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Everything posted by PsychoDriver

  1. PsychoDriver

    PWG Takes Off At ''88 Miles Per Hour!'' On March 7

    Here's the results for this show: Credit to SoCalUncensored.com PWG Elks Lodge Santa Ana, CA Attendance: 140 Puma over Black Tigers [9'22] Bobby Quance over Tigers Mask [9'51] Havana Pitbulls (Ricky Reyes & Rocky Romero) over NOSAWA & Masada [10'49] American Dragon over Brad Bradley [9'35] Frankie Kazarian & Babi Slymm over Adam Pearce & Hardkore Kidd [15'63] Kushinbo Kamen over Ebessan [9'00] Joey Ryan, Scott Lost, Super Dragon, Disco Machine, & Excalibur over Scorpio Sky, Quick Silver, Chris Bosh, Topgun Talwar, & Charles Mercury in a Guerrilla Games elimination match Order of Elimination -Topgun Talwar at 26'35 -Charles Mercury at 29'46 -Disco Machine at 30'41 -Excalibur at 32'49 -Scorpio Sky by DQ at 35'11 -Super Dragon at 35'43 -Quick Silver at 36'33 -Chris Bosh at 37'15 " The X-Foundation were the survivors. The show was outstanding from top to bottom with no bad matches to be found. My favorite matches were American Dragon Vs. Brad Bradley who put on a brutally stiff war and Kamen Vs. Ebsessan who had a comedy classic with TARO as the special ref. Man, if you've never seen these guys, you are really missing out on some funny shit. Def. buy this when it's released on DVD... Anyway next show is on March 27 with X-Foundation Vs. Bosh/Silver, SD Vs. Scorpio Sky already announced. Plus the SoCal return of Colt Cabana. So check that one out as well...
  2. Super Dragon's Psycho Driver #3 (Piledriver from a Spinal Shock/Widow's Peak position) He's only hit it twice so far... but man is it sick. Jay Driller/Tiger Driver 98: Both great when hit right...
  3. PsychoDriver

    CZW Overdrive Results

    Sounds like a very good show... I'll order this one ASAP. That Teddy is gold....
  4. PsychoDriver

    Rob Feinstein........

    Very good read, makes you hate that lowlife RF even more.
  5. PsychoDriver

    PWG Takes Off At ''88 Miles Per Hour!'' On March 7

    Oh forgot to mention, Former XPW/NWA-TNA Valet, Valintina/J-Love will also be appearing at this show. Doing what? No one knows. Who cares? I don't know... but if she brings in some fans.. what the heck eh? Also here's the flyer, if you bring it in you get 3 bucks off! As Sean Penn may have said in some movie 20 something years ago "Righteous bucks!!"
  6. PsychoDriver

    Rise and Fall of ECW

    This sounds very interesting.... I sure hope they don't seriously screw it up. Better be at 2 Disc set as well....
  7. PsychoDriver

