It's been more than a day, and I still can't quite understand why Hoff has included an extra O in the federation. The OAOAOST? I demand to know what this inside joke is.
Huge thanks to everyone on all the positive feedback for "The Run for the Gold." I'm glad to see you all have enjoyed it. I have to give major props to Patty for supplying me with a good portion of the crazy ideas in that match. I had originally intended for it to be somewhat serious with lots of good brawling....but once Patty started giving out all these insane ideas, I just couldn't resist. The guy's a fucking genius. And props to Mascot too, for helping me find the lyrics to "Hick-A-Doo-La" in a matter of minutes, whereas I searched for more than an hour without any results. And more thanks to KC and Cappa for actually letting me have fun with their characters too. Just so everyone knows, the "Run for the Gold" gimmick match is now free for anybody else to use if they wish. The possibilities for it is endless, so do with it what you wish.
Now, for some quick feedback:
I'm loving General Manager Josie so far. She's just so much more of an interesting character to use than Watts.
Very good match between Black T and Hell's Hitmen. Jivin JR wearing a bikini is simply a hilarious image. Like Hoff said, a good story was told with Hell's Hitmen demonstrating their massive strength, but Black T simply using their strategic and cunning ways to overcome it.
Dr. Pepper? Hoffamaniacs? Hoff....I'm so disappointed. What a corporate whore. Other than that, great intensity here! With stuff like this promo, he's done a great job in doing his part to hype up the Zero Hour Main Event (Main Event for Drek?! *faints*).
Decent enough match with Vitamin X/Cuban Wall vs. Phenom/Mad Matt. Like I've said for several weeks now, Phenom is definitely showing an improvement in his work. It seemed odd to me that the beginning part of the match started rather strongly, with some good action and nice descriptions, but the writing getting really thin at the end. Like Eskimo said, it will do wonders to explain what the signature moves actually ARE, rather than just recite their names. And yeah, again, like Eskimo said, it'll be better to use Warren Peace sparingly. Eskimo needs to stop stealing my thoughts before I think them.....For the best comic effect, just make sure he uses "BAM BABY THAT'S WHAT I LIKE" where it actually makes an ironic, stupid sense of course. Either way, fine stuff.
Zack Malibu seriously needs to take a biology class - and quickly. Nice, short segment to show off Zack's anger here, and I'm definitely looking forward to seeing who these SHOCKING~! tag partners are next week.
Very good interview segment between Hoff, Axel, and Drek. I like how the stage is being set for both Zero Hour and AngleMania. And of course, any promo where Drek absolutely OWNS Hoff and Axel on the mic is A-OK in my book. And the Kurt Angle guest appearance was gold. So good that I needed to steal the gag later on. As I told Hoff, that's the ultimate compliment.
Funny segment with The 70s Dude giving his car away. I really am digging the obnoxious attitude so far. I'm just waiting for Calvin to make his return again, because this is definitely a hot feud waiting to happen. And yes, Mascot is a racist too. As much as he denies it.
.....well, I don't really know that, but I assume it anyway.
Really enjoyed the GPX/Saints match. For someone that doesn't like writing about wrestling, Patty does a damned good job with it. This was just an all-around fun match to read. Some high paced action, very entertaining commentary, and an intriguing ending with wondering exactly who Holly meant to throw the racket to. Intense beatdown with Ned repeatedly smashing Synth's arm with the racket afterwards. The interesting story here just keeps going and going....
Is "understand" really that hard of a word to type correctly? And Axel giving flowers to Crystal? GHEY~! Besides that, I liked the idea of Axel trying to patch up the relationship, and Crystal accepting it -- but still sensing a definite feeling of hostility between the two. Definitely one of the most interesting storylines in the OAOAST in the past few months, I feel.
CLIMAX DVD COMING OUT?! Well, here's Axel talking. And Ragdoll. And Axel again. And Ragdoll. And Axel. And Ragdoll. The feud to end it all! Definite Match-of-2004 candidate! Las Vegas Deathmatch........oh yeah, Drek and Crystal had a match too or something. Will the disrespect never end?! Still, like others have said before, I really dig small aspects of the show like this.
Nice, hard-hitting contest between Axel and Jumbo. Obviously, it was never going to be a technical match, but some of the smashmouth action here was definitely entertaining. I always love when a big, huge guy gets a SPINEBUSTER~!, so Axel doing that was appreciated. And Cappa interfering at the end? Nice. I've always been a big fan of Cappa's character -- especially this recent heel turn. I would love if this meant bigger things for him.
Oh man, I don't know why I found that so funny.
Really fun promo with Alix and Josie. And Alix made a very good point about duck fornication. I really hope Josie thinks about that one. If these two had a talk show working with each, and if they were real.....I would definitely watch.
Very entertaining match with Tina and Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez. Tha Puerto Rican established himself as a complete and utter bastard at the end of it, so that's always good. I'm really looking forward to Panther vs. Tha Puerto Rican at Zero Hour. Both are actually excellent match writers, so I'm expecting a lot from this one.
That Lethal Rumble is a danger. It just set up so much tension between a whole bunch of superstars this month. Axel and Crystal. Axel and Cappa. Panther and PR. The thing is a menace~! Anyway, good confrontation between Axel and Cappa here. Both these two are among my favorite characters in this federation, so it's nice to see the two of them feuding. I don't recall seeing Cappa and Axel interact much before, so the freshness of this rivalry definitely helps it here.
MARTY JANNETTY!! I still think Mascot should have used the Marty Jannetty action figure he showed me a few days ago. I've found myself really enjoying The 70s Dude since his debut. I mean, when he first made his debut, it seemed like the guy was just going to be a joke. Like Homeless Dan or the Fonz. But it has been a really pleasant surprise to see the Dude actually show, under his silly costume, that he's a damned good wrestler and a pure asshole. I can see myself becoming a mark for the Dirty Hippy's Elbow already.
The SAGA continues with Narcissistic Ned and Holly. There is definitely some Love Triangle.....or Love Square.....or Love Pentagon, or something, being set up here.
Cool old-school heel interview with Cappa to set up the Run for the Gold competition later on.
Nice segment with Stevens and Jumbo, to further show that Stevens is an utter prick. And Jumbo has an M.B.A?! WOW!!
The 70s Dude against Brock Ausstin? I am definitely there. Can't wait to see how Dude does when he goes against an actual OAOAST guy -- and there probably couldn't be a more dangerous guy to start off with than Brock. Should be a lot of fun.
Axel looked like a total badass by beating up Stevens and Jumbo single-handedly. And awwww, it's nice to see Axel and Crystal reunited already -- hmm, or are they? I'm not real sure. I just thought I'd throw that question out anyway.
Finally, very nice match between Krista and Holly. Ned cheering on Holly throughout the match was cute. Shockingly enough, this was probably the best technical match of the night. And not the confusing kind of technical either....the fun-to-read kind. Blood on the Dance Floor is just an awesome finish to picture -- even if it may not be, as the kids on the street might say, possible.
Well, there we go.
Great show everyone. Really.