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Everything posted by NYU

  1. NYU

    5 famous people who you would love to punch

    Now THAT'S a good one. Frankie Muniz is at the very top of my list too.
  2. NYU

    I Just Noticed

    No, I only have one person from TSM on my MySpace friends list as well. Just as FFMS said, there's really no reason for my real life world and my message board world to collide.
  3. NYU

    Happy Birthday NYU

    I would hope not!
  4. NYU

    Happy Birthday NYU

    Conflicting reports. NY Italian 412: Now I play the waiting game Angelslayed: There is no Leena nude pic NY Italian 412: Oh, of course there is NY Italian 412: Piss and Leena wouldn't lead me wrong NY Italian 412 (1:52:20 AM): Angelslayed (1:49:26 AM): There is no Leena nude pic NY Italian 412 (1:52:56 AM): Would you like to explain yourself? FrznBlockofPiss (1:53:40 AM): then fs was a photoshopping NY Italian 412 (1:54:09 AM): Now I don't know WHO to believe FrznBlockofPiss (1:54:46 AM): slayer lives in a state that bans evolution... Who should I believe?! My birthday has turned into a cornucopia of deception and tragedy.
  5. NYU

    Happy Birthday NYU

    Sure, I'll see where this takes me. You can hold onto the pictures of FS and his little buddy.
  6. NYU

    Happy Birthday NYU

    Did Adam give you any yet? Adam isn't responding to his PMs. Piss says his computer has them but they're lost among his millions of ninja images and screencaps of Hoff chomping on babies.
  7. NYU

    Happy Birthday NYU

    The thread was opened an hour ago and a day late. Cut it some slack. We all can't get the volume of passionate responses that the H-Blog gets.
  8. NYU

    Happy Birthday NYU

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY NYU! 24 hours late but going strong.
  9. NYU

    Prison Break

    LJ has been hanging out with Veronica too much. He's gotten just as dumb as she is.
  10. NYU

    The OAO RAW thread for April 10, 2006

    That was one of the nastiest chairshots I've ever seen.
  11. NYU

    Wrestlemania 22 article

    Oh well. It's for us, so who cares.
  12. NYU

    AngleMania V feedback

    I'm going to start hunting down the people in this thread who began their feedback, promised to be back, and then never were without giving a reason as to why. I'm not going to name any names, but Eski, KC, and Adam know who they are.
  13. NYU

    Who's established nowadays?

    He chugs cough medicine to get high.
  14. NewYorkFox started out like a firecracker, but now she has fizzled out and faded away into the great abyss. At least Cyber Mark is still here.
  15. NYU

    Wrestlemania 22 article

    Again, thanks a lot for typing all this out. I really appreciate getting the chance to read all this. There has to be much, much more to the Orton story than that. That doesn't come close to living up to the hype it's gotten so far. And I don't like the idea of seeing Cena/RVD at One Night Stand. Triple H vs. Van Dam has such a better dynamic, especially if they plan for RVD to win the belt. I doubt Cena and Van Dam are even going to mesh that well.
  16. NYU

    Wrestlemania 22 article

    Thanks a lot for typing that. It startles me that it's not being treated as a foregone conclusion that Rob Van Dam should be watching out of One Night Stand with the Heavyweight Title. I understand Vince wants to keep Cena as his ultimate babyface champ, but absolutely no good can come out of RVD not winning the title at ONS. Even if they have RVD lose, then have the entire ECW locker room come out to beat up on the champion -- the fans are still going to shit all over it. If they don't give Van Dam the title, they're going to alienate a huge portion of their fanbase and kill off any extra cash the ECW name could give them. It's as simple as that.
  17. NYU, you're retarded. Why even try to post in here when we both know you can't bring the content? You're getting off-track here, babydoll. Czech's the target. Not me.
  18. NewYorkFox, why are you talking with the enemy?! We're never gonna take Czech down if you keep this polite act going.
  19. The Czech Republic filled NewYorkFox with such blinding rage that she wasn't able to spell the word "anyone" correctly in her title. Czech better watch himself. This girl ain't kidding around.
  20. NYU

    Who's established nowadays?

    You forgot to mention that he owns The Pit.
  21. NYU

    Alien Baby

    Not fair. I said this to CWM hours ago.
  22. NYU

    OAOAST Survey

    Instead of voting, you should be doing your feedback!
  23. NYU

    OAOAST Survey

    That should be Hoff's new character pic in the match graphics.