    PWG Takes Off At ''88 Miles Per Hour!'' On March 7

    Ok, the show is this SUNDAY!!!! so I'll bump this up (I'm sure it'll stay ahead of the "RF is Gay" thread for about a second or 2) and give some short thought and predictions. "Black Tigers" Jeremy Lopez vs. Puma Thoughts: Another in a long line of well matched openers from PWG, this looks like it'll be a fantastic match as both should blend nicely. Prediction: PUMA • Bobby Quance vs. Tigers Mask Thoughts: I've never seen Tigers Mask before but I've heard from many sources that he is a great flyer. But then again even if he was a bad wrestler I'd still think the amazing Bobby Quance (just coming off a MOTYC with Danielson on 2/22) would get a worthy match out of him. I think this will be the sleeper match of the show... Prediction: Bobby Quance • Gurentai (MASADA & NOSAWA) vs. Havana Pitbulls Thoughts: It's Japan Vs. Cuban in PWG! This should be alot of fun as Gurentai are good and the Pitbulls are one of the best teams in the world right now. I think this match was actually first set to take place at the 4th EPIC Pro Wrestling show back in Sept. 2002 but never took place due to last minute card change. So now nearly a year and half later... these teams will finally meet. Thoughts: Havana Pitbulls (possibly putting the pitbulls in position for a tag title shot next show) • American Dragon vs. Brad Bradley Thoughts: "Bananas, batty, bedlamite, bonkers, brainsick, buggy, bughouse, crackbrained, cracked, crackers, cracky, cranky, crazed, crazy, cuckoo, daffy, daft, demented, deranged, disordered, distraugh, loco, looney, lunatic, mad, maniac, mental, mindless, non compos mentis, nuts, nutsy, nutty, reasonless, screwy, teched, unbalanced, unsane, unsound, wacky" - The words I got after typing the word "Insane" into a Thesaurus and none truly can explain how much pure insanity will be contained within this match. This should be one to remember... Prediction: American Dragon • Frankie Kazarian & Babi Slymm vs. "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce & Hardkore Kidd Thoughts: This came about after the events of Street fight at the last show where Pearce (with the help of the Hardkore Kid) beat Frankie and took the home the gold. This should be pretty solid has they all have alot of experience against each other and that Frankie Kazarian is the coolest person in the world Prediction: Slymm pins Pearce setting up a title match for the 27th. • Ebessan vs. Kuishinbo Kamen Thoughts: Two of Japan's top comedy workers meet one on one for the first time on US soil. As Paul T called it "The Holy MF'N Grail of comedy matches" Prediction: No clue really... guessing Ebessan Guerrilla Games Elimination Match • Super Dragon, Disco Machine, Excalibur, Joey Ryan, & Scott Lost vs. Topgun Talwar, Scorpio Sky, Quicksilver, Chris Bosh, & Charles Mercury Thought: The build here has been great and this will be an insanely fun match up. Over the last few years SoCal has had some classic elimination tags First the RevPro MOTY 2002 "Don't Call it a Comeback" and also RevPro's "Pride of the mask 3" 6-man that was a shit load of fun. Hopefully this one will continue that great tradition. Prediction: TEAM PWG Overall prediction (in the form of a Back to the future quote): "If my calculations are correct.. when this baby hits 88 miles per hour... you're going to see some serious shit" So if in the area.. COME CHECK THIS OUT LIVE! you won't regret it. No one ever leaves PWG unhappy well unless Super Dragon pours a drink on them or threatens them.or slaps them Oh well forget I said that.... Also to anyone planning to going to this: check this thread: http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=51109 to learn about 2 other AMAZING shows this Saturday in SoCal. If not in the area, SHAME ON YOU, What you think you are too good to live in the area? Seriously than checkout http://www.prowrestlingguerrilla.com and buy one of PWG's many excellent DVDs!!! They are all worth buying... I'd recommend them in order to truly follow the PWG saga as it unfolds. Other PWG News: Next show is March 27 (with everyone's favorite Colt Cabana already set to appear) and PWG also has shows set for 04/17/04, 05/22/04 and 06/19/04. So make your plans to attend these now!
  8. PsychoDriver

    Holy f*ck

    Very nice to hear he's gotten over his drug problem.
  9. PsychoDriver

    Rob Feinstein........

    That maybe the funniest thing I've ever seen...
  10. PsychoDriver

    Rob Feinstein........

    Not sure about Curly... But Mike King is/was a tape trader who RF sent to jail for bootlegging tapes (Smell the hypocrisy!!)
  11. PsychoDriver

    Rob Feinstein........

    Shocking stuff, I always knew RF was a fruity scumbag... but I never would have suspected anything like this.
  12. PsychoDriver

    New GTA official

    About damn time... that was one of the biggest flaws in the last two games.
  13. PsychoDriver

    Do yourself a favor and READ THIS!

    Damn right, Definitely a world class weekend of wrestling in SoCal. I'll hopefully be at all 3...
  14. PsychoDriver

    Super 8 Field Announced

    Glad to see the Havana Pitbulls in the tourney, those guys are super talented and will surprise alot of people here...
  15. PsychoDriver

    PWG Takes Off At ''88 Miles Per Hour!'' On March 7

    I'm not totally sure but I think it's Excalibur who writes them. It just sounds like him...
  16. PsychoDriver

    Poor RoH

    I don't know... are the normal ROH fans really huge WWE fans as well? Most indy fans I know hate the WWE and most WWE fans have no clue about the indys peroid. Somehow I don't think either will be too effected by this...
  17. PsychoDriver

    Ten Least Favorite NES Games

    Don't remember the exact price but I know I bought it new sight unseen just because I was a huge Simpsons mark. Guessing it was around 40 to 60 bucks (Standard game price in the early 90's) Hey, It's The SIMPSONS!, It's a VIDEO GAME! How could that ever be bad? Boy was I wrong...
  18. PsychoDriver

    Ten Least Favorite NES Games

    ANY Simpsons game. I can't believe I wasted 60 bucks on that shitty Bart Vs. The Space Mutants game way back when...
  19. PsychoDriver

