyman is…Hannibal was screened this morning. His results were inconclusive. He’s downstairs undergoing further tests…”. Lex then informs the team that they are all clean but there is another problem where because of the tragedy the Everyman Project has lost the publics trust and needs their help in getting it back. Jake meets up with Natasha later in her room, wearing his costume, and informs her that Hannibal checked out clean and that Luthor wants them to suit up for a press conference. Natasha then confides in Jake that she believes Lex was behind the New Years situation. Natasha: We can’t trust Luthor, Jake. We can’t trust anything he says, anything he does. What happened on New Year’s…I think he’s responsible for it. I think he did it on purpose. Like he did trajectory. Like he can do to the rest of us. Jake: Natasha you’re scaring me here, you’re scaring me a lot… Natasha: We have to find proof. We have to get it to my uncle. You’ve got to help me, Jake. There’s nobody else here I can trust. Jake: Of course I’ll help you. I love you Natasha. I won’t let anything happen to you… Jake hugs Natasha with a picture of Jake, Natasha and Hannibal in the background. Week 35, Day 6 Space: The Head, Animal Man, Starfire, Adam Strange, Lobo and Fishy are on the asteroids that are left of the planet Vartu; The planet Lady Styx was destroying when we last saw Captain Comet alive. While Buddy and Starfire are talking about where to start their fight against Lady Styx, Adam goes to join Lobo for a talk. Adam: Lobo. You know we don’t have a prayer out there. Three of us against a war machine with the firepower to flatten whole star systems? Lobo: It’s suicide fer sure. I’d help ya out Strange, but I gotta get this eye back at th’ triple Fish God an I’ve taken a vow of non-violence… Adam: Yeah? Tell that to Devilance the Pursuer. Another bounty hunter like you, and he just happens to walk into a trap, leaving you with the spoils? Fishy: Your holiness, surely not… Lobo: What are you insinuatin’? Adam: I mean, what if you brought us all this way to claim that bounty for yourself? Three little people could do a hell of a lot of damage from inside the machine. Lobo: Heh. Adam and Lobo join back up with Buddy, and Starfire. Adam: I think Lobo has something to tell us. Lobo: Lady Styx put a bounty on yer heads, ya know that. So there ain’t no need to figure out how yer gonna fight ‘cause I’m taking ya straight to her. Next in 52: Lady Styx eating something (maybe a heart), Supernova in a lab with Rip Hunter and Lobo’s face. Cover for issue 36 Preview Page Quote from a character in 36: “The staffs of the Starmen, Luthor’s Kryptonite gauntlet, Shadow Thief’s Dimensiometer and more. Can’t you make something out of them?”
  4. Kurt Angle Mark

    This Week in College Football 1/1 - 1/7

    Quite the opposite. Boise winning is an incredible story... but, that's it. Now people are talking about how they might be #5!!! Woo!! It's like if George Mason got to beat North Carolina, and the end. Yeah Boise State not having a shot at winning a national titles blows, but in terms of the actual game on the field I completely agree that college football blows the NFL away. The NFL is practically unwatchable IMO. Damn stupid NCAA needs to realize that if there was a playoff, college football would be just as big if not bigger than the NFL.
  5. Kurt Angle Mark

    This Week in College Football 1/1 - 1/7

    Good thing my brothers were watching the Boise State game ( I don't watch any bowl games except for the title game) because I would have missed out on the best ending to a football game that I have seen in my life. I was totally bummed out when OU got the INT for a touchdown but to see Boise State come back like that was beyond words.
  6. Kurt Angle Mark

