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Everything posted by NYU

  1. True. The next person feels NYU would make an excellent East-Coast mod at TSM.
  2. NYU

    Make me a mod

    What about me? As an Admin, I brought Crono T's message board to the heights of popularity.
  3. Matt acts as if all these negative comments don't phase him, but I'd imagine he spends sixteen hours of the day sobbing over his keyboard, wishing the ceiling would just cave in on him. Once in a while though, the stud will find relief by taking a short break to pose for another picture with <3 El Heroin Adicto <3. But then it's back on the computer to work over everyone at TSM, all the while hoping that his tears will roll smoothly off his face instead of getting entangled in the three free-range whiskers he likes to call a beard. Nobody else appreciates you buddy, but I do.
  4. One of the only things I remember about Sweet N Sexy Diva was the time where she listed all the different kinds of Pop Tarts she liked, and someone responded by saying that must be where the jowls in her avatar picture come from.
  5. "Guys, I totally intended this thread to go this way. I post something ridiculously unintelligent and then you all mock me for it. Well, you just fell into my trap. Now I'm the one that's entertained! I can't believe how angry some of you get! "
  6. Vyce forgot to mention that she also has tirts.
  7. NYU


    We need another Gang Wars to settle all the bad blood.
  8. Everybody that has posted in this thread, with the exception of Slayer and 909, have absolutely no business stepping foot into the Hardcore Discussion folder. Stop posting.
  9. Leena Leena Leena Leena Leena Leena Leena Leena Leena StylesMark Leena Leena Leena Leena Leena Leena Voting starts NOW!!!
  10. NYU

    Carlito Getting Into The MITB match?

    As I said in another thread, I fully expect Flair to win this match. They've been hyping up the idea that he wants one more run with the title at the age of 57, and the fact that he so obviously doesn't belong in this match makes it even more likely that he'll win. HHH over Cena at WrestleMania. Flair wins the Money-in-the-Bank. HHH over Cena in a rematch at Backlash. Flair exercises his title shot after that because....yeah. He doesn't have anything else better to do. HHH over Flair in the now customary Hell-in-the-Cell match at Bad Blood. And I would say Flair might call it a career after that, but he won't.
  11. NYU

    March Jukebox

    I haven't been able to find Austin/Rock at WrestleMania X7 anywhere on the internet or in stores -- so that looks like a good buy. But I don't think I would pay money for anything else on that list.
  12. Leena needs to post an updated version of her ignore list now.
  13. NYU

    Guys, didn't you learn?

    ooh, a Futurama picture denouncing Kotz's thread. You've found the way to shut him the fuck up.
  14. This was NOT what Kotz meant by making a post with good intentions.
  15. NYU

    Guys, didn't you learn?

    Congratulations, Kotz. Your thread was the coming out party for WP. This is going to go down in history, next to the time that Inc started the horrific "The Real TSM" thread.
  16. I see them running Show/Kane vs. Carlito/Masters for the tag titles at Mania.....because they need to put these guys on the card, but there's really nothing else for them to do. Whereas, seeing as how Shelton is in the Money-in-the-Bank match already, there is nothing left for Flair to do at Mania besides wrestle in the MITB. With what they've done, they managed to slide all the important names on Raw into Mania matches.
  17. That's honestly what I predict will happen. HHH over Cena at Mania. Flair wins the MITB. HHH over Cena in the rematch at Backlash. I'll say Flair exercises his title shot after that since...you know, the man ain't getting any younger. HHH over Flair -- quite possibly in the now traditional Hell-in-the-Cell match -- at Bad Blood. Then Misterio jumps over to Raw in the draft. HHH vs. Misterio at SummerSlam. With likely HHH going over, but that one isn't necessarily a certainty.
  18. I'm calling this now: WWE is going to pull a ridiculous move at WrestleMania and have Ric Flair win the Money-in-the-Bank title shot. They're suddenly hyping up him getting one last chance with the title, and the fact that he so obviously doesn't belong in the match is going to make him the eventual winner. Oh yeah. Which screws Van Dam again.
  19. I think I've won this contest.
  20. =( And I thought we had something special.
  21. That's an ugly match for Saturday Night's Main Event.
  22. "You're like.....Rocky Balboa in those movies" What a hip, cutting-edge, pop-culture reference.
  23. Man, Triple H is looking fatter and fatter every week. Just an observation.