    Favourite NES Game

    My favorite NES game ever was a little game called "Dusty Diamond's All Star Softball" I must have played that stupid game for years... Others I really liked: Contra Super Bowl Paperboy Punch Out (I had the "Mr. Dream" one though) Anything with Mario Deja Vu Maniac Mansion WWF Wrestlemania Challenge TMNT Skate or Die Ski or Die and probably hundreds others I can't think of right now...
  20. PsychoDriver

    Samoa Joe

    Super Dragon, Hey it could happen.... but I agree a more realistic answer would be CM Punk.
  21. PsychoDriver

    NJPW Inoki Dojo show

    That is a nice looking card, Though I'm not sure if I'll go as RevPro and PWG also have great cards that weekend as well...
  22. PsychoDriver

    Steven Bryant's report to UPW 5th Anni Show

    Good lord...what a point you have there. I have NO idea...Cali is just three hours behind Philly, so it's absolutely beyond me not how he did it because it would've been hard, but because it would be damn near impossible. I have NO idea how he ever got from Philly to So-Cal (or was it vice versa?) in such quick time. Honestly, it sounds impossible, but his name IS on both of the results...so, well, I'll be damned...I ain't got a clue...it's quite a mystery, LOL... Mystery indeed! UPW was on Friday, 3PW was on Saturday...
  23. PsychoDriver

    Anyone else get their checks today?

