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Everything posted by Kurt Angle Mark
Great Game Awesome effort by the Chargers I still can't believe that 90% of the "expert" analysts expected the Colts to destroy the Chargers, have no idea where they got that from.
I'm dead inside Worst loss of this shitty season
Here is how I voted West: G-Manu Ginobili G-Brandon Roy F-Shawn Marion F-Tim Duncan C-Chris Kaman East: G-Chancey Billups G-Ray Allen F-Kevin Garnett F-Lebron James C-Dwight Howard
SI talks to McNamme and McNamme stands by his story http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2008/writ...mens/index.html " And Roger was in no way an abuser of steroids. He never took them through our tough winter workouts. And he never took them in spring training, when the days are longest. He took them in late July, August, and never for more than four to six weeks max ... it wasn't that frequent. " -- Brian McNamee
Here is what a read awhile back about the role the character will play
With the way New Orleans have been playing this season, everyone in the West should be glad they are not in Oklahoma City anymore, the crowds would have been insane.
The new chapter of the online comic "The Ten Brides of Tekezo Sensei" has some interesting stuff. Here is the recap Trapped in his coffin, Adam Monroe laments that he has survived "the greatest men and women on the planet," even those who could bend steel or wield the raw power of the elements. Only Hiro Nakamura has eluded him. He asks what he can measure his centuries of life by—a few dozen names? He thinks that immortality is worthless, if he's buried alive, and the loves of his life are all dead. He remembers these loves, starting with his wife Helene in Diedenshausen, Germany in 1692. When Monroe turned 42, he realized he did not age, and his wife fled into the forest, calling him a devil. He heard that she died years later in a nunnery. He then recounts the tale of his second wife, Maria, who bore him two sons while he lived in Milan, Italy. He learned he did not like children, and left them with two sacks of coins as he departed to the new country. He met his third wife, Frederica, at Versailles, in Paris, France in 1782. She always wore her rouge and face powder; it was this affinity for lead-based cosmetics that led to her death. Next, Adam recounts the story of how he went to Japan and met his fourth wife, Yumi, the great granddaughter of Yaeko in 1784. Bored, he left her after faking his own death. Monroe traveled to America, where in 1787 he married Angelica(Looked to be Native American) to whom he confessed his greatest secret. They were together for 62 years, introducing themselves as husband and wife, mother and son, and, finally, grandmother and grandson, before she died at the age of 87. In 1864, in Atlanta, Georgia, Kensei married his sixth wife, the second named Maria. While he battled in the American Civil War, she died of smoke inhalation during a fire at their plantation. In Montreal, Canada in 1901, he married Diane. She contracted tuberculosis one winter. Desperate to save his love from dying, Adam injected her with a vial of his blood. Her recovery was hailed as a miracle and she died peacefully twenty years later. After a vicious mugging in Chicago, Illinois, in 1926, Adam regenerated his left eye and spleen in front of his eighth wife Louisa. She drank herself to death within four months. His ninth wife, Theresa, whom he met in Los Angeles, California, in 1958, never truly loved him. She and her lover shot Adam in the chest and dumped him off a cliff. He swam back to shore and killed them in their sleep. He married his tenth wife in 1977. A woman named Trina(African American), she remarried after his imprisonment, and had children and grandchildren. She died in 2001 in a car accident. Adam blamed Kaito Nakamura and the others for depriving him of the opportunity to say goodbye. Finally, Adam says that he has died dozens of times in his tomb, and that Hiro is a cruel man. And in the big reveal... Adam remarks that his latest bride will be coming for him soon enough. And he also mentions how he once went by the name of Richard Sanders
Clippers are in the middle of a 13 game run in which I was expecting them to end with one win, they got that game(Minnesota) last night and won. So I'm happy
The worst kept secret in Hollywood was made official Hayden Panettiere 18 (Claire) and Milo Ventimiglia 30 (Peter) are dating one another Good for them
After getting killed by Houston and Boston I felt there was no choice for the Bulls than to fire Skiles. Still I'm surprised it actually happened.
