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Everything posted by LivingLegendGaryColeman

  1. LivingLegendGaryColeman


    I've seen it. It is one of those movies you may as well see once, but you only want to see once. It isn't your typical Kevin Smith, although some of the actors are the same. Very dark, freaky and disturbing. The concept and stuff is interesting, although a few scenes are very bothersome. Highlight to read "disturbing" below: Spoiler (Highlight to Read): The scene where he is raped is pretty bad and also the scene where he is bothered by it and starts to cut his wrists
  2. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Note on Cena/Taker match

    We also you have to keep in mind, although the WWE championship doesn't hot shot around as much as other belts, it still goes around more these days than it ever did when he started. He's had 4 reigns, none extremely long, but still, the belt didn't go around as much. Four reigns is pretty good, but it's over shadowed by giving Rocky, although a deserving champion 7 reigns with the world title since his first in LATE 98. He's had the most.
  3. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Will video game stores buy used games

    Some stores like used book stores and stuff that carry games won't take them, but I don't think places like EB cares. I've seen some at EB with Blockbuster stickers for sale. It may also depend on the person you bring them to.
  4. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Road Trip

    Even Comedy Central does the editing... sometimes it's humorous, sometimes it is sad. One of my movie lines ever was edited when I caught them airing Half Baked recently. After Jim Breuer goes on the tangent about what munchies to get and then Harland Williams asks Chapelle, one of the greatest movie lines ever was his response "A box of condoms and.... what's that stuff we used to eat all the time? Oh yeah, pussy!" Great line. Granted, I knew they wouldn't let him say it, but I waited for it "What's that stuff we used to eat all the time? Oh yeah, pudding!" Kinda took away from it....
  5. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Smackdown - Here Comes The Pain Screens!

    If you look at the page at the bottom of the links, it shows you some more of the legends. The second page shows Warrior and DiBiase. The first page confirms Sgt. Slaughter, The Iron Sheik and then Old School Taker and Old School Hogan. I love the Legends feature, but Old School Taker and ESPECIALLY Old School Hogan will probably waste spots. I can appreciate the Old School Taker, he'll probably have the older moveset (Tombstone and stuff), whole different look, but I really just don't understand Old School Hogan. More hair and shorter tights?
  6. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Harvey Dent

    I haven't been reading comic books in a long time, but I used to be so into Batman. I visited this forum, because I've picked up a couple comics recently, just haven't read them yet, when I saw Harvey Dent is no longer Two Face, but Harvey Dent again?!?! How long ago did this happen, when and how did it come about? Does he still have the scarred half face with no more mental issues or what? Any explanation on this would be cool. I still remember popping in a forum like this around the time of the first X-men movie I believe and reading Cyclops was dead. Never herd the details on that one either... so much I've missed in all these different titles...
  7. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    The Raw Review 7/20 - 7/26

    Who would've thought the jobbers in the match would've become former champions in the WWF. We all know Dwayne Gill as Gillberg, but you also have Headbanger Thrasher... well, not that anyone really cares, but still kinda interesting. I always find fun in that, like the time I found an old RAW tape and one half of the tag team jobbers fighting the "Two Dudes with Attitudes" was a young Chris Kanyon.
  8. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    To keep with continuity.....

    It's going to be like how Vince was a face on RAW and heel on Smackdown back in February... it's going to be a whole different world. Linda will be fine on Smackdown, doing all sorts of physical tasks no problem, then come next Monday, on RAW, she is confined to a wheel chair for the rest of her life because of Monday's incident.
  9. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Favorite moments as a mark

    I loved that match. Those were like two of my very favorites. I actually held onto the tape of it, and I found it not too long ago. Good stuff.
  10. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    A Special "Caption This"

    Wow... that picture can easily go in SO many directions....
  11. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Mini Batman film

    I watched it last night and was just confused when the stuff mentioned in the spoiler happens. I agree with above, it really had the essence of Batman, but then, all of a sudden it was very "What the?---"
  12. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Upcoming House Show Cards

    For WWE, yeah. And even that was a big jump. Before that I believe was Ramon/Jarrett in 95... WCW did it in 2000 with Terry Funk going over Lance Storm for the US/Canadian Title in his hometown, however, I think he jobbed it back in the next town over the following night
  13. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    WWE Mini-Magazines

    I have a Jericho one from the first release. They released some, I am thinking around the time of Invasion? I don't remember, I'd have to find it. The first set I know included Jericho, Angle, Undertaker and Rocky, not sure if there was Austin or HHH, can't think off the top of my head... I'll probably figure it out when I go dig out the Jericho one..
  14. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Pic of Warrior on C-SPAN 2

    I would've marked out like nuts if mid speech Warrior proceeded to shake the podium....
  15. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Favorite moments as a mark

