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Everything posted by NYU

  1. It's Canada. If Vince stopped mentioning the screwjob today, they'll still be chanting this at him and Shawn 20 years from now.
  2. Exactly. It's all very good for Shawn to go on TV and claim he's a changed man, and that he wants to extend an olive branch to Bret but you never actually hear of him actually doing any of this. If he did call Bret probably wouldn't talk to him but until he tries he doesn't know. Fact is Shawn doesn't want to know. He can talk about being a new man now he has Christ in his life but it just doesn't hold any water because he never actually shows he changed. You are painting Michaels in a lose-lose situation. If he DID make a private phone call to Bret, we would never know about it. It would be between the two of them. Bret wouldn't comment on anything that would make Shawn look good since he obviously wants to continue to hate the man and have everyone share his opinion. The ONLY way we would find out about this phone call would be through Michaels. And then guess what? We'd be calling Shawn two-faced and saying the only reason he did this was just to show the public that he wanted to make the effort and that he wasn't sincere, yada yada, once more. How in the hell is Shawn Michaels EVER supposed to look good in this scenario? Bret would never accept his apology at this point, so he would never admit that Shawn has done such a thing. And anything Shawn says is immediately ignored by a lot of you here. So how the hell does Shawn escape from this situation winning some of you back to his side? Is it even possible?
  3. NYU

    Hey BITCH

    Meh. They'll never learn.
  4. NYU

    Its my birthday

    Sniper, shot, wouldn't shed a tear, yada yada yada.
  5. NYU

    Its my birthday

    She may be one of those old hippie find-your-inner-child ladies. Either way, I'd kill for bubbles right now. And Happy Birthday. You should have let someone else start the thread.
  6. NYU

    Make me mod of Hardcore Discussion

    That answer was worth waiting three days.
  7. NYU

    Who do you think is the worst poster on the board?

    I nominate.... meh.
  8. I can't find any record of that remark. Going back to the Greensboro Raw you talked about -- July 29, 2002 -- two separate results sites said all Michaels did was tell the UnAmericans something to the tune of "What, you don't like me because I beat up your little friend Bret Hart? Well, he learned to deal with it, and so will you." So yeah, he mentioned Bret in an unflattering light, but I haven't found one single web site yet that makes any mention of him mocking the stroke.
  9. NYU

    Who do you think is the worst poster on the board?

    Well, I'm out then.
  10. NYU


    Go check out how she trolled Dames in the Shield thread in the Television folder. Sorry, but she's not all sugar and spice.
  11. Slayer's changed since he won the TSM Poster Tournament.
  12. NYU

    One two, one two, one two

    I don't like threads where the first post is only a song lyric and nothing more. Like....what the hell am I supposed to do with this?
  13. That is ridiculous. Styles should find some way to get out of his contract as quickly as possible. They continue to degrade him, whether it's taking him out of the announcing job at WrestleMania, announcing job at Saturday Night's Main Event, or ripping him apart for his broadcasting as soon as he steps through the curtains. He's supposed to be the RAW PLAY-BY-PLAY ANNOUNCER, and it makes him look more and more insignificant every time they replace him with Ross. They've damaged his credibility tremendously since he started in October.
  14. Yes, but that hardly means he hasn't changed. Old Shawn would have thrown a fit and refused to do the show. Austin would maybe do the same thing now. New Shawn acted slightly unprofessional to someone that had it coming. Hogan had what coming? He played the exact same game that Shawn tried to play, only difference is that Hogan played it smarter. Hogan did NOT play the same game Shawn played. Shawn knew he was sticking around after Slam. Hogan knew he was not. It was only logical to make Shawn look the stronger in this situation, which did not happen. Shawn wanted to lose one at Slam, win one at Unforgiven. Hogan wanted him to lose both. Not exactly a fair agreement. Shawn did NOT threaten to skip the match if he was to lose. If Vince demanded Hogan lose the match at Slam....what do you think would happen? They were two different games. Hogan was considerably more selfish than Shawn in this situation. The only difference was Shawn alluded to masked sarcastic comments the next night about the situation. Meanwhile, Hogan made no attempt to mask his comments on a radio show soon after the match, publicly calling Shawn unprofessional. So even in that instance, Hogan was more in the wrong.
  15. Hasn't stopped him before in the past. He might as well have creative control, considering he did what he wanted. He's always been one of Vince's favorites. But he didn't try to refuse jobbing in this scenario. Has there been any proof he tried this SINCE he made his return? In a thread where we're defending Bret going on a TV talk show shortly after Shawn does and saying he's one Christian that needs to be fed to the lions, that's an ironic statement. Hogan has already said publically that he thought Michaels was selfish and unprofessional with what he did. Hogan said his peace. And besides, Michaels didn't exactly cut a WCW 2000-shoot style promo there. It was masked enough where the internet fans knew what he was talking about and the marks in the arena didn't quite grasp the full concept.
  16. Michaels called for Hogan to beat him at Slam but Michaels would win the rematch at Unforgiven. Hogan wanted to win both. The 50-something-year-old non-wrestler wanted to beat this current Main Eventer twice in a row, not giving him anything back in return. Michaels DID relent in this situation and agreed to job, which may not have been something he would have done in the past. To me, that shows a character change. Being a good Christian doesn't necessarily mean you're a pacifist about the people in your life trying to screw you over. Hogan was damaging Shawn's credibility by demanding to beat him twice, and Michaels called him out on that shabby treatment like many would have. Considering Hogan's actions, it certainly wasn't unprovoked. Shawn's not trying to paint himself as the PERFECT human being. He's merely trying to say he changed and that perhaps he's not the villain everyone thinks he is. He still has flaws, yes, but so does every human being. Michaels is just crucified -- yeah ha ha lolz -- for it more.
  17. Perhaps Shawn wants to simultaneously clear some of the negative stigma attached to his name as well. It can't be fun to see your name bashed on a constant basis over something you were forced by your boss to do 10 years earlier. Just because he's made his desire for reconciliation public doesn't make it any less sincere. The only reason you think it does is because of Shawn's history -- despite it being a character flaw he may very well have fixed.
  18. Let's just take this entire situation for what it is at this point. Shawn Michaels can simply do no right. There. Case closed.
  19. NYU

    Raw 3. 27. 06

    How many times have they run Carlito/Kane in the last two months?
  20. NYU

    Odds For Wrestlemania 22

    That's wrong. Flair should easily have the best odds.
  21. NYU

    3/23 Feedback

    This is only because it's been nearly three hours since the show was posted and nobody's put up a feedback thread yet. If time permits, I'll include my thoughts tomorrow. But everyone else, do it right this very second.
  22. Well, I thought that Kane/Test match from No Mercy 2001 was pretty good.
  23. NYU

    I Hate You

    Mods, can we pin this?
  24. NYU

    I Hate You

    Not because this is offensive. But because it sucks.
  25. NYU

    I Hate You

    I hope everybody who voted for Carnival in the TSM Poster Tournament is ashamed of themselves now.