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The Thread Killer

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Everything posted by The Thread Killer

  1. The Thread Killer

    Alcoholism/Drug Addiction

    I'm a recovering alcoholic, and I don't consider it a disease. However, anybody who has anything bad to say about AA, and has never been in AA should shut the fuck up, because they don't know what they're talking about.
  2. The Thread Killer

    A Thought

    "Fair and balanced?" As a long time lurker in this forum, and a closet fan of kkktookmybabyaway, I have ALWAYS wanted to do this... OMG FAUX NEWZ LOL2004!!! By the way, excellent post Mike and I agree with you.
  3. The Thread Killer

    I saw a celebrity today...

    Okay...that's freaking funny. I say WDI should start some sort of fund to raise enough money to get Banky to do that, and film it.
  4. The Thread Killer

    Nice Loss = Thumbs Down

    I actually laughed out loud when I read that. That's all. Carry on. As you were. ... +1
  5. The Thread Killer

    Mary Kay Letourneau released from prison

    Yeah, I guess he figured that even fucking Jerry Springer and The National Enquirer wouldn't go all the way there to stick cameras and microphones in his face. Course...they probably did anyhow.
  6. The Thread Killer

    Mary Kay Letourneau released from prison

    Yeah, that's the one point I forgot to mention too. The kid had no problem considering it abuse when he sued (and if I'm not mistaken, got a nice out of court settlement?) but now he doesn't think it's abuse. That kid is pretty screwed up in the head now, for sure.
  7. The Thread Killer

    Mary Kay Letourneau released from prison

    You're right when you talk about a double standard...there's no doubt there is one in society. For example, if a 12 year old has sex with his teacher, it becomes a media sensation, whereas if the genders are reversed, it's just another child molester. If a male teen sleeps with every girl in school, he's a player...if a girl sleeps with every guy, she's a slut. Society has totally different attitudes towards males and females having sex, especially at that age. Hey, when I was 12, if my teacher wanted to have sex, I'd have been on her like Michael Moore on a Krispy Kreme, but that still wouldn't make it morally right for her. As the adult, she should be depended upon to do the right thing. As a teacher, she is a public servant, and I don't think that kid's parents paid their taxes so that their 12 year old son could be exposed to that kind of sex education. My only argument JMA, is that as adults, we are expected to show discretion and morals when dealing with kids who are not emotionally capable of making the right decisions due to their age and impressionable nature. This woman not only didn't exercise proper judgement, she violated the teacher student relationship...and then did it over and over again. If the kid had even been in high school I would have thought it was improper, but not immoral. The bottom line is, when you accept the responsibility as a civil servant to work with kids, you have to exercise certain controls...and this woman didn't. I think she is obviously mentally disturbed, and now she has passed that gift on to her victim, and probably their kids. Sad, and disgusting.
  8. The Thread Killer

    Mary Kay Letourneau released from prison

    Yes. I happen to work with teenage runaway girls, for a living. Ex-hookers, etc. Aged 10-17. They make advances at me all the time. So should I be able to have sex with them (the idea of which turns my stomach...this is why I find this issue so replusive) and say: "BUT THEY WANTED IT!" That is one of the dictionary definitions of rape. You don't think that what she did to him was abusive, and a violation of the child/adult student/teacher relationship? EDIT: That would be another literal definition of the word rape.
  9. The Thread Killer

    Mary Kay Letourneau released from prison

    As far as I am concerned, the issue of them "being together" now is moot. The bottom line is this, a 12 year old boy is not capable of the same level of maturity and decision making that an adult is. This woman used her position of authority and trust over him, to manipulate him to meet her own perverse needs. That is disgusting, and unforgivable. Of course he "loves" her. She had sex with him when he was 12. I don't even want to guess what kind of permanent psychological damage she has done to that guy. From a mental standpoint, he's pretty much fucked for life. Now they have kids. There is some healthy parenting for you. "Well son, you were conceived in a car, when Mommy was on probation for molesting daddy." She's sick, and if she did this to him, I wouldn't put it past her to do it to her own kids now. Sex offenders have a repeat offense rate of over 90%, and if you don't think she is a sex offender, you're kidding yourself. She took advantage of a child, her gender is beside the point.
  10. The Thread Killer

    Mary Kay Letourneau released from prison

    By odd coincidence, I myself am 34 years of age. So by your logic...if I can talk a 12 year old girl into having sex with me...and I don't have to "force" her...then it's OKAY?
  11. The Thread Killer

    Mary Kay Letourneau released from prison

    Uh...what she did was fucking sick, and she deserved to go to jail. If it was a 34 year old MALE teacher having sex with a 12 year old FEMALE student, the world would have called for an execution. Child abuse is child abuse, and anybody who is so fucked up that they need to flirt with a 12 year old when they're in their 30's...and a TEACHER, somebody who is supposed to be a professional and look after the wellbeing of a child...she deserves to be in a mental hospital. There, I said it.
  12. The Thread Killer

    An HD Challenge.

