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Kurt Angle Mark

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Everything posted by Kurt Angle Mark

  1. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Week 25 Recap Week 25, Day 1 Gotham City: Bruno Mannheim says that he wants to make Gotham City the Capitol City of Crime. He claims that “you affiliate with Intergang or you die. You swear on The Crime Bible or you die.” ***The Crime Bible is said to be made out of the stone that Cain used to murder his brother Able*** Mirage says “A stone book, very artsy” which infuriates Bruno. Bruno in return smashes Mirage’s head into the book and then orders Mirage’s body to the kitchen as “Building an Empire is hungry work”. Bruno then turns to a table of eight bad guys and breaks the neck of a pimp looking guy telling the remaining survivors “You crime bosses work for me or we make you extinct”. You see that two others have been killed, one with a sword in his back and Kite-Man…I assume…with a broken neck. Week 25, Day 3 Boston: Captain Marvel JR. is knocked down by Sabbac who is looking to eat the souls of innocence to begin Neron’s Century of Fire. Mary Marvel flies down to Cap Jr. and tells him that he was to have waited for her. Meanwhile Sabbac has grabbed four kids and are saved by Isis. Osiris flies down and hits Sabbac in the mouth knocking out one of Sabbac’s teeth. Black Adam flies in and gives Sabbac a shot in the gut which sends Sabbac tumbling towards a building. Isis using her powers on a street side tree makes it grow and catch Sabbac before he can crash into the building and hurt other. Black Adam and Osiris then fly into formation and use the Lightning Strike on Sabbac, knocking him out. Black Adam, Osiris and Isis then take off with Sabbac. As they leave Osiris turns to the trick or treaters and says "Happy Halloween, Judeo-Christians". Mary asks Cap Jr. “…who the heck’s that Black Adam, Junior kid”. In which Cap Jr. responds “I don’t know. But I’m going to find out”. Week 25, Day 3 Elsewhere: The Helmet of Fate is taking Ralph through the Realm of the Damned. The Helmet tells Ralph that “This leg of our Journey is nearly finished Ralph Dibny. In our travels you have met many who have been scarred by the arts of the arcane. Before we leave the Realm of the Damned I wish you to see one familiar face.” The first to the Ralph sees he does not recognize and the Helmet explains who they are and then the Helmet brings Ralph to what appears to be a large statue of Felix Faust. The Helmet then gives a arcane history of Faust and how he came to be in the Realm of the Damned. The Helmet then tells Ralph that that is not Faust’s body but his soul and “If you end up here, I promise you that no one will mourn for you. Ever”. And then Faust’s soul turns to dust and blows away. Week 25, Day 3 New York City: Icicle and Tigress are trying to break into a bank during a Halloween parade because Tigress thought that they would blend in with all of the other costumes. Infinity Inc. shows up to stop them. Once Icicle and Tigress are surrounded by Infinity Inc. and don’t appear to want to give up, Infinity Inc’s newest member – Matrix(a really hot redhead) – makes her appearance and captures them by appearing between Icicle and Tigress and knocking their heads together. Alan Scott who was watching from the crowd turns and walks away until he meets up with Michael Holt. Alan talks to Michael about joining him as his Bishop in the new UN sanctioned Checkmate because "someone needs to keep an eye on the little things before they turn into big ones.. things like Luthor's metagene program". Week 52, Day 4: Oolong Island: Dr. Morrow attempts to talk Magnus into building a plutonium Robot for Intergang. Magnus said that he had lost his mind when he made the last one which is why he is taking his pills. Morrow thinks that it is interesting that Will is taking his pills to kill his creativity. Boss Mannheim lands on Oolong Island via helicopter. Mannheim tells Chang Tzu that the visit is not a social call and that he was informed that there is a solution to his problems in Kahndaq. You then get to see Chang Tzu- who is a giant Egg with mechanical legs and arms – who then tells Mannheim “Indeed I do: Weapons so terrible, only one name seemed suitable…we call them the Four Horsemen" Preview pages for #26
  2. Got this from someone at the DC Comics board. I got the Infinite Crisis HC, so I can confirm the changes The New Earths Geoff Johns mentions might have already been hinted at in "52". At the end of the "History of the DCU" feature The Monitor tells Donna Troy that there are two timelines, One where she dies and the one we saw in which Jade dies during the Space mission instead. As a bonus here is the modified two page spread from Infinite Crisis #7 by George Perez
  3. Kurt Angle Mark

