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Everything posted by LivingLegendGaryColeman

  1. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Jay Williams

    I'd hate to see Antwone leave Boston because I feel that they've really built something they need to piece together. I hated the Anderson for Baker trade, as Baker has been worthless since Milwaukee. Anderson was still pretty solid. The Celtics need to hold on to Antwone, Pierce and O'Brein, along with most of the team and just get a solid big man. Battie seems to be developing, but if they can get someone a little more. I still think Pitino screwed the Celtics over, but oh well... didn't agree much with what Pitino did there. Great for college ball, not for pros. As for Jay Williams, the first thing that came to my mind was Bobby Hurley. Hurley had an auto accident I believe before he even set foot in the league and it really affected what may have been a promising career. Strange coincidence is that both are from Duke.
  2. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    A move that a wrestler does...

    Yokozuna = chinlock
  3. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    The Jericho shirt: So damn close!

    Yeah, I agree. Most of the time if I do pull out a wrestling shirt, it's all marks talking. It's interesting at first, but then they show off total markdom, bringing up the stuff that I like least and I talk about what I like and they look at me like I have two heads and go back to how evil that Vince McMahon fellow is.
  4. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Old Gimmick Night

    I would love to see the old gimmicks. I had this idea in a fantasy fed type thing a few years back to get a new Hardcore wrestler over he'd give the wrestler amnesia and they'd assume their old role. He beats the holy hell out of "Don't Piss Me Off-era" Jeff Jarrett one week and he the next week we have Good Ol' Double J, the Country Star. He beats down Viscera and Happy Go Lucky Rapper Mabel is on the show the next week. The idea was to go through several superstars until he got to someone insane a la Al Snow or Foley where they'd switch gimmicks just for mindtricks anyway. Seeing them just bust out in old gimmicks would be fun, even just randomly. As for the musical, it's pretty funny, because a couple years back I was involved with a production of the Musical "Damn Yankees". There is actually a song called "The Game" and this was around when HHH was in his good run, and really starting to use that. I made up a few lyrics which I've since forgotten. I was also humored that in the same show, one of the people singing "The Game" actually was a character named Rocky.
  5. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Tonight's rentals

    I work at a video store. We get 5 free rentals a week. We also get to choose from advance stuff we get in, so we can tell customers when they come up. This week I picked up: Porky's X2: Wolverine's Revenge for PS2 (got a game this time around) Lone Star State of Mind The Hours (comes out Tuesday, so now) Gangs of New York (released July 1) I saw Porky's for the first time, played a little of Wolverine, slept through most of "The Hours" (had to have it back earliest) and haven't gotten to the others yet. 5 rentals coming up, the new ones in the shipment for sure are "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days", which sadly I've already seen and "The Real Cancun", which I'll probably pick up cause I get everything. Everything else is in the air, although I might get one of the Terminators to see if I want to see the new one this summer, as I've never seen a Terminator movie for some reason. I guess I've never been as open to Action stuff unitl recently...
  6. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    The Worst part of the unmasking to me

    JR is torn between a thin line of love and hate with the grotesque face yet the "beauty of Hoss-dom"
  7. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Favorite live performance

    You know what, I might honestly have to pick that one as my favorite. That was a cool moment, and I got a soft spot for the bag pipes. If that is not acceptable, I guess DX band from WM 14.
  8. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Old School Memoribilla

    I have all sorts of old toys and books and weird stuff. One I would mention is from Warrior's 96 return, his T-shirt with all of his Warrior wisdom on the back. Even then, I thought what on the back was insane, but I really wanted a shirt of WAH-YIOR! I was at a live event, if I didn't get that, I was going to get Savio Vega... maybe I should've.... I have tons of toys from figures to Macho Man squirt heads. I have all the old cards from the side of the ice cream bars, Warrior Coloring Book, I have some old WWE "graphic novel" which had like the Mountie and the Bossman fighting in the Mountains and Bushwhackers and Nasty Boys tricking each other all over town... some pretty weird stuff....
  9. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    from kelly to justin

    Nope, I agree. That's what I was saying in my post. As horrible as it seems, it still would've done better with some publicity, I've seen virtually none. The heavily hyped bombs, those are the ones to really laugh at.
  10. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    from kelly to justin

    I've never seen Idol or anything, but I just don't think this was advertised. Granted, it looks extremely dumb, but I think a lack of attendence is with lack of promotion. I can't remember seeing a trailer for this on TV or before a movie. I wouldn't have even known it opened had the person in front of me in line the other day not had gone. I was going to opening Hulk, they were going to that opening. I usually know when stuff opens, but that one seems to lack promotion.
  11. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Lou Ferrigno: The Real Hulk Speaks

    <thinks back to Mafia!> LOU FERRIGNO! At least I think that was Mafia!, it's been a while... Yeah, I liked the cameo, it's funny because someone I saw the movie with saw the two (Lou and Stan Lee) in the scene and was like "Yeah right, a security guard would look like that", so I explained it. I like those little cameos though, interesting to see the people from a while back like him and "how they are now". And the coolness of catching little things that others don't is nice sometimes too...
  12. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Potenially awful news

