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Everything posted by Rawknight

  1. Rawknight

    SJL Wrath Card (1/19/2003)

    Anythign emporer related... use the kickass reworking of the Imperial march that's on Galactic Battlegrounds. I've seen it tagged as Metallica's doing somewhere. If there's a cage match on the card SJL: No Escape! (Theme music "Bullet With Butterfly Wings" by Smashing Pumpkins.. Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage) Nothing to match Malice in Wonderland though. Hold the PPV at Disneyworld Studies where the old WCW tapings used to be! Dead In Hollywood by the Murderdolls as a theme tune?
  2. Rawknight

    SJL WRATH Predictions~!

    SINGLES MATCH Arianwyn Rivenstone vs. Leon Sharpe -> I'm going for Rivenstone. Hope Leon has paid up his Elf Insurance policy. SINGLES MATCH Crow vs. Mike Van Siclen -> Crow. Backing the guy who Card's valet considers the sexiest man in the SJL. MOTOR CITY RUMBLE Dace Night vs. Insane Luchadore -> Dace Night. Bostin! GAUNTLET MATCH Hollywood Spike Jenkins vs. Chris Card, Janus, Wildchild, and Johnny Dangerous -> This has the potential to be a huge clusterfuck, and HSJ getting a kicking out of it. If I don't stop him there's a ton of main event talent who can. MAIN EVENT TAG TEAM MATCH Ejiro Fasaki/Fugue vs. Johnny Dangerous/Wildchild -> Oooh. Potetntially brilliant either way. Ejiro/Fugue, but whoever loses should post their match on the boards, cos BOTH are gonna be well worth reading.
  3. Rawknight

    Crimson Comments

    I know more than it's healthy to know I have a spongelike mind full of useless information, and wrestling moves trivia takes up waaay too much of it. And two Es at A-Level.
  4. Rawknight

    Crimson Comments

    Or just have Joey Styles on commentary and make up gimmick names for things randomly. Noone really needs more than 2 or 3 named moves, but I'm sure Danny Doring had about 6, and Taz had every suplex as a Tazplex on top of the Tazmission and the Brooklyn Boot. Having said that I always thought the Steiner Recliner would be better if you called it the Steiner Spine Aligner. So what do I know.
  5. Rawknight

    Crimson Comments

    Hmm... well that segment WAS supposed to be fast (Crow says in his stats that he likes to start matches with fast stuff), but I understand that I'm not gettting a sense of time right in the stretchy strong style stuff in the middle portion of matches. I'll have to work on that. Oh and I decided to call the armbar a jujigatame because.. well I can. I think it would be more realistic if I called the move by a fancy name in the descriptive text and then gave it a more accesible name in the commentary - after all I wouldn't expect JR to know (or call) the difference between a jujigatame, a wakigatame and a traditional western armbar, unless it was someone's finisher. Thanks for the suggestions though folks
  6. Rawknight

    World Tour

    Fidel Castro invites all comers to a Baseball Trivia Challenge?
  7. Rawknight

    Crimson Comments

    Where does the confusion lie? I often throw way to many hims in a paragraph Constructive criticism always appreciated folks!
  8. Rawknight

    World Tour

    Tour finale outdoors in Stadium Australia? If we tour Britian it's just a case of persuading Americans that not everyone in Britain is either Alan Rickman in Die Hard or Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins Maybe a how to speak Brummie FAQ for local promos? Or how to speak generic british teenager, innit? Oh the possibilities!
  9. Rawknight

    Crimson Comments

    She's partially based on an ex-girlfriend... I've already said too much
  10. Rawknight

    World Tour

    He's kinda supposed to look like Rob Van Dam's evil older brother in a soap opera. Which I guess was Scotty Anton/Riggs's role in ECW... Sort of. And if we're going to Birmingham make sure noone makes Norman Smiley's mistake of coming out in a Birmingham shirt to suck up to the home fans and getting booed to hell by Aston Villa supporters. NIA's a good call though.. lovely arena.
  11. Rawknight

    World Tour

    Can I suggest the National Ice Center in Nottingham as a venue. It's as big as any other indoor arena in the UK (MEN/Sheffield/Glasgow) and I can see it from my appartment
  12. World's Weakest Hoss? I'm not the hoss... Moran was the hoss... 6'7 260ish isn't that big for a wrestler (about the same size as Rock and a bit bigger than Austin) Chris Card is TECHNICAL PERFECTION~! anyways, relying purely on skill, intuition and foxy goth manageress related cheating. And yes I am going to allcapstildebang my own nickname for effect.
  13. Rawknight