    NFL Week 17

    Actually for the Packers to get in on strength of victory: Green Bay Detroit and Minnesota must win and Arizona, Miami and San Fran win, and Carolina, Houston and Tampa Bay lose If 5 out of the last six go down I think it heads to the strength of schedule tie breaker
  7. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    double post
  8. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    The streak is over !!! The Clippers snap their 14 game losing streak vs. the Kings with a 102-93 win
  9. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    Bobcats beat the Lakers in Triple OT 133-124 Okafor 22 and 25 Kobe had 58 on 45 shots
  10. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Week 34 Recap: a.k.a. Lex is the biggest dick ever Week 34, Day 1 or Week 34, Day 3 (both days are listed as such amongst a three page spread during the same scene) California, Redwood National Forest: The Suicide Squad - Atom Smasher, Captain Boomerang, Persuader, Count Vertigo, Electrocutioner, and Plastique - are waiting and watching Black Adam and Isis from a distance as they arrive to meet Osiris and Sobek after their first day at Titan’s Tower. Upon meeting up, Osiris tells about touring the Tower, getting his own locker and communicator while Sobek explains about their first adventure; helping “Kid Eternity stop the Keeper’s plans for controlling the dead…”. Black Adam is still questioning their speech from last week as he is still being condemned for his actions inside and outside of Kahndaq, while Osiris is happy that it got him into the Titans and that the world will come around once they see what “good we’re going to do”. At which time the Suicide Squad jump into action and attack the BMF. Atom Smasher grabs Black Adam and tells him that he needs to turn himself in before smashing BA into the ground. Atom Smasher tells BA that “I don’t want to hurt you” to which BA responds “Albert you won’t” and them knocks Atom Smasher out; Atom Smasher’s fall also ends up taking out Captain Boomerang. Plastique and Electrocutioner cause and explosion that knocks Osiris down, while Persuader takes on Isis. Isis is upset that Persuader’s axe is radioactive and poisoning the trees. She flies in towards Persuader but is thrown off balance by Count Vertigo. This makes Persuader mad as he swings his axe at Vertigo telling him the that “tree hugger is mine”. Persuader then cuts into Isis’ left arm and follows that up with a “krank” to the face. Just as he is getting ready for the killing blow Osiris spots what is going on and flies towards them telling Persuader to “LEAVE MY SISTER ALONE” to find that his flight was too fast as Osiris ends up flying through Persuader and cutting him in half. Osiris is shocked and what he just caused and starts crying. Isis sits up, hold her brother and it starts to rain. Black Adam tells the BMF “Let’s go home before anyone else is hurt” and the four of them fly off. Count Vertigo checks in with Waller wanting to know what they should do. Waller tells Vertigo “That’s all right, Vertigo. I never expected the Suicide Squad to actually bring them in. I got what I really needed. Video feeds were live and recorded. We pushed the Black Marvels and they pushed back. All these super-powered teenagers are the same”. Week 34, Day 4 Metropolis: Mercy is with the girls of Infinity Inc as they are out shopping and being watched by the Bird of Prey. When Mercy attempts to pay for the clothes with a credit card the card comes up as declined as it was reported stolen. One of the security guards has the three split up because of the paparazzi with the guard taking Natasha down a stair well where they are met by another guard. The guards are then revealed to be Black Canary and John Henry. John says that he wanted to talk to her with out Luthor knowing about it: Natasha: If this is another warning… John: Look at me, Nat. Look at my skin. Natasha: It’s back to normal. Congrats, you found yourself a cure or whatever. John: No. I didn’t do this. It ended on it’s own. Natasha: What’s the point? John: Your friend Blockbuster killed Eliza Harmon, Trajectory. How did a slug like Blockbuster manage to grab someone who could move that fast? How did he move fast enough to snap her neck? You’re a scientist, Nat, that’s what you told me. Just look at the facts…draw your own conclusions” John leaves and Natasha looks shocked. Week 34, Day 5 Metropolis: Clark Kent is tied up in a basement and is being shot up with “Gaemytal. It’s as close as modern chemistry can come to synthesizing the atomic structure of Wonder Woman’s lasso”. Luthor holds up a picture of Supernova and asks Clark Lex: Why is the Man of Steel masquerading as Supernova? Clark: Oh ho, ho, ho… Lex: We’re quite serious Mr. Kent. Clark: That’s what makes it funny. Gentlemen, I have no idea who’s under that mask, but the one thing I do know for certain is this: He’s not Superman. Week 34, Day 7 The panels start to inter twine between Lex and Charlie, so as to not make things confusing I will provide the storyline for Charlie/Question and then Lex. When you get the book you will see why. Gotham: Charlie is taken to St. Luke’s Hospital because he stopped breathing for three minutes. Charlie is now on a morphine drip to help him with the pain. While waiting in Charlie’s hospital room Charlie is weakly singing “Danny Boy” and Renee turns on the TV to show the “S” - Superman’s Symbol - drop from Lexcorp Circle. As the “S” starts to drop Charlie tells Renee “Now you must go away and I, and I must, must, bide…” Renee is looking down while holding Charlie’s hand. The countdown is at two ***no beeps, bells, lights, or flat lines on the monitor are shown*** Metropolis: Kent is still being held at Lexcorp. One of the doctors tells Lex… Dr.: Neurosensors verify Kent’s not lying, Mr. Luthor. The Daily Planet has been using Kent to get exclusive coverage on Supernova. There’s no better source of information. If he doesn’t know who’s under the mask then… Lex: Drug Mr. Kent, take him back home, and let him believe that he was interrogated by the Yakuza. He’s of no further use to me. Dr.: You were so sure… Lex: And get out. Lex then goes up to the roof and tells his security that no one follows. As the sky is full of flying Everyman Project heroes, Lex takes out a report from his pocket that shows him to still be negative for the Everyman Project. Lex:"Whoever you are, Supernova, this city isn’t yours. It’s mine and your winning too many hearts. It’s time you failed in the face of a real challenge." Lex takes a remote out of his pocket, clicks the button when the New Year's countdown hits “zero”. Issue 35 preview
  11. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Some news on upcoming issues Issue 37 is where Skeets finds who is looking for Issue 40 marks the turning point for the Infinity Inc. storyline Around issue 45 we will see the return of Batman and this will be shown in greater detail in a future arc in "Batman" "Previews" revealed the country that will be destroyed in 52, it's: which is decimated by
  12. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    According to the L.A. Times Clippers are discussing a Corey Maggette for Ron Artest deal with the Kings
  13. Kurt Angle Mark

