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Kurt Angle Mark

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Everything posted by Kurt Angle Mark

  1. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    WEEK 31 RECAP (GREAT ISSUE): Week 31, Day 1 Vardu: The Planet Vardu has fallen under attack and Captain Comet is attempting to help. Using his telepathic abilities he calls for help while holding back the onslaught of attackers. One of the local infantrymen, Jodd, refuses to leave Captain Comet to fend for himself and joins him. Both are overcome and captured by the invaders. Two Green Lanterns – Thormon Tox (humanoid) and Lantern Xax (insect), arrive to help. While Thormon takes statements about what happened on the planet, Xax contacts the Guardians. The Guardians decide not to help and recall the Green Lanterns from the occupied zones. Meanwhile a fleet of cube ships start landing on Vardu destroying where they land as well as the planets ecosystem while Jodd and Captain Comet are being tortured and cut open. The invaders are creating more followers for Lady Styx. Week 31, Day 2 Metropolis, Infinity Inc. Dormitory: Natasha is reviewing a number of text messages she has received from John Henry over the past two days as he attempts to warn her about the powers she has been given. Natasha is joined by Sierra(Jade), who is having doubts about the use of the name she was given as well as feeling that someone has been in her room while she was working out and believes it to be Hannibal, Everyman. The two are joined by another member Jake and they all discuss their uneasy feelings about Everyman, who can shape shift into anything or anyone that he has digested a piece of. Jake makes a bad joke that sends Sierra out of the room. Natasha kisses Jake and tells him that she will see him later. After Natasha leaves you see Jake change to see that Jake was really Everyman using his shape shifting powers. Week 31, Day 3 Metropolis: Cassie is found by Fate and Ralph at the Superman/Superboy memorial sight. Ralph says that he thought that they should talk about what happened with the cult. Cassie says that she is not mad at Ralph and that it turned out he was right. Cassie pulls out a dossier on Devem that she mysteriously received in the mail. Apparently “Devem” is Derek Mathers who has a history of fraud and is a mental-ward refugee. When Cassie asks Ralph where he has been after the fire he tells her that he went to Marseilles which eventually sparked a new search. Ralph tells Cassie that his wife was alive for a moment and Cassie believes him that resurrection is possible because she believes that Superboy is back and calling himself Supernova. After Ralph leaves Cassie notices that the postmark on the envelope for the dossier is Marseilles. Week 31, Day 4 Metropolis: Ralph is joined by Supernova on a roof top. He tells Supernova that it is cruel to let her believe that. “Someone’s got to tell her that it is not Kon-El under that mask rather than…” at which time Supernova stops him. Supernova asks how he figured it out and Ralph says that the clues were there once he used his head. He says that “the powers threw me, but when I saw them from the proper angle I sussed out the one device that could tie them all together. Superman being out of the picture was the key, one of two keys if you want to be cute abut it”. Supernova takes off and tells Ralph that Cassie will have to “keep waiting. There’s too much at stake.” Week 31, Day 6 Vardu: Thormon has been killed by the invaders and the Guardians again deny the request for back up and have turned the power off to Thormon and Xax’s rings saying it wouldn't be wise to expose the Corps to an unknown menace. Xax is talking to Jodd’s fiancée when you see Jodd appear in the background with a long blade. Jodd tells her that Adam Blake is dead and then grabs his fiancée and stabs her tell to “Believe in her” while the others around Jodd are chanting the same thing. Meanwhile Captain Comet has been pretty well skinned and attached to the outside hull of a ship above Vardu watching it be destroyed before he dies. Week 31, Day 7 Space: Jodd’s fiancée has been turned into a zombie follower of Lady Styx as she is shown being greeted by the Lady herself. Lady Styx has both of Thormon and Xax’s Green Lantern rings which she proceeds to eat; The Green Lantern Xax has been killed and now is an earring on Lady Styx. Using a pair of high powered binoculars, from an asteroid some ways away, Lobo shows Animal Man, Starfire, Adam Strange and the Emerald Head the damage Lady Styx has caused. Lobo:"Ladies and Gentlemen.. Lady Styx" Animal Man:"uh oh" Cover to issue #33 Preview Page for #32 Bonus: Read Justice Society of America #1 which was beyond awesome Here is the page of the book previewing the upcoming year for the series
  2. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Here is the rundown: The Guardians nervously talk about sector 3601 and the "52" The Green Lantern rings are afraid of the Blue Beetle and begin to act up around him. See IC#6 and Blue Beetle #1 The "M" thingie on Blue Beetle's chest forms a 52
  3. Kurt Angle Mark

