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Everything posted by MixxMaster

  1. MixxMaster

    Downloading WWE PPV/DVDs online

    Ahem....Wrestling Torrents As for SuprNova, the Wrestling vids are either in the Others or Sports Related sections of TV Shows, or Movies. have fun, and DON'T shut off your upload, once you're done downloading. Nobody likes a leecher!
  2. Bank Vaults are funny. They are air-tight, too...just lock them in, and forget the combination!
  3. MixxMaster

    The One and Only WrestleMania predictions thread

    Hey, you know what I would like to see again? the Gambling pool! Dammnit, I was just starting to get on a roll on that!
  4. MixxMaster

    WWE invades Headbangers Ball......

    EmmTV brought back Headbanger's Ball?? Is it anywhere near as good as the original, or is it mostly Nu-Metal shit? Well, we all now that network is the worst out there...
  5. MixxMaster

    To those that have ever watched a PPV Webcast...

    I get them all the time, as the local cable is a crappy city owned municipal calbe sytem(No PPV, No HD, only 50 channels), and the satellite crap is too expensive for my tastes. The quality is good, I DO get freezing frequently, so I have to go to the next lower speed, with less quality. This only seems to happen on the big matches that people really want to see, really weird. Other than that, it's great, because the link also is good for like the next week or two on demand... and, NO I'm not giving out a link, or anything.
  6. MixxMaster

    Big Show on Conan

    Justin Credible!!!
  7. MixxMaster

    WWE News from the 3/15 Observer

    I wouldn't mind that. Send Hurricane over too, he needs a different gimmick, whether it's Sugar Shane, or ANYTHING else. He's being just wasted on RAW.
  8. MixxMaster

    OAO Smackdown thread - 3/11/04

    He probably could, but he'd HAVE to have a few "homes" in there.
  9. MixxMaster

    OAO Smackdown thread - 3/11/04

    yet the roster has mainly done nothing but BITCH about Austin being back, and going over everyone else for no reason, and have supported Brock for standing up to management and Vince, as well as being a leader in the lockerroom...
  10. MixxMaster

    OAO Smackdown thread - 3/11/04

    my thoughts exactly...this is doing NOTHING but putting Austin over...again. A non-wrestler, going over the ENTIRE roster. This is actually worse than David fucking Arquette getting the big belt, IMHO...
  11. MixxMaster

    OAO Smackdown thread - 3/11/04

    Even though in reality, it's probably the total opposite.
  12. MixxMaster

    OAO Smackdown thread - 3/11/04

    SD threads always suck compared to Raw threads. Everyone using satellite dishes nationwide gets the East Coast feed of Raw, while we're all stuck with our local UPN station to deliver it right on time at 8PM in our own time zone. This means that the only people posting to the O&O thread are the real east coasters. Or, those whose affilites are airing it at the same time. We get Smackdown! at 7 pm here in Minnesota.
  13. MixxMaster

    OAO Smackdown thread - 3/11/04

    I loved the match also. To say what is said about Brock/Gunn and not say it when Eddie has trouble of someone on the same, or even less, level of Gunn is just retarded. Eddie is the champ, he should have squashed Shelton. I don't believe like that, I'm just saying. I like when the champ has trouble against those lower on the card, only to come back to pop the crowd with a big win. Shelton is MUCH better than Gunn. I could see Shelton being an eventual contender for the title. Hell, he could easily be US champ right now. And Brock is a seperate situation. If Eddie has to go through guys at a low level like Holly, Gunn, Bradshaw, etc, after being a great champ...and is made to look weak or scared of at least one of them, as well as having to the be asked totally job out to the biggest no-seller on Smackdown!, then I would empathize with him being disgruntled, and wanting to leave.
  14. MixxMaster

    OAO Smackdown thread - 3/11/04

    probably because they were video game awards? I dunno... You obviously didn't see them. no, I don't watch hardly any commercials, I have a PVR(SageTV), get to fast forward through them.
  15. MixxMaster

    OAO Smackdown thread - 3/11/04

    Is that sarcasm? It's hard to tell in writing. Cheating is the main part his gimmick(along with the spanglish, and the lowriders). He gets big pops for doing it(just like he just did), whether it's necessary or not. I thought it was a good match.
  16. MixxMaster

    OAO Smackdown thread - 3/11/04

    probably because they were video game awards? I dunno...
  17. MixxMaster

    OAO Smackdown thread - 3/11/04

    He should've been booked as a serious heel a long time ago...of course, Anglesault would still have something to bitch about, unless he was going over the hwole roster, like old Stone Cold was in his prime.
  18. MixxMaster

    OAO Smackdown thread - 3/11/04

    Why not? Because everyone hates that guy. Why? If you have to ask, you don't get it...think about it. It's like the guys who go dressed up to a LotR, or Star Wars movie.
  19. MixxMaster

    OAO Smackdown thread - 3/11/04

    Did you BRING that with you to a WWE show? Yes. HA HA HA!!! I bet you'd also wear the shirt for a band at THEIR OWN concert!.... don't be that guy... Why not? Because everyone hates that guy. yeah, what he said...
  20. MixxMaster

    OAO Smackdown thread - 3/11/04

    Did you BRING that with you to a WWE show? Yes. HA HA HA!!! I bet you'd also wear the shirt for a band at THEIR OWN concert!.... don't be that guy...
  21. MixxMaster

    OAO Smackdown thread - 3/11/04

    Did you BRING that with you to a WWE show?
  22. MixxMaster

    OAO Smackdown thread - 3/11/04

    There WILL be a Sunday Night HEAT... International at 6? A live one at 6? it will be live, an hour earlier than normal.
  23. MixxMaster

    OAO Smackdown thread - 3/11/04

    There WILL be a Sunday Night HEAT...
  24. MixxMaster

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    waitaminute...what part does Bret Hart have in the invasion?
  25. MixxMaster

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    Better yet, you can download it in HQ the day after. You'll probably need at least a DSL conncetion, though. W4L? or somewhere else?