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Everything posted by PsychoDriver

  1. PsychoDriver


    I grew up watching tons of Godzilla films, really fun movies. As for Godzilla on DVD, There's a few bare bones releases, nothing really special.
  2. PsychoDriver

    What moves do you "MARK" out for...

    Common moves I mark for: Rolling German Suplex Perfect Plex Super Kick (No Matter by who as long as it's done correctly) Headscissors Ranas Yakuza Kick Asai Moonsault Move #273.... Arm Bar Springboard Dropkick
  3. PsychoDriver

    Worst catchphrases, 1998-2003

    JR: "He's like Brad Pitt with an Attitude" refering to Billy Gunn from WCW... "DJ RAN All up in your area" -DJ Ran
  4. PsychoDriver

    Summer Movies you want to see most

    T3, even though I'm fully prepared for it to suck, Freddy Vs. Jason looks like fun as well. As for the Dumb and Dumber prequel, Who the hell thought that was a good idea? Looks awful.
  5. PsychoDriver

    New FBI members

    Since the WWE's FBI is more or less a rip of WCW's "Mamalukes" why not Tony Mamaluke and Big Vito?
  6. PsychoDriver

    Best King Of The Ring match?

    Perfect Vs. Bret KOTR 93
  7. PsychoDriver

    ROH 5/31

    WTF? the card looks good... Samoa Joe vs Homicide, Four-Way Dance, Backseatz vs Fleisch/Slim J, Cross vs. Mamaluke vs. Rave should all be amazing.
  8. PsychoDriver

    Most Legendary Multiplayer Game?

    Goldeneye, great party game.. even better with a gameshark with the "walk thru doors" code on to get to other areas.
  9. PsychoDriver

    Download NWA-TNA Xplosion full match!

    Good match (considering the how short it was) I'd like to see Hollywood Inc. get a chance in TNA.
  10. PsychoDriver

    Funniset Double act

    I'd also like to add Cheech and Chong to that list. They are hit and miss but when they were on their game, it's hard to top them.
  11. PsychoDriver

    Pro Wrestling Guerrilla

    If you've never seen Quance, Pinoy Boy and The Havana Pitbulls before you're in for a pleasant surprise. They are all great wrestlers and they should be able to put on one hell of a match Only bad thing is that the event is on the same day as CZW:TOD2 which means no CZW guys. The show should still rule however, How could Styles Vs. Samoa Joe not be good?
  12. PsychoDriver

    Pro Wrestling Guerrilla

    Saw this on SoCalUncensored.com That sounds great, sorta like EPIC but without all Gary Yap's drama to screw it up. Everyone in the SoCal area come to the show and make this work... SoCal can always use more great feds.
  13. Ugh, I wanted Twilight Zone... I demand a recount!
  14. PsychoDriver

    Garfield: The Live Action Movie

    Big fan of Garfield... but that sounds like utter crap. (But it'd be worth it, if it gets them to release some Garfield cartoons on DVD in some sort of cross promotional thing)
  15. PsychoDriver

    Well done horror movies...

    This man knows his stuff (and the guy suggesting Mario Bava too) Also Check out "Re-Animator"... a fun little movie from 1985. One of my favorites
  16. PsychoDriver

    Chris Daniels comp

    This was a very good match... nothing mind blowing however
  17. I only have 2: Carnival of Souls Fiend without a Face Both are really great in the extras department.
  18. PsychoDriver

    How do you like your meat cooked?

  19. PsychoDriver

    100 Movies I Say You Should See

    Good list, I agree with all of them except maybe "Blacula"
  20. PsychoDriver

    Resident Evil the movie....

    When it comes to certain things, perhaps... but regardless I just didn't like the movie, as was stated above the "consciously hip" factor annoys me to no end.
  21. PsychoDriver

    Resident Evil the movie....

    I didn't like it at all, I don't know maybe I have good taste in horror movies or something.
  22. PsychoDriver

    Best/Worst Wrestlemania main event ever

    Best Main Event Wrestling Wise: Bret Vs. HBK - WM12 Best Main Event Heat Wise: Hogan Vs. Warrior - WM6 (at least for me as a kid) Worst Main Event: Sid Vs. Taker WM13 Best Non ME Match: Bret Vs. Owen - WM10 Worst Non ME Match: Bossman Vs. Taker - WM15
  23. PsychoDriver

    EWR 4.0 Details

    http://www.adamryland.co.uk/ewr_40.html Damn, This looks great. Finally you can book an indy fed correctly.
  24. I'd say Classic Horror star, Bela Lugosi. His films are even classics or crap.
  25. PsychoDriver

    Dr. Death Getting A Tryout With WWE

    They didn't want him in 1998/1999 why would they want him now?