    It burns when I pee.
  13. The Thread Killer

    I missed TSM.

    Hey Hoff. If there is going to be a gPc reunion then you'd better not forget to invite me.
  14. The Thread Killer

    Election Day

    I'm voting for the Natural Law Party. Or Kodos.
  15. The Thread Killer

    Bush Protests = STATE OF EMERGENCY???

    You're not allowed to have the same rights as the rest of the world until you learn to spell the word "our" properly. Now up against the wall, pinko.
  16. The Thread Killer

    Let's form/reform some of our cliques.

  17. The Thread Killer

    Let's form/reform some of our cliques.

    I would like my million billion in small bills please Pete. If it's gPc, TTK was there.
  18. The Thread Killer

    Calling all Torontonians!

    I live in Toronto, and if you're going to be working downtown, and driving, you're going to be in for quite a treat. It's easier to get around downtown taking the subway, and way faster.
  19. The Thread Killer

    TNA Thread For 4/21

    With all due respect, I disagree Mike. I don't think Russo's interference was "constant." I think that he got involved that one time, trying to climb up the cage to prevent JJ from cheating, but 95% of that match was free from outside interference. Even Russo's coming out made sense from a storyline perspective. In character, the whole "Road To The Cage" angle was designed by Russo as the Director of Authority to prevent him from cheating to hold onto his belt. That's why he came running out, and that's why it was so awesome when the attempted guitar shot literally blew up in his face. Jarrett was trying all of his dirty tricks to hold onto that title, but every single one failed him, and he finally lost the belt. Now as far as your assessment of his skills, I agree. Jarrett is pretty much a *** wrestler. He usually won't stink up the ring unless he's in there with somebody like James Storm, so he can put on perfectly watchable matches, but even when he's in there with a 5 Star performer like Styles or Benoit, he can still only put on a 3 Star performance. He is a midcard talent with main event ambition. There are plenty of people worse than Jeff Jarrett in the ring, but there are also plently of guys that are better than he is. You know Low Ki was being called "Mr. Match Of The Year" in the early days of ROH, or RVD has his "Five Star Frog Splash" maybe Jarrett can become "Mr. Mediocre" or have the "Three Star Leglock" or something.
  20. The Thread Killer

    TNA Thread For 4/21

    That's an excellent question, and one I was going to ask before you beat me to it. Jarrett comes in with the guitar, and swings it. Styles explodes the guitar with a sweet looking kick. Jarrett stands there with a look of shock on his face, tries to swing the handle, and AJ does a backslide for the pin. If Styles had hit Jarrett with the guitar, or something like that, I would see your point, but basically, the way it looked to me was that Styles outsmarted and outwrestled Jarrett. Having said that, I have seen each and every show for the past year and a half, and this was not a great show by any means. However, it wasn't a total stinker either. The bottom line is this, since the writing team has become Jarrett, Mantel and Russo, the shows have become much better. Nobody can argue that the shows from after Mantel was hired, up until Russo came back were pretty damn bad, (with the exception of the X Cup Shows.) However, I would say that over the past six weeks, since Russo came back, things have been improving. Thing is, I am not a Russo supporter, I usually can't stand him. Somewhere in this folder there is a thread with me arguing with somebody that said Russo was a "genius." I think that while this show was fair to okay, the results of the Main Event, in addition to what looks to be a Styles vs. Raven feud for the title are a step in the right direction. Some Jarrett and TNA haters just won't see it that way however, and will never be happy, and that's too bad.
  21. The Thread Killer

    About the WWE folder

    Heh Heh Heh Heh. You said "poll the board." That was cool.
  22. The Thread Killer

