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Everything posted by MixxMaster

  1. MixxMaster

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    I haven't kept on some things, what is with the Raw/Smackdown! grudge match on the VGA's??
  2. MixxMaster

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    gawd, two awful matches in a row, one crappy promo(Brock), and one ok one(Heyman)....this isn't looking good, so far, IMO
  3. MixxMaster

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    Shannon Moore is being built up..... to a Jobber To The Stars!!!!
  4. MixxMaster

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    he probably thinks chicks get all wet...with anticipation over seeing his SKULLET!
  5. MixxMaster

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    I see the next step to getting the Basham's gimmick over is a special match style, ala Raven's Clockwork Orange House of Fun: Bondage/Discipline Chamber match, perhaps (cage match with bondage gear all inside it)?
  6. MixxMaster

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    This match is TAYLOR-MADE for Velocity...why in the hell is Kishi/S2H even ON Smackdown!, and then being elevated as contenders???
  7. MixxMaster

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    I feel Raw HAS been better than Smackdown! lately. They utilize more of their roster mor effectively, in general, than in the past. Less evilution, more of the rest of the roster. The angles have been better, and of course NO Stone Cold(for now), and Foley on TV is usually always a good thing. Smackdown! has been the McMahonmania side of things(which luckily, is not happening right now), and has been too reliant on the same 5-6 guys... I hope they BOTH do well, not one better than the other...
  8. MixxMaster

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    Didn't it seem too long to you, for one guy to just be yacking? Maybe I'm just too used to all the multiple guys jibber-jabbering...stupid WWE-conditioning.
  9. MixxMaster

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    Brock isn't too bad on the mic, but this is WAY too long for him to be talking.
  10. MixxMaster

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    Didn't read them either, forgot... well, Raw's better anyway. Even though SuckBag and HHH are on it, it's still better, IMHO...
  11. MixxMaster

    FANTASTIC column I found on VKM

    ohhhh, so many fat chicks would disagree with you. Be very careful not to say that around them, as they would tear you apart quicker than a super size value meal.
  12. MixxMaster

    The OAO Thanksgiving SmackDown! thread

  13. MixxMaster

    The OAO Thanksgiving SmackDown! thread

    And Shelton is MUCH better in the ring than The Whigger...yet, Cena gets the push, just because of his gimmick.
  14. MixxMaster

    The OAO Thanksgiving SmackDown! thread

    Easy prediction: Benoit and The Wigger will be the last two
  15. MixxMaster

    The OAO Thanksgiving SmackDown! thread

    cool bit with EVERYONE in the ring getting Big Slow eliminated...
  16. MixxMaster

    Ric Flair DVD

    WTF, hasn't someone ripped the DVD's YET??? Man, quit slacking guys...
  17. MixxMaster

    You can't See Me.

    You Can't See Me = Wigger-ease for Hit My Hand
  18. MixxMaster

    The One and Only EVOLUTION IS ----

    Evolutions' Orton's so Greeeeen!!!!
  19. MixxMaster

    Sites for Wrestling Videos

    I won't post any links on the boards, I'm sure it wouldn't be a good thing. But, you've got a private message waiting....
  20. MixxMaster

    Ric Flair DVD

    Dammnit, hasn't someone ripped the DVD's and put them on BitTorrent or something YET???
  21. MixxMaster

    The One and Only Survivor Series Thread

    Hey, I thought that was actually a GOOD Goldberg match....made him ended up looking very powerful, which is what his character is.
  22. MixxMaster

    The One and Only Survivor Series Thread

    the Bat-Tusi was orginated by Adam West, then re-popularized by John Travolta in pulp fiction...
  23. MixxMaster

    The One and Only Survivor Series Thread

    Sweet! So much better than Steffuny...and it actually, you know...makes SENSE!
  24. MixxMaster

    The One and Only Survivor Series Thread

    FUCK...lost my connection to the webcast...ugh!!!!
  25. MixxMaster

    The One and Only Survivor Series Thread

    so THEY can get beat down like lowly indie workers?? Could you imagine the uproar in these boards if that were to happen? We'd see the nastiest flames in the history of flaming. VERY TRUE...it would be very cool to see, but it wouldn't happen...unless Vince bought out TNA, and then the TNA guys would be shitted on, just like the WCW and ECW guys were/are...