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Funny, I just came across this info a few weeks ago too and began to wonder the same thing
  14. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    WOOOO!!! The Clippers snap their 6 game losing streak and all it took was a Rocket team without T-Mac and Yao
  15. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    49 through 4 going to OT
  16. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Week 33 Recap: Week 33, Day 4 Flash Museum, Central City: Ralph and the Helmet of Fate had used a Gateway Spell to get into the Flash Museum after hours as Ralph is in need of retrieving something that he had donated to the museum. Fate: Did you find the item you were searching for? Some personal effect, I presume? Ralph: Nothing you need to worry about. I have it. Let’s roll. The item in question is the gun that Ralph was going to kill himself with. Week 33, Day 5 Gotham City, Cathedral Square: Alfred is leading a group of kids in Christmas Carrols down at the Christmas tree in Cathedral Square. Batwoman is looking on from a rooftop after having defeated a jackal like creature and is joined by Nightwing. Nightwing gives Batwoman a present which she is hoping is Mannheim’s address, but alas it is not. Batwoman opens up her present to find that it is “another Batarang” which Nightwing is quick to point out is a real Batarang and not a homemade version as she has been using. Metropolis: Lex is given news that one of the people that has been given the Everyman formula has slipped into a coma and is rejecting the procedure. Lex tells the tech to fly in the family of the patient and to let them know that they are in Lexcorp’s prayers. Lex then proceeds up to the Infinity Suite. Lex meets up with Infinity Inc and gives them all a present; a Tanahashi which is a quarter million dollar car. The members of Infinity Inc take off to try out their new cars as Lex has also arranged for Fifth Avenue to be closed off so that they can use the street as their own personal drag strip. As the kids quickly leave Mercy voices her dissatisfaction that no one even said thank you to Lex for their car. Lex is handed a folder with his test results for the Everyman Project with the results still coming up the same, that he is not a suitable candidate. The tech, Dr. Laughlin, from before bursts into the room and gives Lex the news that the comatose boy is now accepting the Everyman process. Dr. Laughtin: some x-factor in his body is spontaneously adapting to the Everyman process! It’s a Christmas miracle. Lex: That’s wonderful Dr. Laughtin. Dr. Laughtin: I know. The way he survived… Lex: Oh not that part. The part where something inside the boy opened the door to the possibility of generic adaptation. Do a full organ harvest and spinal drain on Luis, draft a glowing obituary and have his parents compensated for their tragic loss. Batwoman’s Apartment: Renee is staring out the window of the apartment when Charlie comes stumbling out of the bedroom. Charlie is talking but makes no sense to Renee as he his bringing up different conversations from his past as he is pretty delirious. Renee helps Charlie back into bed and sees her as whomever he is “talking” to at the time, his father, his wife…Renee goes back into the living room and sits on the couch where she is joined by Kate. Kate brings Renee a cup of hot cider and they talk. Kate: Some hot cider might make you feel better. Renee: Only if you added some bourbon to it. Kate: I didn’t but I can if you like. Renee: No. Seems that all the problems I had when I started drinking are still there when I stop. Kate: You gave him peace. You should be glad for that. Renee: I am. I just wish I could get a little for myself. The two kiss and the Kate wishes Renee a Merry Christmas. DCU: *Ellen Baker is standing outside and blows a kiss at the stars wishing Buddy a Happy Christmas and to come home. *Clark holds a piece of mistletoe over Lois’ head. *Firestorm gives Cyborg a wrench for Christmas * Ollie gets a new arrow. *Bea (Fire) is on the phone looking sad. *Guy is making Santa Claus and a menorah with his power ring. *Red Tornado’s head is in a junk yard. *The Batcave with covers over everything. *A pregnant Selina looks at a bunch of cats. *Hawkgirl, now normal size, is standing without crutches. *Hal Jordan gets a green tie from his nephews. *Commissioner Gordon is welcomed back. *The Steel works is dark. *The castaway’s ship and the head in space “That star Alpha Lyrae, Buddy Baker. Vega” Week 33, Day 6 (Christmas) The Black Marvel Family arrives, with Sobek, at the Kahndaq Embassy for a press conference. The streets are very crowded and the Titans as well as Green Lantern, Flash and Wildcat are present. Black Adam: I have come here today; I have brought my family here today to show you that underneath the powers of gods long dead we are as human as the rest of you.” All three of the BMF say their catch phrase and are shown in their human appearance. Belle Reve Federal Prison: Amanda Waller and the new Suicide Squad are watching Black Adam on TV. Atom Smasher says that Black Adam has but Waller tells him that they are still going after Black Adam as he is still a terrorist. One of the squad mentions “and now we know Black Adam has a weakness. His entire family does”. A boomerang flies around Waller’s head at which she responds … Waller: “I heard you were smarter than your father. I still don’t see it.” Cap Boomerang JR: You will gorgeous. As soon as the Suicide Squad wish the Black Marvel Family a Happy $#%@ing Holiday. Suicide Squad is Atom Smasher, Cap Boomerang Jr, Vertigo, Electrocutioner, Plastique, and Persuader . Preview Pages for #34
  17. Kurt Angle Mark

