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Everything posted by Bored

  1. Bored

    A new Laker thread

    Kobe is great and is not overrated, although I think he is over hyped when he doesn't need to be, but when your team is in SEVENTH PLACE you don't deserver to win MVP.
  2. I think Nathan Jones is Keyser Soze. He superkicks you in the locker room and in the ring, he takes out people so he doesn't have to wrestle. And like that...hes gone. No one has ever seen him again. He becomes a myth, a spook story that wrestlers tell their kids at night. If you run in on your pop, Nathan Jones will get you. I believe in God, and the only thing that scares me is Nathan Jones.
  3. Oh boy can't wait for the Hogan-Piper Depends on a Pole Match next month.
  4. Well Rock will be gone after next month and if you believe the reports that Austin might only have a non-wrestling role on t.v. after June then it will be HHH, Nash, Michaels, Goldberg. *sigh*
  5. Bored

    did anyone else notice this...

    It was actual emotion I think with his family being there but the problem with it was that it essentially turned him face and he really didn't wrestle like a heel during the match beyond putting Austin's vest on. He's need be back in true heel mode tonight.
  6. Bored

    Are peeps too picky?

    He gave both Brock/Angle and Jericho/Michaels ****+ and even gave Hogan/Vince **1/2 which I thought was incredibly generous so overall I'd say he liked the show. If Jericho and Booker went over last night people would have loved the show but people I think are just so apathetic by the same old bullshit.
  7. If his recovery time turned out to be only 4-6 months I could buy it but 4-6 weeks? I think Kurt is taking way too big of a risk here. Even if he cuts down his in ring time when he comes back he's really taking a chance. Maybe Kurt figures he can get away with not having to take neck bumps anymore and he'll be okay then. Hell I think he might as well just take the extra time to come back just for the sake of taking time off.
  8. Whatever...HHH has been around long enough and gone over enough people that a loss to Booker would not have hurt his credibility one bit. Really who gives a shit if HHH/Goldberg is for the #2 belt in the company? They could have the match without a title on the line and it wouldn't make a bit of difference. HHH is just unwilling to put over anyone who isn't a friend or someone who he sees as an equal draw (Rock, Austin, Goldberg).
  9. Bored


    I'm in! Okay during the Limp Bizkit performance but hey I'll take what I can get. Thanks Eagan.
  10. Bored


    Ya I can't even get it to come up for me just keeps loading...oh well.
  11. Bored

    EWR 3.0 is out!

    I just downloaded it off Scotsman's site and it downloaded fine.
  12. Bored

    For BoboBrazil and whoever

    Obviously this is all speculation but Metlz is the most reliable. Cena/Lesnar- obviously we all know this is happening Taker/Jones vs. Show/A-Train- omg I can't believe they are gonna continue this crap. My guess is they'll break off into singles action, Taker/A-Train and Jones/Show. Of course if Jones completely embarasses himself (even more) at WM I'm sure he'll be kept out of singles action...I think. Rikishi/Kanyon & Jackie Gayda- First off thrilled Kanyon will be on t.v. but every midcard fued Rikishi gets it is VERY one sided so I have a bad feeling about this. I would hope they learned their lesson with Jackie and will keep her out of the ring but even as eye candy she isn't that great. Does anyone actually find her all that atractive? Mysterio/Hardy- I'd take this as Matt will retain the title at WM as I thought he would...*edit* err I mean as I feel they should do with Rey winning the title at Backlash. Up to now I've felt Rey would win at WM. Team Angle/Los Guerreros- well we knew Rhyno/Benoit wouldn't be winning the titles and with the results of Smackdown with both Guerreros going over you have to assume Team Angle will retain with Los Guerreros winning the titles at Backlash. O'Haire/Kendrick vs. FBI- hmmmm I'm intrigued...at least O'Haire finally shows up on t.v. beyond the occasional backstage appearance. Wis there was some insight on what will be going on Raw but I'm guessing creative doesn't even know yet.
  13. Bored

    WHAT IF....

    And what if Taker, Jones, A-Train, & Big Show are really the Four Horseman of the Apocalyse? What if the ground opens up and swallows them whole during that match? What if Nathan Jones channels Kevin Nash and tears his quad 8 seconds after tagging in? What if...
  14. Bored

    It's official

    I don't know who came up with the idea of Goldberg actually going on a "streak" but I seem to remember that it was Mike Tenay who was the one who inflated the number of wins Goldberg had.
  15. Bored

    Goldeberg: Who's first?

