The Thread Killer
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You are all invited to a party...
The Thread Killer replied to The Thread Killer's topic in No Holds Barred
Hey dude, I never said LOVED, I said LIKED. At least I didn't call you that other nasty name that people do here to get on your nerves...the "p" word. And Josh, I don't think I ever would have gotten this many posts if I hadn't quit going to WDI, and if these guys didn't have a TNA folder. -
Details on the X division...um...thing
The Thread Killer replied to The Ghost of bps21's topic in TNA Wrestling
Yeah, he's okay I guess. He's pretty good with the mic...but my complaint is that he's JUST okay, and there are SO MANY guys who are better than he is...WAY better...that deserve to be champ, not him. I guess availability has a lot to do with it. TNA can't exactly give the X Division Belt to a guy who will be running off to Japan or Mexico with it every few weeks. I'll give Shane this much...he shows up every week. Then again...so does Sabin dammit...and he RULES and stuff. -
You know, I probably shouldn't have told that story...especially here, but it bugs me when I see people calling Straight Edgers losers for not wanting to drink or do drugs or whatever. I'm Straight Edge, and I drank more, and smoked more, and banged more than half the people who are against it...but look where it got me. Nowhere. I don't like preachy people of ANY kind, and when I see other recovering addicts giving people lectures, it pisses me off...I say to each their own...but it does NOT make somebody a loser if they choose to say NO. So there. N'yar.
You are all invited to a party...
The Thread Killer replied to The Thread Killer's topic in No Holds Barred
Yeah, as long as there are no scantily clad women, that could set off my pacemaker. I will be able to gum the cake, and they can stir the punch into my mush and spoon feed it to me. *Takes pill. Has overdose.* Hey, who are you calling pole smoker, you... (Thinks) Uh...penis, liking, guy? (I'll be back later with a better one.) -
Details on the X division...um...thing
The Thread Killer replied to The Ghost of bps21's topic in TNA Wrestling
Yep. That pretty much nails it. He HAS to be carrying on the family tradition of blowing the owner to keep the spot he has. -
I know the difference between Shoot Style, and Hard Hitting Pro Style. In fact, I have more MMA and Worked Shoots in my personal collection than I do Junior Heavyweight Stuff...way more. My point WAS, that if you compare the matches that Sayama had with Billington or Rocco-Tiger, you would notice that the guys who were trained in the Billy Robinson Snake Pit /Ted Riley UK Mat Style had much more realistic looking matches with Sayama than say, Fishman or El Falcon. So his tough training helped Billington have better matches with Sayama than others did, and in my opinion, THAT is what made that series of matches unique, and stand out over the matches Sayama had with others. The style the UK guys used was more relaistic than what other guys used, especially the Lucha guys. My increased exposure to stuff like UWF/UFI/Kingdom has helped me appreciate the increased realism of that style, which is WAY more real looking than anything Billington and Sayama did, I agree. So, at the time I wrote that column, my Billington fanboyism made me give the matches better star ratings than they probably deserved...however I still think the column has some merits still, if for nothing else, then the quotes by Billington himself. And once again, if that post helps "The Reverand Daddy Joe" find and buy the tape, then mission accomplished for me...that is why I made the post, I was trying to help the guy...not convince him the matches were worked shoots, or wow him with my star ratings. I don't know what that means...I assume you mean to say "Shoot Style Worker." As I said above, I should not have classified him as that when I wrote the article...and I don't even remember doing it. It was misleading, and incorrect. He didn't wrestle Shoot Style...I didn't even think he did then, I just thought he was hard hitting and a good mat wrestler (which I STILL think he was) but I was being far too glib in using the term Shoot Style. Again. Maybe if I explain my mistake 10 times, people will accept it.
You are all invited to a party...
The Thread Killer replied to The Thread Killer's topic in No Holds Barred
I was joking cock knocker. Relax. -
Details on the X division...um...thing
The Thread Killer replied to The Ghost of bps21's topic in TNA Wrestling
RAWK! Now that Low Ki is supposedly gone from ROH, I am glad he will still be working with TNA, since I love him and stuff. The Fallen Angel. C'mon. Nuff said. The Dutt push continues. Nice. Johnny Storm? He's SPOTASTIC! Shark Boy. Yeah. I'm a shark mark. Sue me. Chad Collyer RULES. He's like the second coming of Dean Malenko...my only fear is that he won't get the time he needs in TNA, to do his thing like he did in ROH. As for the mystery guy, there are some great candidates... A.J.? Juvy? Teddy Hart? Viscera? This should be great. And if Michael Shane can hang onto his title after this...I may go to the Asylum with a high powered rifle, with scope. -
You are all invited to a party...
