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The Thread Killer

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Everything posted by The Thread Killer

  1. The Thread Killer

    Airbag/How Am I Driving?

    I have nothing to be ashamed of regarding my conduct in the thread where Marney was banned. When it was a discussion of current events, my points were well thought out and intelligently expressed. When it was moved into the Chocolate Socket, my antagonism of the mods was incendiary yet highly entertaining at the same time. How dare you lump me in with the problems in that thread. My performance throughout was a shining beacon of exemplary conduct. My stellar reputation is unsullied by your slanderous barbs, which are clearly a result of your jealousy. I hope you all look at that thread long and hard and examine where you went wrong, paying special attention to the parts where I was cruelly abused by others...yet I soldiered on and continued to bring high quality posts in the way that only I can. Most importantly, I hope you noticed that after 9 years of posting in the different incarnations of this board, I still have the same highly honed skills that I always had when it comes to doing what I do best...killing threads, for I AM The Thread Killer. Snausages. That's right, you heard me. Thank you, and good night.
  2. The Thread Killer

    Parents fight over gang ties...

    We never talk about that! By the way, TKK, I was originally known as IDrinkRatsMilk... you really don't remember me at all? What about Banky? I was his fag boy back then. I've surpassed him now. I don't tend to remember things that happen online...if I can't put a face to a name I tend to forget it. Even then, when I worked for a big company and had a bunch of coworkers, I could never remember names and always ended up calling them "chief" or "boss" or whatever. That's actually one of the reasons I like The Pit, because it's a much smaller community and I know a lot of the posters. When you haven't been there for a week you can catch up really easily. I think I remember Banky from a fight he had with Marney, but I'm not sure. People change their names around here so much I can never keep track of who is who, and I barely ever post here anymore. I lurk once in a while but not all that much. The only reason I have been here so much the past couple of weeks is because I'm sick and stuck at home in front of the computer or TV. Sorry I don't remember you. I'll try and remember you as the guy who called me a faggot.
  3. The Thread Killer

    Parents fight over gang ties...

    Yeah, bps has a lower number than me. 21, which probably explains his user name.
  4. The Thread Killer

    Parents fight over gang ties...

    There must be active members with lower numbers. I think maybe bps, the guy who posts a lot in the TNA folder. There are people who have been members here as long as I have. I've known Josh that long, and I remember Bob from way back then.
  5. The Thread Killer

    Parents fight over gang ties...

    I used to post here when this board and site were called "Rantsylvania." Then it became the Smarks, and changed colors a ton of times, then when Scott Keith and all those guys left, it became TSM. I wrote for the site way back when. I've been around here since like, 1999 dude. I just don't post much because I was always so busy with my job and other RL stuff, and then everybody that was here that I knew went to The Pit.
  6. The Thread Killer

    Parents fight over gang ties...

  7. The Thread Killer

    Parents fight over gang ties...

    I haven't been a social worker for years, and I have no recollection of that conversation. Either that never happened, or it happened years ago and you still think about it for some odd reason. Either way, I don't care and since I don't even know you, the fact that you're calling me a faggot doesn't mean a whole lot. However if it makes you feel like a big man, then have at it, sporty.
  8. The Thread Killer

    Parents fight over gang ties...

    Uh...do I even know you?
  9. The Thread Killer

    Parents fight over gang ties...

    And what exactly would I be getting banned for? Pointing out that you're an obviously insecure power-tripper? This folder according to your own rules is supposed to be "anything goes" and I haven't even done anything that would warrant a ban outside this folder, never mind inside. By the way you're acting you're just making yourself look bad, even if you don't want to admit that. You just banned somebody for cussing you out in a folder that is supposed to be anything goes. This is exactly what I was talking about. You're not a good mod. You feel the need to publicly prove yourself, rather than dealing with issues privately, and you clearly take this stuff personally. You seem to feel the need to prove to everybody that you have authority...that says more about you than Marney, me or anybody else (either here or at The Pit) could.
  10. The Thread Killer

    Parents fight over gang ties...

    No. Somebody else was touching me. Yeah, we should be more like this place. This place rules, and thanks to your awesome Mod Powers, and your strict bannings, there is never any shitty posting or lame flaming here, it's just quality discussion 24/7. That's why people left and went to The Pit, we were intimidated by the level of intelligent discourse here, and were worried that they couldn't keep up with intellectual giants such as yourself. And now, for those of you who don't want to wait for his response, here is a sneak preview of Vitamin X's reply: "Hey, we don't suck...YOU SUCK. The PIT SUCKS!"
  11. The Thread Killer

    Parents fight over gang ties...

    The neocon was a gimmick account, no? I thought that was just a gimmick of somebody else who posted under a different name. I vaguely remember that whole deal, and you were just trying to prove a point about the conservative posters at The Pit, weren't you?
  12. The Thread Killer

    Parents fight over gang ties...