    You know there is this guy called The Rock. Kinda of unknown but that will be his opponent and I'm assuming first match at Backlash.
  16. Bored

    It's official

    I think people are making too big of a deal out of Goldberg coming in. Just like Steiner if he doesn't show well in the ring and doesn't draw then he'll be quickly pushed down the card. Remember he isn't a WWE developed talent and as much money as they will be throwing at him he isn't going to have much pull in the end if he ends up being a flop.
  17. Bored

    2003 MLB Predicitions

    Before last year (or the year before I forget which) when they went to the unbalanced schedule they usually did avoid that by scheduling teams from the east to play on the west coast. Now with the unbalanced schedule they try to get in a bunch of division games to start the season.
  18. Bored

    Smackdown spoilers

    Look at this way with the reality of the political structure of Raw they could be tag champs or be stuck in pointless midcard feuds with Test or Scott Steiner or jobbing to Kevin Nash when he gets back to set up his eventual HHH feud.
  19. Bored

    What's gonna happen to....

    Probably be a jobber tag team for a couple of months and then broken up and become Velocity jobbers. Although the thought has occured to me that down the road after Angle's surgery maybe Kurt could comeback to t.v. and serve as their manager (with neckbrace of course like all good heel managers) of course they still could have just Heyman be a mouthpiece for them.
  20. Bored

    Smackdown spoilers

    I'm no fan of RVD and I'll admit it... but even I think the idea of RVD wrestling on HEAT instead of at Mania itself while bastards like Big Show and A-Train get a spot on the card should be a fucking crime I think I should thrown in the fact that on the pre-PPV Heat's the faces ALWAYS win so its pretty much a lock that RVD and Kane will win the titles so anyone hoping for RVD to get out of the tag ranks well it ain't gonna it happen for now. Oh just a comment on Smackdown I don't really see the logic in closing the show with a post-WM feud. Also I'll believe that Cena beat Rikishi with a michinoku driver when I see it...can't always trust spoiler recaps.
  21. Raw Tag Title Match, RVD/Kane vs Chief/Storm: Who will win: RVD/Kane, they can't figure out anything better to do with them and as long as HHH is champ neither will have a chance at the belt. Who I'd book: RVD/Kane, just because at least their over and seriously don't really care to see a feud between them. Women's Title Match, Trish vs Victoria vs Jazz Who will win: Victoria, although I was sure that Jazz would be going over here since she came back but with the way they booker Raw with Trish pinning Victoria and then Jazz punking out both WWE logic dictates Victoria winning here. Who I'd book: Victoria, I do sorta dig her as champ and we've seen Trish as champ plenty of times and Jazz needs to be built up a little more for the fans to care about her as she really has almost no heat right now. Cruiser belt, Hardy vs Mysterio Who will win: Rey, this will be the 1st or 2nd match on the card and it will be done to pop the crowd early and Rey is no longer being booked as a legit threat to the heavys like he was early on. Who I'd book: Matt Hardy, I just love Matt's character and I think doing the whole storyline where drops the weight to become a cruiser that they need to have him hold the belt for more than one month. Matt can cheat like crazy here with help from the MFer and you easily set up a rematch for Backlash. SmackDown tag title, Guererros vs Rhyno/Benoit vs Team Angle Who will win: Los Guerreros, they don't seem to want to give up on getting the Guerreros over as faces, Rhyno & Benoit are just a temporary tag team and Team Angle will become a jobber team with Kurt gone for the year. Who I'd book: Team Angle, really tough call here and if Angle weren't gone for the year I'd probably go with the Guerreros here but Team Angle needs the belts more. Taker/Jones vs Show/Train Who will win: Taker/Jones, Taker can't bare to lose WM winning streak. Who I'd book: Taker/Jones, I'd much rather Taker have his losing streak ended to someone who could use the rub and not to a couple of big men who will never get over in a pointless tag match. Chris Jericho vs Shawn Michaels Who will win: Jericho, pre-born again HBK probably would throw a fit before the show to make sure he goes over but he'll do the right thing here. Doubt it'll be clean but really when does Jericho ever win clean. Who I'd book: Jericho, HBK is a complete non-factor right now and is not over and gets nothing more than a "respect" pop when comes out and it ain't even that big. I don't think this is life or death for Jericho like some people are treating this match only simply because Jericho was already killed but HHH last year so I don't really see anything big happening for Jericho after this. Hulk Hogan vs Vince McMahon Who will win: Hogan, really what'd be the point of McMahon winning here? "Match" is just gonna be brutal. Who I'd book: Hogan, see above. Booker T vs HHH Who will win: HHH, it won't be clean but again the point is made HHH will only job to his friends or Austin or Rock. The only good that could possibly come out of it is if Booker gets most of the offense and then HHH barely wins at the end by Flair interference or use of his trust sledgehammer and they immediately schedule a rematch for Backlash on the next Raw but I'm not that opptimistic. Who I'd book: Booker T, really do I have to explain? The only bad thing about a Booker win would be if HHH got a rematch at Backlash where he'd be a lock to go over clean. Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle Who will win: Lesnar, he was going over anyway and Angle's neck injury cements it. Who I'd book: Lesnar, reasons are obvious. The Rock vs Stone Cold Steve Austin Who will win: Rock, since the whole story is built around Rock never beating Austin, of course that's typically the type of storyline you book for a face but whatever. Who I'd book: Honestly I seriously don't care or think it matters who wins. *flips a coin* Austin.
  22. Bored

