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Everything posted by LivingLegendGaryColeman

  1. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    The Transporter 2 Is Coming...

    I loved the first one too. I rented it figuring there was nothing else and was shocked at how much I enjoyed it. The only thing is it just doesn't strike me as a sequel movie. The character seemed to go through all it could in the first one. I'll definately give it a shot though, if it is even half as entertaining as the first.
  2. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Prince of Persia: Sands of Time

    I got the demo disc from Best Buy and still haven't tried it yet... I guess I should, and I will respond to this whenever I do. I tend to do that with demos. I had an Alter Echo, Sphinx (which still isn't out) and Jak II demos since like March and still haven't even opened them. Some guy I worked with gave them to me from E3. I will try this Persia one soon, cause it looks cool. When is the release again?
  3. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    A guy at an EB by me today said Tuesday, which surprised me cause of the usual delays. Plus he told me because I was looking at the strategy guide that was already on display, so I wouldn't be surprised. Some small time no visit places let these things slide out a few days early. Not too sure on how games always work, but movies are always in the store a few weeks advance, they just can't go out til the Distributor Specified Date.
  4. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    If you could make a game into a movie

    I think there would be a demand for a live action Pac Man. And not a mixed Live Action- Animated like Space Jam or anything, just straight up live action. If I could go with a game that hasn't been made yet, I could see games like Socom would make bank, but something personally, I'm not sure. Most games I play usually tend to be based off stuff (i.e. movies already made or something that wouldn't be a movie) or sports games. Kingdom Hearts movie could be interesting, but doubtful.
  5. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Steve Austins Book....

    For the most part I believe the audio books are read by the actual wrestlers, so that may be interesting to see how it turned out. <Remembers SNL sketch of Charlton Heston reading Madonna's "Sex" book>
  6. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Metallica Cancels Tour

    Someone tried to download the concert. Too many free tickets given out.
  7. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Great Escape

    I just wanted to know what everyone thought of "The Great Escape". I rented it this week cause I've looked at it since it came out. It is pretty cool situation wise, but I just feel it was made cheaply. When the character runs, among other things it just comes across really awkward. Is it just me, what do you think of the game?
  8. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    SmartMarks Horror Movie Tourney

    Alien An American Werewolf in London Friday the 13th Black Christmas Blair Witch Project Night of the Living Dead (1968) Psycho (1960) Dawn of the Dead The Exorcist Lost Boys Evil Dead 2 Halloween Nightmare on Elm Street Texas Chainsaw Massacre Scream The Shining
  9. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    WWE News and Notes

    I like Tajiri as the leader and I know Ultimo will never turn and the WWE probably won't do anything with him either, but I think it'd be kinda interesting after a short feud with someone, they revealed Ultimo as like the "Godfather" of the group. Tajiri still has a primary leader role, but Ultimo has been the big honcho in charge. Then again, that would also need some mic time, and my guess is that would end up like La Parka or Kai En Tai a few years back...
  10. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Friday 13th Part 3

    You even have to cover Jason X also... mu-ha-ha
  11. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Japanese Mafia Invading WWE

    Clinically Insane Asians
  12. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    The Texas Chainsaw Massacre...

    I saw this. Definately had fun watching it with some friends, even though the disturbing moments. I never saw the first one, but I went with my buddy who is a horror buff and like is being said, nothing too much is like the original. This one does have a lot of blood, some pretty disturbing things, but there are key parts of story (from what I hear) changed.
  13. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    8 Simple Rules Casting News

    I never watched this show, but I say it ends up going the way "Newsradio" did when Phil Hartman died. As much as I like Jon Lovitz, it just wasn't the same, and it will hold on for its last breaths, but not for very long.
  14. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    George, George, George of the Jungle

    I've seen it now too. They don't say hell, they say heck. It still has some pretty funny moments. It is a lot better than most of the crappy straight to video sequels. I've seen most of them. First scene, they are re-introducing them, he gets off and the narrarotor says: Who the heck are you? George: Me new George. Studio to cheap to pay Brenden Frazer. They reference Frazer a couple more times, with such parts as they are getting shipped in a storage case and it is huge. The narrarator says "After getting advice from Brenden Frazer in the first one, George decides to ride in a larger crate". They take a couple shots there and do some untypical, actually funny stuff. Some of the cheesiness is even funny enough where if you are extremely bored and have seen everything new, this might be decent. It's still not great and of course has some campy, Disney moments, but they do make fun of some, making it somewhat funny.
  15. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Smackdown!: Shut Your Mouth

