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David Blazenwing

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Everything posted by David Blazenwing

  1. David Blazenwing

    Two Questions/Requests

    LMFAO Surprisingly enough, that isn't what I'm looking for. Still hella hilarious, however!
  2. David Blazenwing

    Two Questions/Requests

    thank you Now I just need the lyrics for the SD opening...
  3. David Blazenwing

    WWE Theme Song D/L Requests

    Okay, there are two songs I'm looking for. I would d/l them myself, but my dad deleted Kazaa, worried that we'll get fined if it's on our computer or something like that. Yeah. Anyhow, I need these two songs, please: - John Cena's Entrance Theme (The most recent one; "Word life, this is basic thuganomics") - "Remedy" by Cold* (Backlash 2003 Theme) * I have this d/l, but it's just the chorus looping over and over again. I need the FULL song, please. I am greatly appreciative of whomever gets these for me. Thank you very much!
  4. David Blazenwing

    Power Rangers

    Well, you have to take into effect the fact that alot of the red zords had been destroyed. Then again, Jason completely gave up his powers... hmm. Let's look at the 10 and wonder about their powers. MMPR - Jason: Gave up his powers to Rocky, no explanation on how he got them back, considering that when Rocky had them, the power was destroyed. ALIEN - I guess he still had his powers. Nothing ever saying that he didn;t... ZEO - Tommy never lost the Zeo powers, they got overwritten by the Turbo powers, which were in turn given to... TURBO - A.J.(?), who got them destroyed along with the rest of the Turbo powers at the end of PRT. SPACE - Still remained w/ powers after season ended GALAXY - Still remained w/ powers after season ended LIGHTSPEED RESCUE - Still remained w/ powers after season ended TIME FORCE - Still remained w/ powers after season ended TIME FORCE II - Still remained w/ powers after season ended WILD FORCE - Then, the current season. No explanation needed. Alright, so the only ones that really needed explaining were Jason and A.J. Other than that, I guess they didn't do half bad. My guess is they purposely don't have the ranger's powers lost at the end of the seasons now, since the crossover shows are some of the best shows they do. (Look at the greatest hits DVD... at least half of the featured episodes are crossover specials.)
  5. David Blazenwing

    Burton's Willy Wonka remake

    I heard the same thing on a radio show in, like 2000. That was a LONG time ago.
  6. David Blazenwing

    WWE Theme Song D/L Requests

    That's perfect! But... could I get it on a downloadable mp3? I need it on CD. Great quality, though. Thanx man! My other piece of business... there's one more song I need that I forgot to post earlier. Does anyone have the NEW SmackDown! theme (the current one, NOT Beautiful People)? BTW, Backlash 2003 is taken care of, as soon as the guy I'm getting it from gets back online
  7. David Blazenwing

    Mick Foley + House Fire

    ... or that the hired goons started it in the attic. ;p LMFAO! Dude... I haven't laughed like that in a while! Great!
  8. David Blazenwing

    Get rid of some bums!!!

    She has big boobs... Huge rack = ratings Come on... didn't you know that? (That was sarcasm BTW)
  9. David Blazenwing

    Power Rangers

    Okay everyone, after reading this thread, I got interested in PR again, and got curious, so I started looking around... and I found out what the next incarnation of PR is going to be after Ninja Storm ends... and the PR are going back to their roots! here's pics of the five rangers and their zords: Cool, no? Here's the plot... and read VERY closely, I think you'll recognize a specific name if you're an old-school MMPR fan. "When Dr. Anton Mercer, an evil paleontologist, unleashes his Dino Zords -- creatures of incredible strength and intelligence -- on the world, Dr. Tommy Oliver, a mild-mannered high school teacher, must stop him. Reigniting his secret past as the Black Power Ranger, Oliver recruits three students as Rangers. But can a rebellious basketball star, a beautiful loner musician, and a laid-back champion gamer become superheroes in time to vanquish Mercer and his mutant warriors?" Yes, it seems as though the most popular ranger of all time, Tommy, is returning to action in the new series! I am totally psyched for this... I can't wait! BTW, it is set to debut February of 2004. EDIT: NOW the pictures work. Tripod sucks.
  10. David Blazenwing

    Power Rangers

    Dude, Power Rangers was the BEST! But you know what I miss more than PR (mostly b/c PR is still on)? Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog! Rohan... Ivar... Deirdre... and Angus! And the fifth Mystic Knight that came in at the end of the series... Garrett!
  11. David Blazenwing

    Nash Pushing To Be 4th Member Of Evolution

    LMFAO I can just see Triple H getting up in the middle of a production meeting and pedigreeing somebody like Jericho... So, THAT'S the only reason Jericho is still around... stress-reliever for HHHis Majesty
  12. David Blazenwing


    Here's an idea. What if Kane loses to Triple H Monday, and Triple H demasks him to reveal... A SECOND MASK UNDERNEATH THE FIRST!!! Triple H freaks out in anger, but before he can rip off the second mask, Kane chokeslams him. Before he can continue the assault, Flair and Orton run to the ring and save Triple H, and the end of the show is Evolution standing on the ramp (Triple H holding his title like a newborn child) and Kane standing in the ring, then he does his little exploding turnbuckles dealy and the show ends. Makes sense, doesn't it?
  13. David Blazenwing

    Crimson Comments of DOOOOOOM~!