    I really want to see Guy Pierce be Batman. It just seems right. He's been solid in everything I've seen with him, he is a name, but not a big enough name to overshadow the project. He generates a little interest in the fact people will say "Who is Batman?" and rather than "Some no-name schmuck" (not saying I agree, speaking general public here), they may say "Guy Pierce, the guy from <insert favorite Guy Pierce movie here>". That way it's got a slight name, but not a name that would overshadow it. I am not completely against Ashton Kuchner getting it, as I think it would be interesting and I like to see actor's trying a range, but I think that would downplay the bat movie with "Batman is the guy who lost his car" or "gets stoned with the foreign guy and the other hippies" or some other reference to something like "Just Married". Now, if this takes a while, Ashton gives some serious stuff and proves himself as being credible besides a stoner, I'm all for it, the name value, if proven in the genre, can get money. As of now, Guy Pierce sounds best. Not "huge" name value, but just enough to get a few, credible and fitting for the part.
  13. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    DC Comics Movies

    I would love a Nightwing movie. That would be awesome. I don't know how well it'd sell, but much like how some villians would occasionally have thier own book, giving them their own movies wouldn't be too bad. That's one thing with comic movies is always killing off the villian. In some cases it's good as the villain was horrible, or not to ruin them, but some wouldn't hurt and actually might help to be given "a second round".
  14. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Favorite Non-Terminator or T2

    I honestly think I have seen more of his comedy than action ones. Even the big name action ones, I haven't seen. I love him in comedies. I am going to see some more of his action soon, I got sent a free copy of the 2 Disc 6th Day. How is Collateral Damage? I can get that really cheap, but I wasn't sure.
  15. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    What game have you played last?

    Last night I played some Wolverine's Revenge, Tony Hawk 4 and topped it off with some Triple Play 2002. I went bonzo gonzo on the Brewers and beat them around 26-7. Alright, so I was an All Star team, but I got this game recently, so I was trying to figure out what was different from that and MVP Baseball 2003, which was the previous one that I played from a friend. Tonight it should be some NFL 2k3 and Reign of Fire, because I bought those games last week and haven't even taken them out of the plastic yet.
  16. LivingLegendGaryColeman


    Kane loses mask and has on a second mask underneath or they pull the Scooby Doo ending and he was really the old man from the amusement park all along. Those seem most logical.
  17. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Tony Hawk 4

    I found out I can get a copy of Tony Hawk 4 brand new for $15.99 plus tax. Is it worth it? I almost bought it right away, considering a lot of places still carry it for $49.99 or $39.99, but someone told me that it is more like the Simpsons Skateboarding than the previous Tony Hawk franchise games. I used to love my N64 Tony Hawk 1 and haven't played any of the new ones since. I really wanted to get it, but in the little bit of Simpsons I played, I didn't really like it. Is Tony Hawk worth the $15.99? If I really want a skateboard game should I spend the $15.99 on Tony Hawk 3? What's everyone's opinion.
  18. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Smackdown rating 3.7

    Notice the highest rated Smackdown of the year is the only one of the year featuring Billy Gunn... could mean something... Billy Gunn's return as Mr. Ass = ratings spike
  19. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    What's the best "Guy" movie ever?

    "On the Line" starring Lance Bass. Wait a second... nevermind... I was trying to think of something recent for this category and the most recent I could think of was "Transporter", but still, not sure if that is as great as most of the others already mentioned. I was just trying to think has there been anything good for this category in a while?
  20. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    What's the worst movie of the year...so far?

    I think I am the only person in the world that didn't absolutely loathe Dreamcatcher. Granted, I didn't really care one way or another about it going in, haven't read Stephen King or seen many of his movies, but I thought it was alright. Or maybe it's just me being humored by retards obsessed with Scooby Doo who scream their own name and become the large alien that they are.
  21. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Tom Green

    If I remember, I'll watch. As much as people hate him, I still like him. I still laugh thinking of the "Subway Monkey Hour". I even enjoyed "Freddy Got Fingered" in the sense it was so horrible it was funny, yet had anyone other than Tom Green been in that part, I don't think it would've worked that way.
  22. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Tony Hawk 4

    I did end up getting it tonight. I just picked it up and came and read it and nothing but good. Too tired to try it now, but I wanted to get it before I missed out. Thanks for all the feedback.
  23. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Roc tha Mic Tour

    I wanted to go but I am going out of town the day before it comes to my town. I was thinking 50 was kinda weak live watching part of the New Breed DVD and I didn't catch the Movie Awards. I still think it'd be fun to go, but I won't be able to.
  24. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    The Raw Boycott

    I unintentionally boycotted. I haven't seen a WWE show in maybe a month or more, not intential, I just don't think of it anymore. I forget to tape it, I forget to watch it, then I remember and read the results. I still am faithful to the product, it's just a combination of business and it kinda losing it's exciting "Must See" factor. The sad thing is since the split, I've seen so much more of the RAW brand than the Smackdown brand, just due to the fact Smackdown has always been easier to forget/miss.
  25. LivingLegendGaryColeman

    Adult Swim on DVD

    I was thinking the same thing. I really liked Misson Hill and it just disappeared. Granted, I am not sure of the current line up other than weeknights because I haven't seen it in a while. As far as those announced, I will buy Aqua Teen and Brak without second thought. I may get Space Ghost eventually.