    Promo: The Block

    I've been e-fedding on and off for nigh on 4 years, but this is my first match based fed (as opposed to RP based). I've written matches for cards, I've booked cards and I've VPd. I've even run a card myself. This fed however seemed like something genuinely different, so I signed up. Oh and I'm also using my favourite character, much to the virtual chagrin of Va'iga (who did the job in my sample match), Va'a, Big John Quinn, Zachariah Quinn, Craig Blitz, Nailbomb Johnson and Sean Fate. So now you know.
  14. Rawknight

    Promo: The Block

    A dark and dismal room fills the camera shot. The camera's wide angle shot guides the viewer's arc of vision around the room, revealing exposed pipework and concrete walls. Shafts of light float through the porthole sized windows touching ceiling level. This grim and dark basement is kitted out with the most basic of training facilities, wooden blocks a couple of punchbags and a tackle bag like you would find at an american football or rugby training ground. The camera is static, set up on a tripod giving the viewer a fixed picture of the scene. A figure until now cut in shadow flies dramatically into view with a flying heel kick staggering the punchbag into life. Card (VO): The pursuit of technical perfection is a dream to many. To maintain technical perfection is my reality. A sharp exhalation from Card adding extra force to the kick, the punchbag rocks back and forth for a few seconds as Card takes a long breath out. Card is kitted out in full training gear, a loose fitting shirt soaked to the skin with sweat from the hard routine he has been pushing himself through. His training pants fit more loosely than his wrestling gear. His hair isn't tied back, and with each movement flaps about and forms matted rats tails with sweat. He douses himself with water from a bottle and drinks the remainder letting the water flow down his chin and further soak his shirt. Card (VO): I am no idol. I am no superhero. I never wanted to be adored. Card throws the bottle into the air and flips back into a handstand, springing off the concrete floor and doing an almost vertical version of a dropkick sending the bottle fyling up far into the air. He rights himself with a handspring, and times his next kick to strike the bottle again as its gentle arc through the air meets the flightplan of his foot. Card (VO): Victory is everything. Success is everything. Perfection is natural. Card grimaces as his foot connects sending the bottle dissapearing off into the dark distance of the room. He lets out a long slow sigh and cuts a deliberatlely dynamic pose into the camera. He glares, staring a hole through the recording device before composing himself, drawing his arms slowly into his body and taking a long deep inhalation. He takes a quick stare at the punchbag which is still rocking slowly from his last brutal kick. Channeling all his energy and focus into one burst of energy he flies towards it with a scissored snap kick and sends the bag reeling backwards again. On its return to him he draws himself onto one leg and sanps off three quick roundhouse kicks to the low, middle and high sections of the bag. the bag spins off lessening it's arc. As it flies back rapidly towards Card he stops it dead with a fearsome shoulder block. Card (VO): I break the rules if they need breaking. I break spirits because they need breaking. Card's breath shortens breifly, and he walks over to a wall and takes more long sips from a second bottle of water. He drains the remainder of the bottle over his already drenched head and holding the bottle in one hand he flicks his brow clean of water sending a shower across the room. he throws the bottle up into the air and traps it, soccer style on his chest, rolling it down his body and right leg, balancing on his left and cocking back his right foot to keep the bottle under control. He flicks it up into the air again, spins round on his balancing foot and roundhouse kicks the second bottle into the distance where it rebounds off the wall with a resounding crack. Card (VO): Do I care if you think less of me for what I am or what I do inside the confines of a wrestling ring? Card flashes another evil glare into the camera, and crosses his chest making the sign for the Heartbreaker. He shifts his weight onto his right foot, and does the martial arts display of side kicks, going round a full 360 circle in 12 steps, lashing out at each twist with a side kick of such force that it could knock the chest open of any poor unfortunate that would dare step into his way. He finshes this display by swinging up his balancing leg and delivering an evil looking axe kick into mid air. Landing flat down he springs out of his position with a backward roll and springs to his feet forcing his hands out to either side in simulatneous shotays to invisible opponents. Card (VO): I am the opponent who you fear the most. Card motions a gunshot at the wall of wooden targets laid out to test his array of kicks further. He controls his breathing again, regulating his slightly shortened breath and takes slow measured steps towards the wall. His first kick - a high vertical axe kick breaks the plank it was aimed at, and his foot returns in an effortless arc to it's original position, as if the wood wasn't even there. He lines up a row at about neck height of thin planks, and balacing again on his left foot he takes small sideways steps, blasting out side kicks each of which splinters an individual target. Card (VO): I am control incarnate. I am beyond rage or malice. Card twists his body into position to deliver two axe kicks to planks laid out in the same position as bent over opponents. he hits the first, breaking it clean, and without changing the position of his standing leg, or placing the kicking foot back on the floor, he arcs his leg back the other way destroying the other plank with the ease of a trained master. Stacking three planks together at chest height he cuts the heartbreaker's high sign for the camera. Taking a long and very deep breath and holding it for three to four seconds he unleashes his deadly variation on the superkick, smashing through the whole series of planks, sending a shower of broken wood and splinters to either side of him. No splinters touch himself though, as the force was so accurately directed that the blow created a curve of effect away from him. Card (VO): I have no need for fan attention. I have no desire to follow rules. Card turns his attenion to the tackle bag. He sizes the distance to the bag up, and taking a short run up from his position he spears the bag down, and in an instinctive motion he flicks his body effortlessly over the bag briding it for a pin. He snaps to his feet and rights the tackle bag again. Cutting another martial arts pose and composing himself again he grabs the bag and flips it onto his shoulders, then drives it down to the mat in the same motion, then wheeling himself round and dropping a leg across it. He rights the bag again and faces off against it. Then in the blinking of an eye he dives at it, and at ground level flicks it up with a monkey flip, but instead of flicking it backwards he throws it straight up, brings himself upspide down with a handstand, and as it returns to ground level he springs backwards and reverse thesz presses it into the ground. Card (VO): I can defeat any opponent who faces me. I can destroy the hopes of any fan who dislikes me. Card spins round and faces the camera. he walks into it, and it automatically adjust focus to catch him adjusting his hair back into a ponytail. He wipes another handful of sweat off his forehead and takes off his shirt, flinging it towards his kitbag on the far side of the room. he kisses his fingers and directs them towards the camera flashing a dismissive glance to the viewing audience with an enigmatic sign. Card (VO): Deal with it. Card cuts the Heartbreaker sign again, grins his wicked grin and Heartbreakers the camera clean off it's tripod. The flashing images projected by the camera spinning across the room ends in a shot of the grim concrete roof, as the sound of Cards footsteps dissapearing into the darkness and slamming the door fill the air. fade...
  15. Rawknight

