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Everything posted by syxx2001

  1. syxx2001

    Test speaks out on Eddie:

    Its not hard to do. WrestleMania in March and whatever in September as the starts of the new year. And I knew about him dying yesterday, but it didnt really hit me like "Eddie is gone" till today when I saw his pic at the top of the board. Now I feel like everyone else did/does, like lWo, Rey/Eddie HH 97, Latino Heat, the old school Impala coming to the ring...
  2. syxx2001

    Yes Dear

    No Im not spamming, but I think this show is hilarious. Does anyone else catch the reruns on TBS or the new eps on CBS?
  3. syxx2001


    I hate films like this. It makes people scared and go crazy and "look at things from a different light" for no reason. I wanna watch it though. I fell asleep on that movie about gas prices.
  4. syxx2001


    I posted it cause I searched and didnt find a Reunion thread. I was hoping this one would turn into a OAO of sorts. The Yes Dear I was wondering if anyone else watched cause Ive never heard anyone talk about it.
  5. syxx2001

    Yes Dear

    I knew both of those guys looked familiar, esp Bill Murrays brother. I didnt catch the show until last year in college. You watch alot of stuff when you only have 43 channels. Its actually funny too, and I rarely laugh at shitcoms. BMW, Roseanne and this are the only things I find funny. It comes on TBS in the afternoons, like 3 or 4 central, whenevr Drew Carey goes off.
  6. syxx2001

    Favorite South Park episode

    The Crips episode The original Mr. Mackay show Theres like 10 more, but Id have to see the list. The Cripple fight. Butters episode. Butters is GOAT Someone said Chef Aid. Chef Aid is classic TV. After looking at that list, I have to add Here comes the neighborhood. When Puffy and Kobe come to South Park.
  7. syxx2001

    TNA Thursday night special rating

    People saying stupid stuff like the ring, the camera and junk remember this... WCW's first show was in a MALL. Doesnt get any more turning off than that.
  8. syxx2001

    The O.C.

    Im glad they fixed the Ryan thing now instead of dragging it on. Like I said last year, when they end it, people say it should have been longer. When they try to flesh it out, people say its too boring and needs to be ended ASAP. I think everyone forgot what Marissa got kicked out for. Ryan got kicked out for hitting the dean. Marissa got kicked out for shooting Trey. Kay? I like the Charlotte/Julie thing. Julie is gonna go into bitch beast mode when she finds out what shes up to. Or Charlotte is gonna take Julie and she's gonna go crazy or something. I hope its the first one. Marissa is such a slut bitch. Just like in real life, you can take someones girl, but that just means its gonna be easy for someone to take her from you.
  9. syxx2001

    The O.C.

    I agree the good episodes of season 2 were at the end when Trey came. From his return to the finale. The first few episodes were pretty solid as well. The mall episode was good. There were shines in every episodes, like Seth saying something stupid and witty and has anyone else seen what Seth looks like? He got a hair cut and has a little facial hair. I watch Season 1 whenever I get bored, and I watch Season 2 when I just want a quick thrill. The last few episodes give me that. And about whos coming back . Jeri Ryan is gonna come to the show, the chick from Boston Public. Is that counted as a spoiler? .
  10. syxx2001

    TNA Meeting with Spike about Promoting Impact

    WTF is Matt Bentley?
  11. syxx2001

    Family Guy 7/24

    I actually thought it was decent. But there were too many dumb jokes, like the fat kid playing with the water fountain. That guy putting the nail in that paralyzed guy was funny.
  12. syxx2001

    TNA confirms spike TV deal??

    Well sometimes you have to spend money to make it. If they can show Spike they can generate ratings, maybe they wont have to pay.
  13. syxx2001

    Favorite Wrestlers

    Everyone has a "mark" favorite, and mine is X-Pac. And Lex Luger. Amazing Red AJ Styles RVD Scott Hall Jerry Lynn The SATs DDP
  14. syxx2001

    funniest things you heard from marks

    I think it was the day after the nWo B&W/Wolfpack junk, so it would be Jan 5th, 1999? I was going into McDonalds before school and I overhear a bunch of kids from my school talking at their table and one goes "Konnan is gonna sue Kevin Nash so he cant use the Wolfpac music no more". I was a mark then still, but I knew that shit was true cause it sounded so stupid.
  15. syxx2001

    The Bubble Vince lives in

    Not directed to the thread starter, but this is wrestling. If your imaginations are that weak where your experience is destroyed because someone TOLD you something was going to happen, instead of you actually seeing it, then you need to work on it.
  16. syxx2001

    Latest on Matt Hardy to WWE Rumors

    Seems like me and Matt are two birds of the same feather....or some stupid saying like that.
  17. syxx2001

    When did you find out...

    The internet? I remember when Bulldog hit Stephanie with that trash can and she lost her memory I was on some message board like "I cant believe he did that. He needs to be fired, thats a man's daughter" and all of that jibberish.
  18. syxx2001

    First Time You Saw ECW

    When they had their show on TNN. It was the first night I had the internet at home too.
  19. syxx2001

    Sorry for starting a new thread, but.....

    How the hell would downloading it be risky. Get it off the a.b.pro-wrestling newsgroup. Its quicker than pwtorrents.
  20. syxx2001

    The ECW ONS Thread

    People say "Ive got these matches already" or Ive seen this and that, but that was back when they were younger. Maybe they have learned some new stuff. I mean if you take the Michael Finley vs Michael Jordan tape from 91 and say "Thats the best their encounters will ever be" or whatever, its kinda throwing them under the bus as far as their abilities are concerned. AND before you say "they are old", Jerry Lynn is 42 and is still pumping out good stuff.
  21. Not that it makes much sense, especially to those who haven't seen ROH, as to why these two non-TNA guys (Punk's Gathering stint not withstanding) made it on the PPV when regulars have gotten the shaft. ========== Thats what Styles in ROH has to do with it.
  22. AJ Styles was never seen in ROH and his first match was a 15 minute one with Low Ki. So, what.
  23. syxx2001

    Sharkboy sues Disney

    Actually it makes sense. Look at it like this. "Hi. Houston Zoo, this is the WWF and we wanted to bring little kids who have never been to a zoo to see your wildlife exhibit" "Sorry, we dont endorse wrestling. Dont call us again" "Buy your Shark Boy merchandise tomorrow on disney.com" "I wonder if thats the same guy we saw at...um....um...remember that show we went to last week? It WAS at Universal Studios." WWF is easier to confuse than Shark Boy.
  24. syxx2001

    Sharkboy sues Disney

    That fucking kid doesnt even wear a mask. I hope Im famous one day so I can sue someone for saying "Go van!" since that is my last name and it would confuse people.
  25. syxx2001

    RAW Ratings are disapointing

    Ah, 7.5 rating. Have seen that figure in a wrestling column since, 98, 99?