    Gabe Sapolsky Heading To Nashville To Meet With TN

    So you weren't going to respond, but now you are. Thanks for keeping us all up to date on your inner thought process. As long as we're telling everybody what we're thinking about, I'm thinking of eating a Twix Bar. First Question So who is on this ROH Board Of Directors? Gentry, Saplowsky, and WHO? Let's say they DID put together an emergency Board Of Directors to vote Feinstein out, then who is on it, and why don't we know? They were quick to tell us that there WAS a board, so why don't we know who is ON this board? If this was legit, don't you think they would be quick to tell us who assumed control? Second Question Let's say that ROH really DID put together a mystery Board of Directors, and they did remove Feinstein from his position. WHERE did Gentry get the money to suddenly take control of ROH? It's a fact that Gentry and Feinstein were roommates. So how did a guy who couldn't even live on his own get the money to buy out Rob Feinstein? If Feinstein is gone, you should ask: HOW was he replaced? You don't think that just MAYBE Feinstein gave him the money, in exchange for still getting a cut of the profits behind the scene? The Point... ROH is asking the fans to trust that they have a Board of Directors, and that Gentry is now the owner. I don't doubt that they have some sort of Board ON PAPER, and I don't doubt that Gentry is the CEO ON PAPER. Here's the problems: 1) I don't think the ROH "board" or Gentry had the financial resources to cut ties with Feinstein. They still need his money. 2) It's pretty much agreed that Rob Feinstein is an asshole...these allegations aside. I don't think if he HAD been forced out of ROH, he would have gone so quickly and quietly. The fact that he meekly agreed to step aside and disappear makes me suspicious, and it SHOULD make other people suspicious too. This is a man who made his living off bootlegging tapes, but had another person who was doing the same thing as he was JAILED. (Mike King.) This is a man who trolled the DVDVR boards and made fun of a member there DYING. This is a man who bragged to a supposedly 14 year old boy that a bunch of wrestlers "worked for him." The man is a jerk. Isn't it LOGICAL to assume that the only way he' go away quietly is because he isn't REALLY going away? This is a guy who's just going to say: "Okay, you got me. Bye!" Why won't they release the list of who sits on their supposed Board Of Directors? Why won't they announce WHO are the investors in the company that made the buyout possible, and how the ownership structure now works? How much does DSE own? How much does this mystery investor from New Jersey own? How much does Doug Gentry really own, and where did he get the money all of the sudden? People keep saying that places like the Rec Plex, or all the wrestlers won't work for ROH if Rob Feinstein is around, and I beleive that. He's not at the shows, he is never seen, but HOW was he bought out? I don't think the wrestlers WANT to know that. They want to work, and fans want to see them work, so everybody accepted the letter claiming transfer of ownership at FACE VALUE, and refused to ask any questions. WHY? I think ROH has an obligation to overturn every stone, and answer every question, to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Feinstein is gone. Why? Because they want your money, and if they want you to give it to them, they should have to PROVE that your money isn't going to pay for Feinstein's gas money, for his Lexus, so he can go molest a kid. People are so desperate to see this whole situation go away, that they aren't asking any questions. Well they should. If ROH wants your money, then they should bloody well PROVE that there is NO chance it's going into Feinstein's pocket...directly or indirectly. They owe you that much, but they haven't had to give the answers, because there are so many people who just say... BAAAHHHH!
  23. The Thread Killer

    Gabe Sapolsky Heading To Nashville To Meet With TN

    You saw Doug's message? It was BULLSHIT. RF Video and ROH were (and ARE) made up of THREE people. Rob Feinstien, Doug Gentry, and Gabe Saplowsky...and Gentry and Saplowsky were PAID EMPLOYEES. THERE IS NO BOARD OF DIRECTORS...and when Gentry got called on it, they PULLED it from the website. RF was running the whole show, with money he got from RF Video, a Private Investor from New Jersey, and money from D.S.E., which owns PRIDE. So Rob transfers the company name to Doug Gentry, and stops coming to the shows, because he's afraid Samoa Joe will kill him. ALL that ROH has done is sign a paper saying that Gentry owns the company now. Whoope Fucking Doo. If Gentry and Saplowsky wanted to seperate themselves from Feinstein so bad, why didn't they just do what Misawa did with AJPW? Take ALL of the wrestlers, and SPLIT? Start your OWN new company, with a new name, and new ownership? You know why they didn't do that...they couldn't afford to. Doug Gentry is RF's room mate for gawd's sake. Rob Feinstien is still behind the scenes, pulling the strings, and it's HIS MONEY. Hell, there have even been plenty of reports that Gentry still lives with RF, and that RF has been spotted at the RFvideo offices. Face it Bob, you got free ROH tapes from ROH, and now you're trying to justify the fact that you pimped a company owned by a pedophile. Argue if you want, but all it sounds like is: BAAAAAAA.
  24. The Thread Killer

    Gabe Sapolsky Heading To Nashville To Meet With TN

    Hey wait until the ROH marks start telling you that RF "isn't REALLY a pedophile" because he didn't actually "do anything." I mean, he just showed up...he might have just wanted to hang out with the kid...right? It's amazing how some of these people will delude themselves into believing what they want to, just so they can keep watching ROH with a clear conscience...at the expense of logic and common sense. You can point out the basic flaws until you're blue in the face, but all you're going to get from a lot of these ROH marks is: "BAAAAA!" Sheep. It's what's for dinner.