    This Week in College Football 11/30 - 12/2

    You want a simple answer to the BCS mess Boise St, the only other undefeated team in Division I
  4. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Are we focusing on the "M" shaped thick black line? Cuz I don't get the significance... Split the "M" in half
  5. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    WEEK 30 RECAP The first three pages are a basic history of Batman. The history includes Batman and Robin, Joker giving up murder for a while, Dick going away to college, Jason becoming Robin, Jason being killed, Barbara Gordon shot by the Joker, Batman’s back being broken, War Games, the return of Jason Todd, Robin’s father dying, Batman about to shoot Alex…”He lost it. In the end he just lost it”. Week 30, Day 1 Nightwing and Robin are in some Arab nation. They figure that they were set up to be “recreating that journey that turned Bruce Wayne into Batman”. Robin believes that “he wants us to be the new Batman and Robin…” Nightwing and Robin knock out the two guards on the premises and find the Bat cape and cowl on a large urn. Gotham City: A doctor friend of Kate Kane is looking in on Charlie due to his suffering through cancer. She has given him some morphine to help him get through the pain. Kate offers to let Renee and Charlie stay there are her apartment as Renee has been evicted from her apartment for not paying the rent in six months. Renee finally accepts the offer as Kate leaves for the night and tells Renee that “I won’t be back until late. Don’t wait up”. Renee goes into Charlie’s bedroom to sit with him for awhile and starts to meditate. Nightwing and Robin have made their way into a warehouse where they find a truckload of weapons flown in from Gotham, “this stuff could start World War 3, 4, and 5”. The only warehouse person still conscience bites down on a poison pill as Nightwing is interrogating him asking who gave them the weapons in Gotham. Robin goes looking for Batman on a ATV while Dick takes off back to the states to cover things in Gotham. Week 30, Day 3 Bruce is walking in the desert and comes across a man with his eyes blindfolded and a eye on the tip of each of his fingers. The man is a member of the Ten-Eyed Brothers and Bruce has tracked them down to slice out his demons. Bruce has to fight the one to prove himself and upon doing so four other Brothers appear with swords and surround Bruce. Robin shows up and finds Bruce on his knees and asks Bruce if he needs a hand to which Bruce responds “The Ten Eyed Men kill demons Tim. I asked them to kill mine. I asked them to cut out all the dark, fearful, paranoid urges I’ve allowed to corrupt my life…and they did. It’s over. Batman is gone”. Week 30, Day 7 Gotham: Batwoman is fighting a gang of beasts trying to get information as to where Mannheim is. During the fight she turns and asks “You going to lend a hand here or are you just planning on getting an eyeful?” At which point she is joined by Nightwing “You have to admit, it’s quite an eyeful. What can I say? I’ve got a thing for redheads”. Only to receive a quick rebut of “Trust me I’m not your type”. They defeat the beasts but a wolf gets away; “Nightwing, pleased to meet you.” “ Batwoman” “Yeah definitely not a Batgirl”. Both Batwoman and Nightwing agree to look for Mannheim together with Nightwing starting in the north of town working south and Batwoman starting at the south of town working north. Batwoman fires off her grappling hook and leaves. Cover to #32 Preview for #31 Special Bonus: Look what it says on the chest of Blue Beetle
  6. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    I wich I could blame the ball for the Clippers problems The offense blows, I have no idea what they are trying to do out there. Haven't known the whole season and it has finally caught up to them
  7. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Grant Morrison on Batman and his role in 52