Here is a look at the Volume 3 "Villains" Trailer, from some type of convention http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iBLZ_4rTuQ
Here is the trailer in high quality http://atasteforthetheatrical.com/deathtrap/default.htm
Here is the info on the Raw Anniversary DVD set DISC ONE # First RAW - January 11, 1993 # Mr. Perfect vs. Ric Flair Loser Leaves WWE Match - January 18, 1993 # Parking Lot Brawl - May 10, 1993 # Razor Ramon vs. The Kid - May 17, 1993 # Shawn Michaels vs. Marty Jannetty Intercontinental Championship Match May 17, 1993 # Gorilla Monsoon Fires Bobby Heenan - December 6, 1993 # Bret Hart vs. 1-2-3 Kid WWE Championship Match - July 11, 1994 # The Search for The Undertaker - August 1994 # King's Court with William Shatner - January 9, 1995 # Shawn Michaels vs. Owen Hart - November 20, 1995 # Vader attacks WWE President Gorilla Monsoon - January 22, 1996 # A Touch of Goldust - May 27, 1996 # Pillman's Got a Gun - November 4, 1996 # Mankind vs. The Undertaker No Holds Barred - December 9, 1996 # Shawn Loses His Smile - February 13, 1997 # The Ninth Wonder of the World - February 17, 1997 # Original ECW Invasion - February 24, 1997 # Owen Hart vs. British Bulldog WWE European Championship Match- March 3, 1997 # Bret Speaks His Mind - March 17, 1997 # Flag Match - United States vs. Canada - July 21, 1997 # Stone Cold Stuns the Boss - September 22, 1997 # Bret Screwed Bret - November 17, 1997 # Sable in a Sack - December 8, 1997 # Gold Meets Water - December 15, 1997 # Christmas with DX - December 22, 1997 DISC TWO # "Tyson and Austin!"- January 19, 1998 # DX Special Report - February 2, 1998 # Dumpster Diving - February 2, 1998 # Formation of the New DX- X-Pac Returns - March 30, 1998 # Stone Cold vs. Vince McMahon - April 13, 1998 # DX Invades WCW - April 27, 1998 # DX Nation - July 6, 1998 # Zamboni 3:16 - September 28, 1998 # The Debut of Mr. Socko - October 5, 1998 # McMahon's Cement Corvette - October 12, 1998 # Bang 3:16 - October 19, 1998 # Mankind wins the WWE Championship - January 4, 1999 # Stone Cold Beer Truck - March 22, 1999 # Monster Truck vs. Town Car - April 19, 1999 # Mean Street Posse vs. the Stooges - May 10, 1999 # The Greater Power Revealed - June 7, 1999 # Y2J - August 9, 1999 # Rock: This is Your Life - September 27, 1999 # Bossman Sympathy - November 8, 1999 # What Happens in Vegas... - November 29, 1999 # Jericho not the new Champion - April 17, 2000 # Shane Purchases WCW - March 26, 2001 # Milk-o-Mania - August 20, 2001 # Triple H Returns - January 7, 2002 # Past Meets Present - February 18, 2002 # Worlds Unite- Bischoff Hugs Vince - July 15, 2002 DISC THREE # "The Rock" Concert - March 24, 2003 # Kane Unmasks - June 23, 2003 # Musical Chairs with Eugene - July 5, 2004 # Evolution Turns on Randy Orton - August 16, 2004 # Are you ready for some wrestling? - November 22, 2004 # Batista Turns on Triple H - February 21, 2005 # Shelton Benjamin vs. Shawn Michaels - Gold Rush Tournament Match May 2, 2005 # John Cena Drafted # 1 to RAW - June 6, 2005 # Edge / Lita Wedding - June 20, 2005 # Shawn Michaels turns on Hulk Hogan - July 4, 2005 # Jericho is Fired - August 22, 2005 # Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle - WWE Iron Man Match - October 3, 2005 # A Stone Cold Homecoming - October 3, 2005 # Eric Bischoff Trial - December 5, 2005 # Edge / Lita - Live Sex Celebration - January 9, 2006 # DX Impersonates Shane and Mr. McMahon - June 26, 2006 # Edge vs. Rob Van Dam vs. John Cena - Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship - July 3, 2006 # Edge vs. Shawn Michaels - Street Fight - January 22, 2007 # Shawn Michaels Returns! - October 8, 2007
Great move. I was saying to go down when he was about to score and it was cool to actually see him do it
If you look at his stats, he only had 21 homeruns in 1700 ab's. So if he were doing steroids, it wasn't doing him any good. Yeah ESPN has an article on him, he admitted to using HGH to help recover from an injury http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=3155299 He came clean on air and let people bash him for the whole show on Friday
