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Everything posted by LivingLegendGaryColeman

  1. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    DVD Releases

    I just got home from Best Buy, didn't realize Aqua Teens were out... grrr.... I did pick up just the extended Two Towers and Santa Clause 2 (it's actually pretty funny and I am a mark for Christmas stuff (movies, music)). I got a CD too, but this is a different folder. They had no Flair out and now I know about Aqua Teens, so I may have to go back.
  2. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Lance Storm's entrance theme

    The most disturbing one was Booker T's in the Kids in the Hall skit. I usually like Kids in the Hall, but it was Bruce playing some secretary and it was a sexually driven video to Booker T's theme. It was a recurring character, I just can't think of her name.
  3. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    What "cena" thing do you like most

    That just reminded me of one time when I was younger I was playing in a Youth Basketball game. I went down the court, scored a lay-up and then went center court and did the Shawn Michaels pose like on the front of "From the Vault", when he stand-splits and flexes.
  4. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Is Austin's team winning now?

    Well, back in 99 was Austin was Co-Owner or whatever, he made a contract reinstating something the night before, just in case. He may do the same thing, if they feel logic is necessary.
  5. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Most disappointing games...

    To throw in some old stuff, Batmand Forever and Shaq Fu on Super Nintendo. Shaq Fu was hyped so much, but the gameplay stunk. More recent, I was disappointed in the Great Escape. All the stuff I played had potential to be fun, but the movement was done too poorly. If you have to run to what's behind you, he doesn't turn around, he jogs backwards. Cheapness like that ruins what could be a really awesome game. Men in Black II:Alien Escape was lousy the one time I tried to play it, right after I got my system, but I'd have to try again.
  6. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Orton...Jindrak....get drunk and fight eachother!

    The pictures will surface later of how the events of the evening were settled... with the "Ultimate Flex Posedown".
  7. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Shopzone's Latest

    Shopzone's newest, already the Number 3 Best Seller... Ah yes, Christmas hotcakes.
  8. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Is there any chance that...

    RAW headlined SummerSlam with the Elimination Chamber.
  9. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Early Smackdown News

    Everyone needs to stop getting worked up about this match and see it for it's real cause and rejoice. To reintroduce everyone to Hardcore Holly.
  10. LivingLegendGaryColeman


    I saw one once when I was going to see what the new All That was like on a nothing to do night, seeing I used to watch All That all the time. This show was better than I thought, but the typical cheese. I was confused when they were talking about how the white kid was their brother, I saw him as the weasly manager kid like Sly on California Dreams (it was one where he wore some prestige club's coat). Then he was record scratching. They revealed he was adopted while him, Romeo and Master P all chuckled away. Classic.
  11. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    I beat my Last Man Standing pretty easily surprisingly. I am Cena, I beat Undertaker (who has been my easiest opponent next to Chavo). I kept popping up at least by 5 and then after a beating with some stairs and the F-U, I won. It's funny, because I notice a difference in the difficulty. Maybe because I played SYM so much and am not used to the new buttons. I mean, this is somewhat more realistic, in the fact of who can go over. You saw upset results A LOT in the sims in SYM and I was World Champ with the Hurricane by King of the Ring. I am Cena this time, I am right before Survivor Series, I have more losses than wins and have only been a two time tag champ. My superstar points are horrible too.. oh well, I'm picking up now.
  12. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    WWE Superstars comment on Hawk

    I was thinking that was some bad wording as well...
  13. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    DVD Releases

    I have been counting down the days for the Tenacious D DVD since I found out it would be released. They then delayed it, so I will be picking it up with Finding Nemo and possibly Eight Crazy Nights. I was ready to shell over $20 some for this and I saw in the ads it is only $13.99... and I smile...
  14. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Wes Craven's New Nightmare

    that's exactly what I was going to say. How is New Nightmare in general? I just recently started to watch more and more horror and get into the Freddy movies, Nightmare is supposed to be Freddy coming after the actors right?
  15. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    The I 'Just Bought' Thread

    Yesterday I got PS2 Starsky and Hutch, Evil Dead: Fist Full of Boomstick and RTX: Red Rock. Today I got Smackdown: Here Comes the Pain, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu. Yesterdays were all pre-played that I got a couple discounts on, getting all of them for a combined $22. I hear RTX is pretty crappy, but I got it for $2.50, so even if I absolutely hate it, I can probably make some money back at someplace for trade in. Today I got on the Toys R Us Buy 2, Get 1 Free, so I got the three games I've been waiting for most recently.
  16. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Edge The Moviestar?