  8. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Week 29 Recap: Week 29, Day 2 Morning in New York: Wildcat, Green Lantern and Flash are standing around the Justice Society table talking about the end of the JS and how last Thanksgiving they were having “another turkey day with the League”. Outside is a Thanksgiving Day parade with a number of Everyman Project heroes flying by, a float with Infinity Inc on it and a big Lex Balloon with the JS looking on from their window. None of the JS are happy about the use of the name Infinity Inc and how Luthor came about it. Apparently Sandman had discovered a dozen of Luthor’s heroes with a criminal past but Luthor’s PR team has helped cover it up. The newest member of Infinity Inc, Jade, is then introduced to the parade viewers. AT that point Obsidian appears in JS headquarters and is not happy about the Jade situation. Obsidian has words with Green Lantern and then storms out of the building flying through a window. Obsidian goes to confront Jade but is blocked by Matrix. Obsidian not to be stopped encases Matrix within a dark field and continues after Jade. Jade tries to protect herself by creating vines around Obsidian but it does no good. The new Nuklon says that somebody has to stop him at which Green Lantern says that he’ll do it. Green Lantern separated the two and asks Obsidian if this is what his sister would have wanted in which he replies no and calms down. Afternoon on Oolong Island: Some of the scientists are sitting around a dinner table while Sivanna starts to carve a six-legged turkey with a chain saw. Will gets up from the table and leaves the room to be followed by Dr. Cale. During this Dr. Krabb is insisting that somebody has stolen his gold watch. Will is about to enter the men’s room when Cale catches up to Will and they talk. Cale reveals the gold watch was in Will’s pocket. We then get a panel that is of a building which appears to be on Apokolips. Cale reveals that her specialty is “technology from another world—a higher, brighter, more terrible world has fallen to Earth Doctor Magnus. ‘I saw a star from the sky which had fallen to Earth. The key to the Pit of Abyss…’" Egg Fu arrives at the dinner and questions why he was not invited; Sivanna is still carving the turkey with a chainsaw. One of the guards snickers at Egg in which Egg kills the guard. Will and Cale return to the dinner table. Egg asks Will how the Plutonium Man is coming along in which Will replies slowly. Egg is not happy with the response, “Slowly implies progress however small. You have done nothing Mister American Genius”! Cale then tells Egg that Will is one medication to suppress his Manic/Depressive tendencies. Egg then has Will taken away by the guards to have his medication taken away. Cale then cuts the tip of her finger and sucks the blood and says “I’m going to enjoy working with you Will Magnus”. Justice Society Headquarters: Flash invites Wildcat to his house for dinner. Wildcat says he has plans so Flash takes off leaving Wildcat alone, later seen drinking his sorrows away. Week 29, Day 3 Metropolis: The Steelworks: Dr. Midnight and Beast Boy are talking to a person whom was apart of the Everyman Project and lost his powers. Kala shows up looking for John who is in a back room. John has been peeling off his silver skin for about an hour and almost has it all removed, “…It started peeling off about an hour ago. We knew Luthor could take away everything he gives…we thought it was a question of procedure, that Ferry had a second treatment that took his powers…but if it’s like this then there is no reverse therapy. There’s an expiration date”. (My comment: 12:00 AM on New Year's day) Cover for #31 Preview pages for #30
  9. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    Kobe 1 Clippers 0 Kobe usually wins two games against the Clippers single handedly and tonight was one of them
  10. Kurt Angle Mark