The Thread Killer replied to The Thread Killer's topic in No Holds Barred
No way I'm going to UGS. That place is run by you and CWM, isn't it? The place must be nothing but spelling mistakes and you showing people pictures of your dick. Ewww. -
The star ratings are subjective, and can be ignored. If I sat down and watched the series again today, I'd probably rate them differently. In the time since I wrote that column (which was quite a while ago) I have seen a LOT more Shoot Style stuff. I have a complete UWFI and Kingdom collection, so I am sure that would affect my ratings. I stand by the fact that Billington was trained in the UK and learned the hard hitting mat style there, and used it in that series. I really do think he and Sayama used to stiff the hell out of each other in those matches...I'm not saying they were Worked Shoots...but compared to a lot of the matches Sayama was having with other people at the time, they were hard hitting. As far as being "realistic and helpful" the whole point of my post was that The Reverand Daddy Joe asked if there was a place that sold the matches on a comp, and I can tell him for a fact that Tabe does, and his tape kicks ass. Many people have ordered that tape, and if he does, he won't get burned. The ratings are up to the fans to decide anyhow, but first he has to get the matches to decide that for himself.
I heard the last episode of SD only had three matches totally 10 minutes ,and the rest of the two hours was all talking. TNA has NEVER been THAT bad. Three matches, taking up TEN MINUTES? To quote Farooq: Damn.
The banner that you see in my signature which says: “No Booze. No Drugs. No Fear.” is not a sXe saying, it’s mine. I created the banner, and it’s hosted on my server, and other people like Sandman are using it with my permission. I identify with the Straight Edge Movement, simply because I do not drink, smoke, do drugs, or engage in unsafe recreational sex. I DID all of those things…I did them a LOT, and it got me nowhere, and close to death, in fact. I started drinking when I was in High School. I didn’t have a great deal of interest in it, it’s not something I would have done if left to my own, but my friends were doing it, so I did it too. It was fun. I went to parties. A lot of parties. Parties that if I didn’t drink, I wouldn’t have been welcome at. It was at a party, while drinking, that I started to smoke. I don’t even remember how, I was too damn drunk. I just started smoking. So one day, here I am at a party, drunk, smoking, when somebody passes me “the herb.” I was drunk, and I wasn’t thinking, so I took a drag. Time passed. Fast Forward about 10 years, and I am a hardcore drinker, who gets drunk every Friday night, I get high almost as often, and I am a smoker. You know who made me do this? Me. Nobody put a gun to my head and forced me to drink. I was the one who started smoking. I decided on my own, of my own free will to smoke doob. However… I took that first drink because I was a scared 14-year-old kid, who wanted to fit in with his friends. I took the step. That step led me down a long path, to a place I didn’t want to go. On August 30th 1999, I was dating a stripper, who worked in a club that one of my drinking buddies, (and the guy who sold me my drugs) worked as a bouncer. I stayed there drinking all night, until about 2:00 a.m. when the place closed. Then me, my buddy, my girlfriend and one of the waitresses went back to her place. We sat around drinking and getting high. We were talking about how much we could drink and smoke. I told them about the fact that I had such I high tolerance for booze that I couldn’t get drunk from just beer anymore. The alcohol content of 5.5% wasn’t enough to get me drunk…I’d be pissing it out before I got drunk from it…so I had invented something I called “Stingers.” You buy a cheap bottle of bourbon (Wild Turkey to be exact.) You do a shot. Then you have a beer. Then you do another shot, right away. Repeat, six times. Then, I would be drunk. Of course, I would also have consumed around 18 drinks in about 30 minutes…but HEY…I’d be DRUNK! That was the important thing! Then, I could drink beer all night, and keep my buzz going. Which I could suppliment with the odd toke here and there to mellow me out, settle my stomach, and help me sleep. This waitress asked me if I had ever done coke. She thought I should…because then you could stay up even LONGER and drink even MORE!!! My buddy left. My girlfriend and this waitress started making out and having sex (Important Note: Many if not all strippers actually hate men and are bi-sexual, usually with other strippers.) They invited me to do a few lines of coke off of their naked bodies while I watched them have sex. After thinking about it for about 1.2 seconds (I was drunk, so it took me a minute) I said OKAY! Something I remembered about myself. I always used to say: “Yeah, I drink, but only beer. Never hard liquor, and how many alcoholics do you know that drink just beer?” Of course, then I invented the stinger. Then it was: “Yeah, I drink a lot, but I don’t do any REAL drugs like coke or heroin. I just get high maybe once a month…okay, maybe twice. Okay, maybe every weekend…but I don’t do any hardcore drugs.” Now here I was, doing a line of coke off of two naked women. (I’d love to tell you how HOT they were, but my girlfriend was just average…and the waitress had a good