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Kurt Angle Mark

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Everything posted by Kurt Angle Mark

  1. Kurt Angle Mark

    The new Smackdown GM

    Meltzer just wrote that Heyman is backstage and that he has been penciled in as the new GM for Smackdown
  2. Kurt Angle Mark

    Team Eric Vs Team Stone Cold

    Since I only watch Smackdown I will give my thoughts on what they should do Brock Lesnar vs. Chris Benoit Undertaker vs. Vince Kurt Angle vs. John Cena Los Guerreros vs. TWGTT Tajiri, Sakuda, Yang, Ultimo, Funaki vs. Rey, Kidman. Noble, Spanky, London
  3. Kurt Angle Mark

    So now that....

    According to Dave Scherer there will be a rematch between Angle and Cena at Survivor Series. I for one see Cena going over clean at SS, thus winning Angle's respect. The two then share a handshake after the match turning Cena into a babyface without having to turn Angle heel, which leads to the Angle/Cena team Kurt hinted at.
  4. Kurt Angle Mark

    Road Warrior Hawk passes away

    From Dave Meltzer Mike Hegstrand, part of perhaps the most successful tag team ever on the U.S. wrestling scene, the Road Warriors, passed away at about 1:30 a.m. last night. Further details are unavailable. He is believed to be either 45 or 46.
  5. Kurt Angle Mark

    The One and Only WWE No Mercy 2003 Thread

    Here is Meltzer's review of the match which I totally agree with Vince vs. Stephanie is next. Hopefully it'll be kept short. Anyone want to take odds on that? Vince won choking out Stephanie with a pipe and Linda threw in the towel, so Stephanie never quit. Vince pie faced Linda. Vince was the greatest heel ever in this match. Match had super heat. There were actually good near falls by Stephanie and match was well laid out. For what it was, it was pretty darn good. The big news is that Stephanie's face is unmarked for her wedding. Can't say the same about Vince, even though they avoided the blade, as Vince was cut under his eye from a pipe shot.
  6. Kurt Angle Mark

    The One and Only WWE No Mercy 2003 Thread

    Here is the PPV preview from Dave Meltzer. Might contain some *Spoilers* Tonight's line-up: *Matt Hardy vs. Zach Gowen - Gowen has been pretty cold since his return but he's still an unbelievable worker considering his handicap. At one point they were going to have Gowen join Hardy, and since Hardy gets a face reaction most nights, this may be an angle to go back face for Matt. I'm not sure of any purpose for this match unless there is an angle *Chris Benoit vs. A-Train - Benoit is in line for title shots soon with Lesnar. Benoit almost never has a bad match and this should be no exception, but it probably won't be the caliber of what you expect from Benoit on PPV *Tajiri vs. Rey Mysterio for cruiserweight title - I'm presuming that Ryan Sakoda and Jimmy Yang debut here and screw Mysterio out of the win. Anyway, that's just a guess, since these two are scheduled to work through December and it's better for a Rey chase. These two almost always have very good matches and if they are given time, it's probably the surest bet for a great match on the show. *Eddy Guerrero vs. Big Show for U.S. title - I doubt this will be the classic Guerrero wrestling match, but I also expect it to be entertaining in some fashion. *Kurt Angle vs. John Cena - This is a big test for Cena, as he's ready to move up and the only thing holding him back is his in-ring work. I don't know that this will happen, but he probably should sneak out a win here and we'll see how Angle can handle what I presume to be a longer match with a less skilled wrestler than he's used to. Then again, Angle has had good matches with Big Show. *Vince McMahon vs. Stephanie McMahon - The big challenge here is to have a match and at the same time protect Stephanie's face for Saturday's wedding. Stephanie will be away for a few weeks between wedding preparation and her honeymoon after this one. *Brock Lesnar vs. Undertaker in a biker chain match for the title - The way I see it, Vince screws Undertaker out of the match. Since it'll be put in the main event slot, they'll be given time. I expect a very good match. The card doesn't have any match that are going to be a special draw unless Vince vs. Stephanie's hype actually gets people curious. Unless that match has clicked from all the hype, this could be the lowest buy rate in years. But on paper, you've got either matches with good workers, or a match with a great worker, so it should be a solid wrestling show.
  7. Kurt Angle Mark

    HHH injured again

    HHH pulled a hamstring a few minutes into his return match last night but it wasn't said to be serious and I haven't heard he'll be out tonight. credit: Dave Meltzer
  8. Kurt Angle Mark

    HHH injured again

    I just read today's house show report and Ric Flair replaced HHH in the same match. HHH was at ringside.
  9. Kurt Angle Mark

    HHH injured again

    It was HHH and Orton vs. Booker T and Goldberg
  10. Kurt Angle Mark

    BloodBath - The Steel Cage DVD gets a name

    Damn it, for a second there I was loving this DVD until my brother mentioned how they didn't include the greatest cage match of them all: Rock vs. Mankind vs Shamrock from Breakdown
  11. Kurt Angle Mark

