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Everything posted by Madmartigan21

  1. Madmartigan21

    A History of Violence

    Firstly, the best movie so far this year is easily "Crash" (not to be confused with Cronenberg's "Crash"). I normally love William Hurt. However, I feel that his scene in "History of Violence" almost ruined the movie. Until his scene the movie plays very seriously. His performance is in sharp contrast. It's played WAY over the top. He's almost a cartoon compared to the rest of the characteres in the movie. Two days later I still don't know how I feel about this movie because of his scene. I want to love it, but I just can't.
  2. Madmartigan21

    Movies that killed a career

    I like to remember good movies. In fact I'm remembering Gattaca right now because I can see the DVD from my seat.
  3. Madmartigan21

    Movies that killed a career

    Kangaroo Jack made over $66 million. Also, Jerry O'Connel has never been a big star to have his career killed by one movie.
  4. Madmartigan21

    Movies that killed a career

    Just because a movie is succesful doesn't make it a hit. Assuming your numbers for Open Range are correct, I'm sure eveyone involved was pleased by the financial results. I'm also sure that none of them would call it a hit. A hit is always a succesful movie. However, a successful movie isn't neccessarily a hit.
  5. Madmartigan21


    I have no idea what you mean. What direction would that be?
  6. Madmartigan21

    What the hell consitiutes a "cameo"

    Jay and Silent Bob showing up on the movie lot in Scream 2 was just so completely random.
  7. Madmartigan21

    What the hell consitiutes a "cameo"

    Michale Keaton had a cameo in Out of Sight as the same character he played in Jackie Brown. Samuel Jackson shows up at the end as the prisoner being brought down with George Clooney. I believe both were uncredited.
  8. Madmartigan21


    In LotF there is an unseen monster that turns out to be a wild boar. Lost has an unseen monster. At one point they think the monster is coming, but several boars run out of the jungle instead. Also now that I think about it, Lost is kind of the opposite of Plato's Allegory of the cave. The people moving off the beach and into the cave is a direct metaphor for it. I got the following synopsis for Plato's allegory of the cave from here. Basically, people are released from their chains when they understand that they are only looking at shadows and can turn around and see the objects making the shadows. When people gains this understanding they can make their way out of the cave and see and be in the sunlight and see the world instead of shadows. The people in Lost went from a world they understood to one that they find inexplicable. An unseen monster, voices in the jungle, "others" on the island are all shadows on the wall. They think that they know what they are, but they can't see the actual objects that are making the shadows. They have no true understanding of the world around them.
  9. Madmartigan21

    Surivor Vanuatu

    Random thoughts: It's sad that the three best strategic players on this season have been Twila, Chris, and Ami. On past seasons none of them would have ever been in a power position. The hottest survivor this season is Julie. The hottest survivior ever is still Colleen. She was cute as hell, had a smoking body, and she had an adorable way of speaking. [about Joel] "You know, he's Golden Boy. He's Mr. January, he's gonna have a calendar. He's Captain America, really. " Is it just me, or does Ami = Annette Bening?
  10. Madmartigan21

    Shield Season Three DVD Specs

    When does the new season start?
  11. Madmartigan21

    Halle Berry Won't Return In X-Men 3

    Thandie Newton should be the next Storm says I.
  12. Madmartigan21


    I do indeed know that I like it. After all, "I'm the greatest swordsman who ever lived."
  13. Madmartigan21

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    I disagreed with almost all of your assessments. But this is the one that lead me to say to myself, "Ummm.... did I watch the same episode as that guy?" Vic was worried that Dutch was onto him. Then he was in a near PANIC that Dutch might get to the bookie first or arrive and find them taking care of the body. If anything this showed that while Vic may or may not respect Dutch as a man, he DOES respect him as a detective. I don't have time right now to go over the other points that I disagree with. But I must ask everyone who called this episode "filler" a question. What are you people, ON DOPE? The Strike Team scrambling big time to keep their connection from the money train a secret, because now not only is jail time a possibility, their very lives are on the line. I didn't think that there was anything even remotely "filler" about this episode.
  14. Madmartigan21

    The OAO Sopranos season 5 thread

    Oh, please! The previews ALWAYS make it look like something big is going to happen. But almost nothing ever actually does.
  15. Madmartigan21

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    The main reason that The Shield is better than The Sopranos, is that the actually PAY-OFF their numerous set-ups. Where as the The Sopranos leave story lines dangling or end them abruptly and anti-climatically. The Carmella/Furio story, for example, would have had some resolution other than Furio just leaving had it been on The Shield. For the most part, the episodes of The Sopranos could happen in any order. As a result the season ends up being less than the sum of its parts and feels dissapointing, even if each individual episode was good. The Shield is much more cohesive from start to finish.
  16. Madmartigan21