    OAO ECW Thread for 12/19/06

    Anyone willing to run down the results of tonight's show Thanks
  18. Kurt Angle Mark

    WFAN in NY is reporting that

    Agreed However the Clippers need to trade Maggette for someone like Ben Gordon or Mike Miller. They need a 3pt shooter desperately
  19. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    Arenas scores 60 in the Wizards 147-141 OT win over the Lakers
  20. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Week 32 Recap: Week 32, Day 1 Himalayan Mountains: Ralph and the Helmet of Fate are journeying through the Himalayas looking for Nanda Parbat when Ralph across a mystic amulet; “What is it with me and mystic amulets”? When Ralph picks up the amulet he is attacked by a Yeti which barely misses Ralph with a punch. In the distance a musical note is heard which causes the Yeti to place his hands over his ears while at the same time starting an avalanche. The Yeti is covered in snow from the avalanche while Ralph is partially buried. The figure of a man appears through the mist creating another musical note just before Ralph passes out. The figure is that of the Accomplished Perfect Physician who ends up levitating Ralph and taking him to Nanda Parbat. Week 32, Day 2 Titans Tower, San Fran: The Titans are holding open auditions for members since Hawk and Dove left the group. Raven can feel the “lust for fame and power within so many of them. And half of them are products of Lex Luthor’s Everyman Project”. Beast Boys says that “That’s what we want …Drafting one of Luthor’s sidekicks into the Titans was Steel’s idea”. ***A number of the character shown do become Titans based on the pictures of previous Titans from the first OYL issue of Titans*** One of the members in the crowd is Kid Devil in which he is in his red costume and holding the trident that helps him fly. A character named Pulsar says that he should really have powers if he is to try out for the Titans and that he will put in a good word for him(Kid Devil) so that he can get into the Everyman Project. At this point Osiris shows up with Sobek, the talking crocodile and wants to join the Titans to do some good. Captain Marvel Jr. is against Osiris joining the Titans because of his ties to Black Adam. Osiris insists that he has done no wrong and want to help make the world a better place. CMJ tells Osiris to “Convince the world of that and I’ll help you join the Titans. When Beast Boy asks Raven what emotions she feels from Osiris she says “Only One. Hope”. Week 32, Day 3 Space: Adam and Buddy are having words as to what their plans should be. While Adam thinks that Buddy can find a way to get home and prepare defenses while the rest of them stay behind and gather intelligence Buddy feels it is best that they all stay and fight since Lady Styx and her followers are heading towards their waives and children. All of them decide to stay and fight. Week 32, Day 4 Nanda Parbat: Ralph finally wakes up after being out for three day. The monk that is helping Ralph asks him what brings him to Nada Parbat to which Ralph replies he wants to see Rama Kushna to find out about death, dying and the dead. Ralph is then joined by the APP and is told that the Yeti is a reserve member of the Great Ten who discovered the Atavistic Trigger Gene which transforms men into monsters and that the amulet that he, Ralph, found was an electronic device to inhibit the Yeti’s rage. The APP tells Ralph that he learned certain sounds that he was taught can heal and sometime destroy and that he was a member of the Red Army before accepting the responsibilities of the APP. APP then tells Ralph that he needs his help to capture the Yeti. Ralph says that he is no longer a superhero and that he is awaiting an audience with Rama Kushna. The monk that was helping Ralph returns to Ralph and tells him that Rama Kushna can not see him. Week 32, Day 5 Himalayan Mountains: Ralph and going though the mountains looking for the Yeti. Ralph is telling APP that he was always there for Sue except for the one time when she needed him to be. APP tells Ralph that “The things of