    Damn. Awesome job writing our match, Solomon! I actually was moved to tears reading the match (even more so when I actually won, lol!) I got to go out of SJL with one last W on my final record, and that makes me happy. The promo I wrote also put a nice final touch to a mediocre career here. Congrats to Matthews on your title win as well, yo. (Okay, so you didn't win the title yet... but let's be realistic... you're not gonna lose!)
  14. David Blazenwing

    The WWE US Title

    it looks fine to me... a new belt is a new belt, y'know? Besides... if I am correct, the WCW U.S. title's lineage is in the IC title anyhow, so why not make a new WWE U.S. title? ... Not that WWE has ever gived a flying fuck about title lineages anyhow...
  15. David Blazenwing

    The One And Only WWE RAW Thread 6-16-03

    I hope you can carry him. OMFG... I haven't laughed that hard in a while! Great, man! Great joke! LMFAO!!!
  16. David Blazenwing

    Worst WWF PPV

    I voted other. I am referring to Backlash 2002. IMO, it sucked. Hogan going over Triple H = one piece of crap going over another Taker going over Austin via Flair screw-up = nothing more than fuel added to the Flair/Austin fire Angle going over Edge = alright, that was a pretty good match... and it resulted in Angle getting shaved the following month Scott Hall going over Bradshaw = umm... why? And didn't Hall get fired less then a month after that? There were some good points to the PPV, but all in all, it was a fairly dissapointing PPV to be run the month after the incredible WrestleMania X8.
  17. David Blazenwing

    SJL Crimson Card 6-19-2003

    Umm... remove me from the card please. I wasn't even supposed to be on the last card, but wasn't on and didn't realize I was even on the show until 5 minutes ago! My dude VANISHED a few weeks ago... meaning that he is NO LONGER AROUND! ... at least for now. It has to do with furthering my gimmick. So you may as well replace me, b/c if you don't, I'm not gonna show anyhow and poor Scott Solomon is gonna be at one hell of a disadvantage. EDIT: Actually, on second thought... you know, I never have my matches done on time, they always suck (with one exception, which I lost anyhow) and since my character has about as much chance of going anywhere as The Hurricane does of winning the World Heavyweight title on RAW tonight... As of this moment, David Blazenwing has severed ties with the SmartMarks Wrestling Federation and Junior Leagues. He wishes all SJL and SWF superstars the best of luck in the future.
  18. David Blazenwing

    $5 says..

    Yeah, but if that keeps happening, soon we'll have World Championship: Triple H (champion) w/ Ric Flair, Mick Foley, Randy Orton, Kevin Nash, Shawn Michaels, Batista, RVD. Kane, Booker, Jericho, Buh Buh Dudley, Maven, Hurricane and Goldust vs. Scott Steiner LMFAO!!! Ahahaha! That is funny... but sadly true. The sad thing about that? WWE would STILL make Steiner seem like he is unbeatable to Triple H, even after all this La Resiatance bullshat. Yes, I said shat. As in "This thread was so funny, I shat myself laughing" or my personal favorite... "Ahahahaha! Triple H moves like a pile of shat in the ring!"
  19. David Blazenwing

    Thank You Mick Foley

    *claps* Yes! Choken... you are the fucking MAN! I hate people that say stuff like Razor did. BTW, reading your story actually brought a tear to my eyes (no joke, lol)... I wish my dad would come around and want to watch wrestling with me too. You're lucky, man. Even if it doesn't last, at least you and your dad will always have Bad Blood to remember! Rock on, Choken One. Rock on.
  20. If you looked closely, the Cell was filled with holes last night. I gotta think it was just an old one that they never got rid of. Probably not costing them any extra money at all (well, except for the couple hundred bucks it took for someone to hoist it above the ring... but that's nothing for Vinnie Mac.
  21. David Blazenwing

    Something Weird

    There are only a few wrestlers these days who can pull off extended title reigns, like Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar or (knock on wood) Chris Benoit, should he ever get the damn belt. And just for the record, NONE of the Kliq members are on this list. Damn Triple H... the RAW World Heavyweight Championship has been around 9 months. Triple H has held the belt for eight of those months. Who had the belt the ninth month? Shawn Michaels. A Kliq member. Who's gonna have it next? Kevin Nash. The OTHER Kliq member. Stupid Kliq... playing the WWE like nWo played WCW. If WWE dies, it will be the Kliq's fault... or Vince's, for giving in to their every demand. Sorry. I kinda went off on a tangeant there, but I felt I needed to say it.
  22. David Blazenwing

    Why HHH does not suck

    Here's a question... not that I should be talking, but is it just me, or does it always seem like threads like this are started by people with less than 5 posts? If you're a respectable member (100 + posts AT LEAST), then thats okay. But 1 post? C'mon, man.
  23. David Blazenwing

    Road Warriors been had

    Three posts, all bearing the same message? Hmm. BTW, it was WrestleMania 12, bro. I own the tape, it's my favorite pre-DVD WM of all time. (My favorite WM goes to a tie between WrestleManias X-Seven and X8)
  24. David Blazenwing

    Greatest Gimmicks in WWE(F) history

    One word: GOBBLEDEGOOKER! lol... j/k ................. Don't hurt me. Please.
  25. David Blazenwing

    WWE opens a website for JR

    Hey, I have a hell of a lot of respect for JR and he's one of my five fave peeps on RAW! Here they are, in no specific order: 1) J.R. 2) Steve Austin 3) The Hurricane 4) Chris Jericho 5) Shawn Michaels