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Everything posted by LivingLegendGaryColeman

  1. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    November 3rd 2006 Smackdown Thread

    The first two were ECW guys who I didn't catch who they were, the second two were RAW and I'm pretty sure they were Cade and Murdoch.
  2. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Stranger Than Fiction

    Absolutely not. Choken One already pointed out Truman and Man on the Moon. And he was well recieved for his performance in Lemony Snicket. He overexposed himself a bit, but I think he now knows his audience. And Stranger isn't a typical Will Ferrell movie. Ferrell has done a couple movies where he isn't "the normal" Will Ferrell that I have enjoyed (Winter Passing and Melinda & Melinda). I think this one will give him an even greater opportunity to stretch, along with being interested in seeing how he gels with some of his castmates.
  3. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Box Office Report...

    Has The Marine hung around the top longer than Texas Chainsaw now? I mean, I know Texas Chainsaw was higher up at one point, but for Marine to stay closer to the top longer surprises me.
  4. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    WWE announces 2007 DVDs

    Well, I'm sure we'll get lots of great interview segments with the likes of Steve Lombardi and Jim Ross. Hopefully Brisco will be interviewed and say that Mr. McMahon thought of bringing DX back together in 2006 back in 2000, which scared those dirty, dirty WCW people into closing their doors.
  5. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Um, didn't Show sign a 10-year contract? Wouldn't that not expire until 2009? Apparently the story is when he was sent down to OVW back in 2001, they felt the need to renogotiate. The original contract was like $950,000 for 10 years, so they changed it down to 8 years at a million per year. So, it expires in February and he's shot down extensions because he is in so much pain, he is worried about winding up like Andre in his later days (with the crutches and barely able to move).
  6. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    WWE announces 2007 DVDs

    Yeah, last I knew December to Dismember and Survivor Series actually get released on the same day to DVD.
  7. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    NBA Preseason Thread

    Yeah, I was kinda disappointed. My friend and I always had this cult following of Swift, because despite being 7'0" all the cards and stuff of him from his rookie year, he just really looked like a giant 7th grader. Right down to the acne. We seriously went to games when the Sonics came to town with signs and stuff before he even started to play and even talked to Jack Sikma before a game about him. He finally starts to get comfortable, shows some signs of life and even gets named the starter... next game, out for the season.
  8. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Anyone who wants to catch up on Ultimate X-men

    I didn't see this posted anywhere, so I figured I would give it a post. I went to Best Buy the other day and as I was looking around I noticed a DVD with a cover of Ultimate X-men on it. As I looked closer, they had a CD-rom with all the Ultimate X-men up to somewhere in the 70 issue range on CD-Rom and it was marked 9.99. As I looked closer, they had a sign. You could buy it for 9.99 or, if you put a $5 on X3 (which comes out on 10/03), you get the CD-Rom for free. Haven't had a chance to look at it, but to get almost the whole run to date didn't seem bad.
  9. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    WWE announces 2006 DVDs

    Yeah, Unforgiven came out on the 17th also. I've seen it at Best Buy and at Wal-Mart. It is the Cena picture from the poster and there is some sticker about DX bonus features, I guess similar to what they did with Vengeance.
  10. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    FLAIR AND SANDMAN! I guess WWE messed up. I went to the site not knowing about this match and was confused by the choices. I guess they just need to update the main images.
  11. LivingLegendGaryColeman


    Wal-Mart's is weird because it is mostly Horror stuff and a horror display, but then there is Narc and Coneheads.
  12. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    AJ's obviously just in the match to take the fall, but even with the outcome pretty predictable, that'd still be a fun match, especially in such a small environment.
  13. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Bound For GLory

    I didn't see the show but I've been catching up on my TNA in the past few weeks, but I am definately irritated with West. Tenay, I don't mind and I think would be great with a better broadcast partner. West can be more over the top than Jerry Lawler on a bad day.
  14. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    WWE announces 2006 DVDs

    yeah, I don't know why, but I usually go to one specific Wal-Mart around me because it is cheaper than the others. The Super-Center that is south of me has all new releases (movie wise) for like $13-$14 bucks the first COUPLE weeks. The regular Wal-Mart to the west has sales the first week, but is the best to get box sets for cheaper than the cheapest ad price and the Super-Center to the north never has any sales. It's weird, but luckily I've saved a few bucks noticing the pattern. Out of the three, they rarely ever have the same price on anything.
  15. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007

    Those are the motion capture people, not the voice actors. Trish, Jillian and Vince are listed near the bottom as doing their own voices. Cool, thanks. I noticed that now that I looked. I just got thrown off when it said like "Vince McMahon/Additional Voices".
  16. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Justice League Heroes :: The Thread

    I bought that game brand new on a Black Friday sale for like $8 and still haven't even tried it yet. I heard the Xbox Superman game was okay before, but I don't know on that. However, it has to at least be better than the Aquaman game. Also, the GBA version of JLA:Heroes is centered around The Flash. Does anyone know why or anything about the GBA version of the game?
  17. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007

    I was just on IMDB.com and came across the listing for this game. I was bored, so I started looking and at first it says that someone else is doing Vince McMahon's voice for the game. Then, as I kept going, it had random voice actors listed as doing the voices for Jillian Hall and Trish Stratus. I'd assume this is stuff that is made up, but I figured I would ask if anyone heard anything about anyone not doing their real voice. I'd assume the only ones they would ever not get the real person for would be the deceased, and then they just would not have their voice in the game.
  18. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Your Favorite TNA Wrestler

    I voted for Christopher Daniels because Christian Cage (or Other) was not in the voting.
  19. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I just saw on the TNA wesbite that when the Best of the X-Division Volume 2 comes out on Tuesday, October 31, Wal-Mart will be releasing it in a 2-pack with Volume 1. This should be a really good deal, so if you want the X-Division discs, go to Wal-Mart on Halloween.
  20. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    From Rajah.com: Apparently the event is for fans of anything.
  21. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Toys "R" Us - Annual Buy 2, Get 1 Free Sale.

    I was going to hold off this year until I realized there are some pretty good games out this week/next week. A combination of Justice League: Heroes, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Bully and/or Family Guy would be nice. Most likely the first three because I think Family Guy is $29.99 and all the others are $39.99.
  22. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    New Sting look

    I don't know why the company is making such a big deal of the streak, or changing from white, when during what may have been the height of the wrestling boom (98) Sting went around like this...
  23. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    NBA Preseason Thread

    For who? Does this even qualify as news? Luke Jackson was a former first rounder who has only been set back by injuries the first couple years. If he can get past the injury bug, for the Celtics to get him AND cash, that would be quite a deal, for a backup center they never let off the bench.
  24. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    NBA Preseason Thread

    In what could wind up as a steal of a trade, the Celtics send Dwayne Jones to the Cavaliers for Luke Jackson and cash.
  25. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    David Cross/ Jim Belushi Feud

    I've heard Cross has beef with Larry the Cable Guy before, but never Dane Cook. What's the Dane Cook story?