body, but you could kick a field goal between the gap between her front teeth.) So on August 30th 1999, here I was, drinking, getting high, doing coke, and having sex with two women. I stayed for 24 hours straight, partying like a madman. How do I remember the date so clearly, you might ask? Simple. That was the day I was arrested. So the waitress had to go to Montreal, so she kicked me and my girlfriend out of her apartment. We drove back to her place, where I crashed on the couch for a few hours. Before I went to sleep, I took a little pill called PAXIL. Paxil is an antidepressant…which I had been prescribed due to anxiety and depression. Looking back now, I can’t imagine WHY I was depressed. A few hours later, I woke up, got behind the wheel, and drove home to my own apartment. I fell asleep behind the wheel, and drove my car into a ditch. It flipped over, end over end. I woke up in the back of an ambulance. The police found some beer cans in my car, so they decided to test me. I tested WAY over the legal limit for alcohol, plus of course I had cannabis and PAXIL in my system. (Amazingly, the cocaine never showed up on test. My lawyer told me later that it takes a while to show up…but it stays in your system for SIX MONTHS.) I was arrested for Driving Under The Influence, Dangerous Driving, and Criminal Negligence. A was a guest at the Iron Bar Hotel for while. Oh by the way…my car was destroyed, and I got a concussion, and sustained permanent damage to my neck. I am now partially paralyzed in my left hand. I have no feeling in my left forefinger and middle finger, and on cold days my hand stops working altogether…and I barely have the strength to hold a pencil. I went to a doctor, and I now have a nice big hole in the lining of my stomach from drinking so much fucking whisky. I have to take antacid every morning just so I don’t spend the entire day puking up pure stomach acid. I was sentenced to 90 Days in Jail, fined $2000, and lost my driver’s license for 2 years. Fun huh? Oh by the way, yeah…I failed math too. You know whose fault this whole thing was? Mine. Mine. Mine. The morning I got out of the slam, I called Alcoholics Anonymous. I have not done drugs since that night. I am ashamed to say that I have fallen off the wagon three times since then…however if I can make it to New Years Day, 2003 will be the first SOBER year of my adult life. I will have made it an entire year without drinking or drugs. So why do I identify with the Straight Edge Philosophy? Simple. It is there for kids, and tells them that it’s okay to NOT drink, or do drugs. It tells girls that you don’t HAVE to let the acne infested scumbag slobbering all over you drool his way into your pants. It’s OKAY to say NO. There are OTHER people who don’t drink, do drugs, or engage in recreational sex. (Which is much different from Monogamy, by the way.) I really don’t CARE if people want to do these things. It’s a free world, baby. I have plenty of good friends who drink, do drugs, and sleep around. I just can’t do it. It will kill me. So yeah, I identify with the Straight Edge Philosophy. I invented the slogan: “No Booze. No Drugs. No Fear.” You know why? I have no fear anymore. I’m not afraid of dying from an overdose, or getting alcohol poisoning, or not getting a job, for failing a drug test. Saying YES is EASY. Drinking was easy. Smoking was easy. Fooling around was easy. Staying sober is hard. Being faithful can be hard at times. However, I think that being Straight Edge builds character. Being strong enough to avoid dependency on chemicals is impressive. I control my own behavior and destiny now. Chemicals don’t tell me what to do anymore. My own urges don’t control me. If you drink, or get high, or fuck around to have fun, cool. Go nuts. However…if you CAN’T have fun UNLESS you are doing these things, then you have yourself a problem my friend. I can have fun without getting drunk or high now. I don’t cram this down people’s throats…this is the first time I’ve ever mentioned it here, and I did it because somebody asked. I’m not going to lie, sometimes I see people who are all fucked up on drugs, or drunk out of their skull, and I feel disgusted. I don’t know why. Maybe because the sight of somebody who can’t control their own behavior and lets a substance control them makes me sick…but it’s more likely because I used to BE one of those people…and I am ashamed to think about how I must have looked. And the sad thing is, one slip, one mistake, and that could be ME again. I am a Social Worker, by trade. I work with abused kids. The one thing I tell them all, is that they have to be in control of their own lives. Not their parents…not their friends…and not drugs or booze. I tell the young girls that selling themselves is not the way…every time they accept money for sex, they are selling a little piece of their soul. One common factor I have found…in 13 years of being a Social Worker, and having working with literally thousands of abused kids…is that Substance Abuse always seems to be involved in abuse. Either people who abuse substances abuse kids, or kids turn to substances to deal with the pain of the abuse. Ironically, here I was all these years, trying to work with these kids…when I myself was abusing substances…part of the same abuse excuse that held them all prisoner. There is another way. So THAT is why I am Straight Edge. End of rant.
