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Everything posted by MixxMaster

  1. MixxMaster

    What "cena" thing do you like most

    I love it when the wigger isn't on my TV, does that count? Hey, he's got a mouth and some charisma. That's all. His ringwork is bad bad bad. He's all mouth and nothing to back it up. I can't figure out all the Cena love around here. He's the total opposite of what a SmartMarks' dream is. Oh, and I absolutely HATE his gimmick. It's already worn out on me a long time ago. I also feel that his wigger gimmick won't help him to really become a Main Eventer, actually it would most likely keep him down in a silly character that is on par with Scotty2Hotty...
  2. MixxMaster

    What would make me tune back in

    AGREED. Ending the split would be the WORST thing to happen to the WWE.
  3. MixxMaster


    It's not just that easy, and you know it...it takes downloading all the parts of the video, and any missing parts, then putting them together, then MAYBE it will turn out...I quit using newsgroups a long time ago, just because it's too time consuming and geeky to figure out all the stupid steps, and dealing with the encoding BS.
  4. MixxMaster

    A "United Nations" stable

    If there's anything more tired than a "foreigner" stable...it's a Canadian stable. Enough of the Hart Foundation talk, and the Canadian Horsemen stuff. It's old, it's way past its time, and nobody(except for canadians) would care.
  5. Ooooh, Meltz is slamming The EC match pretty good on the LAW..
  6. Those "tights" were compression shorts...many athletes wear them, they are supposed to help prevent muscle pulls in the legs and groin.
  7. Because Mack is NOT over...Teddy Long is.
  8. Holy shit, what a huge pop for Goldberg!
  9. Ohhh, STFU....I'm so sick of hearing that lineage shit...pro wrestling is FAKE, remember?
  10. LOL Nash didn't even stay alive in it for 3 fuckin minutes!!!
  11. DAMMNIT!!!! WTF?! What is the point of Kane winning? He's totally dominated RVD throughout the fuckin' feud. RVD SHOULD'VE won it...
  12. Who do you think we are, Scooter Keith? Star ratings are stupid
  13. Great match! The only real bad part, other than the Vinterference, was that Angle didn't sell all the ab/back shots much. taking shots like that would make it hard to do much of ANYTHING.... Still, great match, and anyone who says they are sick of Angle/Lesnar needs to get a clue.
  14. The Coach has just shown more charisma and talent in the past two 3 minutes, than the entire time he's been with the company. I like the way they are going with this.
  15. maybe the thread will pick up, now that the webcast is working
  16. MixxMaster

    The WHO's sharing the webcast info

    FINALLY working...after missing the first two matches!
  17. MixxMaster

    The WHO's sharing the webcast info

    The latest: Fucking Assholes
  18. MixxMaster

    The WHO's sharing the webcast info

    the shopzone home page is not the same as the PPV page
  19. MixxMaster

    The WHO's sharing the webcast info

    ARGGGH!! Shopzone is STILL fucking down!
  20. MixxMaster

    The WHO's sharing the webcast info

    Hell, I can't even get the webcast, and I ordered it...stupid server must be down.
  21. MixxMaster

    SummerSlam Webcast!

    I want some of what Mada's smoking!
  22. MixxMaster

    The WHO's sharing the webcast info

    that only works if your local cable company has PPV's and stuff on it. Some cable companies don't have that.
  23. MixxMaster

    The WHO's sharing the webcast info

    Bullshit...I've got it ordered and confirmed.
  24. I live in the UK and I don't get the channel it's broadcast on. Sorry. get the webcast.
  25. MixxMaster

    The WHO's sharing the webcast info

    just order it..you know, actually support a PPV that is looking to be good. If you're too cheap to pay for it, don't expect someone else to give it to you.