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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Adam

    The person above you thread!

    ^is going to be told that Axels Angle is a wrestling column at www.wrestling2go.com
  2. Yeah, thanks for trying.
  4. How do you log in (Im a dumbass)
  5. Does it work? I'm seeing it with about 100 other people in a cinema later today, so I don't really need it, but I'll give it a go anyway.
  6. Adam

    a Story of Nathan Jones

    Liz Hayes sucks, she hardly took it seriously. That's why Rove is good with interviews, because he loves it.
  7. Adam

    The Smackdown Review 6/15 - 6/21

    Why, oh why were people subjected to this?
  8. Adam

    The Raw Review 6/15 - 6/21

    I couldn't watch RAW then, and something tells me I should be glad.
  9. ^gave me an idea... Billy Gunn + Steve Williams = Death by Ass
  10. Adam

    ***Spoilers*** (sort of)

    Big Evil Kane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Cya soon Mole, you were always a funny bastard
  12. Adam

    Worst day of my life?

    We are all with you. We may not know you by face or name, but you post here so you are a friend. You will make the right choice, and we will respect you whatever choice that is. I admire you, you have been through alot. Take Care man, Adam W.
  13. Adam

    The person above you thread!

    ^ is in denial, needs to get laid too
  14. Adam

    deeply depressed

    That movie OWNS man, that would make me happy any time. But seriously, when I am depressed I either watch wrestling or punch the shit out of something. Thats how I have come up with new wrestling moves, Ive been pissed off and depressed, so Ive just gone psycho.
  15. Don't joke about that shit man, you will scare me.
  16. Adam

    Who is Aj's partner

    Vader has bigger man boobs than A-Train, that is sad.
  17. Adam

    Jeremy Borash report

    Sting could do alot for TNA. If they put up a few more commercials about him being there, TNA would gain a few audience members.
  18. Again with the anger guys, settle down, share the love, buy a hippie
  19. Adam

    WWE Rule Book

    Yeah, but Mankind and Rocky are both exceptions to every rule.
  20. Adam

    Matt Hardy in line for Push

    Face it, Wrestling is more entertainment than ever now, so you can't stop the talking.
  21. Adam

    Billy Gunn...

    Yeah, but the gimmick sucked at first.