Way back when, I wrote a column about this series which if you like, you could check out HERE. At the bottom of the article there is a link to Tabe's Tapes, who sells a PERFECT VQ, straight from DVD comp of all of their matches. You can find Tabe's Tapes HERE and the Best of Dynamite Kid vs. Tiger Mask Sayama is Tape 452, listed HERE. I cannot recomend this tape highly enough. Tabe is 100% reliable, his tapes are low priced, his service is FAST, and as I said the VQ on this tape is perfect. Hope that helps.
Elix Skipper in WWE dark match
The Thread Killer replied to LucharesuFan619's topic in TNA Wrestling
Whoa...whaddya mean LEFT Ring Of Honor? I know he wrestles part time for Zero-One, but did you hear he's not ever coming BACK to ROH? -
Isn't the point of a silent protest to be SILENT? So could you go back to it? I think it was working. I'm serious. I heard that Zack and Bps were about to resign as mods, and Dames was going to shut down the board, because after your silent protest, they all came to understand how right you were about everything, (despite the fact that you've been proven wrong 1000 times in this thread alone). Serious man. You were right the first time. Silent protest. It was working. Get back to it. Just to be safe, you should probably do it for the rest of your life though. We'll all be silently supporting you too. Really, we will.
I highly doubt it's gonna be WWE. You guys don't think...
Okay, I am the biggest TNA mark in this folder outside of syxx2001, but if the surprise turns out to be Rick Steiner, I will be officially not impressed.
That was a long time in coming. TSM, WDI, SNKT...all boards The Game has been banned from. Bye Bye, you sick freak. Usually I don't care about this kind of thing...but I must admit that this makes me smirk in a self satisfied way.
The Thread Killer replied to The Thread Killer's topic in TNA Wrestling
You know, I am not sure about this. I know he can't wrestle much...he never could, but you can't deny that in his day he was WAY over. Lets say even 1/4 of the fans that loved him back in the day show some interest were he to come to TNA. That can't hurt. This does have to potential to go terribly wrong...but it could be interesting if he does come...kind of like watching one of those Car Crash shows on FOX. You know it's stupid, you know it's going to be a mess...but you watch anyway. That's even if he's going to TNA. For all we know he could be opening a school again, or going to Japan or something. -
The Thread Killer replied to The Thread Killer's topic in TNA Wrestling
That's harsh dude. And Bob, nobody is going to argue that Warrior couldn't wrestle his way out of a paper bag...but do you think his name value could help TNA? From a publicity standpoint...not workrate. I wonder if enough fans would buy, just to see him since he hasn't been seen in so long. -
That's debatable. If Batista gets injured much more, he could be looking at becoming the next Glen Kulka. Don't know who he is? Exactly. Big roid monster who got injured too much. Released. Now appearing as a bouncer at a strip bar near you.
I heard that Hogan's knee is so shot, that after he retires for good, he's going to have to get an artificial knee. Ouch.
That's what I was thinking too. I was watching the show with a friend, and half way through we looked at each other, and said "What's up? What happened to EVERY match ending in a screwjob?" If that's Mantell booking, then I like it.
From the Inside for this week
The Thread Killer replied to The Ghost of bps21's topic in TNA Wrestling
Good question. Did the one of you that was older go over? Did your mother do a run in?