    I've won it once. I tried to do other people's moves sometimes, cause they'd be funny or cool, but that ends up getting me in trouble. I won it before I had a memory card with Kurt Angle. My strategy is running take-down (not exactly a clothesline with him), pick up Angle Slam. It takes a little while on the first ones, but it went. Since then, I've gotten close again, but never gotten the same. I've gotten really high with Kurt and I thinK Brock again, but the closest I've gotten since was like 94.
  16. LivingLegendGaryColeman


    They could work together and shake the pole til it comes down. <looks at sentence> Please don't take that the wrong way....
  17. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Top Survivor Series Matches

    Don't do it in your hand. Do it in a truck and then bring it to Big Show... it'd be more fitting.
  18. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    To show how much JR loves Austin

    I live on the west coast, so I haven't seen this yet and I doubt you'd be able to answer this anyway, but why the hell did Austin even stun Stacy? Both are very over faces, they are making Steiner a heel for mistreating her... yet Austin can beat on her?
  19. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    More TV shows turned movies rumored

    I was watching E! and I don't know if this is old news but they are working on casting "Bewitched" with Nicole Kidman playing Samantha. Negotions to play the role of her husband Darren have begun with Will Ferrell. Will this be just another classic TV turned to trash movie? Can Will Ferrell save this project?
  20. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    The Survivor Series 2003 promo poster

    The PPV posters in the past have meant nothing, although recently, regardless they have been the cover of the DVD. Undertaker on Vengeance (semi-main match on show) and Sable (escorted A-Train...) for Summerslam. So if you buy all the DVDs like me or this years Survivor Series happens to be a must have show, you'll be owning it with Shane-O-Mac on the cover
  21. LivingLegendGaryColeman


    I love how the 2003 Summerslam DVD has that match listed on the back as if the WWE forgot the match got called off. I noticed that too. I hate that. They used to do that back in the day of Colliseum, putting things such as Jerry Lawler's Team against the Harts on the back of Survivor SEries 93 instead of the Michaels replacement and put Mystery Opponent. Since WWF(E) video took over, did all the spoilers, like putting Big Show in the match vs. Rock and Austin at Survivor Series 99. WWE decided since Vengeance to crap out on their production I guess, with dumb things like outdated card (although it does give the "fair" card subject to change) and taking away extras. It ticks me off the little things with that one, because I was at Summerslam and was hoping they'd put the footage of Vince's birthday celebration and stuff, but not even the Heat match, which I had forgotten to tape. I guess you can't ask for much, but it changed so drastically. Judgement Day 2003, a show NO ONE cared about, they had tons of extras, including an Andre the Giant vs. Killer Kahn just because it was a stretcher match. We can't even get pre-show stuff only months later... As for the main topic, I want to see Hardy on the show, but this angle shouldn't have even been brought back up. And I have the feeling Gowen will go over, seeing he hasn't really won still and the whole countout victory Matt pulled at Summerslam
  22. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    You asked for it, you got it. The Smartmarks

    could just go with the standard "Kazaam". Wrong Turn is coming to video, haven't seen it, but that could count I liked Cabin Fever and Kracker Jack'd should be on there... even though no one has seen it
  23. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    BigFoot remains found

    If you like this stuff, go rent "The Legend of Bogey Creek". It is a documentary made in the 70s that is kinda funny bad at points. I think Wal-Mart recently marked it down from their $10 price to be in their $5 bin on DVD... classic stuff...
  24. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Viewtiful Joe

    I've been seeing the commercials for this game and it looks pretty cool. With the price drop, I've been thinking about adding a Gamecube to my collection, and this game could be one to push my decision towards getting one.
  25. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Pryzm Chapter One: The Dark Unicorn

    Does anyone have an opinion or have played Pryzm Chapter One: The Dark Unicorn? I saw this game for $7.99 brand new the other night and put it back cause I was really there just to buy a specific movie. Would this game be worth the $7.99? That's just about rental price even if I rarely played it, that's why I considered it, but is it even worth that?