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Everything posted by MixxMaster

  1. MixxMaster

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    agreed, more charismatic, at least...even if he still is at the top of the program.
  2. MixxMaster

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    gotta admit, that's a pretty accurate VKM impression right there...just should've ditched the tie.
  3. MixxMaster

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    don't worry, Hogan wouldn't do that job, Brother!
  4. MixxMaster

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    sounds about right. She's a perfect match for "K-Fed"
  5. MixxMaster

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    Come on guys....like anyone thinks Hogan of all people could carry Orton....
  6. MixxMaster

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    she was actually legal in most of the country about two years ago www.ageofconsent.com
  7. MixxMaster

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    god this is bad...crappy overproduced fake instruments, lame assed synchronized dancing(I really hate that shit), and pointless lyrics. Yep, it sucks.
  8. MixxMaster

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    yet strangely enough, 1/4 as gay...
  9. MixxMaster

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    Vince must be courting the Orange Goblin yet again....sigh
  10. MixxMaster

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    Cena still getting that mixed meh response...and another pointless crappy promo. and what logic would say Edge would go to Smackdown, since he's been on ECW more, and the crowd actually approved of him since ONSII
  11. MixxMaster

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    Edge needs to be hawking his shirts at the ECW show now...
  12. MixxMaster

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    lol! Edge taking his shirts and going home! I admit it, he'd belong in the new ECW better than Angle or Show.
  13. MixxMaster

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    it's also a totally improper salute...like REAL bad. It's bordering on insulting to veterans, IMHO... It's gangsta, yo~ MVP!! WHO'S BETTAH THAN KANYON~! I suppose, but the whole "gansta street-urban thing" does NOT belong anywhere near anything military(even if it's just a movie)...just my opinion
  14. MixxMaster

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    It looked as thought it was written on in marker (the real one) which is what I hope was actually done. looked like it was engraved last Tuesday to me.
  15. MixxMaster

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    it's also a totally improper salute...like REAL bad. It's bordering on insulting to veterans, IMHO...
  16. MixxMaster

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    interesting...the graphics show ROB VAN DAM on the belt, but the real thing has RVD...
  17. MixxMaster

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

  18. MixxMaster

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    ok...so which bleached blonde with fake tits wins it this year?
  19. MixxMaster

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    boy, that was totally pointless.
  20. MixxMaster

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    ahhh, go figure. I don't watch college sports
  21. MixxMaster

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    who wouldn't rather see Carlito than Cena as the top face? Hell, who wouldn't rather see ANYONE(besides Orton) than Cena as the top face? The people coming to the shows because Cena is the top draw? They might not perfer someone else. I know this wasn't directed at me, but anyhow I wasn't saying Carlito is a draw. Cena, love him or hate him, does draw a big gate no matter what. I'm just saying charachter/storyline wise...Carlito as a face is ok in my book. that's what I was referring to...who HERE really cares if someone is a "draw" anyway? Any Stockholder on thesmartmarks that we don't know about?
  22. MixxMaster

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    They are worried about the CWS taking away the ratings, so they are going all out. what's CWS?
  23. MixxMaster

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    who wouldn't rather see Carlito than Cena as the top face? Hell, who wouldn't rather see ANYONE(besides Orton) than Cena as the top face?
  24. MixxMaster

    OAO 6/20 ECW Week 2 Thread

    Loving RVD with BOTH belts! Comes close to making up for his WWE run...almost.
  25. MixxMaster

    OAO 6/20 ECW Week 2 Thread

    it's still in Philly, which I think WILL be solidly behind ECW, and give it the best response yet. If not, then they are in trouble. Wow, RVD gets the pin, and ECW wins for once...color me shocked.