this world are impermanent. Love will outlive them all. Can you feel the world trembling? We stand on the brink of an unforgettable war or a remarkable awakening”. Ralph then notices a shadow from above and tackles APP just before they are hit by a bolder. The Yeti then appears and goes to attack APP. While APP is being attacked Ralph jumps on the Yeti’s back and places the amulet on him which turns him back into a human. The monk and Helmet of Fate arrive and tell Ralph that Rama Kushna will see him now. Week 32, Day 6 Nada Parbat: Ralph and the Helmet are lead to a temple to meet Rama Kushna. Rama Kushna tells Ralph “Here is the secret. There is no death. Death is an illusion of being in time. A trick of the light.” Ralph then asks “Why it hurts so much...Where is the Essence you talk about...Why can’t I talk to her?” Ralph is them covered with a beam of light and Rama asks Ralph “You wish to be with her again. Come closer, I will show you how”. Ralph says “tell me…” and then the temple goes dark again. Week 32, Day 7 Nada Parbat: Ralph: At least you got what you came for I see. APP: And you did not? Ralph: I don’t know. I heard a woman’s voice telling me things I already knew. “The end is already written”. APP: And they call me cryptic. And if this end is written who was the writer Mr. Dibny? Ralph: It was me, at the end of the Crisis in the Ambassador Hotel. Be careful, Yao Fei. Be careful what you wish for. And Ralph and the Helmet leave Nada Parbat. Cover for 34 Preview pages for 33
  21. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    This is not 52 related but the last member of the Justice League has been revealed It's.....
  22. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Just announced Written by Jack Kirby Art and cover by Kirby & Vince Colletta After co-creating a number of legendary comic book heroes - including The Fantastic Four and The Hulk - legendary writer/artist Jack Kirby came to DC Comics in 1970 to create his magnum opus: four interlocked adventure series that were known collectively as "The Fourth World." Now, for the first time, DC collects Kirby's four series - THE NEW GODS, THE FOREVER PEOPLE, MISTER MIRACLE and SUPERMAN'S PAL, JIMMY OLSEN - in chronological order as they originally appeared. These comics spanned galaxies, from the streets of Metropolis to the far-flung worlds of New Genesis and Apokolips, as cosmic-powered heroes and villains struggled for supremacy. THE FOURTH WORLD VOL. 1 features the debuts of Orion of the New Gods, the evil Darkseid, super-escape artist Mister Miracle and many others, and features numerous appearances by Superman, from the pages of SUPERMAN'S PAL, JIMMY OLSEN #133-139, FOREVER PEOPLE #1-3, NEW GODS #1-3 and MISTER MIRACLE #1-3! Advance-solicited; on sale May 30 o 396 pg, FC, $49.99 US
  23. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    It wasn't on NBATV But they will show the game tomorrow at 3:30pm ET/ 12:30pm PT
  24. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    OMG!! Clippers have won a road game!!! Of course it took the lowly Grizzlies to do it but I'll take it
  25. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Solicitations for March 52: WEEKS 44-47 Written by Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka, Mark Waid Art breakdowns by Keith Giffen Art by various Backup features by Waid and various Covers by J.G. Jones & Alex Sinclair In the month to come, death and destruction will reign supreme in the DCU. Storylines will intersect with horrifying results, a main character will die, another will do something he hasn't done in years, and one will fall from grace. A war is coming, and the end is near. Week 44: art by Eddy Barrows Week 45: art by Pat Olliffe and Drew Geraci Week 46: art by Chris Batista Week 47: art by Joe Bennett Plus, more Origins of the DCU! 52: A year without Superman; a year without Batman; a year without Wonder Woman...but not a year without heroes. Week 44 on sale March 7 • Week 45 on sale March 14 • Week 46 on sale March 21 Week 47 on sale March 28 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US