    Tonight's Survivor

    How exactly is Rob a back-stabbing asshole? He honored his alliance that he established on day ONE with Amber to stay together until the end. He honored his alliance that established on I believe day TWELVE with Rupert and Jenna to go to the final four. He never promised Lex anything. Lex and Kathy can say he asked for that favor "outside of the game" all they want. It's total bullshit. EVERYTHING that happens inside the game, happens INSIDE the game. Lex already established his gameplan was all about business and that friendships couldn't interfere with that. Then he cries foul when somebody else outwits him keeping in mind that same general principle while honoring an alliance already established before the "deal" was struck. What a fucking whiney ass bitch. He did lie to Alicia. But I have no sympathy for her. Besides being another whiney twat, her "alliance" with Rob wasn't in until well into the game when his alliance with Amber was known by everybody. This was her FIRST and ONLY bit of strategizing in the ENTIRE game. She had a chance when Shii-Ann came to her before the immunity challenge to maybe do something, but she wouldn't even entertain the idea. As a result she got her ass booted off that night. She did NOTHING to get as far she even did. She could have left the game at anytime before that and the game wouldn't have been one bit different in the long run. The only person that arguably got screwed over was Big Tom. But by him not answering Rob's question at the reunion, it's pretty clear that he DID have an alliance with Lex before the game even started. It's likely that the only reason that he didn't join with Lex post-merge was because even that dumb ass knew that Lex didn't have the numbers. Big Tom DID entertain the idea of voting off Rob and a big part of the reason that he didn't was because Rob was smart enough to stir the shit between Tom and Rupert. So Tom was yet another person that Rob outwitted. Rob dominated All-Stars physically AND mentally. It can be argued that his strategy might not have been as sound as possible. But nobody else was smart enough to oust him. Hell, several of the people didn't even really play most of the time that they were there. They just followed his lead until he decided it was their time to go. This included everyone else in the final five and Alicia. How anyone can think that anyone else deserved to win is beyond me.
  17. Madmartigan21

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    Maybe after he kills the guy, the gathering of evidence uncovers the phone. My guess is that whatever Aceveda does exactly will be used as a bargaining chip by the Strike Team. We'll make your evidence disappear, if you make the investigation of the marked bills go away.
  18. Madmartigan21

    100 Greatest Artist of "Rock-N-Roll"

    If you've ever actually seen the show, they actually say the list is the 100 greatest artists of the rock and roll "era", and not actually the 100 greatest artists of rock. I believe that's the same thing with the lists for song and ablumn as well.
  19. Madmartigan21

    Favorite Cameo In A Film

    That's Lou Ferrigno, both he and Stan Lee are the security guards that are walking out at the beginning of the movie. I thought that was hilarious, because Lee is just jabbering away and Ferrigno is nodding his head like he's listening, but if you know anything about Ferrigno, you know he's mostly deaf. Another nice touch was that Bruce Banner's father's name was David. For the T.V. show, the network had them change the name to David from Bruce because they though it was a 'gay' name. That was just a jab at Batman, they wanted it changed so as not to have the two characters confused. Lee then changed it in the comics that Bruce's real name was David Bruce Banner, after his father and he went by Bruce. So good continuity there. I'm fairly certain his full name in the comics has been ROBERT Bruce Banner and never David.
  20. Madmartigan21

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    I think one way or another this is how the Strike Team will get off the hook for the money train. After strong evidence against the Strike Team is gathered to connect the money to them, Aceveda will make it disappear because of one of the following: - Vic gets ahold of the photo of the blowjob or - Aceveda kills the guy and Vic/The Strike Team witnesses it or - Aceveda kills the guy and the Strike Team can connect him to it On an unrelated note, is it just me or has Claudette been really unlikeable this season? Wasn't Vic right when he told her that the Strike Team is a special unit? Aren't they supposed to be an anti-gang/anti-drug unit? Vic and the rest ARE detectives. She seems to be using them as more or less glorified uniformed cops as punishment for what she couldn't nail them for last season. Isn't she just being petty and vindictive, while wasting an extremely precious resource?
  21. Madmartigan21

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    How shocking do you think they can get on basic cable? I've never seen Oz. Are you saying there are scenes MORE graphic than this one? If so you just made me very glad I've never seen Oz.
  22. Madmartigan21

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    That was the most disturbing thing I've ever seen on TV.
  23. Madmartigan21

    The One and Only Survivor: Pearl Islands Thread

    Didn't Jonny Fairlplay make some kind of allusion to All-Stars during the Pearl Islands reunion show that indicated that he was a part of All-Stars? If this list is accurate, I think some of it looks pretty weak? They would prefer to have Shii Ann over Sandra? What in the hell did she do that was remotely interesting? I know she kind of got screwed by the non-merge when she had plans to jump alliances, but that never came to fruition so I don't think she warrants a spot. Where is Brian(Thailand)? Surely he's better than half the men on this list. I also think Kelly from the first Survivor DEFINITELY warrants a spot over Sue and some of the other women namely Alicia and Jenna. She quite literally HAD to win four immunity challenges in a row or she would have been voted out. There were no ifs ands or buts about it. For that reason alone I think a good case could be made that she should have won, regardless of the fact that Richard innovated most of the strategy that has been used in every Survivor since.
  24. Madmartigan21

    The Simple Life

    WAY too much of this show comes across like a set-up. Just about the way everyone, not just Paris and Nicole, behaves seems to be a put-on. If they were actually put in these situations for real, the show would probably be a lot more entertaining.
  25. Madmartigan21

    The One and Only Survivor: Pearl Islands Thread

    The more important question is whether or not the WWE has interest in him.