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Kurt Angle Mark

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Everything posted by Kurt Angle Mark

  1. Kurt Angle Mark

    The One and Only JLU Season 1 Thread

    Well this week's episode is going to be interesting. I put a spoiler tag for those that want to be surprised by the genre of this particular episode This Little Piggy," this Saturday's episode of Justice League Unlimited, features a musical number with Batman. Really. "Since 1991, when we first started making Batman, we always joked about making Batman: The Musical because Kevin Conroy, who voices Batman, is a fine singer," explained Justice League voice director Andrea Romano. "In this episode, Batman is forced to do something humiliating in order for a spell to be reversed. And what he is forced to do is sing a song, and he sings it wonderfully." Rachel York, who plays Circe in "This Little Piggy," also gets to sing in the episode. "You just donĀ¹t get to do many musical numbers in Justice League, so that's really, really fun," Romano said. Lorraine Newman, an original cast member of Saturday Night Live, guest-stars as both Justice and Medusa.
  2. Kurt Angle Mark

    The One and Only JLU Season 1 Thread

    After this weeks Zatanna episode here is the schedule for the next three episodes. Saturday, Sept. 4: "Fearful Symmetry" -- Supergirl discovers that a series of nightmares she's having about being an assassin may be far more than just a bad dream. Saturday, Sept. 11: "The Greatest Story Never Told" -- The Justice League is in epic battle with Mordru in downtown Metropolis, but the real story is what happens to Booster Gold while he's supposed to be on "crowd control." Saturday, Sept. 18: "The Return" -- Nearly two dozen heroes join forces to prevent an all-powerful Android from reaching his goal, the recently reformed Lex Luthor.
  3. Kurt Angle Mark

    The One and Only JLU Season 1 Thread

    Hmm, I wonder... How will they explain the Huntress in JLU continuity? Being someone that doesn't read the comics, the only version I know of was from the short-lived Bird of Prey series, where she was the daughter of Batman and Catwoman. That was the Pre-Crisis Huntress. Here is the info on the new Huntress Real name: Helena Bertinelli Occupation: Teacher, High School English Base of Operations: Gotham City Marital Status: Single Height: 5' 11" Weight: 130 Eyes: Blue Hair: Black First Appearance: THE HUNTRESS #1 (April, 1989) At present, Oracle does not know Helena Bertinelli personally. She is, however, an acquaintance of the Huntress. And perhaps it is only a matter of time before Barbara Gordon figures out that her occasional ally is actually the sole surviving member of a mob family murdered by rival factions of the city's Mafioso. In her youth, La Cosa Nostra robbed Helena of her parents and brother, forcing her to seek refuge among Sicilian relations. Trained to fight by her cousin, Helena later returned to Gotham, determined to hunt down the men who ordered and carried out her family's destruction. Her retribution involved dismantling the organization to which she was once bound by blood. As the Huntress, Helena armed herself with crossbow and knife, stalking Gotham's organized crime figures with a violent intent. The city's Dark Knight defender, Batman, has tried time and again to temper her methods, even nominating her for membership in the Justice League of America, though he later had her membership revoked. But, through it all, the Huntress has remained unwilling to compromise her convictions. Most recently, Helena found herself a pawn of Checkmate, an ultra-secret law-enforcement agency which offered the Huntress its "Queen" position in exchange for information on the Dark Knight. With Batman's help, Helena accepted Checkmate's offer without betraying him. There is little doubt that the Huntress plans to extricate herself from Checkmate's control. Time will tell if Oracle has the means, or the desire, to make the Huntress another of her trusted Birds of Prey.
  4. Kurt Angle Mark

    Olympic Chatter

    Greece beat Puerto Rico 78-58 thus USA finished fourth in their group Here are the Quarterfinal games Spain vs United States Greece vs. Argentina Lithuania vs. China Italy vs. Puerto Rico
  5. Kurt Angle Mark

    Olympic Chatter

    Germany tied the USA womens soccer team in the 89 minute. The game is in overtime
  6. Kurt Angle Mark

    Smallville Spoilers for Season 4 & Beyond

    The WB showed the Season 4 premiere trailers last night Which can be seen right here
  7. Kurt Angle Mark

    Olympic Chatter

    OMG!!! The USA womens softball team finally gives up a run. They lead Australia 5-1 in gold medal game
  8. Kurt Angle Mark

    The One and Only JLU Season 1 Thread

    While I loved the first three episodes, I thought last night's episode was weak. It was the first episode that was really hurt by only being 30 minutes. Not enough time to get know Hawk and Dove and the episode felt crammed.
  9. Kurt Angle Mark

    So who was cheering for the Men's b-ball team...