    English Football

    Yes, what a great save The free kick by Nakamura was fucking awesome. My favorite sports moment last year was Benfica taking out Man U from the Champions League,hopefully they can do it again in two weeks.
  11. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

  12. Kurt Angle Mark

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Anyone else catch this "I didn't notice this, but we're told there was editing in the spot where Bobby Lashley speared Booker as they spliced in the spot from a different match, since his hair was down in the match on Friday but in the spot, his hair was tied up. (thanks to Wade Graham)" -Dave Meltzer
  13. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    Clippers beat 76ers 103-97 in OT to go 6-2 Looks like the Clipper strategy is to stink in the first half and turn it on in the second, that is how they have won their six games at home. They better stop before it bites them in the ass. By the way, the Pacific Division is going to be a damn war.
  14. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    ^^^^^^^ That is the cover for the week of Nov 29th Week 28 Day 2 Gotham: Renee and the Question are shining the Batsignal in the sky over Gotham to get Batwoman’s attention. Renee and the Question explain to Batwoman when she appears about the ritual with her getting her heart ripped out that is meant to happen in three nights. Renee is also wishing that the Question had stayed in Nanda Parbat with Richard and Tot, and the Question is doing a lot of coughing. Also a headline on the newspaper that the Question is reading claims that the Everyman Project has just created it's 10,000th hero. Australia: A number of Aborigines are being evicted from their homes. One of the Aborigines uses a remote control on Red Tornado, still in his junk shop body, to attack those that are trying to kick them off their land. The evictors pull out rifles and start shooting at Red Tornado. Red Tornado starts to spin his arms which causes two mini tornados. Red is then hit with a sledgehammer causing his head to fall off and them the body is torn apart by other men with sledgehammers. The man with the remote is arrested and the pieces of Red Tornado are tossed into the back of a salvage truck. We then see a sign that the land is to be used by Ridge Ferrick uranium mining. The whole time Red Tornado keeps saying “52”. Space: Lobo is pulling the castaways and his dolphin friend in their spaceship while being chased by the Emerald Head and appears to have eluded the Head. Week 28 Day 5 Gotham: Batwoman fights a creature in a church and is them shot with an electric blast by Mannheim. Mannheim is choking Batwoman and getting ready to start his ritual when Renee and the Question pop up from behind some pews. When he sees this Mannheim is surprised, “The questions…no…no you can’t be here, not yet…THE QUESTIONS HAVE NOT YET BEEN ANSWERED!” and he throws Batwoman at Renee and the Question. When Renee, Questions and Batwoman get back up they notice that Mannheim is gone. Week 28 day 7 Space: The castaways, the dolphin and Lobo are shown standing in the jawbone of a skeleton in space. Lobo mentions that he came by the eye when “they found th’ Emerald Head guilt of blasphemy against the Triple Fish God. A plan is made to capture the Head by setting traps in the worm-tunnels of the skeleton they are on when the Head appears and starts attacking. The Head gets stuck in the bones and stops fighting. Kory then notices the insignia on the cockpit of the head being that of the Green Lantern. Kory believes that this is the Green Lantern from the solar system that was destroyed in the “Stygian Passover” as the Lantern puts it and the Lantern was not able to protect that solar system because Lobo had taken his primary weapon. The person in the ship claims to be the Lantern of Vengar; and we only see a silhouette of the character. The castaways decide that whatever the Stygian Passover is it is destroying everything in its path and appears heading in the direction of earth so they decide to stick with Lobo and will try to stop it before it reaches earth. Preview page for next week
  15. Kurt Angle Mark

    Smackdown spoilers from England

    This is from another report (3) William Regal defeated Paul London (with Ashley at ringside) in easily the best match of the night. This is not my British bias showing through, this really was a very good match that should play well on tv. These two worked extremely well together and Regal put on a real clinic. He was clearly motivated and on his game tonight. Surprisingly the crowd was split early (probably due to the high number of young kids who like London) but as the match wore on, they were far more in favour of Regal. Key moment in the match saw Regal throw London over the top rope, and he accidentally landed on Ashley, who sold the bump big time. Regal didn’t really play heel during this match, and received a big crowd pop for his win. After the match, Brian Kendrick ran out and consoled both London and Ashley.
  16. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    Found it on the board. It was in the topic where the guys tore Kamui a new one. Part of me really wants to see the Clippers make it so we can actually go once in our life saying the Clippers are on the finals for the NBA title, but I'm worried they're gonna get nailed by either the other LA team, San Antonio, or Houston. A healthy Houston from the looks of it, is quite the goodness. Houston scares me most. Yao Ming in his mediocre years has played like Wilt Chamberlain against the Clippers, I'm afraid to see what happens now. At least Kelvin Cato ain't there no more, Brand would be completely ineffective against Yao and Cato.
  17. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    Cool stuff on the early days of Basketball
  18. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Well the Flash one was understandable. Darwyn Cooke was going to do an arc on Flash but then he was given The Spirit series. So they had to come up with something.
  19. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    Clippers beat the Hornets to go to 5-1, finish the homestand 5-0 Up next Utah, Should be a good one.
  20. Kurt Angle Mark

