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Everything posted by syxx2001

  1. syxx2001

    Read the Diatribe...

    Lance has something in those red tights. Its big as day, it looks like something unnatural.
  2. syxx2001

    More Torch News.

    Everyone is always complaining about Taker talking about paying dues, then you all backdoor and say the same stuff? Fuck all of that "paying dues" stuff. Did Jordan have to sit on the bench for 5 years before becoming a star? No. I hate James so I wont bring him up and basketball is all I watch so thats the best I can do. But if the man has talent and can draw and connect to the crowd, who cares how many cars he had to drive in with 15 people sitting in the backseat or how many hot, sweaty gyms he had to wrestle in for 5 dollars a show before his break. Paying dues is overrated, just like that guy named after a math term
  3. syxx2001

    More Torch News.

    With Russo not even being backstage, the Hogan thing COULD be a work. But eh, I dunno.
  4. syxx2001

    Read the Diatribe...

    Well if the match was 3 minutes and Steiner ran out for a squash, then they didn't have too much time. And David Ruffin, Journalist, whatever you call yourself now, that was Frankie Kazarian who Styles almost killed AND IT WAS FRANKIE'S FAULT. GOOD GODDAMN DO YOU EVER PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT PEOPLE TELL YOU? WE POST IN ALL CAPS, I MAKE MY TEXT LARGER THAN LANCE STORM'S PENIS AND EVEN YOU KNOW ITS A FACT, BUT YOU STILL IGNORE IT AND SAY THE SAME STUPID SHIT OVER AND OVER AGAIN. THATS WHY I "FLAME" YOU AND ZACK TOO.
  5. syxx2001

    Details on the X division...um...thing

    Isnt it Collier?
  6. syxx2001

    Details on the X division...um...thing

    I dont care who looks down upon me. I prefer a spotfest over anything else.
  7. syxx2001

    Details on the X division...um...thing

    He wrestles boring. Its all stiff kicks and shit. I dont mind watching a strong style match, but it is kinda boring as its all kicks and forearm shots. I watched the 2/3 falls match with Paul London and I dont see what the big deal is. And Ive already stated I dont like mat wrestling that much.
  8. syxx2001

    Details on the X division...um...thing

    Bryan Danielson for one doesn't fit the X Division spot style and two, I dont want to see his wrestling on my TV screen.
  9. syxx2001

    So...why didn't Sting come in during Styles' reign

    Of course we all know. TNA is stupid and Jarrett is a daddy''s boy who gets whatever he wants.
  10. syxx2001

    Details on the X division...um...thing

    Why is Low Ki gone from ROH?
  11. syxx2001

    The O.C.

    I just needed my fix during that 6 week hiatus. My arms started shaking and I almost.....stopped using my computer.
  12. syxx2001

    The O.C.

    Luke is still gonna be on the show, and him and Ryan will continue to bump heads in the following weeks. I dont remember what I read (it was like a month ago) but Seth, ah fuck it. Just go to tvtome.com and read the spoilers.
  13. syxx2001

    One and Only 10/29/03 TNA Thread

    Like I said, when they put the younger guys back in the mix, you probably will have the words future of wrestling coming out of your uretha.
  14. syxx2001

    Dutch Mantell SUCKS

    2000 word, not page
  15. syxx2001

    Dutch Mantell SUCKS

    Wheres that dirtsheet Bob?
  16. syxx2001

    Dutch Mantell SUCKS

    That "Raven would have went to the WWE" stuff is void. Raven could have sat at home and said "You know what? Im not under contract. I can sit at home and tickle my asshole and they cant do anything about it." holding up the world title picture and everything surround it. Maybe even the whole company.
  17. syxx2001

    Dutch Mantell SUCKS

    Get off of Jarrett's dick. You are the new 1 punch with that "He isn't white and have long hair and doesn't ride Pop enough. BUT OH NO. He isn't southern either. Damn IC champ, WCW, WWF reject" stuff you are promoting. Do you know the reason Raven wasn't given the belt. Wait, yes you do. Do you want to accept that reason. You and everyone else at this board DOESN'T. So what do you do? Make up some bullshit to try and give Jarrett some kind of a bad name. And by reading the official thread, it seemed like Duggan was squashed, Rick ran in, got has ass beat and the Jarrett/Sting match was booked. If Im right, HE WASN'T hyped as a opponent.
  18. syxx2001

    One and Only 10/29/03 TNA Thread

    I just remember him jobbing to Lance Storm and yelling ho.
  19. syxx2001

    One and Only 10/29/03 TNA Thread

    And the younger guys still would have jobbed or "buried" by the so called Anti-Christ, so consider yourself favored.
  20. syxx2001

    One and Only 10/29/03 TNA Thread

    ONE SHOW? Didn't Daniels and Styles, regardless of quality, just come off of main event pushes?
  21. syxx2001

    One and Only 10/29/03 TNA Thread

    Yeah, I know that. Im talking about douches like Duggan and Steiner who HAVEN;T BEEN ON A GODDAMN EPISODE SINCE DECEMBER AND MAY.
  22. syxx2001

    One and Only 10/29/03 TNA Thread

    Signed? Last time I checked, no one signed contracts in TNA. And good goddamn Jesus people, you act like this is the first time TNA has put on a bad show. What about the show with Russo in army gear that you complained about? Or the other one? Or the other 10 bad shows. And then when they put on a good show, you are quick to yell "I knew they could do it" or "WWE, this is your competition" (looking at you Mike).
  23. syxx2001

    The O.C.

    Yeah, what a great episode.
  24. syxx2001

    The O.C.

    Ya, Summer is a babe. But that mom is a bitch. I just want to reach through the TV and punch the shit out of her. She is like Guber Part 2, on a power trip and stuff.