    About damn time they started sending those out, seems like years since I filled out that form. Also just got my free EB issue... great day for free stuff!
  24. Here is the new PWG press release from SoCalUncensored.com: "By Silverback, PWG Staff Writer Yosemite, California - At the "Tango & Cash Invitational" Pro Wrestling Guerrilla (http://www.prowrestlingguerrilla.com) was crowned the Professional Wrestling "King Of Cola," and then used our new title to crown the first ever PWG Tag Team Champions, B-Boy & Homicide! For those fans that may have missed the two greatest days of wrestling this universe has ever seen, PWG invites them to come "Taste The Radness" on Sunday, February 22, 2004 at the Santa Ana Elks Lodge! PWG's next live event will feature 7 titanic matches, including: • Puma vs. Charles Mercury - After aligning himself with the Aerial Express, Charles Mercury has a new found self confidence that he previously lacked, a self confidence that enables him to take on seemingly insurmountable challenges, challenges such as defeating international superstar Puma in single competition. Puma, on the other hand, does not need the self confidence provided by teaming with ruffians and scalawags. He has the self confidence provided by years of training with some of the finest fighters and wrestlers in the world, which logic dictates would be enough to overcome any challenge presented by young Mercury. However, what tricks may Charles have up his sleeveless shirt sleeves? • Havana Pitbulls vs. Sal & Vito Thomaselli - Both of these teams had impressive showings at the "Tango & Cash Invitational," but unfortunately for them, were eliminated early on the second day of the tournament. However, a more interesting development occurred backstage, when the Pitbulls and the Thomasellis began to argue about which mother country had more culinary depth, Cuba or Italy? Frituritas de Malanga or Spaghetti & Meatballs? Havana Pitbulls or The Thomasellis? Whose cuisine will reign supreme?! • Samoa Joe vs. Shannon Ballard - It is a little known fact that the entire US-Iraqi Military conflict was started not by the invasion of a small neighboring nation, but by an errant back swing during a golf outing with Former Presidents George Bush & Saddam Hussein in the late 1980's. As Hussein was warming up, he drew his club back, not expecting someone to walk in his way. Someone did, and that someone was George Bush, who was struck in the face by the club, knocked unconscious, and ultimately lost a tooth! In a strange coincidence, Samoa Joe & Shannon Ballard, long time friends and even training partners in professional wrestling, are now at war with one another, when Samoa Joe's golf club of tyranny, his foot, planted itself firmly in the face of Democracy, Shannon Ballard's face! Don't expect to see Shannon Ballard's son coming along to finish this job some 10 years later, these men are prepared to settle their dispute on February 22! • S.B.S. (Formerly Team Chismo; Super Dragon, Excalibur & Disco Machine) vs. Aerial Express (Scorpio Sky, Quicksilver & Chris Bosh) - Like a Guns N' Roses documentary, the feud between SBS and the AXP has seen it's share of violence, profanity, and debauchery, with violence and profanity leading the way. Originally, this battle was between Excalibur & Chris Bosh, but Quicksilver & Scorpio Sky, finding that their discontent had grown to proportions previously unknown to man, took advantage of a situation provided by Bosh to lash out at the entire PWG organization by attacking Excalibur. Not ones to stand back while their friend gets assaulted, Disco Machine & Super Dragon rushed to Excalibur's aid, but unknowingly provided the spark to the powder keg of hatred, which was seated on the cart of wrath, pulled by the donkey of anger! The fuse is burning down and once the donkey cart explodes, who will survive? • American Dragon vs. Bobby Quance - Like a fight between Darth Vader and Obi Wan Kenobi, this match is truly Teacher vs. Student. While Bobby Quance was a rookie, he received instruction and direction from American Dragon, but after American Dragon went off to sew his wild oats, Quance was left to drift aimlessly. Not for long, as fate would have it, because both men arrived at the New Japan Dojo at roughly the same time, continuing their training, increasing their knowledge of how to hurt people. American Dragon then went to Europe in order to learn the most effective way of placing another man's legs behind their own head (the red lightsabre,) while Bobby Quance went to Mexico and learned the way of the arm drag (the blue lightsabre.) In this meeting of electro-swordsmanship, there can be only one Highlander! PWG Tag Team Championship • B-Boy & Homicide © vs. X- Foundation (Scott Lost & Joey Ryan) - Anyone that accuses Pro Wrestling Guerrilla of playing favorites is a jerk. PWG co-owners Scott Lost & Joey Ryan lobbied to Commissioner Paul T that the inaugural title defense of the PWG Tag Team Titles should be one that reflects the honor and prestige these titles are deserving of. Paul T thought about that, then also thought about who signs his checks, and nominated the X-Foundation to be the first ever challengers! Lost & Ryan, shocked and overjoyed at the prospect of getting another chance to win the titles, immediately began preparing for this opportunity with many hours of meditation in a Tibetan temple. When notified of who would be the first challengers to their titles, B-Boy and Homicide collectively agreed "Man, f--- those stupid cracker a-- b------!" Strong words, and even stronger dashes. Will the X-Foundation have what it takes to claim the belts, or will B-Boy & Homicide's street wise natures be enough to overcome any challenge? PWG Championship No DQ Come-As-You-Are Chicago Street Fight • "The Future" Frankie Kazarian © vs. "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce - In the wild, when two majestic grizzly bears try to lay claim to the same territory, an earth shaking conflict undoubtedly will occur, often leaving one of the great beasts dead. Commissioner Paul T didn't really want to see Frankie Kazarian or Adam Pearce wind up dead, so he allowed the two men to compete in any sort of match they wanted, except the dreaded Death Match. Therefore, after lengthy consultation with manager and attorney, C. Edward Vanderpyle, Adam Pearce chose the second most deadly match known to man, the No Disqualification Come-As-You-Are Chicago Street Fight. Frankie Kazarian was eager to accept this match, since every time these two men have squared off, Kazarian has come away with the victory, but due to deftly execute underhanded tactics, Pearce walked out on top. Finally, Frankie Kazarian has the opportunity to face the head on assault of Adam Pearce, but what role with the No Disqualifications clause play? Will Frankie be able to concentrate and mount an effective offense, or will Pearce get the gold he has been after since day one? ----- Also available for pre-order is the 2-night, 4-disc "Tango & Cash Invitational" Tag Team Tournament DVD! For only $29.99 (plus $3.95 domestic shipping & handling/$9 for international orders.) That's a $5.00 savings over the regular price! Visit http://www.prowrestlingguerrilla.com for more information! All orders will ship before February 22, 2004. Pro Wrestling Guerrilla's "Taste The Radness" takes place Sunday, February 22, 2004 at the Santa Ana Elks Lodge, at 5:00PM. The Santa Ana Elks Lodge is located at 212 S. Elk Lane, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Tickets are only $18, and are available online at http://www.prowrestlingguerrilla.com, or by mail (PWG Tickets, PO Box 1527, Temple City, CA 91780. Certified checks or money orders only, please.) For more information, please visit http://www.prowrestlingguerrilla.com or email [email protected]. " Sounds like another great show from PWG, Can't wait for Danielson Vs. Quance, The Kazarian Vs. Pearce feud settler, The 6-man, B-Boy/Homicide Vs. X-Foundation and well everything else. Should be an amazing show.
  25. PsychoDriver

    PWG ''Taste The Radness'' Feb 22 Santa Ana CA

    The Masada mentioned here is Japanese and is different from the ROH Masada, He's the one that teamed with Nosawa at MLW's King of Kings in 2002. And well while Lopez isn't Japanese he does wrestle in Japan and will probably be doing his Japanese "Black Tigers" gimmick at the show. For more info on these guys check out Paul T's update on PWG's site: http://www.prowrestlingguerrilla.com/pault/