    NBA Preseason Thread

    This is an endorsement deal
  4. Kurt Angle Mark

    Raw Thread - October 16th, 2006

    Sign K-Fed now!!! "Kevin Federline's appearance on RAW last week gained 1,300,000 viewers for his segment and did a 4.4 quarter rating. On the otherhand, the Carlito vs. Rob Conway match following the segment lost 1,050,000 viewers, thus meaning that a great deal of people only watched the show for K-Fed's appearance. "
  5. Kurt Angle Mark

    JLU Season 3 starts September 17th

    Just to clarify: The JLU set is technically seasons 1 and 2, containing the 13 episodes from both season.
  6. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Preview page for #25 Cover for #26
  7. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Great issue this week with very good art by Phil Jimenez Week 24, Day 1 Star City: Just before the start of an interview with reports in regards to Ollie, running for mayor of Star City in a special election, receives a call on his JLA communicator. It is Firestorm who is looking to get him to join the new Justice League along with Firehawk, Bulleteer, Super Chief and Ambush Bug. Ambush Bug grabs hold of Firestorms arm, which is holding the communicator saying “Hello room service? Send up a plot and three pages of dialogue right away. The weekly grind is tearin’ me apart! Fifty-Two!!” Firestorm says that he does not know what Fifty-Two is and asks if Ollie knows where J’onn J’onzz is. Week 24, Day 2 Rhode Island, Original Justice League Headquarters: J’onn is using his vision and strength against something you can’t see all while talking to himself. This fills you in on what he has been doing since he was last seen. J’onn has been deep undercover working with the president to put a stop to Checkmate; the president is unaware that the person he is working with is J’onn. When J’onn is done with his punching and vision you see that he was apparently making statues of fallen Justice League members. Week 24, Day 3 Great Wall of China: Black Adam, Isis and Osiris are meeting with the Great Ten. Adam wants to dissolve the New World Power that he set up with the China, Russia and Syria but wants then to still keep in place foreign meta-human activity within their boarders illegal. Also all Osiris wants to do is go around and tear apart villains. Week 24, Day 6 Metropolis: The new Justice League arrives because they are needed due to a time wormhole which is bringing in pirates from the past and cyborgs from the future. A number of bystanders reveal themselves as new heroes and enter the fight. It is revealed that Skeets is responsible for the time wormhole in order “to draw someone out. An enemy who thinks he can remain hidden from me. I presumed this would constitute enough menace to earn his attention. Apparently I need to up the ante” and Skeets fires upon Firestorm. Skeets then starts firing on all of the heroes killing a number of the new heroes. Super Chief then goes after Skeets in which Skeets countermeasures with a localized chronal acceleration to affect the stone which only gives Super Chief the extra power for up to one hour. Super Chief then falls in a plain where he is seen by an ancient Indian and some wolves. SC calls out for the Manitou Spirit but is told by the Indian “The Spirit cannot hear you John Standing Bear. The Manitou honors only the prayers of the living”. The Indian then grabs the stone, poof Super Chief is gone, and the Indian hands the stone over to Ralph and the Helmet of Fate. Week 24, Day 7 Oval Office: It is revealed that the president has done away with Checkmate but is then told that Checkmate is now a UN agency. this pisses the crap Of Martian Manhunter. A newspaper article also tells us that the new Justice League has disbanded. Belle Reve Federal Prison: Amanda Waller is with Atom Smasher. Amanda has AS picking a team of villains to go against Black Adam to help pay off his debt to society.
  8. Kurt Angle Mark

    NBA Preseason Thread

    Fuck you to all the stupid NBA GMs for the contracts they gave to Dalembert, Nene and Chandler. Kaman now wants 11 million a year which would put him just above the players mentioned and Clippers are offering 10. Once I saw those signings I knew the Clippers would almost have to offer the max to keep Kaman. hopefully things can be worked out.
  9. Kurt Angle Mark

    Smallville Season 6 thread

    Now that , maybe she gets killed driving Lex over the edge. One would hope
  10. Kurt Angle Mark

