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Kurt Angle Mark

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Everything posted by Kurt Angle Mark

  1. I'm glad team USA lost because perhaps the media might pull back on the non-stop ass kissing of the class of 03. Hate fucking all of them because of it. Also I thought the team was going to be made up of role players? Yet they sent their best one Bruce Bowen home. Might have provided a little defense today. For the 2007 Americas tournament send Kobe, Redd, Allen and actual role players and get it done. What i'll do is pick 4 to 5 star players. Each star along with the USA coaching staff will then pick 2 or 3 teammates of said star to be on the roster. That way you have players that are familiar with one another and know how to play as a group.
  2. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    WEEK 23: “Look what these monsters did to your brother, Isis! They deserve a slow death! Plucked apart like the insects they are!”
  3. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Osiris was the Egyptian god of death, and the husband of Isis...which weirds me out to no end if he's Black Adam Jr. Osiris is the husband and brother of Isis , and who is Adrianna Tomaz a.k.a Isis and Black Adam looking for? Her brother
  4. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    In the photo, who are the two people in the bottom right with the similar costumes of Black Adam? One of them is Black Adam and the other is named Osiris. If you are reading 52 or know Egyptian mythology then you know who he is.
  5. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Actually Steel and Black Adam appear to be safe since they discussed how to end their respective stories after already planning the death of whoever I have Elongated Man at 2 to 1 and The Question at 4 to 1 odds. IMO the Elongated Man story can only come to a conclusion when either Sue is resurrected or Ralph dies. I say the latter is more likely. Here is a spread of all the Teen Titan members during the missing year, some might appear in 52 later on. http://img154.imageshack.us/my.php?image=tt38to5.jpg
  6. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    This week's issue of 52 was probably my favorite so far Here is a recap: Week 17, Day 1 Metropolis: The News report on TV is showing you footage of Luthor’s Justice League taking on Kobra. The six members do not have any codenames but their powers are revealed. One has claws that “seem capable of slicing through anything they touch”, one has speed, one can morph, one is super strong, one can ride the winds and Natasha Irons is a “living beacon of light”. The members are all talking to Luthor about getting codenames when one member is shown shooting up with something. It is discovered to be a drug called Sharp which the speedster is using to slow herself down since she has no control over her speed. Eliza, the speedster, and Luthor get into an argument and Natasha steps up with her hands light which looks like Supernova’s glowing fists…possibly another red herring. Eliza gets mad and runs off. Luthor also makes a creppy comment about Natasha's beauty and one of the members is named Hannibal Bates and you can guess what he likes for dinner. Week 17, Day 2: Space: Starfire is in an asteroid field blasting asteroids so that the ship that her, Animal Man and Adam Strange are in can make it through. Animal Man is nervous through the whole thing telling Adam which way to go. Kory is hit in the head by an asteroid and the ship ends up landing on an asteroid. Week 17, Day 4: Space: The ship is still on the asteroid they landed on. Adam has hooked the ships sensory array into his visual cortex so he can see out of the ship and says that the field is too dense to fly though. And Kory claims that someone was throwing asteroids at them. Week 17, Night 4: Space: Kory and Buddy are talking while Adam sleeps. Both are talking about their family and then Buddy mentions about an encounter he had with some aliens (a.k.a Grant Morrison in the Animal Man series) and how he learned about space and time and says with his head turned towards the reader “It all runs to a plan…” (That there are writers that decide the fate of universe)While Buddy and Kory are talking the ship gets attacked by Devilance which ends up pulling his lance out of the ship. With the lance back together Devilance is about to crush the ship when the ship reads “a huge energy spike” and then we have entrails. And who should appear but Lobo standing over Devilance’s body with a big gun in hand. While Kory goes out in space to talk to Lobo, Adam tells Buddy all about Lobo. During Kory’s talk with Lobo, which are just empty word balloons, Lobo ends up pulling Kory’s top off. Kory covers her chest and then makes the "money" gesture with her fingers. She goes back to the ship and explains the Devilance walked into a trap set for Lobo and that Lobo is the only one that can get them out. She tells them that she reasoned with Lobo by telling him that she is a princess with rich parents. Kory also mentions that “…for the first time in his life, Lobo has problems of his own. He’s joined the church and turned his back on violence apparently. And believe it or not he needs our help”. Lobo ends up towing the ship out of the asteroid field with Deviance’s head shown on the end of his lance. Week 17, Day 7: Red Tornado waked up and says “52”. Three Aborigines are shown standing around him and he repeats “52”. One of the Aborigines says " Fifty-Two? No mate. Australia”. Comments: the Animal Man-Starfire conversion was great and needs to be read to be appreciated. The writers are probably trying to confuse readers when it comes to Lobo. He says he has found religion and turned his back against violence. Yet they made it look like he killled Devilance and then he ends up chopping off his head .
  7. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Latest Wizard has an article on the meeting between the creative team as they plot the final 16 issues. Anyway here are the tid-bits
  8. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    cover to issue #20
  9. Kurt Angle Mark

    Justice League of America

    Alot of people are getting cofused with what is going on. All the subplots are going on at the same time. The Big Three aren't even done picking their team. When Green Arrow mentions "you're putting the gang back together again" to Canary and Hal, he met the three them going out on the road again. No one has actually been invited to the team and when some are asked later on ( Powergirl) they are going to turn the invite down. Also it looks like the team will end up together by chance and find out they make a great team, since Vixen didn't receive much support from the Big Three and will still make the cut.
  10. Kurt Angle Mark

    Kurt Angle released!