    Wrath Comments

    Hmm best take the safe option and go for one of the preloaded ones then. Don't like the Tenzan one though.. no good shots of the hair! (Was trying to use the lil cute one off the SSS bio of him) So I'll stick with big Tosh instead. After all he's how I converted a friend who wanted to know why puro was so good. "This is Toshiaki Kawada. He kicks people in the head. Very hard. Very often." *runs off to cut one of his critically acclaimed block promos - cos hey if you've been doing RP based feds for four years, you should be able to do SOMETHING good Promo wise*
  16. Rawknight

    Wrath Comments

    Every newbie's allowed a newbie mistake, surely Yup I was taking my commentators from the stats thread, that's where it needs changing. Looking forward to more clean and legal matches with you happy happy people soon. And if it's outside the ring it's totally legal, right? Oh and on another note, is my tiny Tenzan working? I've had a few [x]s instead of him in my avatar bit...
  17. Smarks Board Name: Rawknight Wrestlers Name: "Technical Perfection" Chris Card Real Name: Christopher Anthony Card (And he has the passport to prove it!) Height: 6'7 Weight: 264 Hometown: Halifax, NS, Canada Age: 29 Face/Heel: Heel Stable: Not at present. Ring Escort: Natasha Weapon(s): Mace Spray (either concealed in the tights, or carried by Natasha) Quote: "Deal With It!" Looks: Chris Card has long slicked back black hair, normally in a pony tail. He wears white wrist tape and black or red armpads, and black tights with either two playing cards (the Ace of Hearts face up, one face down) or the Technical Perfection sign (an X-ray of a skull over the Ace of Spades) on. Chris has no tattoos but he does have a couple of small scars on his left forearm. Chris has a thin goatee beard, usually surrounded by 2-3 days of stubble. Ring Entrance: "Grind" by Alice In Chains fires up and Chris Card walks into the entranceway, followed by Natasha. With a slight sneer towards the crowd, Chris And Natasha walk slowly and deliberately down towards the ring, with Chris stopping to part the ropes for Natasha. Inside the ring Natasha raises her arms above her head showing off her figure, and then points them towards Chris and he drops into his Heartbreaker pose, crouched in a fighting stance, arms crossed across his chest, thumbs pointing towards his heart. *note: If Natasha is forced to wrestle as part of an angle HER theme music is "Oh My Goth!" by Razed In Black Stats: Strength: 4 (Reflects a methodical wrestling style. Doesn't no sell and doesn't use power moves often) Speed: 4 (Methodical and relentless. Doesn't climb the ropes or hit dives except for VERY special matches) Vitality: 6 (Tougher than boot leather, but by no means superhuman) Charisma: 6 (Easy to hate) Style: A mixture of classic US technical, Japanese Strong Style and some shoot fighting and jiu-jitsu techniques. Toshiaki Kawada without the head dropping stuff or Steve Blackman with better submission holds. Signature moves: Heartbreaker (Thrust Kick To The Chest). His old finisher, now mainly used as a crowd baiting technique as it doesn't really fit with his offense. Dragon Sleeper with Hammerlock. The set up hold for the Cardiac Arrest II Stretch Plum (Abdominal stretch with side headlock) Bow and Arrow submission Half Crab with a knee pressed into the opponent's back Knee strikes to the back from a back mount Grounded Crossface with Body Scissors Crossface Reverse Mat Slam Shin-Body-Head Roundhouse Kick combo in the corner Rising uppercut palm thrust to an opponent seated on the turnbuckle. (This can lead to Chris distracting the ref so Natasha can come in and deliver a low blow with a thrust kick) Common moves: Knife Hand Chops Muay Thai knees to the back Roundhouse Kicks to the ribs Roundhouse kicks to the shin Side kick Double Knee Drop to the back Heel drop to the back Abdominal Stretch (can be segued into the Stretch Plum) Drop Toe Hold O-soto-gari (STO) Leg Wheel