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Everything posted by syxx2001

  1. syxx2001

    Can't get TNA?

    This is the same man who was brought in to BOOK matches, something he had never done before in his career. And since I don't know Wrestling History, and you seem to know the 2000+ year history of the sport, please, demonstrate your knowledge.
  2. 2 words: Hush up. If the promos didn't seem like shoots they would be as boring as the promos on Raw, nothing more about babbling about how Sports Entertainment is better and no one can stop it. Not that they don;t do that now, but with the shoots they make it more enjoyable.
  3. the rock n roll express?
  4. syxx2001

    Can't get TNA?

    I want you and everyone else to listen very very closely. RUSSO IS A FUCKING WRITER. In WCW he was bought in to take Eric Bischoff's place. Do you know what Bischoff did? He BOOKED. He didn't write. HE BOOKED. So Vince Russo, who was brought in by Ted Turner, was told to BOOK. He is not, and I repeat NOT a booker. A booker makes matches. Matches that he thinks are good. Writers write the script. The storylines. The angles. The skits. The interviews. Not the matches. Russo wrote Austin vs McMahon. Vince McMahon and co. BOOKED Austin vs McMahon. Russo wrote DX vs The Nation. Vince McMahon and co. BOOKED DX vs The Nation. Russo wrote Triple H vs The Rock. Vince McMahon and co. BOOKED Triple H vs The Rock. Vince Russo wrote some of the greater angles and storylines wrestling ever saw when he was with the WWF because why? He wrote and Vince McMahon BOOKED! Vince Russo isn't in control in NWATNA. Vince Russo, if he does nothing else, is a leader. The leader of Sports Entertainment Xtreme. Vince Russo didn't book Jarrett vs The Truth. Jerry and Jeff Jarrett did. The only thing that Russo has probably done in his NWATNA career was call upon Sabu to fight in his one and only match vs Malice in a ladder match. So please, please, PLEASE, get it through your skull and your skull and your skull, that Vince Russo is a writer. He writes things. Vince Russo is NOT a booker. He doesn't book matches, he writes storylines. Storylines that created the best stuff fans ever saw. But it seems most marks AND smarks refuse to aknowledge his greater things and remember the bad things he did in WCW like give Bret Hart and Chris Benoit a push, and fire Hulk Hogan from WCW. The nerve of him to even think about doing such things that were long overdue. The nerve of him.
  5. I doubt Magnum will show up since he loves wrestling so much that he hates being around it considering his career was cut short due to his car accident.
  6. syxx2001

    Piper's Wrestlers Coming In

    xavier is nothing special. he's lazy, or just needs someone to carry him. and if they gave triple x vs the sats 20 minutes, i dont see why a SAT AND AMERICAN DRAGON VS TRIPLE X AND STYLES MATCH CANT DO THE SAME~! imagine the spots
  7. syxx2001

    konnan's role

    I think i may know what Konnan's role might be. I read on nwatna.com that Konnan told Tenay "You know what this is about!". Maybe Konnan is attacking all of the lightweights and will claim that they destroyed lucha libre wrestling with their high spots and not wrestling. Maybe? Maybe not.
  8. anyone know where i can get like a history of the austin/rock intercontenintal title fued in writing? if you do, please leave the link? thanks
  9. syxx2001

    Pay Status for NWA TNA Wrestlers?

    thats pretty decent money. 4000-6000 dollars a month maybe?
  10. syxx2001

    konnan's role

    they could bring in people from mexico no one has heard of. or super crazy. or they could use mexican and japanese wrestlers and get ultimo dragon and dragon kid.
  11. syxx2001

    konnan's role

    yea really ' konnan, juvi and psicosis? in their masks maybe? psicosis with his mask would rule.
  12. syxx2001

    Raven and Credible Released

    because the man can still actually wrestle in the ring. sure his best days were in his fued with tommy dreamer back in ecw. and he was semi great with his flock in wcw. you name me one man who is past 35 and can still put on a entertaining match when given the time and the oppurtunity. taker? please. maybe the deadman. austin? possibly with the right opponent. hogan? flair? piper? rhodes? raven might be past his prime, but HIS fans still know the man can put on great matches when he is given a chance, something he wasn't given in the wwf.
  13. syxx2001

    A few quick ???

    dont forget hogans mofuggin ego stinking up the joint that helped the angle fail. and russo and bischoff not getting along
  14. syxx2001

    No American Dragon in TNA

    well it was still a good match no matter how many spots it had. art is art. you rate it on greatness, not on how long they moved around on the mat reversing armbar takedowns.
  15. syxx2001

    No American Dragon in TNA

    The 6 man tag on the last show wasn't a spot match and the fans were in it the whole time. and the 4 way from show 2 wasn't a spot match and the fans were in it. what are you talking about?
  16. syxx2001

    AMW vs. New Church this week!

    The NC will probably attack AMW and they battle to the ring and Armstrong will come out and say since you guys want each other, I'm gonna give you each other in a cage. A nice 10-15 minute match would be nice.
  17. syxx2001

    AMW vs. New Church this week!

    yea, that would rule. a low ki and daniels vs AMW fued and a road warriors vs the church fued. a RW vs the NC fued should happen, i mean they were attacked by the guys.
  18. syxx2001

    AMW vs. New Church this week!

    the wwf assembled the cage for steve austin vs vince mcmahon at st. valentines day massacre. with the right number of people, it wont take no more than 5 or so minutes. and they can get borash, jerry jarrett, bob armstrong, the refs and security to help set it up and take it down.
  19. raven is gonna be gone after his contract expires because of him telling mcmahon that he'd rather wrestle on heat than commentate for heat. maybe he didn't say that, but he told him he didn't want to commentate. and i see probably the undertaker or nash doing color sometime because of their retirement coming up.
  20. syxx2001

    TNA to start airing in Isreal

    the only reason they ran out of money was because of that guy who was working, or supposedly working for the wwf and lied to tna about their financing. they were told they were making more money than they actaully were, so they were spending more money than they had. which is why they had to change venues and sets
  21. syxx2001

    When is the next PPV?

    the 23rd is the ppv debut in austraila
  22. syxx2001

    Did anyone get the SK Raw rant?

    i thought he left cause bischoff arrived
  23. syxx2001

    Did anyone get the SK Raw rant?

    i didn't like the idea of lesnar becoming champ before reading keiths rants. i dont like the idea of him being shoved down my throat no matter how big or good he supposedly is. at least it took goldberg a year, some fueds, and a US title run before winning the belt.
  24. syxx2001

    Michael Shane/Scoot Andrews

    i dont want any indy stars to go to the wwf. they are better than the 4 minutes matches they will be subdued to on velocity or heat.
  25. syxx2001

    2002 TNA awards

    TNA Wrestler of the year - Jerry Lynn TNA Tag Team of the year - America's Most Wanted TNA Match of the year - hmmm. The 4 way Double Elimination match on the 2nd show. Honorable mentions to The 3 Ladder Match. TNA Show of the year - This past week. TNA Feud of the year - Styles vs Lynn TNA Promo of the year - Any Truth promo. I liked the one he did on the first show. I was like, he's actually good on the mic. TNA Angle of the year (best angle) - Mr. Wrestling 3 Best title reign - The Truth's world title reign Best Moment - I dunno. Worst Wrestler - Cheex Worst Tag Team - The Dupps Worst Match - Cheex vs Frank Parker Worst Show - Im not sure. Worst Feud - Brian Lawler vs Syxx Pac Worst Promo - A Bullet promo Worst Angle - Tito and the gun. It was funny, but silly. Worst Title Reign - Syxx Pac's X Title reign Worst Moment - B.G. James' debut