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    by Dave Meltzer [email protected] World Wrestling Entertainment broke its all-time live event money record for Wrestlemania 23, with tickets going on sale to the general public yesterday. Nearly 50,000 tickets are out at Ford Field in Detroit for the April 1, 2007 show, in a building that will be set up for 78,000 people. The total gate after the pre-sale and first day of tickets was $4.35 million. The company's all-time live event gate record was set on March 17, 2002, for Wrestlemania X-8 at Sky Dome in Toronto. It is also the North American all-time record. The show, headlined by Hulk Hogan vs. The Rock, drew a $3,846,033 gate in U.S. currency based on the exchange rates on the day of the show. The all-time pro wrestling gate record, of nearly $7 million, which will not be approached by this show, was set in Japan in 1998 for Antonio Inoki's retirement match against Don Frye at the Tokyo Dome.
  21. Kurt Angle Mark

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Some notes from Meltzer --Smackdown from last night did another strong 2.7 rating on the overnights on hours of 2.5 and 2.9, putting CW ahead of FOX for 4th place on the night. --The WWE is going to be doing its own cartoon on its web site called "Mr. McMahon's Ass." It's an already insane business that just gets even more insane by the day --WWE is now going back to doing small charity show type events, which means they are looking at running high schools again to run lower overhead events
  22. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    February Solicitations 52: WEEKS 40-43 Written by Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka, Mark Waid Breakdowns by Keith Giffen Art by Chris Batista & Rodney Ramos, Pat Olliffe & Drew Geraci, Joe Bennett and others Backup features by Waid and various Covers by J.G. Jones The month begins with one of the main players in 52 having everything — and everyone — taken away from him, and ends with messages from beyond the grave that will have a lasting impact on several DC heroes. Also, Ralph Dibny’s fate — or is that Fate? — is at last revealed as he solves the greatest mystery of all. Plus, more Origins of the DCU! 52: A year without Superman; a year without Batman; a year without Wonder Woman…but not a year without heroes. Week 40 on sale February 7 • Week 41 on sale February 14 Week 42 on sale February 21 • Week 43 on sale February 28 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US
  23. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    Well that must have been comforting for Lakers fans. At least now they know Kobe is going to show up when they're down twenty in the fourth.
  24. Kurt Angle Mark

    Spiderman 3 Trailer...

    Keep in mind that this is coming from someone that has absolutely no interest in Marvel characters, I thought the trailer was very underwhelming. Just to compare, the trailer for Spiderman 2 even got me interested. I guess alot has to do with the fact that the only thing that I was looking forward to,Gwen Stacy, was non-existent in the trailer.
  25. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    The 52 editor teases the last half of the book "All right, gang, we've passed the halfway mark, and things are about to really heat up. Characters will find their situations getting a lot worse before they can get better. Here's just a few of the things you can look forward to: We've revealed that Evil Skeets--who, at this point, is only missing a goatee--has killed a Linear Man, but what did Waverider really tell him before he died, and who is next on the mad machine's hit list? Here's a hint: he's after more than one person. We've seen that Batwoman is supposed to die, and that the Question is dying. Will Montoya be able to save either of them? We've seen Ralph go to Hell and back to reunite with Sue, but just how far is he willing to go, and just what--or who--will he sacrifice in order to be with his wife once more? Infinity Incorporated is the golden team of Lex Luthor's Everyman project. They will soon take on a new member and then take on an old team. But if Luthor controls a team of superpowered individuals, what will he really use them for? Starfire, Animal Man and Adam Strange--aided by a bounty hunter who has given up violence--are stranded out in space and are facing off against a woman with the power to destroy galaxies. One of them will not return. The Rain is coming. Supernova's true identity will be revealed. Multiple characters will die. The truth is out there."