    I don't know. I have a feeling that this might be a fake rumor. It just doesn't seem or sound right.
  17. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Matt Morgan/SmackDown! request

    Woah, woah, woah. Now, I haven't had the time or energy to watch much WWE in the past few weeks, but I felt I kept pretty updated on the on-goings. Number one pick? Is there another draft? Or was Heyman just saying that? I'm so confused...
  18. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    BATMAN casting

    But you gotta admit, it was classic the way he said "BOMB!" when he placed them around...
  19. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Starsky & Hutch = Fun

    I just rented Starsky and Hutch and it is turning out to be a lot more fun than I thought it would be. If you've read the past couple game threads I've posted, I've been hooked on Haunted Mansion and I had a couple duds (cruddy controlling ruins potential fun in Great Escape). I wasn't sure on Starsky and Hutch, but seeing as it is pretty cheap to buy, and I got to rent it for free, I gave it a try and I think I will buy it. The missions are built out like episodes. Certain things you do or destory equal ratings. It's pretty fun. Anyone else give this game a try yet? With this and Evil Dead, the games straight to $19.99 lately have been better than a lot that start out at $50, in my opinion.
  20. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Hardyz update

    On top of this, he already was a RAW wrestler. He was the "King of Heat" cause they couldn't have two Hardyz on the same show as singles stars, it would be "confusing". Matt turns, jumps to Smackdown, becomes a success. Matt would be another reason to watch RAW, however, I feel he fits better on Smackdown. I think he is one of the last people that needs a move.
  21. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Luna Vachon interview

    that's cool. I didn't know what to expect cause I haven't really heard much from Luna, but I've known of who she is for a long time, dating back to her first, early 90s WWE stint. Pretty cool that she is so down to earth, I did not know.
  22. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    The Chamber

    I liked it when I saw it a couple years back cause I was a Chris O'Donnell mark back in the day... <ducks tomatoes> Hackman is always solid. I thought it was pretty good then, don't remember much now, however with most movies based on Grisham books, I hear the movie does the book no justice whatsoever.
  23. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Smackdown Spoilers

    You gotta be glad Jim Ross won't be calling that match should it happen though. JR: They're the bad guys, but dammit, you gotta love them. BAH GAWD, IT'S TEAM HOSS, TEAM HOSS! <hits floor and starts a process of convulsing/ejaculating> <Stone Cold runs out and celebrates his victory earlier in the night by randomly Stunning Lillian Garcia> <mid-orgasm> He's.... the... Rattlesnake, and.... that's... his... way.... <climaxing> STONE COLD! STONE COLD! <eyes roll into the back of his head>
  24. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Haunted Mansion

    I beat the game tonight after playing it whenever I thought of it/had time over the past week. It was a lot of fun. I tend not to challenge myself and go for the hard often, but it told me at the end, if you beat it on every setting, you get some hidden stuff. I guess that's the standard for most these days. Definately enjoyed myself with this game and I still reccommend it to anyone.
  25. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Haunted Mansion

    Has anyone else on this forum tried the Haunted Mansion game. I went ahead and bought it on a whim on the day it came out, and I love it. I rarely get around to playing my PS2 most of the time, but I've been hooked to this game. I think it's going to be neglected and passed off as some random Disney/Kids game, but it was made by High Voltage (same people who did Hunter The Reckoning: Wayward) and is an awful lot of fun. Some of the ghosts might be a little too scary for the kids. Plus, some of them make funny comments. One level I freed these musician ghost souls. You can approach them and get them to talk, one of them started talking about needing more cowbell. It was priceless. Just wondering if I'm the only one who tried it, or likes it a lot, but I think this game is going to end up VERY under-rated.