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Kurt Angle Mark

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Everything posted by Kurt Angle Mark

  1. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    The second half of 52 starts out with a bang Week 27 Day 1 Elsewhere: Ralph tells Fate that here is a change up. “This time I’ll drive. And guess who were stopping in on?” And as the fog moves away you see Ralph standing on the hand of the Spectre. Ralph tells the Spectre that he knows that the boundary between life and death can not be breached without a price and he is willing to pay it. The Spectre looks down at Ralph and then gets a devilish grin on his face. The Spectre then closes his fist and takes Ralph and Fate into deep space and shows then Jean Loring. The Spectre says that he can not punish without a host and offers Ralph his power and in return the Spectre with bring back Sue. Jean wakes up and turns into Eclipso and lunges at Ralph. Ralph fights back to which Jean replies “You’re going to fight back? That’s a nice change of pace! God knows your wife didn’t”. Ralph grabs Jean and tells her that he will show her Hell and they disappear. Week 27, Day 2 It’s About Time clock store: Waverider is sitting on the floor with his knees brought up to his chest as time tics by. 5:25:18AM 5:25:19AM 5:25:20AM When an hour glass with Time Commander in it appears. Time Commander tells Waverider that they were supposed to be the new Time Masters and that Rip Hunter was to give all of the time stealers a reprieve if they joined his fight. Time Commander then turns to sand and disappears which is flowed by Skeets arrival. Skeets is looking for Rip Hunter but Waverider won’t help him and tells Skeets that Rip Hunter’s real name is even secret to him. Skeets then asks Waverider “Do you know where the golden metal that makes my body impervious to the ravages of time portals comes from? Do you know from whose corpse it was burned off? Discovered in a deep grave five hundred years from now? Take a guess”. At that point a number of gadgets come of out Skeets and he starts zapping Waverider. 5:25:21AM Week 27, Day 5 Nanda Parbat: While Richard Dragon is teaching Renee fighting moves, Tot is deciphering the Bible of Crime. After training Renee find Charlie coughing and asks him when did he quit to which he responds “Not soon enough”. Renee asks Charlie how long he has and he says “not long. Tot says it’s metastasized”. Renee asks “Why me Charlie? Eight Billion people, why me?” to which he replies “That’s the Question isn’t it?” Afterwards Renee and Charlie meet up with Tot whom has deciphered some of the Crime Bible where we find out that there was a village called Gatham which is where the name Gotham comes from. And that “…absent its knight-protector, the apostle stakes his bloody claim devouring the heart of the twice named Daughter of Cain”. Upon looking at the picture in the bible Renee realizes that it is not Cain but Kane as the woman in the picture resembles Batwoman. Week -84, Day -2: The Dibny House: Ralph and Eclipso appear in the Dibny Home. Ralph using the powers of the Spectre takes away Jean’s dark side so that she can witness what she did to Sue with the knowledge of right and wrong. Ralph’s vengeance on Jean is to leave her in a time loop so that she can witness what she did over and over for all eternity. When Sue is about to pick up the telephone Ralph screams unable to go through with it and he appears back in space with Jean Loring/Eclipso back in her suspended status as the Shadowpact had left her. Ralph then tells Fate to get him out of here and to go to Nanda Parbat.
  2. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    Great second half by the Clippers, finally playing to their potential. Down 7 at the half they beat the Mavs by 18. Mobley and Cassell doing the damage. Funny Note: Clipper fans started an "0 and 4" chant directed toward the Mavs, ironic coming from Clipper fans
  3. Kurt Angle Mark

    ECW's next PPV 'December To Dismember'

    From Meltzer "Paul Heyman is making an announcement about December to Dismember on tonight's show. It may be that Bobby Lashley will be in the match."
  4. Kurt Angle Mark

    The 'Sheed Rule

    The best thing about the rule so far is that it appears to have eliminated the one thing that pissed me off the most. Which is when make or miss a player turns to the ref and does the I got slapped/hit on the wrist gesture. Wade did it basically after every shot in previous seasons. Annoying the fuck out of me.
  5. Kurt Angle Mark

    Survivor Series Match

    Out of all the possible scenarios I have read this one is the most likely: JR: Welcome to Survivor Series! King: And here we are, starting off with DX, CM Punk, and the Hardy Boyz taking on Rated RKO, Mike Knox, Johnny Nitro, and Gregory Helms! This'll be great! *** ONE minute later *** JR: And we're down to HHH, Shawn Michaels, and Randy Orton! What a match!
  6. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    Clippers win against the Blazers to go to 3-1 Marc Stein sums up my feeling about the Clippers at the moment "More evidence it's a new day in Clipperland: Dunleavy's lads suffered one understandable loss in three games and folks are still asking What's wrong?"
  7. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    Clippers beat Suns 114-108 Good that they got 2 games against Suns out of the way early. Suns are the only team that worry me when I see the schedule.
  8. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    This piece of footage cost the Sun's owner $25,000 for complaining about the call.
  9. Kurt Angle Mark