    I marked like nuts when Vader and Marc Mero came to the WWF. I had watched WCW every so often and those were two of the bigger names (or faces in Mero/Badd's case) to me that weren't past WWF stars. Mainly more for Mero because he had been a "good guy", unlike Vader. I remember really marking for things involving guys like Ahmed Johnson and Savio Vega (especially for him at KOTR 95). I remember back at a house show in 1992/93, when Superstars used to have some of the wrestlers talking about coming to town, Harvey Wippleman talked trash about my city. I was yelling up a storm at him, just using his insults back at him, and I was about 30 rows back, so he never would've heard me. Oh well, it's fun looking back, although all I can vaguely remember was I believe an opening match with Adam Bomb vs. El Maditor and the main event of Macho Man vs. Mr. Hughes with a run in from Evil Doink.
  16. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Sweet Idea for Survivor Series!

    I actually had a thought like this last night. Since Wrestlemania is considered the World Series, I thought Survivor Series could be the All Star game type event. They could bring back the elimination matches and maybe to make it even cooler, did like they did at Survivor 90 where the previous Survivors meet in the final match of the night.
  17. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    How could they have f'd up WWE New York?

    I liked the Nitro Grill a lot back in the day. It was a cool place. I even went with some non-wrestling fans who liked it. The food was good and not that expensive. However, in the land of the $1.99 buffet called Las Vegas, plus the wrestling theme, people might not always be into it. Also, it was a little tricky to get to. It was in the Excalibur hotel, tucked away on the upstairs in between a steak house and toward the end, Kripsy Kreme doughnuts.
  18. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    movies for the week

    I saw the Four Little Girls documentary in high school. A truly sad piece, but put together amazing. I agree with your thoughts. I haven't seen the others, which surprisingly for me includes American Graffitti. I am one of those people who has seen SO many movies, but has often not seen classics or very well known ones. This is one for that category that I plan on viewing eventually.
  19. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Lesnar vs Vince booked for SD on

    He has no need to be afraid. When in doubt, just remember, he's Vince McMahon, DAMMIT! The way he books himself these days, I wouldn't be surprised if they were having him feud with Brock for the title of being the baddest man on the planet. They could even get special guest enforcer Mike Tyson and dammit, Vince will kick his ass too!
  20. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Shelton Benjamin

    I'm glad this thread came up because I thought the same thing recently, as everyone else has been saying. I rarely catch the TV shows, I caught RAW and not last night's Smackdown, but the one before (Brock v. TGTTE/Show) for the first time in what must've been months. I picked up the 2003 PPV DVDs that I hadn't gotten yet (which was everything but Rumble I got when it first came out) a week or two ago and my opinion on Benjamin and Haas keeps going up. I watched all their stuff on the Backlash DVD, the match, the pre-interview, the DVD post interview, I like both a lot. Not saying I haven't before, but they are really sticking out now and definately will be something big. My guess is Benjamin may get further than Haas, remember, they tried him out before with that short feud on Heat with William Regal. These two will be some of the big players in the future, and as much as I love the team, I won't be too disappointed, because I think they will have a great feud against each other when time comes. Maybe it'll even become one of the next main event rivalries....
  21. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Upcoming House Show Cards

    Not only that, but it would add the realm of "realism". I mean, sure, we all know its scripted, they tell everyone its scripted, but they always say "Anything can happen in the WWE" but it is more unpredictable if titles don't change unless it is on TV. Maybe a ratings boost or whatnot will happen, but the "anything can happen at any moment" always gains some interest somewhere.
  22. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    The One and Only...

    I had been watching some of those 101 Shocking Moments on E! and was just watching some of the Backlash 2003 DVD. Right now John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar, which was where I had left off earlier.
  23. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Hmm Dreamer

    yeah, he had a little feud with Nowinski in the fall that was pretty entertaining and was getting TV time. He was in a few high profile matches, but then they just dropped him and he wasn't even on Heat for a while. That's what his whole WWF/WWE stint has been. In the Invasion, it really kicked off the night he and RVD entered... and then nothing... he was on the occasional Heat or Metal match, only to job. I am not saying Tommy Dreamer should be the champion, but I am saying the man needs at least a small push and some TV time. He's entertaining and maybe it'd be a little fresher than what we are getting now.
  24. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Summerslam nearly sold out

    Well, this is Phoenix's first ever PPV and Phoenix always has a hot crowd and always sells out quickly, so it looks like you guys will get your turn soon enough. Phoenix seemed like one of the biggest neglects on the PPV market, just because of the common crowd, now they get their first PPV.
  25. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    What was the first DVD you bought?

    First overall DVD was Hardy Boyz: Leap of Faith. First movie on DVD.... I am thinking it was the Man with Two Brains.