    Infinite Crisis Hardcore: major changes made

    Here is link that shows all the changes made in the IC HC http://www.silverbulletcomics.com/news/story.php?a=2767
  11. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Smart money says that Lex being the dick he is turns off the metagene he gives to people and the ones that can fly are falling to their deaths. Also Justice Society of America #1 Preview confirms that World War III happens during 52.
  12. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    January solicitation for 52 52: WEEKS 35-39 Written by Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka, Mark Waid Breakdowns by Keith Giffen Art by various Backup features by Waid and various Covers by J.G. Jones Variant cover on WEEK 35 by J.G. Jones The New Year begins with the deadliest day Metropolis has ever seen — and by the end of the month a villain will stand revealed, a hero will fall in the outer reaches of the galaxy…and the reveal of Supernova will deepen his mysteries even further. WEEK 35: Art by Phil Jimenez & Andy Lanning, plus The Origin of Black Canary by Waid and Howard Chaykin. WEEK 36: Art by Chris Batista & Jack Jadson, plus The Origin of Green Arrow by Waid and Tim Sale. WEEK 37: Art by Patrick Olliffe & Drew Geraci; plus The Origin of Firestorm by Waid and Jamal Igle. WEEK 38: Art by Shawn Moll & Jadson; plus The Origin of Red Tornado by Waid and Phil Jimenez. WEEK 39: Art by Joe Bennett & Ruy Jose; plus, The Origin of Mr. Terrific by Waid and Dave Johnson. Retailers: 52 WEEK 35 will feature two covers that may be ordered separately. Both covers are by J.G. Jones. Please see the Previews Order Form for further details. 52: A year without Superman; a year without Batman; a year without Wonder Woman…but not a year without heroes. Week 35 on sale January 3 • Week 36 on sale January 10 • Week 37 on sale January 17 Week 38 on sale January 24 • Week 39 on sale January 31 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US
  13. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Recap of Week 23 Week 23, Day 1 Oolong Island: It would appear that Dr. Magnus was captured at the end of last issue as this issue starts off with him in the head unit of a giant robot being piloted by an Ape-Man and a Crocodile-Man***maybe an Alligator-Man as we can’t see his nose to make sure…but definitely a lizard***. The top section is lowered to the ground where Dr. Magnus is welcomed by Dr. Morrow. All of the missing mad scientists have been gathered and are on the island. One has created a giant robot cricket, the Cricketron, which goes out of control which gets blasted by the islands defenses and then stepped on by the giant robot that brought Dr. Magnus to the island. The people that the scientists are working for have “a very long reach”. Dr. Morrow is asked to join them “in creating the future. And before you ask, No you really don’t have a choice”. ***Mad scientists on an island with an unlimited budget…it’s more fun than a barrel of monkeys. And if you look closely you will see that the beach umbrellas are from Penguin Umbrellas. Week 23, Day 5 Yemen: Whisper A’Daire is performing a ceremony where children are chained to the alter. Renee and Question are looking on from a hidden walkway above the room. Isis’s brother is then dragged into the room where a wolf-man creature starts to beat him up and is joined by others in attendance and is then dragged away. Renee and Question are then found by a big red creature which Renee blows a hole in with her special gun and the two end up falling to the floor below. While Renee is shooting the creatures in the room, Question grabs the book that Whisper was using. Black Adam and Isis then arrive as they crash through the ceiling; Isis heals Renee from a wound she receives across her stomach. Renee tells Black Adam and Isis where Amon has been taken. The two bust into the lab where Amon has been taken and Isis attempts to heal Amon’s injuries with her powers but is unable to fully heal him to due to the damage his body has taken; he has had too much damage to his nerves so he will not be able to walk again. Black Adam then threatens to kill the creatures in the lab for what they had done to Amon but Isis won’t have it and blows the creatures out of the lab. Black Adam lays his left hand on Amon’s chest and asks him to say his name. With a flash of lightning Anon is cured and in a costume that is a gold lightning bolt from his shoulders down to his stomach and the rest in black and now calls himself Osiris. Week 23, Day 6 Kahndaq: Black Adam tells Isis that he is able to share his power just as Captain Marvel is able to share his powers with Freddy Freeman. Isis kisses Black Adam and tells him”…I promised you when we found my brother that I would help you change the world. And I know where to start. Osiris come join us. We are going to China”. Page 10 of #24 Cover for #25