    Forget Boston, Chicago Has The Curse Instead

    Apparently, a long time ago, a Chicagoan wanted to take a billy goat into a tavern and was denied. In return, he put a curse on the Cubs that they would never win another World series. Now THAT'S a curse. Well from the story I read in the L.A. Times, In 1945 the owner of the billy goat after being denied entrance declared " That this will be the last world series ever played in Wrigley Field" So if this is true then the Cubs have to get to the World Series to break the curse, not win it. Which might explain what happened tonight.
  12. Kurt Angle Mark

    Raw Rating Rises

    I'm not Smackdown had more competition last week and got a 3.6 broadcast rating which would be equal to a 4.5 cable rating for Raw. WWE usually benefits from tough competition because there are more people watching TV, thus more channel surfers who might tune in to either show.
  13. Kurt Angle Mark

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

    That might be the case but to me all the Sox games are dull. Don't know why but i can't get into them. Games 1 and 3 from Cubs/Marlins > than any Sox game
  14. Kurt Angle Mark

    No Mercy 2003 Workrate Predictions Thread

    No, I think that the match will be really good too Better than any Brock/Angle match and with much more heat.
  15. Kurt Angle Mark

    Bret/Shamrock, LOD/HBK&HHH, Georgia Dome, more

    I went to this house show, so I'll add a few things The funniest part of the show was when Shawn Michaels and some fan got into a heated argument. The guy must have really pissed off Shawn because as security was taking the guy away, Shawn got the mic and started taunting and talking crap about him. I remember Shawn Michaels saying something like"Hey don't worry, your friends can tell you what happens during the the rest of the show, Asshole" Also The Dude/Owen match was one of their classic, beat each other with a bag of popcorn and other useless weapons match that Mick mentions in his first book. You should have seen the look in my face when Kama beat the Patriot, I mean the guy went form wrestling Bret for the belt on a PPV to jobbing to Kama in less than a month. The Bret/Ken match was really good. Even my dad who is not a wrestling fan thought it was great. Finish came when Bulldog distracted Shamrock and hit him with a steel chair. Bret applied the sharpshooter and the ref stopped the match as Ken was out cold.
  16. Kurt Angle Mark

    Test Breaks his Foot

    Here is an update on Test's injury by Meltzer "Test suffered two broken bones in his foot at the Friday night house show in Louisville taking a Van Terminator from Shane McMahon. Very early reports have him out of action for two months"
  17. Kurt Angle Mark


    I figured they would make that match, to make up for Summerslam. So I'm guessing the last match to be made for the show should probably be TWGTT vs. Los Guerreros.
  18. Kurt Angle Mark

    Smackdown rating a 3.6

    By Dave Meltzer In what has to be labeled a shock, Smackdown delivered a 3.6 rating last night.
  19. Kurt Angle Mark

    Clippers Sign Top 48th Scorer in NBA HISTORY

    He is still a good shooter and more importantly he is in the best shape of his life. According to the article in the L.A. Times he lost 25 pounds during the off season.
  20. Kurt Angle Mark

    Clippers Sign Top 48th Scorer in NBA HISTORY

    As a Clipper fan I'm really excited about the signing, the team had no shooters at all and now we got one of the best. This was a really good day for the Clippers and their fans because not only did they sign Rice but their rookie Chris Kaman today scored 17 points in 21 minutes on 6 of 8 shooting in his first game. I have a good feeling about this team, I think they will compete for the final playoff spot in the west.
  21. Kurt Angle Mark

    The One and Only Smallville Thread

    1) I actually remember the show creators mentioning Bruce Wayne before season 2. Originally they were going to have Bruce show up as a dark and brooding friend of Lex. I guess they got a little tied up in the storylines last season but yeah it'd be cool. 2) Well they've mentioned the Daily Planet often enough lately and even had a couple of establishing shots of the building where it would be possible. Maybe Chloe still writes for the Daily Planet every once in a while and Perry is some big shot field reporter moving his way up the ladder. It could easily be worked in. 3) On one hand Lois just showing up and them foreshadowing everything would be cool (see the "Fortress of Solitude" comment about the hayloft from season 1). On the other hand Chloe seems to fill the Lois role rather nicely. I suppose as long as it's something like what you'd like (one shot deal, etc.) there's not a real big deal. Perry White is going to appear in episode 5. And from what I have gathered there will be no Bruce or Lois Lane this season, however Jimmy Olsen might appear toward the end of the year. According to the producers Lois might appear next year, however they didn't guarantee it.
  22. Kurt Angle Mark

    BIG Game Tonight on MNF

    Well, according the the graphic on Sportscenter, the rule is you can't leap onto another player's back in order to try to block a kick. The TB guy didn't do that. He leapt, then landed on another player's back on his way down. That is not what the ref called. There is another rule that says that a player who is more than one yard behind the line of scrimmage who gets a running start and leaps to block a kick, is not allowed to land on any of the players, which is what Rice did.
  23. Kurt Angle Mark

    Undertaker and Kane revisited

    Ok, then I will give you one Dave Meltzer said on his radio show that the idea is currently on the table
  24. Kurt Angle Mark

    Why doesn't WWE ever visit the United Center?

    I always thought that the WWE never went there because WCW had the rights to the building. I mean they had a Nitro there like every two months. So I don't why they don't go there now.
  25. Kurt Angle Mark

    Smackdown rating

    According to 1wrestling.com, Smackdown got a 2.9 rating with a 4 share.