    Best thing that could have happened to Angle and I hope I never see him wrestle ever again. Nothing(especially the current WWE) is worth risking your life over. I hope he takes care of his problems and gets his family life back on track
  11. Kurt Angle Mark

    Justice League of America

  12. Kurt Angle Mark

    NBA Offseason Thread

    The Harrington deal finally done. Goes to Pacers for a first round pick Another Dunleavy Jr. to Clippers rumor I see **YAWN**
  13. Kurt Angle Mark

    Justice League of America

    Here are the two regular covers by Ed Benes which make a spread
  14. Kurt Angle Mark

    2006 Fall TV...

    Thursday: Smallville Friday: Smackdown every other day: Non NFL sports and TBS re-runs
  15. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    November Solicitations Written by Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka, Mark Waid Breakdowns by Keith Giffen Art by various Backup features by Waid and various Covers by J.G. Jones The story of the year continues in five more chapters of America's only weekly super-hero adventure! WEEK 26: “How altruistic can you be when you’re funded by LexCorp?” Plus, The Origin of Hawkman by Waid and Joe Bennett. WEEK 27: “It’s Jean Loring. Sue’s murderer.” Plus, The Origin of Power Girl by Waid and Adam Hughes. WEEK 28: “Maybe our time here is over. Red Tornado’s gone walkabout.” Plus, The Origin of Catman by Waid and Dale Eaglesham. WEEK 29: “Th-th-they’re going to kill me. S-S-Supergirl’s going to kill me.” “That's — the BLACK MARVEL FAMILY?” Plus, The Origin of The Joker by Waid and Brian Bolland. WEEK 30: Get ready for the story you never expected! "Batman...No More” — a full length 22-page adventure featuring Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd and...Batwoman?!? 52: A year without Superman; a year without Batman; a year without Wonder Woman…but not a year without heroes. Week 26 on sale November 1 • Week 27 on sale November 8 Week 28 on sale November 15 • Week 29 on sale November 22 Week 30 on sale November 29 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US
  16. Kurt Angle Mark

    NBA Offseason Thread

    That is somewhat true. Dunleavy has a thing for defense which is why Wilcox was in the doghouse and is also the reason Dunleavy had no problem putting Maggette on the bench and starting Quentin Ross. Wilcox is the perfect player for a run and gun team like Seattle.
  17. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Supernova appears to be someone that is familiar with Booster Gold. In the issue Booster Gold is fighting a huge sea creature and screws things up, Supernova makes the save and makes some sly personal remarks toward Booster which causes Booster to attack him. Booster says "You think I'm a joke?" Nove replies "You are too pathetic to be a joke...You are just a loser." This prompts Booster Gold to go into one of those "I'll show you" moments and takes the nuclear sub into the air before it explodes. Supernova goes up in the air to catch him but by the time he gets there Booster Gold is just a skeleton. The guess here is that since Booster's storyline involves time and time travel that there is going to be a twist at the end. Like Supernova being Booster Gold or something.
  18. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Article about the events that took place in this week's issue of 52 ***SPOILERS*** Daily Planet Article
  19. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Final cover for next week
  20. USA is down by three against Brazil with 5 minutes left Game on NBA TV Edit; after some dubious technical foul calls USA hits 6 free throws to take a five point lead and hold on to win 90-86
  21. Kurt Angle Mark

    2006-2007 NBA Schedule releases

    Full Schedule http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=2536359 National TV Schedule http://www.nba.com/schedules/national_tv_schedule/ OMG 2 Clipper Nationally televised games in the first week
  22. Kurt Angle Mark


    Press Release
  23. According to ESPN this will be the 15-man team heading to the tour of Asia, with three more cuts to be made before the World Championships begin Carmelo Anthony, Gilbert Arenas, Shane Battier, Chris Bosh, Bruce Bowen, Elton Brand, Dwight Howard, LeBron James, Antawn Jamison, Joe Johnson, Brad Miller, Chris Paul, Amare Stoudemire, Dwyane Wade, Kirk Hinrich. Adam Morrison and Luke Ridnour appear to be the final cuts with everyone else out with injuries or persona matters. Official Annoucement tomorrow morning
  24. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    Written by Geoff Johns and Richard Donner; Art and cover by Adam Kubert; Variant cover by TK Geoff Johns (INFINITE CRISIS, FLASH) joins forces with Richard Donner (director of Superman: The Movie and Superman II) and artist extraordinaire Adam Kubert (X-Men, Ultimate X-Men) for "Last Son," the tale of a small child from the planet Krypton. Sent by his parents to Earth with powers beyond imagination, the child's future potential is limitless. Especially when Superman finds him! Don't miss this amazing comics event! Superman | 32pg. | Color | $2.99 US On Sale October 25, 2006
  25. Kurt Angle Mark

    The Official "52" Thread

    The Secret Origins start with issue 12 12-Wonder Woman by Adam Hughes 13-Elongated Man by Kevin Nowlan 14-Steel by John Bogdanove 15-Metamorpho by Eric Powell 16-Black Adam by J. G. Jones 17-Lobo by Keith Giffen 18-Question by Joe Bennett 19-Animal Man by Brian Bolland 20-Adam Strange by Kevin Nowlan 21-No origin