    The only people I know that were banned at The Pit were netslob, and Wild Pegasus. I don't know who you are, but if you actually managed to get banned there, and you're proud of that, then good for you. We never banned people for inactivity, we just deleted the accounts of people who signed up and never posted, since we wanted to keep the membership list manageable. Looks like I hit a nerve. Why don't you just admit it...when you were warning people and then posting to announce that you had warned them...you were turned on, weren't you? Were you wearing a fake cop uniform? Did you read it out loud in front of the mirror before you made it, trying to make yourself sound as much like Dirty Harry as you could? Did you shout at your monitor: "I AM A MODERATOR AND YOU WILL RESPECT MY MODERATION OR LEAVE MY PRECINCT DAMN YOU! I AM THE LAW!" It's a good thing you posted this in the Chocolate Socket, because it almost hurt my feelings, and I was thinking about reporting it.
  13. The Thread Killer

    Parents fight over gang ties...

    With all due respect, this is the problem with the Current Events folder here, and the reason that a lot people would rather post in the CE folder at The Pit. Why do people need to go running to the mods with complaints every time their damn feelings get hurt by something they read on the internet? At least 2 of the 4 pages of this thread contain actual discussions/arguing, but that's not okay with some people because words that they don't like were used...so better report it! I'm not even accusing anybody in particular, I'm just saying that being so ridiculously thin-skinned that you need to whine like a little girl every time somebody says something you don't agree with is beyond lame. If you don't agree with it, then make a compelling argument against it. If you get flamed, flame them back, and do it better. Having to look at every thread and second guess every word you're going to write because you don't want to offend anybody, or because you're worried about getting "warned" or banned? That's just stupid. On top of that, it's pretty easy to tell who the rookie mods/admins are, coming in here and waving their e-dicks around for everybody to see and be real impressed with. "I got a complaint, so I'm issuing a WARNING!" "I got a complaint, so I'm MOVING this thread!" "Let this be your FINAL WARNING or I shall use the full extent of my mod powers to show you how powerful I really am! Tremble in fear at my awesome powers, puny mortals!" You can say what you want about The Pit, but at least there, you can SAY WHAT YOU WANT ABOUT THE PIT. In all the time I've been there, we've banned all of about 4 people, and that was for blatant trolling...not for hurting people's feelings. I heard that some of the mods or posters here wanted to see more activity or discussion in the TSM CE folder, so I ventured back to check it out...but what the hell is the point if people are going to spaz over every little thing? Grow some thick skin...honestly...words really can't hurt you.
  14. The Thread Killer

    Parents fight over gang ties...

    Wait a minute...yesterday I was debating an issue with a transvestite!?!
  15. The Thread Killer

    Campaign 2008

    Your weariness does not come from a righteous place like his rhetoric does.
  16. The Thread Killer

    The cops shot a wild cougar.

    Last summer I saw an honest-to-gawd Cougar on my property. Scared the hell out me. Seriously. Okay...you may now continue your thread.
  17. The Thread Killer

    Parents fight over gang ties...

    I don't even know if "C-Bacon" actually lives in Canada...I read somewhere a long while back that he isn't even really Canadian. Besides, we're not a Socialist country yet. We have a Conservative minority government, and most polls suggest that if we had a national election today, the Conservatives would actually win a majority. I'm not saying that this country doesn't have Socialist tendencies, and a few years back we even had a Socialist provincial government (that failed miserably) but we're not all the way there...yet.
  18. The Thread Killer

    Parents fight over gang ties...

    Just because you got an A+ on an assignment doesn't mean that your opinion is valid. If I was so inclined I could visit some white supremacy websites and find out what the major talking points are for holocaust denial. I could then present a well written paper claiming the holocaust didn't happen. That wouldn't mean it didn't, it would just mean I can regurgitate opinions in the form of an essay. An assignment can be graded based on a lot of different criteria, and how it holds up to rebuttal obviously cannot be one of those criteria. I don't care about overpopulation because it doesn't affect me in the slightest. I'm Canadian. Canada is not even remotely overpopulated, we're one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world. I wouldn't say that I "care" about a lot of issues, in that I don't get personally upset about political or social issues, but the ones I have a definite stance on are the ones that actually affect me personally and the world immediately around me. As far as the war in Iraq, that's a topic for another thread. I supported the war when it started, but it has been mismanaged since then. However, none of the reasons I supported the war in Iraq had anything to do with population control. As I said earlier, if you actually worry about population control so much that you think war is a good way to control it, then you're either trolling or it's time for an increase in your medication, because that argument (if you can even call it that) is beyond asinine. I don't have a personal mission. I have opinions based on my viewpoint, and I think they're well thought out and correct.
  19. The Thread Killer

    Parents fight over gang ties...