Leg Sweep Kick Snap Suplex Backdrop Suplex Side Suplex Side Slam Backbreaker Rare moves: All these moves are for Chris' alternate headhunting tactic Jumping Roundhouse Enzuigiri Air Raid Crash (Beach Break/Kryptonite Krunch/Reality Check/Maximo Driver/Whatever else people call it!) Vertical Drop Brainbuster Backdrop Driver (Brainbuster style backdrop suplex) Knee Strikes to the head from the mount Finishers: Cardiac Arrest (Inverted DDT from a Hammerlock) The Cardiac Arrest is applied in two ways. Against larger opponents (250lbs+) Card Hammerlocks the opponent and then leans in and wraps his free arm around their neck, dropping straight backwards and landing the victim on their upper back and neck. Against smaller opponents Card pushes out with the hammerlocked arm first, forcing the opponent out perpendicluar to the mat as they drop, then releasing the hammerlock as the victim drops and landing the victim on the whole of his back. Cardiac Arrest II (Inverted DDT from a Dragon Sleeper with Hammerlock) Notes: Chris Card is businesslike and ruthlessly efficient within the ring. He will cheat and break rules if necessary, and will use Natasha's distractions to as much effect as he can. Chris has a near permanent sneer, and will jaw with fans on the way to the ring, but leaves fan interaction while he's fighting to Natasha. Chris Card and Natasha are both smug and arrogant, Chris about his skills and Natasha about her good looks, and if you don't like it... deal with it! Bio: Chris Card is an accomplished martial artist and shootfighter, and a legitimate 2nd dan black belt in both jiu jitsu and muay thai. Chris also has some experience in amateur wrestling and judo. Talent spotted by a wrestling trainer he graduated quickly from the Revolution wrestling academy, and started around the indy circuit with a Shawn Michaels like heel gimmick of the pretty boy ladies man. Moving to some larger federations earned Chris a great deal of respect, and after shocking wrestlers superior to him in a stable known as the Syndicate, he went on to from a successful tag team with the unhinged Cross. His modified style, seriousness in the ring and the addition of the Gothic Diva Natasha (along with her ubiquitous can of mace spray) to his side aided him in progressing to many tag and lesser title reins in highly rated federations, but an unwillingness to play political games and a nasty attitude towards superiors have so far denied him any federation titles. Chris Card earned the nickname "Technical Perfection" from a t-shirt designed for him, and it has stuck with him thought his recent career. Chris Card may be nasty, snide, arrogant and unafraid to cheat to swing things in his favour, but he is a deadly opponent in the ring and one of the hottest talents in Professional Wrestling today. Natasha Fitzpatrick (last name never used in the wrestling ring) was a keen student of the martial arts, acheiving a black belt in both Muay Thai and Kempo, and it's through her use of the same training facilities as Chris Card that the pair met. Natasha replaced Chris' old trainer, and got him adjusted to a more serious in ring style, focusing heavily on his martial arts and shootfighting background rather than the smooth Shawn Micheals style heel he had been playing. Not averse to cheating in the aid of Card, Natasha's assistance lead him onto bigger and britghter things than he had experienced in his career, and added a certain edge to his interviews. Natasha's 1-0 professional wrestling record (and that was a handicap as her and a stablemate's valet Tatiana destroyed chauvanist commentator Johnny Hemp with a series of low blow related attacks) belies her real fighting abilities, but she is definately much more than a pretty face and a sharp tongue. Natasha is also not romantically linked with Chris Card (though she did get rather displeased when Chris slept with her younger sister Diana) and is often found preying on similarly dark and gothic individuals.