    2003 MLB Predicitions

    AL West: Mariners AL Central: Twins AL East: Red Sox AL Wild Card: A's NL West: Dodgers NL Central: Cardinals NL East: Phillies NL Wild Card: Giants Division Series Seattle over Minnesota Oakland over Boston Los Angeles over St. Louis Philadelphia over San Francisco League Championships Oakland over Seattle Los Angeles over Philadelphia World Series Oakland over Los Angeles
  23. Oh ya and its one of those sites with the fake new story links at the bottom and just takes you to "revealing" pictures of wrestling chicks...here was the one for the Luger article: BREAKING NEWS: ((FIVE)) WWE Roster Cuts Early This Morning (GO >>)! **FULL LIST*!! These are the type of sites that people who post on the WWE gamefaqs message board get their wrestling "news" from.
  24. Just as I suspected this is one of those sites that just pulls stories from sites like wrestlingobserver, PWTorch, and 1wrestling and then changes a few words and then doesn't credit them or just completely makes up stories. I knew the name Ryan Clark sounded familiar his on a million of these sites just like Matt Boone. Don't believe this story for a second.
  25. Bored

    WWE is going to get even worse

    1. No doubt Angle not being around is gonna hurt more anything. 2. I don't know if I'd call Edge fresh talent. Edge's push had basically stalled anyway and I don't think he was going anywhere unless they maybe turned him heel. 3. Goldberg/Rock I guess is a lock for Backlash. Obviously Goldberg/Austin would be a money maker and I'm guessing they'll do that at Bad Blood for the first all Raw PPV so the buyrate doesn't tank for at least the first single brand PPV. Who know what they can do with them after that beyond putting the real or fake title on him. 4. I gotta disagree I think the WWE has already figured out they've gotten all they are gonna get out of Steiner at this point. He'll be stuck in the midcard and eventually be released. Complete waste of money. 5. If Rey wins the cruiser title at Mania or maybe in a rematch at Backlash gotta figure a feud with Chavo would be a possibility. Eddie is never gonna be pushed to the main event and just have to live with that. Benoit and Rhyno are just a stop gap tag team and nothing more. Benoit will remain near the main event but never win the title. I think Rhyno is definently a possible Brock opponent down the road. 6. Well Cena seems to be the next opponent but I really have no clue how they're gonna make ANYONE think Cena has a shot against Brock as he has squashed Cena in their previous matches. Oh well I prefer throwing someone like Cena out there to be Brock's first title defense in a guarenteed win rather than throwing Benoit against him or yet another Big Show or Undertaker match. 7. I at least hope there will be a rematch against Booker at Backlash where Booker wins but then I just remebered...Austin...god damnit. *sigh* Hello midcard. 8. Yes and then be pushed down the card again for a few months and then pushed back up for a few months yet again. Just the way it goes.