Here is the trailer http://www.dailymotion.com/relevance/searc...once_shortfilms
The whole show got a 4.1 rating
The last two hours of Raw last night average a 4.4 rating Rating for first hour not yet available Source: Meltzer
The nightmare is over Clippers beat Kings to snap 7 game losing streak Kaman continues to be the man, 26 and 12
Thursday's ratings TNA 1.1 ECW 0.6 source: Meltzer
Great Episode. All I have to say is if Claire or Peter don't kill Mama Patrelli by the end of the series I'll be pissed. Here is Tim Kring on the finale and Volume 3 From TV Guide.com Exclusive: Tim Kring Explains Heroes' "Generations" Finale by Michael Logan Will Nathan (Adrian Pasdar) die by an assassin's bullet? Was Niki (Ali Larter) truly blown to hot, blonde, gorgeous bits? Will Adam (David Anders) spend eternity six feet under? And — say it ain't so! — does badass Elle (Kristen Bell) really have an inner Girl Scout? The Dec. 3 episode of Heroes, the conclusion of the show's second volume "Generations," left us with lots of big questions. Creator and executive producer Tim Kring has the answers. And, whaddya know, he's even sharing some of them! The fate of Nathan, who was shot during a TV press conference, and of Niki, who may have died in an abandoned building explosion, are "up in the air and will be determined when we come back after the strike," Kring says. "Things are fairly dire for them both." Immortal Adam was teleported by Hiro (Masi Oka) into a coffin buried in the same Japanese cemetery where his father Kaito (George Takei), who was slain by Adam, is also buried. "It's poetic justice to have Adam end up in the same graveyard as Kaito," Kring notes. "We've given the audience no reason to believe that Adam can figure a way to get out of there. The fact that he can live forever makes this the most gruesome of internments. If this happened to any of us, at least we'd know we'd soon have the mercy of death. Not here." Witchy, bitchy Elle, who wound up saving the lives of Mohinder (Sendhil Ramamurthy), Maya (Dania Ramirez) and little Molly (Adair Tishler), clearly sparked when Mohinder called her a hero. "Kristen Bell gave us the perfect reaction in that scene," Kring says. "For a moment there, Elle sees she's been given an opportunity to use her powers in a good way. And she absolutely likes the sound of that word 'hero.'" Not to worry. There are plenty more baddies coming after the writers' strike concludes. In fact, the title of Volume 3 — "Villains" — says it all. "We've introduced a cadre of them over the course of the show and we're going to see them rise up," Kring says. "Just as the heroes have found each other to save the world, the villains will do the same with the opposite intent." And their numbers may be legion. "The Company has catalogued many of these people over the years. There may be more of them down in that basement than we have alluded to so far." Will Sylar (Zachary Quinto) be their ringleader? After being electro-zapped by Elle, Mister Eyebrows escaped to a back alley and skeevily injected himself with Claire's (Hayden Panettiere) blood. Then, in a wicked salute to Popeye, he telekinetically grabbed a can of spinach and said, "I'm back!" "Sylar getting his power back does not bode well for our heroes," says Kring, who admits there is one upside to the writers' strike: Originally, Quinto was not going to be available for much of Volume 3 because of his commitment to the new Star Trek film. Now, with the strike dragging on, he'll likely be done playing young Spock by the time Heroes returns to production.
Well I'm already looking forward for Volume 3, whenever it comes on.
The preview from Canada http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8hqPFX-v_c
Decent episode setting up the finale. Since Jeph Loeb is writing the episode I except alot of mindless action. My predictions based on the Preview 1. Nikki dies saving Monica 2. Nathan takes over the Company After coming across this picture, I know what the show needs, "Cowgirl" Claire. Because you know she is from Texas