  14. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Week 22 recap Week 22, Day 1 Metropolis: Luthor is given information on Supernova’s appearance with Wondergirl in which he get’s upset over as the information is three weeks old. Mr. Strauss, the employee giving Luthor the information – claims that Supernova spotted Lexcorp’s surveillance equipment and used his “power of disintegration on Lexcorp’s cameras”. Strauss then shows Cassie calling Supernova Kon-El to prove who Supernova is. Luthor becomes more angered and fires Strauss for wasting Lexcorp’s recourses on bad information to “retrieve the deluded, mewlings of a pathetic love sick teenaged girl who misses her boyfriend”. Supernova is then shown floating outside of Luthor’s window in the same stance as Superman. Luthor takes a red marker and makes Superman’s symbol on the window to show who he believes Supernova to be and then orders some new metagene test run on himself, Luthor. Week 22, Day 2 Bus going to Metropolis: A guy is hitting on a lady that want s to be left alone. A big Indian approaches the man in an effort to get him to leave the girl alone. The obnoxious man asks the Indian what he is going to do about it which ends up getting the obnoxious man thrown out of a bus window on the highway. ***on one of the overhead highway signs, there are directs for highway 52 “right lane must exit”. The back of the bus also shows an add “Silverblade returns 10.13.06***The bus comes into gate 52 where the Indian is let go by the police since the obnoxious guy has had a previous conviction of rape and that he did save the girl. Week 22, Day 3 Metropolis: Lex is given the tests for the metagene and his results come back the same as last time, “negative compatibility for the therapy. Week 22, Day 4 Metropolis…I assume: The Indian attends his fathers funeral. After the funeral the Indian, Jon, is taking with his grandfather whom tells Jon about the Manitou Stone which gives the chosen wearer extra strength, speed and power and the individual is called Super-Chief. Jon’s grandfather opens up a cabinet to reveal the stone and headgear and then asks Jon to do something for him. Week 22, Night 4 Metropolis: Jon takes the stone and puts his grandfather out of his misery by suffocating him with a pillow. Week 22, Day 5 Metropolis: Luthor is having an opening ceremony for the new “Lex Luthor School of International Business Studies and Policy”. During the party Jon Henry is watching things while under cover of hat and trench coat. He observes a man approach Luthor and starts yelling at him being a liar about the Everyman project being unlimited power. The man’s name is Ferry and he is escorted off of the premises by Luthor’s security. Jon follows Ferry outside to find out what was going on. It appears that Ferry had the therapy but Luthor turned off his power. Jon tells Ferry that he wants to hear his story and that he wants the world to listen too. Dr. Magnus’: Magnus is talking to his brother David on the phone about Dr. Morrow disappearing and the two goons that showed up at his house. Magnus’ brother mentions SHADE and that it is an acronym. Magnus then packs Mercury up into a duffle bag on his way to leave his house. When Magnus get’s upstairs he is approached by a fake group of Metal Men made up of Iron, Lead and Platinum. Magnus turns on a super magnet that captures Iron, while Mercury leaves the duffle bag to go after Lead. Magnus then pulls out a vial and throws it at the fake Platinum ***the real Platinum’s head is seen downstairs in Magnus’ basement***which dissolves Platinum. Doc turns just before leaving the house to see Lead crushing Mercury. Once outside Doc looks up to see a huge robot and proclaims “I don’t want to be crazy again” in which the robot responds “Mad scientists only, Doctor Magnus” and fires an energy beam at Magnus’s house blowing it up. Cover to 23 Preview page Cover to 24
  15. Kurt Angle Mark

