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Everything posted by Invictus

  1. Invictus


    Here's a video of a really early build of Smackdown Vs. Raw 2008 on the Wii. http://www.ifilm.com/profile/motis766/video/2838094 Watch for the crotch chops at the 2 minute mark.
  2. Invictus

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    GTA IV: Nice City.
  3. Invictus

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I was hoping they would show some gameplay, although of course that wasn't a very realistic expectation on my part. I fully expect this game is going to be GTA III with nicer graphics, but hopefully I will be proved wrong.
  4. Invictus

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I'll do you one better, this one is pretty close, but it's a very natural sequence of chords. In 1979 an obscure funk fusion band named Friendship released a track called "The Real Thing" whose intro sounds very similar to that of the underworld theme in Super Mario Bros. The comparison audio track is at the bottom of the blog post. http://maubrowncow.com/index.php/2006/09/2...6-years-ealier/ Could have been lifted, could be a coincidence, hard to say. Here's a link to the actual MP3 comparison file itself. http://maubrowncow.com/blog/wp-content/upl..._came_first.mp3
  5. Invictus

    PlayStation 3

    Bwahahaha! That can't be real, can it?
  6. Invictus

    PlayStation 3

    I want a new Marvel Vs. Capcom game.
  7. Invictus

    PlayStation 3

    For the fighting game fanatics in this thread, 1up has done a feature comparing Virtua Fighter to Tekken. http://www.1up.com/do/feature?cId=3157730
  8. Invictus


    Today's VC games: Elevator Action (NES) Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts (SNES) Sword of Vermillion (Genesis)
  9. Invictus

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I also didn't play half-a-dozen Zelda games in the past 5 years. If they staggered their releases more I wouldn't have as much animosity towards the series, and they would actually seem special when they were released. Instead they shove out half-baked sequels into the world every year or so and it gets stale fast. Plenty of series', as you've said, have done the same thing. And plenty of series have over-sequeled themselves into irrelevance.
  10. Invictus

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I'll wait until I see the trailer to bash it anymore, but frankly I think GTA has it coming. They released about 5 games (6 if you include Bully) that were the exact same damn game, basically, within the span of one generation. The same problems, the same basic gameplay, with slight changes (Now with motorcycles! And swimming!), but they never fix any of the fundamental flaws of the series or do one thing particularly well. Jack of all trades, master of none.
  11. Invictus

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Whoa, whoa, don't get ahead of yourself here. They can save that for at least the 3rd version of Grand Theft Auto IV they end up releasing.
  12. Invictus

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Maybe in this one you can pilot a submarine, and drive a smart car!!!11
  13. Invictus


    Splatterhouse coming to the VC in March! http://vc-pce.com/usa/e/index.html
  14. Invictus


    Part of it can still be found here: http://gonintendo.com/?p=13630#comments
  15. Invictus

    Sonic & The Secret Rings

    I rented this last night and I've played through a bit of it so far, so I'll offer some impressions. The game is a lot of fun when it works, but far too often they completely screw you with the camera. For example, you're running away from some rampaging triceratops' and, for whatever reason, they put the camera directly in front of Sonic so you see the threat behind you, but because of the camera placement you cannot see anything coming at you as you run --rings, obstacles, etc. It makes the game far more frustrating than it has to be. Also, a lot of the challenges just plain suck. It's entirely trial-and-error until you figure out the lay of the course enough to get through it. The music is pretty bad, but the voice acting is alright; not great, but certainly not bad. I haven't tried any of the tacked on multiplayer games yet, but I will later. Anyone who is curious about it, ask away and I'll try to answer some questions.
  16. Invictus

    What game(s) are you playing now?

    Lunar Knights and Scurge: Hive on DS. And WarioWare and Metal Slug on Wii. And I tried the Supreme Commander demo. Oh, and one time, I sawr a blimp!
  17. Invictus


    I'll take original content over ports any day of the week, looks and sounds like a fun title. I'm definitely going to keep my eye on it.
  18. Invictus

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    One of my personal favorites! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2L9vO81xqU
  19. Invictus

    100 reasons why Sega is/was stupid.

    One of the big reason's the deal fell through was because Sony wanted ownership of Nintendo's properties and franchises that appeared on the new system. Obviously, Nintendo wasn't down with that. This is from Wikipedia, but I've read this in enough places (game magazines, etc) to know this is the jist of what went down: "However, when Hiroshi Yamauchi read the original 1988 contract between Sony and Nintendo, he realized that the earlier agreement essentially handed Sony complete control over any and all titles written on the SNESCD-ROM format. Yamauchi was furious; deeming the contract totally unacceptable, he secretly cancelled all plans for the joint Nintendo-Sony SNES CD attachment." EDIT: Andrew and I essentially just posted the same point at the same time. Whoops.
  20. Invictus

    Hotel Dusk: Room 215

    I picked up this game today, sadly the copy I preordered was the only one EB games recieved. However, I do know you can find this at Futureshop and Walmart in Canada, possibly in Toys R Us as well. I know this garnered some interest in the DS Lite thread, so who has the game, and what do you think of it so far? Also, a good place to ask for help if you get stuck, which always tends to happen at one point or another with adventure games.
  21. Invictus

    Hotel Dusk: Room 215

    Beat the game today, for those curious it took around 18 hours or so. Very well done, plenty of twists and well written dialogue thoughout, certainly one of the most adult games I've played in years. I think it's worth mention of how badly the boxart for this game was mangled for the US release, I would have much prefered the Japanese one over what we got, personally. The art in itself in the english version isn't bad, it fits the style of the game, but the font and the cheesy glow effect around it kill it. Japanese version English version
  22. Invictus

    The Sega Master System

    That was A Boy And His Blob, I remember playing it on NES and it being really hard at the time, as well.
  23. Invictus


    It's very tragic; I still play my Dreamcast regularly. The worst part was, Sega really got it's act together in terms of games for the release of the Dreamcast, and yet that is the system that finished them off. At least if it had been a really awful system with no good games it would be more understandable (cough*segacd*cough). I do have high hopes for Sonic and The Secret Rings though, it seems like it might be the Sonic game to play considering how bad the 360/PS3 version is, since they've ditched the free-roaming adventure aspect and brought it back to being all about insane speed.
  24. Invictus


    Wow! I just downloaded it too, and I found some cool options. When you click on a story, it'll show the globe on the side showing where this story is from. If you click on that part, it takes you to the weather globe, but this time it's covered with news stories from various parts of the world stacked up like sheets of paper. I also found out if you hold down the 1 button on your wiimote while reading a story, you can actually highlight parts in red, I assume to help point out things to others? All in all, very cool. I'm gonna have fun playing around with this for awhile.
  25. Invictus

    Wii Numbers

    I think you need to get a message before you'll get the blue light, because I've received some Mii's before with no light too.