    My feelings on what is wrong with the NBA is clearly stated by this SI.com article by Jack McCallum
  10. Kurt Angle Mark

    Future plans

    Other than the fact that the match might take place at Wrestlemania, I had the same idea for the UT/Angle match. Build both of them up as unbeatable until they cross each others path. However I had this match happening at Survivor Series or Royal Rumble with Angle winning. Then it's Angle vs. Cena at Wrestlemania using the fact that Cena is 0-3 against Angle as the storyline.
  11. Kurt Angle Mark

    Like Justice League?

    Here is an article on the next JLU episode "Hawk and Dove"
  12. Kurt Angle Mark

    Olympic Chatter

    Actually they are going to show beach volleyball.
  13. Kurt Angle Mark

    So who was cheering for the Men's b-ball team...

    I wouldn't say I'm cheering them to lose, however the only player I like is Duncan so I'm not actually cheering them to win either. This team just brings nothing to the table. If they don't win many are going to blame the guys that didn't go, I'm not since it's their choice if they want to go or not. However USA Basketball must realize that if the big guns don't go, then you better assemble a REAL TEAM (with a couple of stars and role players) and not send the B-list All Stars next time. Before the games started I decide was going to root for Argentina and my man Manu GINOBILI!!!! and he didn't let me down yesterday.
  14. Kurt Angle Mark

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    I think most people were disappointed in the length of the match and not the match itself. I just saw it again and i liked it even more the second time. However it was still too short for my liking. After tonight I demand an Angle/Undertaker WWE title match somewhere down the line. The only time the crowd truly pissed me off was during the UT/JBL match because the match was really good(until the finish) and they totally took away from it.
  15. Kurt Angle Mark

    Olympic Chatter

    WHAT A GAME !!!!! Argentina beat Serbia & Montenegro 83-82 after Manu Ginobili hit a running bank shot at the buzzer.
  16. Kurt Angle Mark

    Comic web sites

    Those three plus www.comicon.com/pulse are the ones I go to
  17. Kurt Angle Mark

    Fantastic Kurt Angle article

    Good Stuff from the Pittsburgh Gazette
  18. Kurt Angle Mark

    Smallville Spoilers for Season 4 & Beyond

    WOW!!!! Here are two new pics of Lois Lane http://www.kryptonsite.com/s4gallery3.htm http://www.kryptonsite.com/s4gallery4.htm
  19. Kurt Angle Mark

    Smallville Spoilers for Season 4 & Beyond

    In the comics Bart is a superhero and is the grandson of the Flash, he has the same powers as the Flash. Therefore he will probably be the "Smallville" version of the Flash.
  20. Kurt Angle Mark

    Smallville Spoilers for Season 4 & Beyond

    It has just been revealed by Kryptonsite that Bart Allen(aka Impulse, Kid Flash) will appear this year in Episode 5. Of course his origin will be different since in the comics he is from the future.
  21. Kurt Angle Mark

    Pre-Opening Olympic Soccer

    Watching Mexico vs. Mali right now on Telemundo, the score is 0-0 at halftime, however it should be like 2-0 Mexico but Mexico has failed to capitalize on their chances
  22. Kurt Angle Mark

    Brock Lesnar causing havoc in scrimmage

    From Dave Meltzer Brock Lesnar was all over the news again yesterday after a skirmish during a Vikings-Chiefs scrimmage. When Lesnar assisted on a tackle of running back Jonathan Smith, Chiefs player Jonathan Ingram shoved him off Smith. Lesnar shoved him back and a bunch of fights broke out. There were other minor fights in the game as well. Lesnar also got heat with the Chiefs for a sack on QB Damon Huard, which drew a big response from the crowd of 6,000. Huard was knocked silly, and had to go to the sidelines and sit out a few plays. Giving hard hits to QB's in scrimmages violates an unwritten understanding, and the Chiefs were not too happy with him. Lesnar was again featured on Sports Center last night.
  23. Kurt Angle Mark

    Like Justice League?

    Now for my comments This was an AMAZING episode, that did Alan Moore's story justice. Loved seeing the invisible plane and Krypto. Thought that it was cool that his dream home is a farm on Krypton and that his dream woman is a hybrid of Lois and Lana.
  24. Kurt Angle Mark

    Like Justice League?

    Tomorrow night and Next Saturday morning at 11:30 AM. Tomorrow at 5:00 pm ET/PT to be exact
  25. Kurt Angle Mark

    Like Justice League?

    Yes, Superman's fantasy was slightly different. For one thing, he didn't retire to a farm. There are a few other things that are different, but I don't want to spoil the story for those who haven't read it. As for Mongul's fantasy; yes, they did show what he was fantasizing about. Rockin'. I actually remembered that. Now I need to try to find a trade paperback with that one in it, since I lost the original. "Across the Universe: The DC Universe Stories of Alan Moore" is the book where you will find this story. It collects every DC Universe story Moore wrote, except for "Batman: The Killing Joke" and "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?" since they are sold separately.