    NBA Preseason Thread

    That and hopefully no main player will miss 50 games like Maggette did last year.
  16. Kurt Angle Mark

    TWiB 9/25 - 10/1

    Playoff Schedule through Friday Tuesday, Oct. 3 ALDS Game 1: Oakland at Minnesota 1 p.m. ET (ESPN) NLDS Game 1: St. Louis at San Diego 4 p.m. ET (ESPN) ALDS Game 1: Detroit at NY Yankees, 8 p.m. ET (FOX) Wednesday, Oct. 4 ALDS Game 2: Oakland at Minnesota 1 p.m. ET (ESPN) NLDS Game 1: Los Angeles at NY Mets, 4 p.m. ET (ESPN) ALDS Game 2: Detroit at NY Yankees, 8 p.m. ET (ESPN) Thursday, Oct. 5 NLDS Game 2: St. Louis at San Diego 4 p.m. ET (ESPN) NLDS Game 2: Los Angeles at NY Mets, 8 p.m. ET (FOX) Friday, Oct. 6 ALDS Game 3: Minnesota at Oakland, 4 p.m. ET (ESPN) ALDS Game 3: NY Yankees at Detroit 8 p.m. ET (ESPN)
  17. Kurt Angle Mark

    Smallville Season 6 thread

    I thought the premiere was very good, but definitely could have been stretched out another episode or two. Preview Clip for next week http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJc9OrVodHE First look at Clark's new power and Oliver Queen
  18. Kurt Angle Mark

    TWiB 9/25 - 10/1

    Dodgers score two in the ninth to take a 4-3 lead
  19. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Recap of issue #21 Week 21, Day 1 Metropolis: Natasha talks Luthor into letting Eliza back in the group as she, Eliza is off Sharp and is sorry for what she did. Week 21, Day 2 The Netherplains: Ralph and the Helmet of Fate are looking to go into the Underworld Beyond. They get past the demon guard after Ralph reveals that he, the demon, was put to sleep by Fate and he, Ralph tied the demon up into a ball after giving him gingold. The demon lets them through and Ralph kicks him down a flight of stairs. Week 21, Day 3 Metropolis: Luthor sets his team of heroes out to catch Blockbuster. Luthor bought the name and rights for Infinity Inc. from the Pemberton Estate; team members are Fury, Nuklon, Skyman, Everyman, Starlight and Trajectory. Infinity Inc defeats Blockbuster and the Titans show up; Titans are Beast Boy, Raven, Power Boy, Little Barda, Hot Spot and Zatara. While having words back and forth Blockbuster escapes and Trajectory (Eliza) goes after him. During here fight with Blockbuster Luthor turns off her powers causing her to die at the hands of Blockbuster. Week 21, Day 6 Manchester, AL: The Titans and Infinity Inc are at the funeral for Eliza. John Henry shows up to talk to Natasha but she gets mad at him and leaves. Week 21, Day 7 Australia: A small town repair shop is shown where a metal sculpture artist is working on a project in a garage. The sculpture is shown to be a really bad make shift statue(made out of car parts, wood and a radio) with the Red Tornado's head. Cover and page preview for next Wednesday
  20. Kurt Angle Mark

    NFL Week 4

    Apparently it was an allergic reaction to the pain killers he was taking
  21. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Summary of issue 20 Week 20, Day 1 Gotham City/Batcave: Supernova is in the Batcave and finds Luthor’s Kryptonite Glove. Week 20, Day 3 Metropolis: Steel helps out the Metropolis Fire Department by helping support a burning building until everyone is out. Kala shows up with a report that shows which shows some theories on the metagene project Luthor is running which give both Steel and Kala concern over the possibility that if Luthor can give powers then he can also take them away. Week 20, Day 6 Space, Sector 3601: The colony in space is attacked by a swarm of bugs at which time Arch-Bishop Lobo is asked to use the Emerald Eye of Ekron and he refuses. During the battle Lobo drops the box that the eye is kept in and the eye falls out only to be picked up by one of the aliens at the colony; the box is dropped due to Lobo getting eaten alive by the swarm. Upon attempting to use the eye the alien is disintegrated and the eye once more falls on the ground only to be picked up and used by Kory. The Eye ends up saving the day but its use does not make Lobo happy as he has word with Kory while regenerating his body from the pile of blood he has become. Lobo tells Kory to hitch up their ship to his bike because he is leaving because the Eye sent out a beacon to the Emerald Head of Ekron who is looking to get its eye back. Origin of Adam Strange by Mark Waid and Kevin Nowland. Cover to #21 Luthor's Team= Infinity Inc.
  22. Kurt Angle Mark

    OAO "Holy shit, Kurt Angle is in TNA now" thread...

    I guess TNA thought so as well. They edited out the "kurt/kirk" part and now only says "Angle is coming to TNA" http://www.tnawrestling.com/
  23. Kurt Angle Mark

    OAO "Holy shit, Kurt Angle is in TNA now" thread...

    I was hoping he wouldn't wrestle anymore, but you knew Angle wasn't going to just sit at home and do nothing. But if he is going to continue at least he picked a company that will provide him with a limited schedule
  24. Kurt Angle Mark

    TWiB 9/18 - 9/24

    Nomar with a walk-off Grand Slam to keep the Dodgers a half a game back of Philly