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    Then he goes off and writes a piece saying that Tom Brady and Peyton Manning will be known as the two greatest QB's of all time.
  10. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Recap of issue #26 Week 26, Day 1 Himalayas: The Black Marvel Family drops off the Question and Renee in the Himalayas per their request. Both are thanked by the BMF and told that they are always welcome in Kahndaq. Isis tells Renee that she hopes that she finds the answers she is looking for. When Renee replies that the only answer she wants is how to keep Intergang out of Gotham, Isis tells her that perhaps she is asking “the wrong question. Who are you Renee Montoya?” and then creates a rose and hands it to Renee. After the BMF leave, Renee and Charlie are met by Tot and Richard Dragon(who will now be Montoya's trainer). Week 26, Day 2 Metropolis: Jack Ryder is going off on the bloodbath that took place in Metropolis two week’s ago with the new Justice League. Jack’s first guest is Steel who blames the whole thing on Lex Luthor for giving out powers to anybody who wants them. Jack then brings out a surprise guest, Natasha Irons. Natasha is pro-Everyman Project and states why she approves of the project. Natasha then leaves quickly when she is told through her earpiece that there is an explosion at Hob’s Bay. Week 26, Day 4 Sivana House: Junior and Georgia are using their fathers Suspendium Globe to go back in time. Junior wants to go back to the first grade and stop himself from wetting his pants and Georgia wants to go back in to second grade and tell herself to get braces. Waverider then appears in the globe and says “I know why.” And then the globe goes “BOOOM”! The two are then called up-stairs for a dinner party. When they leave you see a crocodile creature in the shadows. Venus goes to the door to greet the BMF. Venus tells the BMF about Thaddeus Sivana’s disappearance. Black Adam tells her that he made it clear that they were not friends. Venus then tells Adam and Isis that she donated $20 Million to Kahndaq’s Children’s Hospital and to consider helping her family. Oolong Island: More fun with Baron Bug having a malfunctioning mechanical bug, Manitchine…a giant robot praying mantis. The scientists find out that a female scientist has just arrived. The female is Doctor Veronica Cale who is there to help with the DNA problem they are having with the Four Horsemen Project. When she asks if any of them have a spare Restructive Enzyme Sequencer, the scientists start toss her theirs and offering her their workspace. Sivana House: During the dinner Osiris gets upset that they are being bought by a donation to find somebody that they should be fighting. He says that he needs friends and flies out the door. Once he leaves the crocodile figure you see jump out and onto the table.The crocodile busts through some walls and leaves. Osiris is shown sitting in the Sivana’s garden and the crocodile figure shows up and tells Osiris not to hurt him. The crocodile mentions that he was taken from the Nile River and kept in the dungeon where Sivana experimented on him causing him to grow hands and start walking upright. Osiris asks him if he has a name and when he is told he doesn’t Osiris asks if he wants one. Preview page from #27 Cover for #28
  11. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    Knew the second he started overselling that he was going to turn it over, luckily he made up for it. Good to see that Tim Thomas can hit threes in a non Suns uniform. Clippers still are lacking cohesion. They seem lost most of the time.
  12. Kurt Angle Mark

    The 'Sheed Rule

    Like the idea of the rule However the techs need to be like the hanging on the rim techs, which means that they don't count toward an ejection.
  13. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    Anyone else see this last night? I was LMAO when it happened
  14. Kurt Angle Mark

    The OAO Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess Thread

    OMFG!!! Check out the newly released trailer Here is another one SPOILERS
  15. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    Meh. Clippers have looked just a bit off all pre-season and it was evident tonight. Still gave a decent effort though. Also a big thumbs up for Jon Barry as a commentator
  16. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    Surprise Sheed gets tossed for complaining to refs
  17. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    Yeah as much as I hate to admit it the Lakers are looking pretty good right now. I was impressed with them in the pre-season. However the interesting thing will be to see how Kobe's return will impact the team. I liked them adding Farmar and Evans. The Bynum kid has been playing well since training camp. Damn Western Conference is going to be a Battle Royal, it is easily the best in any American sport
  18. Kurt Angle Mark

    This week in the NBA

    I guess you haven't watched many Suns games
  19. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    To bad DC didn't pick the right person to be the writer of "All New Atom". Yeah I didn't like what I read of that series. So I just caught up on the last 2 weeks of 53. Does anyone else think this Ralph Dibny magic quest is going to end really badly for poorl ol' Ralph? I liked J'onn carving out the shrine to all the dead Justice Leaguers. And hey what's the deal with discovering Nightwing was not supposed to survive the Crisis? I stopped reading Nightwing so when they mentioned that in the Origin of Nightwing section I was pretty surprised. The story with Nightwing is based on the real life editorial decision made at DC. Dan Didio said kill him because he felt that no other death would have had such an impact on the rest of the heroes since Dick Grayson was linked to practically the whole DCU. However Geoff Johns and others fought hard to convince Didio to change his mind and he finally did.
  20. Kurt Angle Mark

    Most Annoying Sportswriter

    No Plaschke is worse. I know Simers is an ass but it's mostly a gimmick so you can't take him seriously.
  21. Kurt Angle Mark

    Most Annoying Sportswriter

    Agree 100 % with your pick I really hate how he contradicts himself from day to day I remember last year when the Angels were in the playoffs, they win a game and Plaschke is all "this is 2002 all over again" then they lose the next game and he says the team stinks and management did a poor job in building the team. I'm pretty sure he did the same thing during the Lakers-Suns series.
  22. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    If Ray is going to show up soon this might be the book- Justice League of America #4 "Brad Meltzer and Ed Benes continue their best-selling saga of the "Tornado's Path" as the true mastermind behind the latest threat to the League is finally revealed! And an old friend reappears." Note: Ray does appear (or at least I think it was him) covered by a shadow in Brave New World #1, telling himself he picked the right person to be his successor in the "All New Atom" preview.
  23. Kurt Angle Mark

    Red Auerbach dead at 89

  24. Kurt Angle Mark

    This Week in College Football 10/26 - 10/29

    Yeah it looked like he was out but there was no way that was getting reversed
  25. Kurt Angle Mark

    NBA Preseason Thread

    Chris Kaman signs a 5 year 52.5 Million dollar deal with Clippers The Clippers did not pick up the third year option on Yaroslav Korolev which will make him a free agent at the end of the season