    I have read medical journals before, (I don't subscribe to them or anything) but when there is a medical issue the piques my interest or that will affect me personally, then yes...I research it. As far as overpopulation, to be perfectly blunt...I don't care about it. It doesn't affect me personally, it's not happening where I live, and it isn't going to affect the quality of my life during my lifetime, so I don't care about any potential solutions to this problem. You can give me that whole "what about the planet and our future" crap, or people can get on their high horses and act all sanctimonious about my attitude, but in the end, my not caring and their caring have accomplished the exact same result...nothing. Aside from that, my whole point is simple...in order to actually institute some sort of parental licensing system, it would have to be legislated and subsequently run by the government. The government should never EVER be given the ability to tell you if you can or can't reproduce. Are there morons out there having kids and failing to take proper care of them? Yes. Are there too many starving children out there? Probably. Should it be the government's job to do something about it? To a degree maybe, but not deciding beforehand who is allowed to have children and who isn't. You missed the point in my earlier post where I pointed something out. I went to school, obtained a degree, and then spent years of my life trying to help abused, neglected and abandoned children and their families. I dedicated my entire life to it, and nothing else. After 15 years of doing that, I came to realize that (at least where I live) the government agencies that are supposedly trying to help these people are usually just as much of a problem as they are a part of the solution. In the process, they waste a shocking amount of taxpayers money...and this isn't a THEORY...I've seen it with my own two eyes. I am more of a libertarian than I am a conservative, in that I strongly believe that it is the government's job to invest my tax dollars in proving public services and answering to me via the democratic process. It is not their job to use my money to form establishments which then turn around and tell me what I can and cannot do.
  20. The Thread Killer

    Parents fight over gang ties...

    This isn't an argument. You're quite obviously trolling...let's be serious. You are basically advocating in this thread for governmental permission for breeding. However, let's assume you actually think that people should have to apply for permission to breed, and move on from that brilliant philosophy. Human beings decide on their actions. It doesn't matter if the decision making process can be followed on an MRI or CT scan...it's still YOUR brain deciding what YOU are going to do...it's not like the government controlling your brain by remote control or something. I am talking about the idealogical differences between socialism and true democracy. You're linking to an article you found on teh intranet that has pretty pictures with bright shiny colors. On top of that, anybody with any sort of medical training or education can tell you that of all the major organs, the brain is the one we know the LEAST about. Just because something lights up on an MRI, that doesn't mean it proves anything. I know Wired magazine is THE medical journal of record in North America, but trust me, this story just might not be factually correct...sorry to burst your bubble.
  21. The Thread Killer

    Parents fight over gang ties...

    This story is sensationalism at it's finest. I doubt this story even happened the way it is being portrayed, but if it did, it is an aberration and not indicative of a larger problem that requires a legislative response like parental licensing. The old saying "believe none of what you read and half of what you see" comes into play here. This story only made the news to get the kind or reaction it is getting...it's fodder for talk shows. There is already a system in place in North America to take care of unfit parents...the child welfare system. I know this because I worked in it for 17 years. It is inept, corrupt and totally ineffectual at the best of times. Any attempt to determine ahead of time which people should be parents would be similarly useless. Aside from the fact that it would be a fascist and unconstitutional system, (as is the idea itself) it would be run by the government which would automatically guarantee that it would be bloated, rife with bureaucratic nonsense and in other words...useless. This statement is almost as wrongheaded as the parental licensing idea. "We" are not all part of a "community." People are individuals with free will and the right to do as they please. There is no obligation to take care of anybody. As an income tax payer and somebody who pays property taxes, I contribute to my community because that is the law...but any "obligation" I have ends there. If I choose to spend MY money to buy a piece of property for MYSELF and surround it with a giant electric fence, living there for the rest of MY life without seeing anybody else...that is MY right. Conversely, if I do choose to become part of a group or community it can only work if I did it because I chose to and wanted to. I myself am part of a community and the reason my contributions to that community mean anything is because I want to improve it for myself and others, not because I am obligated. That's the whole point of democracy. The whole "it takes a village" philosophy is an ideology...not an obligation that can be enforced. There is no WE...first there must be an I and then a CHOICE to become a WE. When anybody tries to dictate the WE, at it's best it becomes Socialism. You cannot dictate or mandate a sense of community.
  22. The Thread Killer


    gPc is more important than GPA
  23. The Thread Killer

    I am starting a TSM Wiki

  24. The Thread Killer

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    Black Lushus
  25. The Thread Killer

    So look what Thread Killer is up to.

    I agree. That is funny. Not just "pretty" funny...it's HILARIOUS!